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TNT Conference Call 4.20.16
RayRen: Good afternoon, TNT super-fantastic family! Welcome to Monday, April 20, 2016. This is RayRen98 here. I�ll go over what information we have. Some are responding from the tweet about the members only part as well as the �no new intel� section. When I say �members only�, I mean the members at heart, not just those who have access to the board. You are virtual members because we cannot take more members on the site. I mean members who support TNT � donating or not, that is neither here nor there � those who want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. That�s who I am speaking of, and letting the other who are not of that frame of mind probably don�t� want to be on this call. They will probably slip on down the road and leave us to discuss what we are interested in � solutions.

As far as information is concerned, our focus these last three months has been on telling you something just to be saying it, regurgitating what we hear from other sources. There are other sites and calls to do that, and there is no reason for us to bring it here. I�m looking for intel of real substance and matter; other than that, it�s the same stuff you have already heard. I�m not knocking the people who are giving it, I just don�t want to walk down that road with you. I want to be straightforward and direct with real intel.
In the US, the banks have had repeated indicators saying this is coming out, and they are just as frustrated as you are. If it�s a public RV they are expecting, I can�t see that happening with what�s going on in Iraq� not a public release. I cannot ascertain from the banks whether it�s a public release or the private exchanges that have been happening all along. The banks are not the decision makers; they are following their orders. It gives us hope, because that is the expectation coming from the bank side. They are still waiting on the lead bank, which we know is Wells Fargo, and WF is waiting on this or that. We are reporting what we are being told: that they are expecting to do something. It hasn�t happened, yet, but they are expecting and that�s what I pass on to you.

We occasionally get information about the process, and the latest I�ve heard from our sources is that the structured payout is foreign to them. I guess those talking about that have received that information from banks, or maybe some government source. The bank people I talk to say they don�t have the means to do that. I am not hearing about 800 numbers either. If others are getting that, maybe they will let you know their sources; that�s what I do. I report, you decide, and that is what I�m getting from Chase and WF, and occasionally from other banks.

It�s the quest for straightforward information we can utilize and take advantage of. There is some intel that I cannot give out yet, but we try to interject it into a teaching moment so that you can be prepared. We are trying to have answers for some of the questions you will have after the fact.

Canadian banks are waiting as well; they do have an 800 number set up that they plan to utilize. I told you that a few calls back with some detail. There may be something similar on the US side, but it hasn�t come to my knowledge yet. So we are patiently waiting. You can blend that in with your other information, but I�m not going to make stuff up.

In Iraq: what is NOT going on over there? There are protestors, ministers being attacked, Parliament breaking up it session, being in secret session� all kinds of things being reported. All we can do is wait and find out what is going on. I don�t� need to regurgitate all that stuff about Iraq and its governance. The last good information I received this last week has been about protests, loans being cancelled, etc. There are many articles if you want to keep up with what�s going on over there. I hope this final vote will be on Thursday. The citizens are still crying for reform, and both Sadr and Maiiki�s supporters are doing all they can do. They are still hoping to get it all over with by the end of the month, because everyone wants to get this finished. From a public perception, the holdup is the political process in Iraq, but no one really knows what is going on. We won�t know until it all comes out.

That all the intel I have for you. That�s why I labeled this a �members only� call; we will talk to a few members, and for nonmembers, this probably won�t appeal to you.....


TNT Conference Call 3.07.16
R: Five, four, three, two, one, greetings! Good afternoon TNT Superfantastic Family! March 7, 2016. Yours truly, RayRen98 here, and did I think we were going to be here again on this side of the RV? Yes, I sorta kind of did. But anyway, be that as it may, we�re here and ready to move forward and�let�s see, we�ll recap. Don�t have a lot of new info to share just yet. I, now there�s some things being said, but I don�t consider that new info to share with you until it�s confirmed. So you may hear it from some other sources or you may already have heard a bunch of stuff other people and sources, but anyway. Well, we went through Friday with, to learn that the IMF had sent some orders to have it done, and so I inquired into that on what�s the, what�s the deal if it doesn�t get done by that time frame? And then I learned that there were fees or fines that will be imposed against the, against the banking industry for not getting it done on Friday. So that remains to be seen, we�ll see how that unfolds, but I�m just sharing with you what, what I�m learning or being told, and we will see how that unfolds. Because it wasn�t done on Friday and it wasn�t done by this morning�and there was a lot of expectation for it to be done through the weekend and morning according to the different people that you all have listened to and the different postings. And some of it was just, well, you call it whatever you want to call it, you listen to it. Now, I do believe from the information I received that there was an expectation to see cards active on Sunday, to see the exchange centers open on Sunday at a new rate even though that wasn�t promised to the people, but my understanding that�s what the, what the focus was or the objective, to try to have that realization which, to our knowledge so far, as not materialized, at least not at the, at the highest rate that we were looking for to be what I would call the RV rate. Most of us do believe and RI rate exists over there to some degree, and have learned of the, the currency range is somewhere between 90 cents to $1.08 over there, fluctuating, and prices in some markets have been adjusted to accommodate the new value in the currency. So that�s progress if you ask me! As far as I�m concerned that, that�s progress over there, which eventually will result into progress over here and, when we get to that part. So that�s looking good.

Banking wise over here, sure they were looking for us last week and surprised we didn�t show up in the banks on, on Friday, that there was a real strong anticipation for that. And we come right back here full scale on Monday, and some were anticipating it for Monday, but my understanding they�re, they�re engaging in private exchanges even today, just like they did last week. And some of those private exchanges, the rates varied from sucker rates to oh-yeah-this-is-what-I-was-looking-for rates. So I guess it all depends on who the person was exchanging and who the exchangor [sic] was as far as the facility. And that�s pretty much it as far as anything that we want to consider intel for today. Banks are waiting, privately exchanging. Iraq�s moving forward. The cards are not fully activated to my understanding, at least not at the new rate, but there is some rate adjustment over there apparently because the prices are being adjusted downwards to compensate for the rising value of the currency. So that�s progress, and that�s about it as far as the, the intel that has come to me that, that I feel is worthy of sharing with you. We�ll put it that way. Okay, let�s hear some members. Wait a minute, let me go to the, to the board here. There�s a few questions and we�ll try to address some of those and�consider this call more of a member-training call than an intel call because�the intel is what it is.

glodev says, �First, tell Tony we�re thinking of him.� Okay. �Secondly, in your heart of hearts, what is the next back wall?� Geez, I have no idea what the next back wall is right now. Haven�t heard one. Oh, wait a minute. I guess we could use the�the 10th, if you want to, as a back wall because I know some of the, some of the Iraqis are being told to look forward to the 10th, having to do with, with the new cabinet being established and getting that in place and the new leader of the CBI, so that could be, I guess a new back wall for keeping people complacent and happy, something for them to focus on.

Angel8 asks, �Rayren, I want to know with all the negative info out there, is anyone exchanging yet?� Yes, as far as I�m concerned they are and did last week, the week before that, and they are today. Goes on to say, �I can handle any minute, hour, or day if we are moving forward.� I think that�s very much a moving-forward process, exchanges taking place that�s, that�s if nothing else, that should validate where we are and what we have if it�s real, and it�s just a timing thing.

BobK: �Last call you said you would post Tony�s address. I have not seen it.� Look in the tweets, wait a minute, I�m getting the name mixed up. One second and I�ll tell you, Bob, where to, where to go look in�latest tweets, wait a minute. Yeah, Latest Blasts and Tweets. TNT Latest Blasts and Tweets. Go there and you can, you can get the address, that way you can get the correct address if you want to write Tony. And it�s, the thread is titled �Writing a Personal Letter to Tony While He�s Away.�

Okay, Florida K: �My question, I am in Fort Lauderdale, and all the bank people I have ever spoken to say this won�t happen anytime soon.� Well, forget them! I�m just kidding. �Have you heard of anyone in this area doing any exchanges?� I don�t know any of the, well, I�ll take that back. No, I don�t recall anyone specifically in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, exchanging, not to my knowledge. I�m gonna leave it at that.

Bellbek, it says, �You stated a couple of calls ago that dinar dealers are not being allowed to replenish their dinar for sale.� No, I did not state that. But anyway, �To me this is gigantic news. That said, are the, there are still some purveyors adversing the sale of dinar. I have no idea how legitimate these remaining might be.� I feel probably very legitimate. There�s been no movement that I know of preventing any of the US dealers that we would be purchasing from from buying dinar or their suppliers. You probably remember me making reference to they shut down, take license from dealers over in Iraq in an attempt to prevent the currency from going out, which would ultimately result in those who have some using their existing inventory or whatever they can get that their brokers may still have an inventory, but the brokers would not be able to get any new inventory from the source because that has been cut off. Now, how long that takes? There�s, I have no idea. They started doing that almost, what a week ago if not a little bit more than a week ago. Almost two weeks when they hit the first dealer and took their license, then they hit another one, so I don�t know how effective that program is of stopping the sale of the dinar and stopping it from flowing out of the country. That may be complete at this point. I have no idea, I haven�t checked with anyone to try to get a status on that. But I see that our US dealers are still available, selling 24/7 like they always have been. Now there may come a day where they can�t because of not being able to get the inventory, but we�re not there yet, not to my knowledge anyway.

survivorforever: �We have been told for two years that private exchanges have taken place. How do the banks fund these accounts since the revaluation hasn�t happened yet and the bank can�t turn the currency in to the Treasury?� Well, I don�t know. Maybe, I may ask one of the bank people that. I�ve never challenged that question. We get reports they�ve done exchange, we get reports from people who have exchanged, and we get reports from people who were offered to exchange, so I take that at face value and believe that and never really question well how can the banks process it through, I guess because I know in the back of my mind there�s always ways that things get done that are not out in the public view to see. This could be one of those processes.

Let�s see, rightly: �If I have signed and notarized gift letters ready now, can I send the gift letters with the foreign currency post RV?� I don�t know, I don�t deal with gift letters, so you may want to call the IRS and ask them about that, and since that�s the gifting, gift tax exclusion deal that you�re trying to participate in, they would be a better choice to get a more specific answer on that.

lovejoy asks, �Would you suggest the establishment of a nonprofit charitable foundation inside our main trust?� No. �Or a charitable trust inside our main trust.� No. �I want the best avenue for setting money aside so that it will be available to be invested and continue funding the entity for many years to come without taking large tax bites.� Okay, then don�t put the, your charities inside of your main trust. Let them stand apart, separate. Two totally separate deals.

Robert001 asks, �Has the exchange process begun here in the US?� Privately I would say yes because it�s already happening, and it�s happening today.

jumpn4gold asked, oh, nevermind. Should�ve really read that one, we�ve answered in the other, BobK�s question about Tony�s address.

Okay, let�s see. JerseyKathy. Okay. �There are no Wells Fargos in my state, and you stated last call that banks themselves would offer the best exchanges.� Okay, I�ll go with that. �If I go to�what�s that, Nebraska or Arkansas, will I have to pay their state tax as well as my own?� You know, the best way to know the answer to that, JerseyKathy, call them and ask them. And it doesn�t have to be about dinars. Just say, �Hey, if I�m exchanging currency in that state, will I be taxed on it?� They can answer that for you very easily, that way you don�t have to take anybody else�s word on it on what they think they know. You can call the source and they can tell you exactly if they will tax you on that or not. I think that would clear up for a lot of you that have questions like that that you want to ask an individual who may or not be the appropriate authority to effectively answer it. Just go right to the source! Call up the Department of Revenue for that state and ask them if you go into that state and exchange currency, would you be taxed on it? And if they say yes, at what rate? You�ll get all the answers you need right there.

JAYEAGLE: �If you are doing Q&A can it be new callers only because the regular callers are like harbor sharks asking the same things for the most of seven-plus years. If they don�t get it by now, then they will never get it.� Hmm, I don�t, don�t really agree with that 100%. The�some of the, what I call the repeat callers aren�t asking the same things. At least I don�t view it as the same thing. They, they�re asking different questions, but�will tell you I�ll entertain that for, for today for Monday, and hopefully this�ll be it anyway, but if it�s not it then we�ll come back on Wednesday, we�ll, we�ll do something different with the Q&A, we�ll let the repeat offenders come back and ask repeat questions. I don�t think they really do that, though.

GracieDog asked, �Are the rates still showing on the bank screens with RV beside them, and are they just waiting for the authorization?� Yes, to the best of my knowledge. I�m waiting for some updated information right now as far as what rates are on the screen. See, I, I, I was gonna tell it today, too, but I don�t have the info. You know, for the longest time they, they asked us not to give rates, but they haven�t been asking us not to do anything, and since I�ve been in charge, nobody�s asked me about anything, so I decided today I was gonna just tell it, but I didn�t get the updated information as far as the rates. I was gonna share with you what, what�s on the screens right now today, but I think that call will probably be coming out after I finish. But anyway, you�ll hear it from somebody. But as far as I know, the RV is still beside the rates.

