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We have been asked to get out the alleged 800#'s for Banks exchanging which we will post on the iqdcalls Banks page

Restored Republic via a GCR (Rumors)    Disclaimer

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 28 2018 Audio/Video 4min

Compiled 28 May 12:26 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, �Twenty Two Faces,� Byington�s Before It�s News articles on a Vatican Pedophile Ring:

The following is a compilation of information from the Internet. It is up the reader to decide whether or not it is valid.

A. May 27 2018 3:20 pm EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for May 27, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

1. The RV was complete with all geopolitical issues solved.

2. According to sources, the toll-free 800 numbers were expected to be released midnight tomorrow Mon. May 28, as banks opened Tuesday May 29.

3. Other sources were claiming the release was scheduled on the first weekend of June (Fri, Sat, Sun. June 1, 2, 3).

B. May 27 2018 2:01 pm EST, Dr. Clarke: "Short and Sweet" - Dr. Clarke Update 5-27-18

1.Iraq will officially & publicly RV the Dinar any day after the public announcement of the ext Prime Minister � which looks to be Abadi. That should happen any day now.

2. We are focusing on the weekend of June 2, 3, with an optimum personal exchange window after the 15th, into the 3rd week of June.

3. We guess the exchange rate in the US on the Iraqi Dinar to be in excess of $4 within a few days of the release.

4. Our guess on the Dong was an exchange rate in the U.S. of over $2.00, within a few days of the public increases.

5. We expect them BOTH to move within 24 hours, of one another.

C. May 27 2018 11:57 pm EST, Zap: "When we all Believe" - Weekly ZAP - The Office of POOFness - 5.27.18

1. Zap: The mechanics of what is going on right now with the releases is best left unsaid for security reasons. Re-direction of funds is just one problem experienced by the main sources of the funds coming out right now.

2. It is going very well and we can expect action next week. It will be the start time of all the project side. We are a recipient of some setup funds that is scheduled to come in this week.

3. DJ: All reports, some from very profound sources, seem to now agree that there is actual activity occurring and transacting. How and when these activities will translate to the public involvement and benefit remains the ongoing mystery and debate.

4. Things overall appear to be great and moving in the right direction.

5. Susan: I'm hearing much good news regarding the PP's movement. We have entered into a phrase where it is quite possible that our collective patience is about to be compensated.

D. May 27 2018 8:11 pm EST TNT Bank Story: "Casino" - Sun. PM TNT Thoughts/News/Bank Stories

A friend overextended while at the casino Saturday and needed some "get back home" money and decided to go to a bank and exchange some Dong, expecting to get approximately $39 - $45 for $1million Dong. The bank person said they could exchange the currency if they insisted, but informed them that they would be happier if they waited until Tues. May 29 (maybe even Mon. May 28) to exchange that currency.

E. May 27 2018 8:29 pm EST Silence, Sierra: "Silence" by Sierra (NZ) - 5.27.18
Q Anon has not posted since 22nd May. All GCR intel has gone quiet. It's quite a combination. Trump tweets the Truth about what is unfolding for those with ears to hear and eyes to see:

F. May 27 2018 1:25 am EST, Sierra: "Sickened FBI Agents Ready to Testify" by Sierra (NZ) - 5.26.18

This Fox News interview outlines the glaring contrast between the way the FBI supported Hillary Clinton's criminal activities, yet spied on Trump's campaign. It seems that nearly ALL the FBI rank and file stands ready to testify against the corruption of Comey's rule of the FBI. Chad Jenkins, former FBI Special Agent: �The American society as a whole will fall in on itself if we don't get to the bottom of this - not the half truth but the FULL truth. And the only way to do that is to have these agents (FBI) come out through subpoenas and testify to these committees.�

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 12 2018 Audio/Video 8min

Compiled 12 May 12:20 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, �Twenty Two Faces,� Byington�s Before It�s News articles on the Vatican-Cabal Child Exploitation Ring:

A. May 11 2018 6:48 pm EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: Geopolitical GCR/RV Intel Alert for May 11, 2018 Operation Disclosure

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.) Don't put your life on hold, but anything is possible.