Let�s see, this is from Sandman. �A recent post on the forum went into detail that most of what we have been led to believe about Iraq revaluing its currency is unrealistic and that a redenomination is more likely, that our hope for wealth coming soon is unrealistic. What evidence are you able to point to that an RV is probable? The bank reads and unseen memos seem improbable. Are they just rumors as well?� Okay, the bank, the bank reads an unseen, okay now, the unseen memos are not rumors. Let me take this backwards. Okay, the unseen memos, just because you haven�t seen them doesn�t mean it�s a rumor. �What evidence are you able to point to that an RV is very probable?� Well, instead of you needing evidence, let�s just sit and wait! What else can you do? And if it is, it is. If it isn�t, it isn�t. Time will tell. We�ve already done what we�re going to do, those who hold the paper hold the paper, unless you want to get rid of the paper and sell it off for whatever you can get for it. But if you�re just keeping up with normal things, what�s going on in the industry, with what�s happening over there, I think you�ll, you�ll see the answers that you�re looking for, but if you just want me to hand them to you on a silver platter, then you won�t be happy �cause I�m not gonna make that extra effort. So you have to believe whatever you want to believe. If you�re studying what�s going on in the world, what�s going on with that country, their past as well as their present and into the future, what they are saying to their own people, what their own people are over there fighting for, having protests over, that would eliminate this question, if you ask me, as far as stuff you�ve been reading from other, other places. I don�t know.

Okay, ger: �When you say �banks or the banks�, how many banks are you talking about? You said banks were on lockdown. We have heard that thousands of times. How many banks and what level banks?� Okay, when I say �banks or the banks� I�m not talking about all of them collectively all at the same time because all of them are not involved in this process, only some of them are. And then some of those who are involved, all of their branches are not involved, only some of their branches. So there could be a lockdown, if you will, at a particular location based on something they�re planning on doing, but the lockdown would not exist anywhere else. And we leave it ambiguous, or I do, for the main purpose so that you can�t pinpoint and nail down exactly where it is that we�re talking about, for various reasons. Some of this information we bring to you to help you be at peace, to help you understand the process, to help you stay in the game, so to speak, not to give you the opportunity to know where to go to go knocking on a door that you should not be knocking on anyway. So a lot of times I�ll put things in an ambiguous manner to be as broad as possible so that it�s, just know that these types of things are taking place, if you believe that. But where it�s taking place and who is the one doing it, you�re not on a need-to-know basis for that. Me either, for that matter, it�s just whoever is involved in the process needs to know that. But be happy just at, knowing that it�s taking place to, to just give us that extra little conviction that we made the right decisions, we�re going in the right direction.

Okay, moneez: �Hello, Ray. We appreciate you and the whole team. Would it be wise to ask your wealth manager at the time of exchange to transfer your exchange funds to the trust side of the bank just in case something happens with the falling of the bank, example derivatives or some unknown reasons that something may occur with your particular bank?� Talk to them about that and see what they have to say. �We�ve heard that a while back but wasn�t able to confirm whether we could do so.� Hmm. Yes, I, talk to the bank about that and let them know your concern the minute that you�re exchanging. They will share with you options that are available and if the trust side of the bank that you�re calling the trust side, if that�s the solution, they will offer that to you as a solution for protecting your money, if that�s what you�re concerned with, bank closures. Yep, check with them. They can give you that information.

Okay, let�s see, I�m going to do a few callers here and then we�re gonna, think we�ll wrap up. Okay, there was a request for first callers, I believe that�s what that was, first-time callers. Yeah, new callers only. So let me do that this time. We will, we�ll do new callers only for, for the rest of this call, which won�t be long, and�and so we�ll give them all an equal shot �cause I�m just going to do a few of them. So new callers only raise your hand, and we�ll take a few of you and we�ll go from there. Let me refresh this and see what pops up here. I�m letting the board reset. Hmm, this can�t be right. Is it? Well, it�s showing only two new callers. That�s strange. One more time on this refresh to make sure that it�s showing me what I need to see. Hmm! Well, now we�ve moved to four. All right, I�ll just go with what�s here. 619, greetings. 619. No 619? Okay, let�s go to 512. 512? 773.

C: Hi.

R: Hello?

C: Hello, I lowered my hand.

R: You lowered your hand. Okay. For some reason it�s still showing up, but okay. All right, well thank you. Well, go ahead, I have you anyway.

C: Okay. Well, I just had a question on, I had read an article, you know I like to read the articles, that�s all the info I have, in Reuters, and they were talking about, and it, it kind of, when you said about, you asked a question about the next back wall date and you said 3/10, this could be used to, you know, to make the people complacent. According to this article, it was about the, the minister that�s over there that, Minister Sadar, is it? The one that�s doing the, handling the demonstrations? And it was, this article was saying the demonstrations are in support of the Prime Minister. And I didn�t get that feeling from what we were talking about the demonstrations all of last week. But this article says in support of the Prime Minister to carry out comprehensive reforms and to form in the, you know, independent government. Is, is that the feeling that you were getting that these, not rioters, protesters were in support of the government? I wasn�t getting that feeling. Or was I misreading?

R: Oh, no, I wasn�t, I wasn�t getting that feeling.

C: Yeah. That�s what this article, Reuters, says. And it also says Brother Abadi should use them in his favor before they turn against him.

R: You know what, you tricked me. I know you didn�t do it on purpose, though. I didn�t know who this was until you started talking. I was like, wait a minute, this sounds like somebody I know!

C: I didn�t trick you!

R: Well, I mean that�s what, not on purpose, but when I got to your number and said 773, I didn�t know who in the world it was. And I know you said you put your hand down, and I said, �Well, just go ahead anyway,� �cause I had already been through two or three numbers. I didn�t know it was you!

C: I should�ve kept using my ventriloquist voice, you never would�ve caught it.

R: Oh well, the voice I caught, but, see, the name and phone number, that�s not you, and so I�

C: No, that�s not me.

R: �put two and two together until you, you kept talking. I thought wait a minute, just, I know who this voice is! But anyway. I just thought I�d (inaudible).

C: Yeah. Oh, but it was, I was like, I mean it�s a very interesting article, but�.

R: Uh-huh.

C: I don�t know.

R: Well, you have to, you have to remember, now, you know the job of, of the, of the news.

C: Right.

R: And its objective with what news is supposed to do.

C: Throw confusion into the game.

R: Well�news is supposed to tell the people what it wants the people to know.

C: Oh. But this was in Reuters! Well, no, it�s, it, it�s Baghdad Reuters, so it does say Baghdad and then it say Reuters.

R: It�s still news, isn�t it?

C: Yeah. Yeah, it is.

R: It�s still news, right? Okay.

C: Uh-huh. I�m going, hmmm, they�re in support of Abadi, that, that doesn�t seem right. Okay.

R: But I would imagine a lot of the citizens over there are in support of him.

C: Oh, yeah!

R: But I wouldn�t think the demonstrators were, because you know they�re saying we want economic reform and we want corruption dealt with now! And�

C: Right.

R: �you know, and if, if, if you�re about that, I wouldn�t not, to me I would not have a reason to demonstrate to argue what I believe you are already effectively getting done. Now, if I don�t believe that you�re getting it done effectively, then I�m gonna raise my voice to make you aware of my feelings. And then I will march and demonstrate and protest because I want awareness of these things are concerns to me, and�.

C: Right.

R: And even though you may be working on those things, my demonstrating may be letting you know you, you�re not working fast enough.

C: You ain�t doin� a good job. �Cause it, another little paragraph said, �Abadi promised political and economic reforms last summer after mass street protests but quickly ran into legal challenges and systematic resistance to the change.� So it�s sayin�, I don�t now if it�s saying that these protesters are the same protesters from, you know, from last year, mass street protesters are now, but they�re all of a sudden protesting with them or for him. Yeah, so the, the article gives two different views right in the same article. Hmm. All right, well that was my question. It just didn�t seem, I don�t know. Anyway, but thank you for taking my call, and I really did, I put my hand down, it said, �Hand lowered,� and I thought it was lowered. But thank you for taking my call.

R: Okay.

C: I appreciate you!

R: All right.

C: You have a good day, sir.

R: Okay. Bye-bye.

C: Bye-bye.

R: 732.

C: Hey, Ray, how are you doing?

R: Fantabulous-er to the endth degree, how �bout you?

C: I�m doing great. Do you talk to Tony and DC every day?

R: No, not every day. Well, wait a minute. Yeah, I, I�ll say that, yes. Basically.

C: What�s DC saying about this whole thing?

R: Same thing as far as what information we have and what we�re hearing.

C: Yeah. A lot of people were saying that it was supposed to happen and it�s happening as we speak and the 800 numbers are gonna be released tonight, and do you agree with any of that stuff?

R: Well, did you, did you see or hear me post any of that stuff?

C: No.

R: Asked and answered!

C: That�s the answer! Well, I appreciate your answer. Thanks for being there. Thanks for taking my call.

R: All right, sir. Thank you.

C: Thank you.

R: 803. Greetings. 803.

C: Ray!

R: Yes! Hi there.

C: Hi! How are you?

R: Fantabulous-er to the endth degree, how �bout you?

C: I�m wonderful. I�m fantabulous as well, and I only put my hand up when the new callers scared away. They, they, seems like they�re a little fright, little gun shy. But I do have one question, is that okay?

R: Oh, okay.

C: We were talking about at, at, on one of the calls we talked about the�survivor that if you, once you have a trust established and God forbid you should pass away and you have the�either a person or the grandchildren, two people or children that they, they then move from, well they become a survivor�trustee? Is that correct?

R: Successor trustee.

C: Successor trustee.

R: Uh-huh.

C: Okay. My question is, in the transition, is there any way that, or is there some language that you should include in your, your trust document that this allows or prevents the remaining trustee from taking any action until such time that the additional trustees can be put in place? [Pause.] Ray?

R: One second. I need to reconnect this. One second.

C: Okay.

R: Okay, I�m back. Now, re, restate the question?

C: Okay. As I was saying, you have a trust and you have two trustees, you and your other person, chosen trustee.

R: Okay.

C: And something happens to the, you or the main, the owner trustee. And it is, there are two�survivor trust, two survivors that become, what is it, what you just used the term, survivor trustees?

R: Successor trustees.

C: Successor trustees. Is there any, is it necessary to include any kind of verbiage or requirement so that the one remaining trustee has no power of activity until those two have been placed?

R: Okay. Now you, you have first, first off, is, you have to learn more about the, the entity that you�re trying to utilize. And when you learn about it and learn how to operate it, some of these questions will automatically be answered for you. The appointing of successor trustees, if it�s in, if it�s in the, the document, you�ve appointed someone to be a successor trustee upon your death. Well that happens immediately.

C: Okay.

R: Because the minute, the minute you die, now the successor trustee is in charge and you, you set it up that way. It�s, it�s in the indenture, the successor trustee replaces the, you, you�re the trustee, replaces you �cause that�s your chosen successor trustee that would replace you immediately upon your death. That�s automatic! So the, the other trustee can�t do anything in the interim because that�s an automatic process that the successor trustee now takes your place and becomes the voting trustee.

C: Okay.

R: And the, the one that�s the other trustee that was sort of, say, left, there�s nothing that that person can do without a board meeting that the two of you had not already agreed on. Anything new, you would have to have another board meeting to, to do that, and it would have to be with the new trustee. So there�s nothing they can do in the interim.

C: Okay.

R: If that helps clear it up for you.

C: Well, that was the question, if there was a, any lag time or is it, is there a meeting required or anything of that nature to place the new trustee.

R: No, that�s automatic. So at the next meeting you, you would, the successor trustee would be at the meeting and it would be recorded the successor trustee is now the trustee and then we go, they go from that, from that moment forward with any new decisions or continued decisions that would require voting.

C: Okay, if it�s two then they can, without a problem, vote the initial trustee out.

R: No, because you�re, you�re not naming two successor trustees, you�re only naming one. Now if you had two, two people�.

C: You cannot for more than one?

R: Yeah, �cause there�s, a successor trustee is a successor trustee that that one trustee will replace you. I don�t see the dynamics in you having two people that�s gonna replace you now. Or I haven�t seen that. Not sayin� that it can�t happen, but normally what I would be looking at, if there�s two people that you want to hold a, a spot that you held, then you let an entity hold that spot and then they each have voting rights of that particular entity.

C: Okay.

R: And that trust would be your successor trustee, and they would be trustees of that trust that they both equally could, could cast a decision for, for that trust, for the position it holds on that board. It�s a little tricky but it, it�s doable. You just talk to your professional people when you sent it up, they�

C: I think it, it�.

R: �they�ll help.

C: I think it makes sense. It makes it, it�equalizes the, the (unintelligible) for forces them to work together.

R: Right.

C: I like that. Okay. Okay, I�m�.

R: Okay! All right!

C: I thank you, my dear, I�m out.

R: Okay. 321. Greetings.

C: Good afternoon, Ray.

R: Greetings, how are you?

C: I�m doing great. I�ve got a quick comment. I, I live in Florida and I have relatives in North Carolina, and I spend a week or two at a time, and sometimes a month up there. Excuse me, I�m losing my voice. And I had called the Department of Revenue and told �em my situation. They says I would not be obligated for any North Carolina taxes since my legal residence is Florida, so that�s what they say in North Carolina.

R: Uh-huh.

C: So that�s just for your information. And I�ll say Asheville, Asheville, Asheville and appreciate ya and goodbye.

R: Okay, thank you, sir!

C: Yeah.

R: And I knew that for North Carolina but, and it probably applies for other states as well, but I always tell people call the state that you�re inquiring about and get it straight from them so it won�t be some he-said-she-said stuff. You can get it straight from the DOR. Thank you, sir. Let�s see here, 281.

C: Hello?

R: Good afternoon, how are you?

C: I�m good. Did you catch my voice?

R: Oh! I do now. Well hi there.

C: Did you say, well what are you doin� on this line?! I have some people listening today, and I already know the answer, but you know how it is when you�re closer to a person than someone that�s actually more knowledgeable. They don�t tend to I wouldn�t say believe you, but there�s still a little doubt. So I wanted�

R: Okay.

C: �to ask this question while they were listening so that maybe it could ease their mind. Okay. They�re fairly new to this and they have just kinda gotten into it, and they have a, well the first question is why is it taking so long? And if they�re doing private exchanges, will we the public�since we�re not in groups�ever get to go? Can they slow this down to the point to where the public won�t get an opportunity? And I told them it�s, we�re gonna exchange, you know, but it just seems like I cannot convince them. So is there anything that you can share on that while they�re listening?

R: Oh, sure! Since they�re listening.

C: Okay.

R: You sure they�re listening?

C: Yes.

R: Or you just think that they�re listening?

C: I�m getting texts now, they�re listening.

R: Oh, okay, so that means I don�t have to be in the third person, I can speak direct because they�re listening. Okay, so�

C: Right.

R: �so friends of yours, I�ll just address them as friends of yours, you guys need to do your own homework and stop relying on somebody else to tell you something when there�s written information that you can read that will solidify everything to where we are to answer your questions and take away those concerns of will we never be able to. When you look at the dynamic of what�s taking place and look at what this country is doing, if you�re talking about the dinar, because there�s, there�s ample information on here on Iraq that you can read up on. The, the past, the present, as well as the future where they�re trying to take their, their citizens. It�s all in print, you can read it, and if you�re reading any of that and keeping up with it, then you�ll know all those questions will automatically disappear that you�re having and just know that it�s just a timing thing that we have to wait. But it�s all real, and since it is real then there�s not gonna be a day where okay, now that it�s your turn there�s, there�s no currency to exchange that it�s, it�s gone. It�s not goin� anywhere, it�s the country�s currency! Just like the other countries. We�re holding it and we�re waiting for the value to change to where we want it. Because if you can�t wait, you can go exchange your dinar today, right now. There�s some banks that will take it right this very minute and give you the present value of what it�s worth. We just don�t want that! So it�s not like we can�t do it, we�re waiting for the optimum time to do it, and that is coming. We just have to be a little bit more patient and wait for it, because we�

C: Right.

R: �we can�t force it.

C: Well, thank you, sir. I�m glad it came from you. Now maybe they will have a little bit more confidence. And I�m sure that there�s other people out there that may have felt like that as well and maybe could not have gotten in, that�s new, to ask that question. So I think it not only helped, you know, the people that I have gotten into this but others as well, so I appreciate it, and thank you. And I just feel like we just have to wait our time and it should be coming any time I�m, I�m thinking because so much has happened, you know, so.

R: Okay!

C: I appreciate it! Thank you!

R: All right. All right, thank you. Bye-bye. 816.

C: Hi, Ray.

R: Hi!

C: I was wanting to have a clarification on something. This weekend in our city it came out in our major newspaper that Iraq is going bankrupt, that it�s gonna be completely bankrupt. And somebody said to me, �If Iraq is going to be bankrupt, how are we gonna get this?� Isn�t it true, though, that the RV will bring them back out of that? Or am I wrong?

R: Hmm.

C: Or do you know how to answer that?! This was in our major newspaper, so it�s, I mean you know, it�s, it was a big newspaper article about Iraq going bankrupt.

R: Now, was it an article or an advertisement?

C: No, it was a big article. It took up one whole side of the page. And�

R: Okay.

C: �someone else showed it to me, and I said, �But,� I said, �if I remember right I believe that if that happens the RV,� because they said, �well how is Iraq going to give out, you know, how are they gonna have money for all of the millions of dollars of dinars and stuff and the RV, said how are they gonna do that if they go bankrupt?� So tell me what to tell these people?

R: Well, first off the, the country that�s being labeled as the richest country in, in the, in the world right now, don�t see how we could go bankrupt if it is the richest.

C: Well that�s what I wondered.

R: So that would be the first challenge there for me to, to have information that would support them going bankrupt. Now if we�re talking bankruptcy like what we�re used to here in the States where a person says, �Hey, I�m bankrupt, I, I can�t pay this so let�s wipe out these debts and I�ll start fresh,� now they could pull something like that off.

C: Oh, right. Yeah.

R: But that doesn�t mean that they�re completely broke and have no money.

C: Okay.

R: But, so as long as they�re not completely broke and have no money, we have something to work with when it comes to we�re holding their currency and we�re exchanging it at value.

C: Because isn�t it true, didn�t Tony say one time that they have lots of money there waiting to RV, they just can�t use it �cause it hasn�t revalued?

R: Okay.

C: Or did, is that not�.

R: Well sure there�s, there�s, there�s wealth there, even with some other countries that hasn�t been tapped into yet. But when you�

C: Okay.

R: �when you talk about being bankrupt you, the first thing you don�t include is that type of a wealth. You, you�

C: Right.

R: �you want to work with just what you have to say, �Hey, I owe, there�s several millions of dollars, but I only have one million and I can�t pay several millions, so I�m bankrupt.�

C: Uh-huh. Right.

R: All right? So now the several-million-dollar debt gets wiped out, but I still have a million dollars. I just wiped out several million because I couldn�t pay it all.

C: Okay. Okay. Well I, I told �em that�

R: Okay. That�s the way that I looked at that.

C: �that doesn�t mean, I don�t think that means the RV�s not gonna happen. I said I think it�s still gonna happen, but I wasn�t sure how to explain it to them, so, �cause I haven�t been in this a long time either, which in, just in saying to the person that you read about on the first part that you need to do new callers only, you know, I realize some of these people have been in this for years, but they need to realize some of us have not been in it very long. And so if we ask questions, you know, that they think we�re repeating, it just may be things that we need to know as not being in this long as some of these others.

R: Okay.

C: So, you know, I mean that, I, I just, when you said that I thought but they may have been the ones that�s been in it for ten years versus some of us that�s not been in it very long! So I just, I wanted to make that comment to, you know, let you know I don�t think we try to intentionally ask a question that�s repeating. There�s some things that we may not have heard just being in it not that long, so.

R: Right.

C: But anyway, I wanted to see what the answer was on that. Do you really think this might be your last call? I mean, you know more than we know.

R: Based on the information that I receive, it could be.

C: Okay. Well, you know�

R: But, you know, we really know the�.

C: �let�s hope. I�m keeping my fingers crossed every day.

R: Well, I am too! I�m looking forward to the last call, looking forward to it last week just like when the banks were looking forward to seeing us, but then it was like okay, what happened? So�.

C: Right.

R: Yes, in that respect, based on the little information I�m receiving this morning, this could be the last call, but�

C: Okay.

R: �you know, things happen.

C: Well let�s just say RV, RV, RV.

R: Okay!

C: Maybe if we repeat it enough it�ll finally happen. Oh, I know what, I know what I was gonna ask you in that, in regards to the other one, too. With what they�re doing with getting rid of all the corrupt people that�s there, is this slowing the RV down any at all because they�re going through the, the people in charge and getting rid of all the corruptness? Is this slowing it down at all? Are they waiting �til everybody�s gone or what?

R: If that�s the reason, I would say yes.

C: Okay.

R: If the plan is, hey, let�s get corruption out of the way, let�s get stolen money out of the way, then sure that would, that would hold things up because they, they want to find that and get that first before they revalue the currency to top dollar. But now, see, Iraq has, as far as I�m concerned they�ve done, they�ve changed the value of their currency, and that may be part�

C: Okay.

R: �part of the phase to get some of those that are holding it to go and dump it, if you will, for, for that value and possibly get caught in the process, get apprehended. That could be a process. I really don�t know. I go just based on what I hear coming from Iraq on what, what they say they want to do versus what I hear needs to take place versus what they are publicly saying to their citizens.

C: Okay.

R: But then at the same token, I hear from in, information from sources over here that say everything is, is done that needs to be done for us to go and now they want to blame it on the, on the banking systems and say they�re the holdup on why we�re not exchanging, not Iraq.

C: Right.

R: I, I really don�t know one way or the other, so I�ll, I share what I get and say, �Well, I report; you decide.� And, but�.

C: Okay.

R: That�s as fresh as, as today�s information. We, we should�ve went to the bank to do our exchange. We didn�t, and so now they want to say that the bank caused the delay there, and the bank may say, �Oh, no we didn�t!� I don�t know until I hear from some more banking people, but I�m just getting that today that, that they�re, they�re the holdup on why we didn�t roll on Friday. Now if we rolled on Friday then�

C: Well, I know they said that the people�.

R: �what�s going on in Iraq would be irrelevant.

C: Yeah. I know they said this last week that the companies have quit selling, they have asked companies to stop selling. And my son called me just before your call and he said, �Mom, I don�t know who said that,� but he said, �I went to where we bought ours,� and he said, �they still show it there but when I tried to buy some more I couldn�t buy anymore!� He said, �So whoever said that, it�s happened!� So he was kind of excited. He said that is, �That just shows me that maybe this thing�s about to pop!� So I said, �Well, we�ve always heard that when it�s gettin� ready to happen they will quit selling before it.� You know, I�ve always heard that in the�

R: Right.

C: �short time I�ve been in this. I�ve heard that they would do that. So that has happened with the company we bought it from, too, and they sold right up until this last week and then they quit.

R: Oh, okay.

C: So, anyway. Well, let�s just, let�s just hope this thing pops before Wednesday then and we can all go to the banks.

R: Okay. I�m counting on that.

C: Yeah. I am, too. Okay, well thanks, Ray.

R: Okay. All right, thank you.

C: Uh-huh.

R: Hey, we�ll get that one last caller (inaudible) here, get the last one. Let�s see. 512.

C: 512? Good afternoon, how are you?

R: Greetings. Fantabulous-er to the endth degree. How �bout you?

C: Well, all the confusion that�s goin� on is getting confusing.

R: Yes, it is.

C: No comments about any of the stuff, but yeah I guess the question got answered about Abadi getting rid of the old cabinet and getting rid of the corruptness had little to do with or nothing to do with the holdup or the slowing down or the RV progressing. So we�re not waiting for that. Would you say that would be a good assumption?

R: Well, I�m not sure because they�re not at a full RI, RV over there yet.

C: Okay.

R: Now, they have made some progress. There�s clearly, I believe, a rate change in the value of the currency in country, and it could be that they want all these other things cleared up before they go to a full RV. Now, I have not been told that, but just the limited things that I hear and putting things together, I could see that being a reality for them over there. But then again, it doesn�t add up with if we should�ve been at the banks Friday exchanging at full value with Iraq still sitting at a dollar and something, they clearly haven�t gone to $3.41 or $3.51 or wherever we need them to be, at least not publicly. But then again, a lot of that could probably happen in the blinking of an eye, so it may all unfold simultaneously. Time will tell!

C: That�s good to hear! Have a great day!

R: Okay!

C: Texas, Texas, Texas, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, thank you, sir. All right, ladies and gents, that�s gonna do it for us for today. We�re gonna wrap up, get out of here, call it a superfantastic Monday. There�s some other good information that is just not solid, and I�d like to have solid information to, to really get excited and share with you. But it�s some good-sounding stuff. We�re getting some other information to come in, and if it�s something that is�as good as I want it to be, I�ll tweet out to you guys and give you an update on what�s taking place and where we are if I can substantiate it. And hopefully there won�t be a need to do that. We may just have another call and that�ll be it. �Here�s the numbers, here�s the activity, let�s roll.� I�m being optimistic that we�re going to wrap this up this week, but we wait to see what comes down the pike. So until then, hold on

TNT Conference Call 2.29.16

R: Good afternoon, TNT Superfantastic Family. Welcome to Marvelous Monday, February 29, 2016! Last day of the month. Leap year. Well, where do we go from here? What�s the information? Well, as you received in tweet message, it says rumors galore, and anything and everything is out here floating. And some of it probably true to form, and some of it probably no way in God greens earth is that going to take place. But you decide on that, because those are the, the rumors that are floating around. I�m not even going to deal with them, I�m just going to share with you the information we have to be information, intel, and not selected rumor that�s running all around the stratosphere. Well, let�s see, where we were? From the weekend we had banks expecting to see you on Friday, some even had anticipated seeing you early Saturday morning. Then we had some that started mobilizing late Sunday evening to prepare for some of you today. And the reason I say some of you is because that�s private exchanges that there are, engaging in, to my understanding this week from the different banking sources. That being, you know, their own client base. It could be, I, I don�t know this, but it could be some group activity that they�re starting to process groups. It could be any one of us! We just have to wait and see how that unfolds until the full-scale public release pops out. Then that means any of us and every of, every one of us at any given time. But until then, it�s look like there�s selected activity as this process moves. Why that is, I don�t know. You�ll hear a lot of rumors on why that�s taking place in that manner, and I call them rumors because it�s he-said-she-said stuff, and unless you�re getting it from a direct source, I treat that as a rumor. That could be true, could be just somebody�s interpretation of what they think is going on. So that�s where we are with, as far as my understanding, information on this side.