1. Syria, Iran and Israel have agreed to terms. The final outcome will be peace, not war.

2. Required soft disclosure prior to GESARA is now underway.

3. RV protocols and processes were activated and tested in preparation for imminent release.

4. Funds were distributed/transferred to groups and paymasters, but not yet activated.
Some groups did not receive funds yet.

5. Authorization pending for the publication of the toll-free 800 numbers.

B. May 11 2018 TNT Call Ray, Tony: TNT Showtime CC Notes w/ RayRen, Tony by Adept1 5-11-18 Replay links

1.The CBI said they want security and stability, and Iraq has that now.

2. We are not hearing a whole lot of information, but everything still seems good.

3. Abadi said he will announce this after the election, so that is the only thing we are now waiting for. We are waiting on the election, then what comes out on Monday. I guess we will go on Sunday or Monday.

4. The banks here are still ready to go, with the rates greyed out on the screens, which means the rates have been loaded but not active. They are still connected to the CBI and the other banks.

5.Our guy over here has been using his Iraqi MasterCard internationally for months, as we have reported. The rate has changed, which he saw on his computer. Then his card stopped working (last week), and it�s not working again.

C. May 11 2018 11:19 pm EST, Zap Update: "Finality" - ZAP Update - The Office of POOFness - 5.11.18

1.Today May 11 the Bank legal department confirmed the compliance review was completed. Funds would be wired out the first of next week.

2. The money at the Paymasters would be let out next week.

D. May 11 2018 1:35 am EST Historical Overview of GCR/RV Part 1 (reprint from 2016): Updated Historical Overview of the GCR/RV - Part 1

E. May 11 2018 1:38 am EST Historical Overview of GCR/RV Part 2 (reprint from 2016): Updated Historical Overview of the GCR/RV - Part 2

Below are projected redemption rates for each of the first basket currencies. All rates can and will change based on traditional market forces, called �floating�:

IN COUNTRY RATE: This rate exists so local currency holders can easily redeem to new gold backed currencies within the borders of their own country. This rate is intentionally lower than other rates, as it is meant to ease citizens and existing population back into trusting their national currency as legal tender. Remember, some of these countries have been in bankruptcy for many years, which means at onetime they experienced very public bank failures. So metal coins are often used to help the emotional healing process, all be it at lower rates to counter over spending.

VND (in Vietnam) : $ 0.08 USD
IQD (in Iraq) : $ 3.41 USD
ZWR (in Zimbabwe) : (non relevant)
IDR (in Indonesia) : (non relevant)

INTERNATIONAL RATE: The international rate is determined by new global monetary authorities governed by BRICS Alliance members. Many would call this the �FOREX� rate, but in essence, it�s the currency�s pre-agreed upon price, consistent anywhere in the world with a monetary value pegged against the global gold standard. In the old banking system, the international rate was backed by the USD (petrol dollar); whereas in the new banking system; this rate is backed in gold per Basel 3 compliance standards. Signed Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) are not expected to be required in order to receive an international exchange rate.

VND (outside of Vietnam) : $ 0.47 - $ 5.00 USD
IQD (outside of Iraq) : $ 3.91 - $ 8.00 USD
ZWR (outside of Zimbabwe): $ 0.15 - $ 0.32 USD
IDR (outside of Indonesia) : $ 0.80 - $ 4.00 USD

CONTRACT RATE: This rate requires a new account contract be signed between the bank and its client. Generally, the redemption rates are higher due to length of principal holding terms and additional restrictions placed upon movement of principal. Contract rates vary greatly depending on the bank, your liquidity position and how long you�ve been a client with the bank your exchanging with. Not everyone will be offered a contract rate, but in theory everyone could receive it if prepared. NDA�s will need to signed in order to receive the higher contracted rates guaranteed.