Now on the other side, it gets even more interesting. But I think we�re narrowed down the bottom line for it. Information has come to me from both sides. Over the weekend I get the information that pretty much says all the salaries are paid, everybody�s caught up, paid. There�s articles out that you all are reading that, that says pays thousands over here, fourteen thousand over there, twenty thousand over there. There�s different reports where it�s in the thousands of, of pays taking place. But yet when you talk to the man on the street, the citizen on the street, this morning information coming to me from citizens on the street because it�s from more than one, and what are they saying? They�re saying folks are still planning to demonstrate this upcoming Friday like they did this past Friday and still talking about taking it into the Green Zone. When you start to look at this, wait a minute, one information says all salaries, everybody�s caught up, all pays are in place, hundreds of thousands of folks paid, but yet you�re hearing people on the street saying, �We�re still going to demonstrate on Friday.� But then they also made another statement. I�m gonna use it in my own words, naturally, but you, this is the message that I received from there. �They try to pacify us by paying us this little money.� So when I receive that, when I receive the other information of all pays are caught up, they�ve paid everybody, thousands, it�s in the, you know the thousands and thousands of numbers of pays, and then you hear the comments, �They�re going to pacify us with this small amount,� so I�m thinking now the argument isn�t you, you need to pay me, the argument now looks like you�re not paying me enough or at the right rate. So I�m thinking that might be the, the argument of the citizen over there now. Not so much fund my card and pay me money, but pay me at the rate that you promised to pay me at. Because the television screen has been reporting new value, purchasing power in the coming days your money is gonna be worth more. So I�m thinking now that that might be what, what their main fight is, not that they haven�t received any money. Because the reports are saying pays have been made, but if folks are still at an argumentative state, it�s, well what are you arguing about? You got paid, but then when one or two says �that little amount�, that takes me to the rate, that that�s what they�re addressing now is they, they want the promised rate that they were promised, this increase in purchasing power of, of their money. Now that�s me drawing my conclusion because of the information that has come to me, getting both sides of the information as fresh as this morning and then trying to make it make sense. Because if the, if the sources are telling me all the salaries are paid and if the news articles are saying salaries are paid in the multitudes of thousands, then it doesn�t make sense that the citizen would stand in the street and say, you know, �We want our money, you�re not paying us!� But if you�re not paying us what you promised, that is a different statement, a different economic reality. That just might be the case! That kind of makes sense.

So while we wait for the 1st of the month to see if they�re going to follow through with all the rest of the expectations of revalued currency, new rate, all everything that we all have been looking forward to, we�ll see what unfolds throughout the coming hours and the coming days of this week, all the while knowing and acknowledging that rumors are going to be running like nobody�s business between right now this morning, the rest of today, and probably all through tomorrow. So receive everything with a bit of caution, and don�t take anything at face value. At least flip it over and see what�s on the underside. Just a word of caution.

Okay, let me take a few questions in the Q&A section, talk to a few of the members, and we�ll see how our Monday unfolds! Let�s see, mriles. �Hi, Ray. What are your sources saying about the info that last night the ping went around the world to all of the Central Banks, even the Rothschild banks?� Okay, what are my sources saying? Nothing. None of my sources have made any reference to that, so wherever you got it from, you just have to go back to them and let them give you further information on it.

ShayJay: �Hello, Ray! Could you please discuss if we don�t RV by March 1, what are the ramifications, if any, for not getting it completed in time?� I don�t know of any ramifications that are supposed to happen if they don�t have this completed by March 1, I just know that what I had been receiving was information coming from out of Iraq that they wanted to get it done by March 1. Any possible ramifications come from other sources, so I have no knowledge of what a ramification may be for them not getting it done by March 1.

bigdraft: �Ray, if this comes in the middle of the night, will you be sending out a tweet or wait �til morning?� All depends on if I�m awake or not. And I�m sure if it comes out in the middle of the night, certain people will call me to wake me if I�m not awake. But whenever I get it, bigdraft, it go, it�s goin� out the minute, of course, if they give me authorization. Because there may be a possibility that I may get information and then they say, �Sit on it until 7 a.m. or whatever.� I will honor that request, but I�m assuming the information will come to me and it will be in effect right then so I can go ahead and put it out right then. Let�s see. �Also, could this go past the 3rd of March in your, in your heart of hearts?� Anything could happen! I can�t regulate that, so sure it could go past the 3rd of March. It could go past any date that you want to put out there, because I really don�t know. I don�t control it, and I don�t think anybody else that, that you normally would hear from is going to be controlling it either, so. That�s the best that I can go with you on that information.

Let�s see here, I�m trying to read these incoming messages that distracted me for a second. All right, let me see. Next question, oh this is a real big one, Tndr, T-n-d-r. I�m just going to take part of yours, and that other part I�m just going to leave it right there because I need to correct some of it. �Your beefiest latest intel shared, if I heard you correctly��which I don�t think you did��said on Friday that a banking source or two of yours informed you there are 800 numbers.� Well sure, the banks have 800 numbers already. They have a number to use. Now, I don�t know if it�s going to be the same one when they�re ready to receive us or not. I never did get that distinction from them. So yes, they have an 800 number. �And then on Sunday a.m. chat, a member, when a member called, you stated that some Iraqi employees got paid at a new rate.� No, I didn�t say at a new rate, I just said they, all of the salaries were caught up. That was me telling you then that the information came to me that they, they paid everybody, they caught them up. But it, we, they would not say what rate, so that remained to be seen. Okay, �Also, I�m not sure which days you mentioned IQD is showing up on screens with RV next to it. We know you prefer not to share unless you are very sure or have triple-verified info.� Okay, I missed the question there, what the question was supposed to be. Okay, the rest of it does move into sensitive-type information that I�and I�ll just pass on the rest of that question.

LoneWolf: �Have any groups been processed yet, say like Reno or the Admirals group?� I�m going to say no only because I have been instructed that they have not from people who say that they stay in touch with these people, with their key people. And since they tell me know, I believe that. Of course, I have not personally contacted the Admirals group to ask them are you or are you not, and I don�t need to when other people have that type of access and they just tell me what�s going on. So from our understanding and the information we receive, no they have not been processed yet.

Eaglemommy: �What will be your processing for vetting private practice wealth managers and certified financial planner people who may initially be strangers to you?� Track record will be the process. Will look at their track record, referrals, and see what the referrals have to say.

fweman: �Question, will you referring, will you be offering instructional classes post-RV?� Yes, sort of, kind of, but not for a long time. Question 2, �Is it normal for trust companies to charge a yearly maintenance fee if, for the trust packages?� Some do and some don�t. I guess it all depends on the service provider and what you are asking of them to perform on an un, continuing basis. I have no idea what the average yearly fee would be.

Smooth asks, �Does the 90 days starting March 1 have anything to do with the UK parliamentary vote out of the EU on June?� I don�t really know, never really spent time looking at that and trying to figure that out. Other people are on top of that 24/7, so I guess we�ll just go based on what they say and then time will tell!

elderjb asks, �Ray, if the RV isn�t announced by the 1st of March with Iraq in compliance, can the other countries whose currencies are supposed to be in the first basket get this done without Iraq?� I assume so. They may not want to, but I don�t see any reason why they could not go ahead and do that. And there may be some, some factors there that I haven�t look at, �cause I don�t really hang out in that neighborhood.

Okay. PAPITO3891424 asked, �Are your sources telling you that the Zim will not be part of the currency basket when the RV occurs?� No! Sources are very much indicating it will be a part of that basket.

ladybugred: �With the bank appointment time being limited, would it be wise to wait until second appointment to discuss interest rates one expects the bank to give you when finances are kept in that bank?� Let�s see. With the bank appointment time being limited, okay, sure if it�s limited then if that�s the process they just want you to, you know, drop and roll. Drop your currency, deposit it, and roll on out! Come back in a few days later and talk to your appointed person to do all of those particulars that you want to do. So that would be the time to discuss those if it�s a drop-and-roll situation. And I don�t know exactly what it�s going to be. We, we hear different variations, but until it�s showtime, we really won�t know until you get in there. Or when you make your appointment, rather, �cause I think you�ll know before you actually show up. But when you call to make your appointment, they can answer those types of questions of it�s going to be drop and roll, you know, you just drop it and roll out, come back at a later time, or if they�re going to give you time to negotiate those types of things while you�re there on your initial visit. So we�ll just have to wait and see how that unfolds.

Okay, I�m gonna hear from a few members, and they can readdress some of your questions and, hmm�all right, let me go to this, 512. Hey.

C: 512. Good afternoon, Ray. I�m, I know you�re superfantastic, we could skip the preamble. You already answered�

R: Yes, sir.

C: �my question, so I�m going to relinquish the floor to the next caller. Thanks very much.

R: All right.

C: Have a great day.

R: Okay, thank you, sir. All right, you, too. 281. 281. 610.

C: Good afternoon, Ray, thank you for taking my call.

R: Hey!

C: Have you been able to pay the bill yet?

R: Oh, it�s you! Yes. Thank you, sir.

C: Oh, good! Good!

R: Yes.

C: So you were able to (inaudible).

R: Yeah, �cause we�re, because we�re, yeah we�re here, so that meant that the, that bill got taken care of �cause we�re talking today.

C: All right.

R: And they provide this very service that we�re utilizing, so, so we�re good.

C: Fantastic. And folks, just remember these calls aren�t free. Ray�s still here bringing us the information, so for those of you who are working and who can, remember to go to, make a donation today so that Ray will be here on Wednesday and Friday later this week and all continue to get the information that we get. Ray, thanks for all that you do. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Negotiate, negotiate�

R: Yes, sir.

C: �negotiate, and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh, �cause I want to come get some of that good North Carolina barbecue at that family restaurant with y�all.

R: All right, thank you, sir.

C: You�re welcome, have a great day.

R: You know, you guys are gonna owe this gentleman a, a debt of gratitude when, when the dust settles, because that�s one marked difference that I�m sure you all see between me running this and Tony running it, and with Pam assisting, �cause she�s, she�s on�I don�t know what we would call this, administrative relaxation, �cause she�s still working, but there�s certain things she�s, she�s not pushing like she used to. And, and one of it is the, getting the bills paid. Now, she�ll still send them to me and say, �This bill needs to be paid,� but you know, I kind of work a little bit different than Tony does. It�s like we�ve been down this road enough now that folks know what the deal is, and we may casually remind you, but I, I won�t keep bringing it up. I said, �Well, we�ll be here as long as folks want us to be here.� But, so I may slip up and like, �Hey, well, service is about to cut off!� And you may say, �Why weren�t you asking for money?� I don�t think about doing that, I, I�m just getting this job done here. So you�re gonna owe this gentleman a debt of gratitude, �cause him doing it is really kind of reminding some of you. And I do appreciate him even though we�ve never asked him to do that, so apparently he�s passionate about that. So thank you, sir, �cause you�re kind of like a reminder for me. But I�ll think about it when it�s bill-paying time, and then if there�s not enough money, we just shut it down and say, �Well, it ran its course!� Anyway, let me hit one or two more callers real quick. 865.

C: Hi Ray.

R: Good afternoon.

C: Appreciate your taking my call. Thank you very much, and thank you caller 610. We keep hearing that essentially Iraq has done everything that it�s been asked to do, yet we know now that Prime Minister Abadi is attempting to form a new government to get things a little bit more inclusive and not have all the sectarian fights. How essential is it that the new government be in place before we can expect to see the RV being triggered?

R: I have no idea.

C: Okay.

R: We have not heard any reference of government position being important with, with this wrapping up. Now I, I�ve heard reference to something else being important to it wrapping up, but that won�t be discussed, but there�s been no mention of government positions being vital for this thing to process through. So if it is, I have no idea, but I don�t think that it is because it hadn�t been mentioned to us as far as what we were being informed of what was important, if that makes sense.

C: Somewhat. If I could have a clarification of that �something else that cannot be discussed� that you just kind of slipped in there. Can you give us any idea when you might be able to discuss that with us?

R: When it�s no longer important.

C: And is it something that is more pertaining to Iraq or the overall situation? Can you even share that with us without jeopardizing (inaudible)?

R: Pertaining to Iraq.

C: Pertaining to Iraq?

R: More pertaining to Iraq. Yeah, because these are Iraqi decisions that we�re talking about right now, so I would say more pertaining to Iraq with, with them moving forward, finalizing, doing things, from my understanding, from the information that I have received.

C: �Cause there, there are also things, and this I suppose would be within the, the rumor sector, that, that it really, that a lot of the things that are happening in Iraq, really it, it�s nice to know and it may be kind of a diversionary things of the left hand is doing this but it�s really the right hand that we need to be watching? And I was curious whether or not we need to be starting to watch more of the right hand, the overall world situation and not be paying quite so much attention to what�s happening in Iraq. What�s your opinion on that?

R: Probably so, but, but take in, take into account, now, that they think differently than we Westerners thing, or I�ll say me. They think differently than I think. If I�m running a country and my citizens are on the brink of revolt because of something that I�m not doing, and if it�s not within my power to do it, or if I can bring a scapegoat into the process to calm the citizens, I would very much do that and say, �We�re, we�re trying to do this and the world want,� you know, whatever, to, to get it off of me. Maybe they don�t want to do that or maybe that�s not the case, but I�m just sharing with you how I would be reacting if that were the case. If it was a worldwide economic situations, that�s what I would tell my people. �I know what you want from me, but I can�t give it to you yet because the stars haven�t lined up properly, and as soon as the stars line up I�ll, I�ll give it to you.� That�s taking heat off of me as a, as a leader of, of a country if they�re putting the heat on me wanting things that I�m not giving them. And especially if I have the capability to give it to them. So, you know, this is a, it�s a, a tight walk anyway that you look at it when you are a government trying to run a country, because there�s certain things your citizenship needs to know, there�s certain things that they want to know, and then there�s certain things they should never know in order for you to effectively run your country. That�s just the way that I see that, because everybody can�t be involved in the decision making. As long as it�s for the betterment of the, of the citizenship, that�s what you allow your government to do, make those cisions, decisions for you. So it�s kind of tricky.

C: Indeed. Well, appreciate it, and thank you for walking that tightrope on our behalf as well. And with that I�ll bring to a close saying Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. And again, thank you so much for the call, and may this be the last call! That would sure be nice. Appreciate it. Thanks.

R: It sure would! Okay!

C: Have a good one.

R: All right, bye-bye.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Okay, guys, we�re gonna wrap this one short. I didn�t notice, I didn�t put the notice out it was gonna be a short call, and I�m glad I didn�t because I�d wind up behind here an hour or longer, but I�m gonna wrap this one up. It was a good, short session. Hopefully there�ll be a need to come back today and talk about some other things moving us forward, and if not, as new information comes out, and if it�s, if it�s, I deem it information that needs to go out, I will tweet it out to you sometime throughout the, the latter course of the day if we get certain types of information that I�m looking forward to receiving, or we would just love to have a call! So I�m, to the bank people, we would appreciate a head�s up on what you think you might do. I won�t hold you to it, and I�ll even make a promise right here on this call, twenty thousand people listening, I won�t tell the membership if you don�t want me to, but I sure would appreciate a head�s up just to have an idea of which way we�re going, what to expect, because the rumors are out here and they�re flying left and right, up and down, and circling all around, and it�s getting a lot of people in a tailspin, confused emotions, this way, that way, and of course it�s not my job to correct any of that, but at the same token I don�t want to be contributing to it in any way. So we would appreciate any information that you deem appropriate to get to us in your manner, in your way, and I�ll gladly receive it whether it�s a telephone call, email, express mail, you choose the median of communication; I�ll be accommodating. That being said, let�s enjoy the rest of this Marvelous Monday. Looking forward to some great things happening, and do your best that you can to receive all of what�s being put out there except whatever you feel reasonable to accept. Hold on! This ride�s coming to an end sometime, and I hope very, very soon. I do believe!

TNT Conference Call - Wednesday 2.17.16

R: And good afternoon TNT Superfantastic Family! How are you on this the 17th day of February, 2016, and here we are! Well, When-Am-I-Going-To-See-It Wednesday? I don�t know, you just might have your own answer to that question when we wrap up! So let�s get right into the intel for those who are here just for intel only, we�ll, we�ll share the intel and let you ease on down the road, and then the rest of us will talk about a few other things pertinent to our financial future, and then enjoy the rest of the day, be that as it may. You know, there�s so much information. I�m sitting here with a plethora of things, I�m like, okay, what do I say, how do I say it? �Cause I was so busy with calls and info and I, I couldn�t really lay out the agenda, so it�s just scattered all over here on the top of this desk. But I said I, I think I gotta at least go back to Friday, because we didn�t do a Monday call so we had the, the weekend, Monday things, Tuesday things, brings us to today. So we missed an opportunity to, to share some things with you. Some of it we kind of got out a little, you know, tweet here, tweet there to just kind of keep you going, lettin� you know that there�s some things happening. So let me, let me go back to Friday, because it�s all tying in, if you all are keeping up with it. Every call gives you one or two more pieces to this, this big puzzle. And this thing is taking shape now where, you know, it�s, it�s where some people can see the full puzzle even though they didn�t put the last two pieces in, they can see it�s finished! That�s awesome in and of itself. So, now Friday we did talk about, let me see, how am I gonna do this? I�m gonna try to do Iraq then US Friday, then Iraq/US over the weekend, Iraq/US Monday, so we�re gonna kind of flipflop because I don�t want to give you too much good stuff too fast, then you won�t listen to the rest of it. �Cause we�ve gotta show you how we got here to where we are.

So on, on Friday the Iraq news on Friday basically was the cardholders that were looking to be funded on the 7th and the 8th of February were told, �Look for your funding to kick in between the 15th and the end of the month.� So that�s what they were told, to look for their funding to kick in around that time frame. Let�s see, what else was, was big Friday? That was, was pretty much it. Oh no, no! That�s right. Some dealer licenses had been pulled by the CBI over there, kind of touched on that. A dealer�s license was pulled, and�somewhere along that I think I did make a comment of I believe the final phase had begun. I believe that was Friday when I shared that. Someone will correct me, I�m sure. They love to do that. US banks were saying they were looking for it the first of the week, �cause this was on Friday, so. Banks were saying, �Yeah, we�re expecting it around the first of the week, maybe Monday/Tuesday, thereabouts.� All right, so that was Friday�s stuff. Now let�s jump to, to Monday, because the Monday stuff is going to cover some weekend activity also that we�.

So, what happened? Let�s go to Monday Iraq. Yeah, okay. Let�s see here. Now see, this is stuff you guys didn�t get because we, we didn�t do a call, it was the holiday! So I�m feeling a little out of place now trying to give you some, some past things to bring you up to the present, but that�s okay, it�s all good! So over across the pond our reports came to us that there was excitement between the neighbors. Well, who are their neighbors? Iraq/Iran. That�s who are the neighbors when I say that, excitement between the neighbors about seeing their blessing coming, or seeing their blessing in the coming days. And we know those two words, �The coming days.� We don�t take that with too much excitement now when we hear �The coming days.� But anyway, that was the Monday message for over there, that, that they were having a bit of jubilation, if you will, on what was yet to come between the neighboring countries and their projective for working together and coexisting. And let�s see. On Monday the banks were saying�let me see. Let me back up here for Monday. Okay, yeah. So we had bank activity telling us�they were thinking possibly Tuesday. Emails were going out over the weekend, you know, through the bank systems for the employees to be making procedural plans�I think that�s a good way to say it�that, to be gearing up for Tuesday �cause they were expecting massive activity on Tuesday. So that was some, some Monday information, which was good! And, you know, we patiently wait to see. We had other information coming our way. Iran announced that it was in the SWIFT system, which was effective on Sunday, so that ties right in with the neighbors being jubilant about in the coming days. See, it�s all coming together if you, if you�re keeping up with each little piece and putting it together. And then the, the, the�the big when. Oh wait a minute, wait a minute. Oh yeah, I have to say it �cause that�s, that�s, that�s Iraq to, then I�ll jump back to the, to the US. Now wait a minute, I�m getting confused! I was on the US banks. Let me finish the US banks, then I�ll go and get the (inaudible). Now, the rest of the US bank information on Monday, private exchanges were being set by appointment by the banks in most jurisdictions, but the US banks were not yet willing to move. Now that was the information I received. So other jurisdictions were gearing up for private exchanges, but it looks like the US banks were not. Now, this was Monday information, and we haven�t really heard a lot of private exchange activity.

Now on Friday we did get some reports of private exchanges that someone said someone told them that someone did a private exchange, and oh man it just, it, it went viral �cause I�m sure everybody chewed on it and it was supposed to be, you know, a group of people that did something in Georgia and did an exchange and, but you know I had, I had�I had my best people on it, from banking people as well as�well, for a lack of a better word I�ll say government-type people that can find out pretty much everything, and from both sides of, of that I was getting no exchange activity took place. So still trying to nail that down to the, the individuals that actually did exchange. �Cause if they did, I would love to hear that. I don�t need names and et cetera, but it would help us nail down just how, how good is our information, because that�s where we are now at this stage of the game. We want real good, solid stuff because a lot of us are just hanging by a thread, and some of us have already fallen off! But they haven�t fallen off so far that we can�t reach down and grab them and pull them back up to safety. And we can do that with real good, solid information. We can pull those back up that have already fallen off the ledge, and those who are hanging on by a thread we can let them know, hey, it�s good, keep hanging! It�s all good! So we�re in the pursuit of that information, but, and it�s not that big of a deal if there was no private exchange activity that took place. That�s not that big of a deal, but we do want to nail down the information as best we can and verify it, because we�re at that stage now. I do believe we�re in the final stage, and everything that�s said is important and it is connected and it is good. So the whammy from Monday�the whammy from Monday was a person went in the bank over in�oh, no, no, no! Wait a minute! I can�t give you the whammy yet. I�m sorry! I gotta tie this in! We got a, we missed some stuff first. Hold on to the whammy, okay? I�m gonna come back to the whammy. So that was Monday.

Now Tuesday information, let me see what I can give you Tuesday, �cause I, I�m trying to tie this in for you guys so you can mentally follow. Okay, we went up through Monday. Tuesday, let�s see�okay, here we go. Now, let me, let me shift for a second. This is tying it all in. Man, I feel like a preacher up in the pulpit trying to give you a sermon and, and pulling Scriptures. Items 1, 2, and 3. Now, Item 1, I introduced Item 1 January, I forgot, way back in January, mid-January, and no one yet still has talked about that one. But that�s okay, still not that big of a deal time wise, so I�ll still give them an opportunity if they want to to pull that off so they can say they told that part first. I�ll let them have that. I don�t really care about who�s first, I just care about who�s accurate. Now, Item 2 and 3, I don�t know why they never brought that to you, �cause that was written information that I guess if you really got it like you say you got it you could get a hold of that and read i just like me and my people did. But I�ll go ahead and tell it. Item 2 and Item 3 basically were memos. Item 2 was a memo that went to the currency exchangers in Iraq that said, �Currency revaluation expected anytime between now and such-and-such date.� And then some US banks, I don�t know if it�s all of them, but I know one in particular because I know the person who actually sat and read the memo and they don�t work in the bank! But they saw it. That memo said, �Currency revaluation for Iraq and Iran and other currencies starting to look for it, you know, starting today through a specific date.� And we got that, what, a week and a half ago? And we, we shared with you that we had this information and that we�re in the window, everything�s looking good, �cause they said, �Any day, any day between now and a specific date.� And you know how some of you are about the memos, �Did you see it?� I don�t need to see it! I believe the people that report it. I report; you decide. Now, since the other ones that get information wouldn�t tell you about it and they wouldn�t give you the date, I�ll go ahead now and close it all up. The date was February 17th. Uh, uh-oh, it�s getting good!