VND (signed NDA) : $ 5.01 - $ 20.00 USD
IQD (signed NDA) : $ 8.01 - $ 38.00 USD
ZWR (signed NDA) : $ 0.33 - $ 0.40 USD
IDR (signed NDA) : TBD

F. May 11 2018 1:40 am EST GESARA Update (reprint from 2016): "20 Answers" - GESARA Update - Thursday - November 3, 2016

When it is publicly announced at the United Nations in New York City, GESARA will immediately be implementing the following changes "20 Answers":

1. Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a �jubilee� or complete forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS, with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases unprecedented prosperity with enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.

20. Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on planet earth.

G. May 10 2018 11:41 pm EST Four Horsemen Documentary (video): (Video) The Four Horsemen -- Documentary

H. May 11 2018 Police Raid Wash. D.C. Day Care Sexual Abuse Pedophile Ring:

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 7 2018 Audio/Video 6min

Compiled 12:13 am EDT 7 May 2018 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, �Twenty Two Faces,� Byington�s Before It�s News articles on Cabal/Vatican International Child Exploitation Ring:

A. May 6 2018 12:32 pm EDT Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for May 6, 2018 Operation Disclosure

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

1. The mainstream media was switching focus to the Middle East. Putin and Netanyahu were to meet on May 9th.

2. What you're seeing or what you would be seeing was soft disclosure of what has already occurred. Read in-between the lines to discern the truth. Syria was the final battleground. Once the situation in Syria was solved GESARA would be enacted.

3. The RV would begin weeks or even months prior to the enactment of GESARA.

4. The Alliance was actively solving the situation as we speak. Cabal hackers were being arrested on a daily basis. The Alliance was actively combating the Cabal in cyber warfare to release the RV.

5. This meant that the RV could literally be released at any moment. Watch for the toll-free 800 numbers every midnight from 11:58 PM EDT to 12:01 AM EDT.

B. May 6 2018 10:59 pm EDT Trust, NESARA/GESARA, Wildfirelady: "St. Germain's Trust/NESARA/GESARA" by Wildfirelady - 5.6.18 (For a full listing, please read the full text of St Germain' Trust.) Please note that I am assuming this from Intel I have gathered both from verbal and written sources. I do not claim to be a Guru or expert in this field.

1. For those who haven't read St Germain's Trust, I suggest you do. It is the foundation of Nesara and Gesara although by no means the only supporting ideal.

2. It appears that our turn has finally arrived since level three and four as stated in St Germain have mostly processed their paperwork even if the received SKR's.

3. This process has been slowly going on since Easter, if not before (within the window).

4. Some time ago it appears that the Tiers or Levels were re-designated and Tier 4 became the Prosperity Program & Internet Group. The public became Level or Tier 5. It has been said that Tier 4 could go just before Tier 5, or they could go together. It appears that Level Five in St Germain's Trust and the "public" have been designed now to be released together.

5. We have been on a very slow roll-out that has kept the process going, albeit with many obstacles such as geo-political issues and evil bankers. Perhaps enough has been accomplished in both of these areas for us to finally take our turn.

6. Nesara is a little different, changing the way our country will be ran. It:

a. Zeros out all bank debt - mortgages, credit cards, etc.

b. Abolishes Income Tax.

c. Abolishes IRS & establishes 14% sales tax revenue for government.

7. There are more trusts than St Germain that will be used for many Humanitarian projects. Two different programs that will be receiving funds from there are Landa Global & Humanus. Zap (Office of Poofness) works with one of these and has written in his posts on the progress of their funding. I understand that individuals who are not holdng bonds or currency can still submit projects and request funding.

8. Gesara was written after the Nesara Text. I believe the order is first the RV then the GCR. After that, the announcement of Nesara and then Gesara.

C. May 6 2018 8:03 pm EDT: QAnon Updates -- May 4, 2018

D. May 6 2018 11:01 am EDT Elite Pedophiles, Fina Barnett: Justice Scalia was a Violent Pedophile?

1. Firsthand witness David Shurter said US Chief Justice Scalia was a Luciferian and a violent child rapist who abused him throughout his youth. So when news broke of Scalia�s strange death, the monster�s former victims got talking.

2. Scalia was murdered by a 13-year-old boy at Texas Cibolo Creek �Rent Boy� Ranch. Apparently the boy took a dislike to Scalia�s approach to rape, was triggered � and slit his perpetrator�s throat.