Now let�s look at where we are on Tuesday, February 16th. Oh, I gotta get the whammy, though, because the whammy first came in on Monday, February 15. Notice these dates are before the 17th. February 15th whammy came in, person went to the bank over in Iraq and the banking person pretty much told them, �70 dinar and 4 fils are worth 100 US Dollars.� Uh-oh! Yes. So we got that Monday. So wait a minute let�s, let�s double check that because we have more than one Iraq source that we go to to get this information, �cause we don�t just take it one sided. Because one sided could be a little skewed and altered, if you will. So we, we sat on that on Monday. Said, �Well, we�ll chill. This sounds good.� I put out a little tweet to let people know that we, we got something that�s coming that�s sounding good, we, we�re waiting! So on Tuesday�we get the rest, we get what I consider the confirmation, 70 dinar and 4 fils equal 100 US Dollars then. Now, what does that mean? If someone in the bank told him that, then that was a rate change, wasn�t it? That would, that would conclude that that memo fulfilled its prophecy, if you want to call it that, �cause it, it says between, anytime between now and the 17th. We got it on the 15th, confirmed it on the 16th, and today is the 17th. Now let�s tie this other piece in, US banks on Monday, the 16th, are baffled, beside themselves, if you want to phrase it that way. Maybe I might be layering it on a little, but here�s the bottom line: they�re like, �We don�t, we don�t understand why you guys are not in here. We, we got rates live, no hold, no pending, no nothing, we�re just waiting for permission to do it!� They see them on the screen! Now don�t call the banks, folks. They�re powerless until they have the authorization, so this is not a let�s call the banks and ask them why they won�t exchange the currency. They can�t! So don�t even go there. Don�t call them, don�t bother them, they�re trying to do their job just like you tryin� to do your job. So be patient and wait. But that appears to me to be the rate change before the 17th, on or before the 17th. They just don�t have permission to play with it yet and, and were rates there? Yes they are! Were they given? Yes, but we won�t get into it, because still we don�t know if those rates are going to be the actual true rates, even though we have been told on, if the rate has �RV� beside it, that�s the new revalued rate. Time will tell all of that. I�m just sharing with you information, so if it doesn�t pan out to be that, it�s gonna be something, and it�s going to be good.

What else did we get from the, the banking stuff? �The lead bank is live across the world, but it�s still doing all it can to limit initial exposure.� Hmm. Now don�t ask me who the lead bank is. We�ve been telling you for two years who the lead bank is. If you don�t know by now, well you shouldn�t be in this game. So don�t ask that question who is the lead bank. I�m being tough now, yes, because we�re at the end of this road, almost, and it�s time to take off the gloves, because it�s time to really get serious if you didn�t get serious. This show is about over! Won�t be too much longer we�re gonna be saying, �Showtime!� And then that�s it! So let�s take off the kid gloves and handle you like adults and, �cause if you�re not into shape by now, you�re gonna be in trouble. Is there something that I missed? Somebody text me if I missed something. We just went Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and here we are, Wednesday, giving you the information as we have received it up through�thirty minutes ago. And the information I got thirty minutes ago, we�ll give you that later, because it�s too fresh and too new right now to throw out there. You know how I am. I don�t just throw it out. I have to check it and feel good about it first. So where are we?

As of yesterday Chase is thinking, and the other banks, Wells Fargo, hey, why not today? Everything�s lives on the screens, but no release! They�re just waiting for the okay, and we, we got that from a couple different banks, and they regarded it as a bank, information that they�re all saying that. And you remember last, last week how they clammed up, we couldn�t get anything from the banks all of last week? Well, we�re gettin� it now! All right, what else as far as�info. No, gotta save that one. No, I won�t say that, �cause I, I don�t have info on, okay, I�m thinking out loud. Sorry, guys. I�m trying to pick the right stuff to share with you. No. No, that�s it. The rest of this is some things that I�m still trying to nail down. But you got a, you got a, a bang for your buck today! I�m, I�m pretty sure those that are, that have paid anything say, �Well, I got my money�s worth.� I�m talking about from those who donate, �cause we don�t charge you anything. Um�I�ll hold off on that, too. Okay. That�s it as far as the intel. I have some other items, but I want to hold those, �cause I like to feel super, super comfortable with it if I put it out there with my name behind it, and I think you all appreciate that. Think that�s what separates us from some of the others. Okay, let�s see. Wait a minute, how how is somebody posting my Cliff notes and I�m not finished?! I was going into the forum to try to get some questions and I see a thread already for Ray�s Cliff Notes and I haven�t finished the call! Let me see, where are we? Okay, we got a little time. Let me see if there�s a question that you, I didn�t already answer in the opening dialogue.

Okay, Jwilker, �Ray, first let me say thank you for all you to do keep us wel informed, and a thanks to Tony, Pam, DC, and all the mods. Do you still believe we will see this before the end of February?� Yes, I do!

Let�s see, next question. I�m reading, one second. All right, mrsfiredeacon. Basically her question is about Bitcoin. No, I didn�t mention Bitcoin on the call. I did mention Coin Mill as a currency site that I know that banks use, and so I use it to check the rates on currencies for something that I would consider reliable. But Bitcoin itself, you can Google that, or you should be able to Google it and learn more about what Bitcoin is and how it�s being represented. I�ll, I�ll leave that alone.

Okay, frazier2013. �Thank you for all you and the team do for us, very much appreciated. My question is, can you clarify for us what you meant in the tweet you sent out yesterday about the banks can see �everything.� I believe I know what you meant, but would you, but would like to be sure and not assume anything.� Okay, that was asked, answered in the opening dialogue.

Let me go to the next one. Tndr. I wonder, is that short for tender? But anyway, Tndr asks, �Is it more and, it is more and more apparent we should be asking questions about post-RV plans and projects. Will you be maintaining TNT Showtime so to keep some folks together and able to share about what each have learned along the early stages of meeting with their professionals and et cetera? And will there be an opportunity for like-minded individuals to meet here and discuss their humanitarian and pay-it-forward plans so to have organized efforts to ensure the right folks connect?� No and yes, to those two questions. �Thank you so much for all you do. Words cannot express enough gratitude�.� Okay, you�re welcome.

Next caller, BurbankLou ask, �Have the people in Baghdad been paid at the new rate?� BurbankLou, I�ve received some information that I decided not to bring on this call pertaining to that because I don�t have, I don�t have enough information yet for me to feel good to, to put it out there. But since you asked the question, it did come to me today that some of them have cards activated, but not from my sources. So I�m waiting for them to report back to me to see what we can discover on that. It�s supposed to be happening, but I, I don�t like to share until, you know, my guys tell me. Then I feel good about it.

Nelliecat. �Hi, Ray. Can you please explain the difference between international rate and market rate?� We had that on Open Mic the other night, and I, I decided to just stay away from that question and let other people share and answer and, and I like the answer that was given. The international rate is, is the, the standard rate for the currency, and the market rate, from what they were explaining that I, I agree with and go along with, is the rate that it is while it�s in the market being sold, up and down through the time, a daily basis. So that would be the market rate of the currency that�s on the market being traded. Now, does the market rate automatically change the international rate during that interval? That�s what we want to really lock into, and that�s the belief that we�re under, that as the market rate increases that would be, for all intents and purposes, the international rate of that currency at that given time until it goes back down. So we�ll see! We will learn that together, and that�s okay.

Okay, this is a good question, give me a second. Okay, MR BIGGS� question is about the, in the economies of Iraq and Iran and the price of oil and consumer goods, and I can�t answer that one for you.

wfricke asks, �Is there any new information on any connection there is to Iran in this process?� I don�t know of any new information. There probably is, but I don�t have it other than the, they�re in the SWIFT system, and we�ll see where that takes us.

Okay, Dare2dream. �Your tweet yesterday had a question mark after �rate changes across the pond.� So have the rate change been confirmed or not? Also, have you heard anything about, anything official about Dr. Shabibi�s reappointment to the CBI?� I have not heard anything official regarding Dr. Shabibi�s reappointment, and the rate change�the opening dialogue covered that. There�s some toss around of $1.43, but I�m not comfortable with how they did the math to reach that, so I wanted to get comfortable with that first and then I�ll talk about it. But I do believe that 70 dinar and 4 fils is equal to 100 US Dollars, �cause that�s what that person was told at their bank in Iraq, and then our other Iraq source, for lack of a better word, confirmed it.

Let�s see here. LKRKL asked, �Ray, can you re-explain how to provide housing for someone in need? You had talked about an agreement where they live there until they die, then deed goes to a caretaker. I don�t remember what you call that process.� Hmm! Me either! If someone else recalls what I called that process or if you know what that process is, text me, and if you can text me right now and refresh my memory, let me look at the text pane just in case, and if can have that answer, I will share it! Let�s see. And I can�t turn up the volume. Okay, somebody says, �Deed for life.� Yeah, but then the deed goes to the caretaker. Well, I�m not sure what a deed for life really, the details. It doesn�t sound like something that I was in a conversation about, but, but anyway, someone texted �deed for life� so that sounds like somewhere to start, LKRKL.

JAYEAGLE. I�m gonna do some of these questions because you all are members, and so, and, �Good afternoon, RayRen. Can you please explain to the callers that what you are giving us is from your sources so the callers who keep asking that silly question, �What are your sources telling you�, like they don�t believe what you said. Thanks to you and the TNT crew.� You know, I, I think that maybe sometimes the callers, you know, you�re on, you�re on the line and you�ve been waiting and you�ve, at least you�ve had your phone waiting for half a day, some of you a whole day, just to be able to ask a question, and you�re so fixated that that�s the question I want to ask, so I�m thinking sometimes they, they miss that I�ve already answered it when they ask the question. So I�m going to give them the benefit of the doubt, because it doesn�t seem like they�re trying to disrupt something and, and ask a question purposely to, to throw off the flow of the call, so I�ll give them the benefit of the doubt for that that, you know, when you�re so fixated on something you don�t, you don�t hear the other stuff. Or it could be that they might�ve been doing something else and if they hear me call their Area Code, then they rush and pick up the telephone and they have missed that I already answered their question. So we�ll give them the benefit of the doubt.

Okay, DonnaC. �RayRen, can you tell us the difference between information you gave us in the past in reference to Item 2 and 3 and today? I believe you said there was a date given at that time and we had not reached it yet.� February 17.

Okay, moving right along. Let me see, someone else just shot an answer, too, for that question about, that someone live in the house forever, well until you die. I just saw it and then I just missed it. Let me see if I can pull it back up real quick. It was a quick flash coming from a friend. Life estate. Okay. Life estate. Okay. Oh, you know what? Now I�m reading from Cinn, C-I-N pretty much was saying that also, anyone who owns a property can provide a life estate. Okay. All right, so there�s it�s in the forum there to read that in its glorious detail!

lissalivinglarge1 asked, �Why are the people on the other sites don�t like TNT, because we are happy people?� Yeah, I guess they�re just jealous! I don�t know. I don�t know why they don�t like TNT. We haven�t done anything to harm other folks. You know, we, we are after the truth, we�re after facts, and, and if that�s harmful, then I�m sorry, but other than that we don�t, I don�t think we do anything against people or to people. So I don�t, I don�t know why the other sites don�t like TNT. We are generally happy people, and we process information just like anyone else and we receive it, and I believe that we, we can even receive �negative information� if there�s substance to go behind it, because then it�s really not negative information, it�s just something we don�t want to hear. I�ll give you an example. You could come into TNT and say, �Well, the RV�s not gonna happen until Juvember 2077.� Okay, why? �Because I just got a feeling that�s when it�s going to happen.� Well, you�re asking for a beating. You�re not giving us something to, to go on to have an intelligent conversation. But if there�s something to go on for an intelligent conversation, I believe most of the members will receive that, say, �Thank you for your information, thank you for your point of view,� and we go! And I generally tell people if it has some substance, then there�s nothing wrong with making a plan around that idea as well as a plan around the idea that you subscribe to. So that way no matter what happens, you have a plan for either way. So we, we don�t just stick our head in the sand and say, �No, don�t tell us anything but the RV�s gonna happen tomorrow.� Sure, a lot of members, that�s what they want to hear, but we�re not in that type of a reality phase where we don�t want to hear anything else but �It�s happening tomorrow.� We want to hear good, factual things that we can use and, and if it�s a, if there�s a case of it�s a, a six-month wait, some of us really need to know that so we can go on with our lives and do something else for six months and come back. If that�s the case. We�re just looking for substance! We�re looking for real information that we can sink our teeth into and do something with it. Well at least I am, and most of the folks that listen to me subscribe to that because they know that�s what I�m about. I�m results driven, results oriented, but, but I can�t get results off hype and�suppositions and all these other things. Well, what do we have to work with, and then we�ll see where it takes us, and let�s make plans for that. There we go, so I don�t know why people don�t like us. Maybe it�s because we just don�t do a lot of that foolishness, and so they don�t like that.

Let�s see. Let me see here now. I don�t know how to pronounce this one. I think it�s ideology, just e-ideology or something. �Ray, thank you and your team for the mucho time and effort you share with us. If the memos mention only dinar and dong, why do we think that the Zim will be in the basket and the RV?� Because the memo mentioned Iraq and Iran, or Iran, however way we want to pronounce it, specifically, and other currencies. So it did not eliminate dong or Zim, it just did not reference them particularly in a reference, Iraq and Iran. And I think the memo probably particularly mentioned Iraq and Iran, or Iran if you will, due to their particular status. You know, being blacklisted, not accepted for trade and the, all these different conditions. We didn�t have that with dong and, and, and we didn�t even have it with Zim to my knowledge. It wasn�t ever blacklisted, it just, the country just stopped using the currency, 2008, 2009, and now it�s being brought back on board. That�s the best answer that I can think to give you for that.

Okay, I went through the Q&A and we have a few minute still to roll, so now we�ll do Q&A with members live. And�okay, let�s see here. Hold on just a sec, let me, let me refresh this. Give me a second, I�ll be right back, I have to redo this board here. Everybody hold tight. [Pause.] Okay, let me see here. Think we�re ready. First caller�707.

C: Good morning, Ray.

R: Hey! How are you?

C: Hi. Good afternoon to you. In your references to the lead bank worldwide seeing the rates and all, but not seeing it released to go, and other times where there�s been a good bit of comment about activities at various banks. Have you had as much activity on the West Coast banks? I�m in California.

R: Well, I, I haven�t really heard any confirmed activity on any of the banks in the, in the last week as far as exchanging.

C: Yeah.

R: Now the week before that, we had some activity of members who, reporting, going in for exchange appointments and not accepting the offer.

C: Yes.

R: And those were East Coast/Midwest from those, from the three that came to me.

C: So you just haven�t had any from, from the West Coast like that.

R: No one�s called us and, and reported it. So I won�t say that it has not happened.

C: Yeah. Just�

R: It just did not come to us.

C: �(inaudible) your information, you have not had any update. I was just curious about that because we, on the West Coast we seem to be getting kind of left out a little bit, or it feels like it sometimes, and, �cause there�s so much activity going on on the East Coast. But we�re, we�re accustomed to that anyway.

R: But that would, might, it might just be the West Coast people don�t want to share!

C: Well, it may be!

R: That could, that could be, �cause, you know, I don�t know.

C: Yeah.

R: I�m tryin� to think the last time we heard something West Coast was, oh yeah, it was months ago, and that was when the rupiah was bouncing around, we had some West Coast bank activity reporting on that.

C: Yeah.

R: There�s probably some West Coast things going on, they, they�re just not, they�re just not sharing it with us.

C: Okay. Well, that�s all I have! Thank you.

R: Okay! All right!

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Thank you, sir. Okay, that takes us to 770.

C: Hi, Ray, appreciate your taking my call. Thank you very much.

R: Hello there.

C: Hello. With your Items 2 and 3 with the date specific on February 17th, what sort of issue is there when we are beyond the 17th, �cause we only have a couple more hours that it�s the 17th in Iraq.

R: Oh. Well, I think it�s already fulfilled!

C: Okay. I want, I want to hear you say that, whether it�s you or your sources, we can quote you or your sources.

R: Well, when, when you, when you have the 70 dinar and 4 fils equals 100 dollars coming from a person that said they went in the bank and the bank told �em that, that�s fulfilled as far as I�m concerned. The bank saw the rate change and told that person this is what the, the value for this is. Over here we got banks saying, �Hey, I don�t know why you guys aren�t in here. We got the stuff on the screen, we�re ready to go,� and, and it is a different rate. So that�s fulfilled too!

C: Okay.

R: As far as I�m concerned.

C: Okay.

R: We still have that, that, that one element that�s stopping us from going in and enjoying it for the time being. And see, there�s always that, that unknown. So the memo said, �Look for the rate change between now and the 17th,� but it didn�t say you can actually be exchanging on it. Now, that�s a natural assumption that we would be taking that hey, well, the rate changed, we can exchange on it! Well, banks over here are pretty much sharing a rate change, they just don�t have authorization to give it to us. So as far as I�m concerned, the memo held out.

C: I guess I am, I am being the ever optimist that if we want it to be honored as the 17th, while it�s still the 17th in Iraq, that somehow we are looking at a window of two hours at the moment so that it, you know, because in a couple of hours it�ll be the 18th in, in Iraq. That, that�s my, my hope. Always being the optimist, but (inaudible). Go ahead, I�m sorry.

R: And, and it�s good being an optimist, but, but I think the biggest challenge for us as citizens, we don�t deal with law on a daily basis, we don�t deal with business on a daily basis. Words have different meanings, and in law you�d have to be, in so many words, very detail specific for every word you use, and that�s why when you see a legal document or contract it has a whole bunch of words in it that those words have specific meanings. Now to us on the street just talking, we assume things, we even agree on things based on loose interpretations. You can�t do that in law! They�ll beat you six ways of Sunday! So everything has to be precise, exact, and a �and� must mean what that and represents, and a �or� will mean what that or represents, and that�s why you see it in that legal �and/or� and �includes this� or �does not include that.� So we may look at, when we look at, like the memo. If that memo was gonna hold true to form as legal representation, it was 100% accurate! Rate change anytime between now and the 17th. Memo didn�t say, �And start exchanging people and give them money for it.� We automatically assumed that, that that�s, well, that�s the whole purpose! Yes, it is, but did it specifically say it? Now some folks will say, �Oh, Ray, you, that�s a play on words.� No, it�s not a play on words. That�s legal, technical language, and we have to learn how to receive it and accept it and roll with it. So was I looking for the RV today going to the bank? Sure I was! Because I was making the assumption, �Okay, the rate changes, that�s it, let�s roll, guys!� And even the bank�s sitting there like, �Hey, we, we sit here with stuff, we want to give it to you, but we can�t.� They see it! Memo held true.

C: Okay.

R: �Cause the memo didn�t say, �You�re going to the bank on the 17th and do an exchange.� It�s just telling the banking people be ready for a rate change anytime between now and February the 17th, and boom. As far as I�m concerned, it, it�s there.

C: Good enough. I appreciate all your, your insight. And for me I think I�m going to go do a little bit more research on exactly how did they do this in Kuwait and just see how more of the parallels that, did they send out a similar type of memo of, you know, between now and, and such and such a date. And we know that in Kuwait it took them up to ten days, and so if that�s the case it�s taking us more to the end of the month, but it�s still within February, so. You�ve given my research projects, thank you very much!

R: Okay!

C: Appreciate it. And again, I thank you for all the information that you do provide for us. And with that I�ll close out with Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and negotiate, negotiate, negotiate! Thanks again, Ray.

R: Okay.

C: Take care. Bye-bye.

R: All right, thank you. And you know, guys, we have to take into account the Kuwait situation, for lack of a better word, it was private. Hardly nobody knew that was even going on. A few select people. So they could pretty much do what they want to do, say what they want to say and not really worry about it. But this situation? There�s millions of us watching this 24/7, so now people have to be very articulate and distinct in what they do and how they say it because they know we�re watching and we�re ready and we�re waiting! So you�ve gotta start learning legal jargon now if, if that be the case. You may want to pick up a Black�s Law Dictionary and just read it. Just read the definition parts of the words and see how one word has a different meaning than what you thought it meant in the usual English language. And you may even sit back and say, �Why do we have two different dictionaries anyway when we all live in the same country and we all speak the same language?� Why is that? Well, that�s a call all by itself. And that might be an eye opener for some of you. Let�s go down here. 301, what�s on your mind? 301? 301? Wake up, wake up! Okay, 301 is busy. Don�t have time for us, so we�re going to 512!

C: 512! Good after�.

R: Greetings!

C: Mr. Ray, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous-er to the endth degree.

C: I love to hear your voice, �cause it makes me enthusiastic. Okay. You�re so nice and accommodating, it�s almost too, too good. The, you mentioned about, I have to get a comment in there because some people are making this more difficult than it really is, and the answer is it�ll happen when it happens. I�ve been, come to that conclusion right away. But exactly who is the person that gives permission to start the RV? Or the committee or the country or, what is it?

R: I really don�t know, and I�m, when I try to get that information from the bank people that, that give information to us, all they can say is, �Higher up.� That�s all they know is their higher ups, so.

C: Okay.

R: We assume, I�m assuming�when I say we�I assume it�s the Treasury that�s giving the bank the go ahead, but I don�t know that to be 100% certain.

C: Excuse me, I didn�t hear, what did you say?

R: I said I�m assuming that it�s the Treasury that gives the bank the go ahead�

C: Okay. That makes sense.

R: �to exchange on the currency.

C: Right. Absolutely perfect sense. So, so the IMF or the CBI has nothing to do with it, or they have partial to do with it maybe?

R: I�m sure they�re involved in the process somewhere, but, but you asked me who, who gives the bank the go ahead.

C: Yes.

R: So I said I�m assuming if the Treasury tells the bank, �Okay, you can do this��

C: Okay.

R: �I don�t think the IMF can, and can instruct our US banks on what they can and can�t do, and, and the CBI either. Now they communicate with each other just like when the, the Rafidian Bank in Iraq communicated with the US banks here and said, �Hey, we�re issuing out these cards and they�re, they�re international effective immediately.� So they let the other banks know, you know, you can accept these cards and process �em �cause they�re international. That was a big move!

C: I agree with you. Okay!

R: To me anyway.

C: Yes. A great answer, I appreciate that. And one other question about the licensing issue. I�m not gonna mention the company I�m doing business with but the per, the company that I do do my currency buying from told me that the license has been suspended in Texas. �Cause we tried to look up our reserves on the website and it was shut down. So is that possible to have just one state shut off, or is it national license?

R: Oh, oh sure! Yeah, �cause if a, if a state tells a company, �Hey, we don�t like the way that you�re doing business, you�re not authorized to transact business in this state,� they�re shut down for that particular state.

C: Okay.

R: And, but still can conduct business in any other state until the other states do the same thing.

C: Sounds like to me like you�re saying that the, the State of Texas has control over that, what they can and cannot sell here.

R: Yes.

C: Okay. All right! Well, that explains that. Well, have a great day. Thank you for answering my questions, and everybody on your team, I do thank you so much for being helpful with us and�

R: All right.

C: �Texas, Texas, Texas and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: All right, thank you.

C: You�re welcome.

R: Okay, next caller, 410. Greetings.

C: Greetings! Greetings. Wow. Thank you very much for providing this whammy. There, there are certainly a lot of people still concerned about how this is all going to break down. Assuming that we�re, it�s in the bank now and fairly soon would, would you be getting a phone call that the 800 number, we should be starting to look for it, or, and they, sending you a way to, to talk to us or, you know, I know that at one time there were things that they were going to teach you to do or want you to do or not do, so. I don�t know where that is right now. Is it going to be just like that fast they�re, they say go and you�re just gonna have to go and then we look for your tweet? [Pause.] Did I lose you? [Pause.] That�s an inopportune time to get cut off.

R: Hey, you still there?

C: I, oh I am, I�.

R: Yes. I had a little technical challenge. Just hold on, okay.

C: Oh! Okay.

R: Get this other line back up. It fell off.

C: Oh, okay.

R: Nobody did anything, so it just�had a little internet glitch here.

C: Oh, okay. That�s fine with me.

R: Had to pull it back up. Can you hear me okay?

C: I�m good!

R: Okay. Well, if you can hear me okay, I�ll just continue on this one for right now �til, �til the other one comes back up. What I was saying was something that I�ve been doing to the members for the longest time, I�m gonna do it to the banks today. And that is I�m gonna take away their excuses. �Cause we always tell the members we�re doing all this training and teaching to take away your excuse for failing. So we�re asking about the 800 numbers, and �cause I know that the banking people monitor these calls. If not the top dog, somebody does, and today we officially are gonna say we�re gonna take away their excuse of saying they didn�t know that we want to hand out the information. So, so we�re putting them on notice to let them know once again, because we have said it many times before the in past�Tony said it a long time ago�if you give us the information we want to share it with the people. We�ll help make the process smoother. We anticipate 800 numbers, but they may decide not to give them to us! But this call is gonna take away their excuse of saying, �We didn�t know that�s what they wanted to do.� That�s the best that I can do! I can let them know this is what we want to do for our listeners. If there�s information you want us to give them, give it to us and we will give it to them so that the transaction, the transactions can be smoother. Because when we know what to expect, we can go in intelligent, we can go in acting civil, acting normal when we know what to expect vs. when we don�t know what�s gonna happen until we (unintelligible), and that�s why you have some people who want to know can they bring an entourage, can they bring multiple security, people with extra pistols, you know, all kind of crazy stuff. We just need the banking folks to just let us know here�s what the deal is, here�s how we want to do this, and then we can let you guys know. And when we all know the decorum, the protocol, we can go through the process easy peasy. Hopefully they are still going to give us that information. Then again, they may not. But if they, if they don�t give it to us�

C: You definitely gave them notice.

R: �it�ll be their choice! Right, I�m giving them notice so they, they, they can�t come back and say, �Oh, we didn�t know that�s what the TNT people wanted to do.� They do know it now! Now, go back and tell somebody, whoever�s listening from the banks.

C: Right. Yeah. Well, we don�t, we�re assuming, I guess, everybody�s going to be out there all at once also, and that doesn�t sound very orderly if it goes that way.

R: That�s right. And then there was some, some talk about National Guard people being put at the banks. We don�t need all that foolishness. Just tell us what the deal is! We, we have what, 20,000 members here on TNT. This is a recorded call. After the call is over with, new, I don�t know, last time when we used to check it, 100,000 people had called in a played it back and listened to it. Two hundred and fifty-three thousand people follow us on Twitter. You got the other intel providers. They have groups, they have people. Between all of us, we can get any information out that needs to be gotten out to the people to help make sure that there is calm, orderly processing. We could be instrumental in getting that done. It�s up to them to take advantage of it or not.

C: Well, we all should be aware that no matter what, we got, be calm and polite and�

R: Yes.