3. This version of events might explain why Scalia�s family refused an autopsy, and why a Texan judge ruled Scalia�s death �natural causes� without even viewing the body.

4. A recent article in Veterans Day online magazine referred to the ranch as �Rent Boy Ranch, playground for Mick Jagger and Charlie Sheen� � and was promptly blocked in the USA.

5. Poindexter owned the ranch and was a member of the Order of Saint Hubertus. The USA branch of the Order of Saint Hubertus (aka the �American Knights�) held its first ever meeting at the Bohemian Club in San Francisco, which owns Bohemian Grove, a 2700 acre property located north of San Francisco.

6. Bohemian Grove was the location of elite pedophile parties attended by international male politicians and businessmen. Both places feature images of the pagan god Molech which is depicted as an owl.

7. Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors David Shurter and Fiona Barnett claim they were trafficked to Bohemian Grove as children. There Fiona was dressed as a teddy bear and made to participate in a pedophile hunt amidst the redwood forest. She was drugged and raped by Reverend Billy Graham in a pink bubble themed cabin. Barnett said she was referred to Bohemian Grove by another perpetrator, President Richard Nixon.

8. Hunting, raping and killing children for sport was a common feature of elite pedophile gatherings. Alleged attendees at European pedophile hunts included King Albert of Belgium, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, Prince Johan Friso of Holland and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit.

9. Guests included Archduke Andreas Salvatore Hapsburg-Lothrengin, the Prince of Tuscany and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, Jana and Scotty Arnoldy, Debbie and John Daugherty, Debbie and Vidal Martinez and Patty and Bill Porter, Dennis Murphree John Kelsey, John Brent, Jerry Finger, Bill Price and Sandy Vaughan, and Cristina Girard, who has hunted frequently in Spain with Hapsburg-Lothrengin and who entertained Scalia in Houston before the ranch weekend.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of April 16 2018 Audio/Video 14min

Compiled 12:01 am EDT 16 April 2018 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery

The following is a synopsis of un-vetted information found on the internet. It is up to the individual reader to make their own conclusions about what is actually happening.

A. April 15 2018 2:52 pm EST Intel Report: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for April 15, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

1. The Syria situation continues to play out. New rumors suggest it was a ploy to humiliate and expose France, the UK, and the US once Russia released evidence proving the chemical attack originated from rebel groups. Trump was aware of this ploy. France and the UK were not.

2. Zimbabwe was preparing to announce the gold-standard for their currency.

3. Stock market corrections were expected to begin tomorrow April 16. Technical Breakdown: The Global Stock Market Crash is Now!

4. If the RV doesn't begin, the stock market would collapse within weeks.

5. Trump would announce the implementation of the HR5404 bill (US dollar was asset/gold backed) after the RV.

6. There was a race against time for the Alliance to release the RV. Optimal timing for the 800# release was every midnight.

7. Tier 4 RV exchange appointments were expected to be given tomorrow April 16 via the 800#'s.

B. April 15 2018 AdminBill Tidbit: ADMINBILL TIDBIT, 15 APRIL

1. Activity has begun. The game is on.

2. As usual, the information is conflicting. Not bad, just conflicting.

3. Download one of these communication apps to privately connect via a secure encrypted text and phone line (The person you are communicating with must be using the same app: Viber or Signal

C. April 15 2018 9:01 pm Intel Update: "Refresher" - GCR/RV Intel Update - Sunday - 4.15.18

(Disclaimer: The following is a report based on rumors relayed to the author which may or may not be truthful or accurate. ~ Dinar Chronicles)

1. The origin of 9/11 actually began in 1944, with the Bretton Woods Conference in New Hampshire. That�s when the entire world gathered after WS2 to devise a new global financial system, which was agreed to by all nations of the world after the defeat of Nazi Germany and the first Axis of evil (Germany, Japan, Italy).

2. This new financial system also spawned the Central Banking System (CBS), World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and even the re-instiution of the gold standard for all currencies�which was physically supplied by Asian Elders (primarily from the wealth of the exiled Philippine King and 23rd Spanish Pope Father Antonio Jose Diaz).

3. In the next two years, millions of metric tonnes of gold were placed into Central Banking vaults globally with the assistance of the Philippine military, led by brilliant attorney Ferdinand Marcos, not only support all global currencies with a gold collateral, but also all global trading and post war reconstruction financing. These scattered accounts, but web of united international sovereign trusts, were the physical assets backing the new financial system and were �gifted with love� for all humanity to both prosper and achieve peace.

4. At its core, Bretton Woods was a flawed financing system due to its over use of usury (loans with guaranteed interest repayments) over non recourse capital grants (loans without repayment guarantees).

5. Many believe the truth of a fiat dollar first arrived when then President Franklin Roosevelt had to demand the collection of American citizenry gold and silver back in 1933.

6. A gold war came to America when Nixon was forced to take America off the gold standard in 1971 which ultimately forced his resignation in 1974.

7. The BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) had to be created in 2009, just as a logical, moral alternative to the madness of the western financial system�s overt desire to bankrupt the world and induce sovereign submission through military and economic oppression via their now corrupted Central Banking System, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Bank of International Settlements mafia.

8. All of them have been completely corrupted after 74 years of lawless activity; thus all these institutions either needed to be removed and reset, or at the very least reformed in board of director majority. This included the Vatican Bank in 2012.

9. All needed changes have already been made due to some heroic but anonymous careers of BRICS Alliance leaders (and back of the bank Sovereign Elders); including American White Knights in the military working with deeply Patriotic covert agenda leaders within our own government who understood the grave dangers facing the world, and stepped bravely into the gap to reverse the mechanisms of power.

10. The BRICS Alliance has created a technologically advanced quantum satellite financial system with new impenetrable Blockchain software, and it�s subtly coming on line to replace the old Bretton Woods System, with a gold backing from the massive precious metal reserves of Africa, lead by Zimbabwe and the African Elders, as to return the world currency and international trading markets back to some fiscal sanity before it was too late.

11. It�s all over but the shouting despite what you see nightly on TV in Syria and with Trump. Everything is settled and being implemented now�including a working two state solution between Israel and Palestine.

12. Some very poor countries once thought to have worthless currency values will suddenly become incredibly valuable as they relate to how much precious metals reserves they either stored above ground in Central Bank vaults or have been audited to have below ground as mineable natural asset reserves. Thus, nations ravaged by war or past western banking sanctions like Iraq, Iran, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Vietnam and Afghanistan will all see tremendous value increases due to their currency values against a gold standard - simply because they posses large quantities of precious metal assets and China is accounting for their wealth through an advanced digital financial system operating out of Beijing.

13. A new American government named the Republic of the United States will be moved forward and restored sanity back to our government (i.e. back to the founding father�s original Constitutional intent), as well as the restoration of US money and sovereign assets back to a gold standard of value.

14. This transition has been on-going in classified silence behind the scenes since honestly the early eighties when Reagan was President. And hidden geopolitical movements are just now completing in full public view, all be it in a confusing fashion and time in American political history.

D. April 15 2018 8:52 Bank Story, TNT, RayRen98: "Waiting" - Bank Story via TNT RayRen98 4-15-18

I went to Wells Fargo on Wed. April 11 after the TNT Call. I asked the manager if he has heard about the GCR- he said yes. I asked about the Afghani rate, he said that the Afghani is on the screen but no rate but he said that the rate will be around $2.50. I asked about the bank fine if they don�t RV. He said that they did get the notification. I asked about Iran Rial, said that it is on the screen with no rate but it says "waiting." He heard that it could come out right under the Iraqi dinar rate. They do sell the Indonesian Rupiah at some branch locations and on their website. He expects the RV to happen within the week or by next Wednesday from what he is hearing from the bank people and his other sources. He told me that the banks are watching them on giving out info and there are consequences if they get caught. He is invested in the GCR and other foreign currency.

E. April 15 2018 8:57 pm EST, ZAP: "Born This Way" - Weekly ZAP - The Office of POOFness - 4.15.18

Poof: Nothing has changed regarding the joint efforts of all who are working toward the betterment of humanity, toward the opening of a spigot for receiving funds.


1.I was told the HR 5404 was signed and gold values have been placed on the U.S. Dollar.

2. President Trump has signed off on the Paris Climate Treaty.

3. A Tariff understanding has been reached between China and the U.S.

4. HSBC top officials have been arrested and charged with obstruction and embezzlement (It seems the money moved there last October has been played with and mishandled].

5. Wells Fargo has been getting charged 1 B per/day in fines for not being compliant.

6. Exchanges started last Wed. April 11 & Thurs. April 12 and were continuing through this weekend.

7. There were payouts in Reno from some certain overseas interest.

8. How distributions will be handled at the public levels and when as well as what can and cannot be done with the funds, will be spelled out in a very clear and simple manor.

9. I have been given a precise protocol on how the funds will be distributed through the project accounts, the civilian accounts and the release of the new technologies. I hope to be speaking of those protocols in the near future when given permission to do so.

10. All things are in place and at the ready for the release of funds.

11. Collateral Accounts allocated to gold wrap the new currencies as needed (Decades in the making) banking systems are being implemented to handle the new financial networks. Security protocols are in place to monitor and control the funds' movement. Political agendas and arguments are solved or at least agreed upon.

12. These actions are just a few of the known mechanisms and strategic planning deployed, upgraded, or in the process of development, for the release of funds that are positioned to repair our global financial dilemma

13. F.A.T.C.A. law implemented (Foreign Account Tax Compensation Act)

14. Overhaul and Updating of the SWIFT payment system (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Tele-communications) and its integration with the C.I.P.S. (Chinese International Payment System) and recently the R.P.S. (Russian Payment System)

15. The implementation Of the Hercules I.T. /A.I. banking software.

16. The creation of the B.R.I.C.S Banking system (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)

17. Development of the A.I.I.B (Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank)

18. An allocation format and percentages agreed to on what portion of the Global Collateral Accounts each participating nation will receive to gold cover their particular currency circulations.

19. Almost all global and sovereign financial institutions adherence to The Basel III accords with the main focus on capital reserve compliance.

20. An understanding and compromise has been resolved between the Chinese and the Vatican with regards to the release funds and what portion they will receive. (This has been an unknown road block for several months now)

21. Funds have been allocated and positioned for distribution to destination accounts.

22. A centralized, global intelligence network has been implemented for oversight and the streamline financial activity monitoring with respect to all current global financial compliance laws. (Terrorist Act, Money Laundering Act ETC.) That is also effectuating the arrest and case building for future indictments of the corrupt behavior within the system .

23. Agreements in place for the restitution of damages accrued from the illegal activity of the Global Banking and Financial Systems including The Prosperity Programs, restitution to the Global Debt Facility for improper hedging of the collateral accounts, Sovereign Debt Relief and so on..

24. The removal of U.S. Military bases from strategic location throughout the globe that have caused an unrest or unwarranted defensive posture from surrounding States, changing the perception of the U.S. on the global scale from an offensive irritator to an defensive peace keeper.


25. My intelligence has given a clear picture of many arrests in the US, Russia and China.

26. Funds released will be here shortly.

27. Something very significant happened last Thurs. April 12. I do know the exact time it started. The events expected now will begin.

28. There would be a couple days of lag time until the release finishes.

29. The RV side is very healthy and action will be seen very soon. That is a few min. old and comes from a correct source.

F. April 14 2018 10:23 pm EST: Biggest Stock Market Bubble of all Time is Ready to Burst.

11/26/17 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update YouTube Link 5min

10/29/17 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update YouTube Link 3min

10/1/17 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update YouTube Link 4min does not necessarily agree, disagree or endorse the contents of the calls and videos posted on our site.  WARNING! Take it all with a "Grain of Salt" and only purchase what you can afford to LOSE. assumes no responsibility for information on the calls and disclaims all liability in respect of such information.  We are only a guide for the Dinar call scheduled and recorded calls.

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