C: �would certainly help, certainly help, tell us some of the rules and, so we can get through it fast. Yeah. I do appreciate your time and all you do to help us out here, so we�ll say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and 800 number, 800 number, 800 number.

R: Okay!

C: All right. Thank you.

R: Thank you very much. Hey, and one more word: negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.

C: Oh yeah, that�s a good one, too. Negotiate. Absolutely. Thank you.

R: All righty.

C: Bye.

R: Bye-bye. All right, group. You know, we�ve covered some real good information today. I don�t know if you think that or not, but I do, and you, you�ve got it today if you didn�t get it. But I do want to reemphasize, let�s not bother the banks. Don�t start calling them and running down there and et cetera, et cetera. They know what they have, and they know what they are trying to do, within reason, and let�s let nature take its course, and, and if things are meant to happen today it will unfold for us. If things are meant to happen tomorrow, then tomorrow it will unfold for us. And if things are happen, are meant to happen next week, before the 1st of the month, then let those things take their natural place and order and let us be civil and complacent and just wait on whatever it is that is coming to us. It�s coming. Be patient. Wait. You�ve got a lot of good information today that should, should give you convictions on your beliefs. It should! It did for me a long time ago, but this ride is coming to an end, I definitely believe that. I�m, I would bet all of your money that we are in the final phase of this, and unless there�s something�come from out of left field that I didn�t expect, but just on the information that I�ve shared with you and the information that I received just before we started this call, yeah, I�m looking for this to be the final phase, however much longer it takes. We�re pretty much in it, and that, I believe. And if we have to come back here on Friday, we will! I�m just being optimistic, but showtime is coming. And I hope you share in that optimism. Enjoy your day. Well, When-Are-You-Gonna-See-It Wednesday? I think I answered some of that for you earlier. Well may not exact, but almost, so hold on. If you�re at the end of your rope and you can�t go any further, reach over and grab somebody else�s. We�ll help tow the load for you. And if you�ve fallen off the cliff, don�t worry, we can still reach down and grab you and bring you back up. It�s not that bad, not yet. **Cue �I Believe�**

TNT Conference Call 1.06.15
R: Okay, let me get other recording and we�re rolling! Good afternoon TNT Superfantastic Family on this Wednesday, January the 6th, 2016. And I�m gonna give this call a particular name. We�re gonna call this one �The Canary Call� so that if you ever want to make reference to it later when you�re talking to me or anyone else, you can say, �Well, you know, on The Canary Call it was said....� Because the tweet went out and it said the canary is singing. And some of you know what that�s a reference to and some of you don�t, but you�ll learn. What does that mean, sing like a canary? It means they�re tellin� it! And they�re tellin� it like you would not believe. And because you would not believe some of it, I�m not going to tell you some of what they�re telling, but I�m going to tell you the parts that I know you have no problem believing, and the rest...will unfold at its proper time.

So let me start with Iraq. What are we getting from over there? A couple of our contacts have not reported in, but we have been getting from a few of them that there are protests going on over there because it didn�t happen on the 1st like they were expecting, and see a lot of us thought everything was all cool, calm, and copacetic, but not the case! So there are some protests over there. They�re unhappy with what�s goin� on, even though today is a holiday so we might not be getting a lot of information today. Still trying to nail down is the budget in the Gazette or not. Now, one source has said to us that it is, but we�d like to get information from more than one source so that we can feel good about it and say it is or it is not. But right now, I report and you decide. So I�m just gonna give you the information that�s coming to me, and I have no reason not to believe it. It just says, �One source is saying yes it is in the Gazette for today, today�s publishing,� and hopefully some of the other sources may text me before the call is completed. I may get it that way, or I may get additional information after we�ve concluded the call. Time will tell! So let�s move on to, wait a minute, text just came in. Let�s see if this is some Iraq information. It may be. Then again, it may not be, but I�m waiting for every bit of info to come in that can come in. One second here. Okay. Well, that�s, um, technical.

Anyway, Canada! Canada, reports been coming in from the Canada area. They still, now let me see, Monday they couldn�t really see the rates, they wouldn�t, or they wouldn�t show them to, to peeps, well they said they can�t be seen, but yet they knew that they were slightly higher. So how can you know that something�s slightly higher if you can�t see it? Hmm? That is the question! But we�re still getting that there are higher rates on the screen than in the past, but they are still in an any day, any time now mode just like we are, so they�re patiently waiting.

Now let�s come over to the good old US and let�s talk about some things we�ve been getting and hearing over here. I�m gonna start with peeps. Now the �peeps�, for those who don�t understand that terminology, that�s, that�s people that are on the internet, on the web, that�s a name that we use, �peeps.� So when I say I�m getting things from peeps, these are members, internet members, TNT members that text me, call me. They get on Open Mic and they shared their experiences visiting bank, bankers, wealth managers, the whole nine yards. And there�s been a whole lot of singing in the last two days just coming from the peeps. But I just was going to point out just some of them and not the, the whole amount, but we have some individuals that are actually having bank visits, and the bank people are turning the screen around and lettin� them look at it, say, �See! See for yourself!� And so they can see particular rates for particular currencies, but then they still cannot transact or process. But they can see them! But then the banking person still can�t put it through, still can�t process it. So that�s a reality check for a lot of us who are in denial that this is real. We�ve had some members reporting that they�ve heard on the radio now with certain broadcasts that funds are now in the banks for the GCR, so they�re letting you know they�re putting information out that everything is in place that needs to be in place physically for these activities to move forward. We got a report on tier three banks doing some private exchange activity as far back as Monday, and a lot of us anxiously waited to get updates on that to see if it was real, and some people that called in and said, �Yep, it is!� And so that�s interesting to hear, and we have at least one person that said that they confirmed it. We haven�t talked with them to find out exactly how they confirmed it, but at least we did get that information, so that question mark is not as big of a question mark as it was the first part of the week when we were hearing it because we�ve been following tier one banks. And then to hear a tier three has just jumped into the arena and, you know, taken the bull by the horns and doin� some some certain things, that sounded very promising and exciting! So we await yet some more information on that activity even though we did get a report that it, that it did take place. Like to get three or four reports so we can cross reference those, but one report is better than nothing. It gives us something to work with.

I guess the most exciting thing I�m going to share with you, we�ve had this before, it�s been a bit different this time, but a memo that went out from the Federal Reserve Bank to release, went to all the distracts. A memo to release went to all the districts, federal districts. Additional information said exchangers are to receive authority in the next 24 hours. That�s a mouthful, people, so don�t misinterpret what it�s saying, don�t jump to conclusions, what it�s saying, but take it to mean a whole lot. Take it to make you sit up and take notice and say, �Oh, a memo to release went out, and it�s telling the exchangers that they are to receive authority in the next 24 hours.� That�s very promising as, as a member, one of my members, a dear friend would say, �That�s big!� You guys know who I�m referring to, DC in New York. Some of you know her. She, she�s known for saying, �That�s big!� Well, that�s big if you ask me! And then to, to get information from sources saying that the codes are in the process of being sent out to the banks, that coincides with the, the memo. Now this, this memo, you know, one time before a memo went out saying release, letting them know it�s getting time to release, and for whatever reason it didn�t follow through. Well, there here again now we have a memo going out to release all the districts, exchangers are to receive, emphasis on �are to receive.� That means they have not received it yet, but that�s giving them a notice, you are going to receive authority, and of course this has within 24 hours, so we wait the appropriate amount of time and see if it happens, and if it didn�t happen or if it doesn�t happen it just means they did not receive the authority yet.

But the most exciting thing about this to me is plans are in motion. Somebody�s moving forward, they�re getting something done. I don�t know what stage, where we are in the process, but the process is moving. Now, so far, I�ve gotten information back from six different banks that have received that memo, six different banks, and also it�s been reported to me from two agencies acknowledging the memo went out, or departments or whatever we want to call them--agencies, departments, organizations, you name it. I report; you decide. A long time ago we shared with you all what we were told. We were told that they were going to, when this thing started up, it would be private exchanges, then groups, then the public. We�ve heard about private exchanges taking place. I�ve heard about more private exchanges that are supposed to be taking place as early as this week. Now the timeframe, I still don�t know the timeframe of private exchanges to the groups and how long each lasts, if they overlap. That�s just what we were being, information we were given sometime back: private exchanges first, groups, and then general public. Now, a date has come to me for the general public, and we�ll see if, if that date comes and goes as far as when the general public should be ready to go and do their exchange. So that is going to be interesting in and of itself. But I believe, I believe private exchanges have, well I�m more, I don�t just believe it, I, I have proof of that. Private exchanges have taken place, and I do believe that some small groups have undergone some activity, and that proof is forthcoming, and so since it is forthcoming, I kinda already believe it because some folks say, �I can get proof to you.� And that�s good, I like that. Now the public? That�s us, and we just have to do what we�ve been doing every day that we�ve been in this process, that�s W-A-I-T. We just wait, knowing that we�re getting ever closer and ever closer. Deadline dates have come and gone; we�re in the process.

I do believe we are in the process, we are in the window, things are moving, and no one can put their finger on how fast the private activity is going to cycle through, how fast the group activity will cycle through, or how fast the public activity will cycle through. We just live in the minute and experience it. Just keep on breathing, keep on holding on, and just know that our day is coming. And you know I, I forgot to go check to see if there were any questions in the forum, so, sorry guys. I normally try to do that ahead of time. So where are we time wise? We�ll entertain a few members on the line and...I�m gonna do something I don�t normally do. I just normally start right at the to and work down, but just out of curiosity, I just want to check and see if Mr. Jones from Monday is back on the line for Round Two or if he wants to apologize. I don�t know, it could be one or the other, so let me see if he�s even on the line. You guys remember that caller from Monday? Well, I don�t see Mr. Jones. Let me go back up to the top and just take the first caller. I was givin� him opportunity if he wanted to go Round Two or if he wanted to apologize! I�m good for either one, �cause it�s all good, knowin� what I know. All right, let�s see here. Hey, this is a North Carolina person! First one! 919 Area Code, hey! Good afternoon. 919? Don�t make me look bad! You were first on the list. Can, can you clear up your, your phone connection 919? Aw, geez, I can�t understand a thing you�re saying. Wow. Okay. Sorry, but we�ll have to move on, �cause I, I can�t make out any of that, and I don�t think anyone else can either. And you were first on the list here. I know you hate that, but that�s just life. I know, hang up and try to call back in and if we get down to you or if I can spot you or something, I may, I�ll try to pull you back up again. All right, let me move on. Going to 602!

C: Hey, greetings, Ray!

R: Good afternoon! Hey!

C: Hi!

R: How are you?

C: I have quick ones for you. I�m great, thank you! And thank you for the info. In the, the end there you were talking about the public is us.

R: Yes, right.

C: For years we heard that we were in, even though TNT wasn�t a group, that we were actually in the group process, that we would go before the private sector go, or the public sector actually goes?

R: Oh! Yeah, that�s right, I�m sorry. You�re right. I forgot.

C: Oh, really?

R: Yeah.

C: Oh, good! Well that�s even better news then. And so you were saying that some small groups have gone. Is there a way that they�re putting those in line in, in some sort of an order? I know I asked....

R: I have no idea. I just know what comes to me, and you know, when they say, �Hey, we, we processed out and here�s our rates and etc., etc.,� and then when I cross reference it and get an acknowledgment of, �Yes, that processing took place,� I�m like oh, great! Maybe, you know, maybe we�re next! That�s all I can hold onto.

C: Okay. So it, well, then I�m gonna go with that one, too. That sounds good. All right, thank you.

R: Okay!

C: And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas so we all can go!

R: All right. Thank you.

C: Thank you.

R: Okay. Let�s see, did I pick up another line here? Oh. [Garbled/silence for approximately 3-1/2 minutes.] It�s a little tricky with this board. Okay, let me see, who do I have? Okay. 919. 919? You�re on! I keep goin� back to these same numbers in case it�s something that I�m doing, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Nine, 919, are you there?

C: Ray, can you hear me?

R: Okay. Yes, I hear someone.

C: Excellent.

R: Finally!

C: Yeah, you�re havin� a challenge here, but you�re doin� a good job. Just wanted to thank you very much for all the, the good work you�re doing and taking up the slack. And for those that are continuing to give you (unintelligible), there are a lot more of us than there are of them, so continue doing what you�re doing.

R: Okay. Thank you, sir.

C: I wondered if you had, I know you don�t like to do many projections, but if you�re still feeling good about this particular week or if you think that just in, in your guestimation, think that it would go into next week?

R: I�m feeling real good about this month for all of us.

C: Okay.

R: Because, �cause I do believe, I believe that there are phases and that there�s a time frame for each phase, so I�m feelin� real good about this month for all of us. Because I don�t know, I don�t know where we�re gonna wind up in, in the, in the mix, you know the, if we�re gonna go when the private groups go because we know so much or if they may push us into the public sector. So that�s why I�m gonna say I�m, I�m excited about this month for all of us.

C: Sounds good. And one other question with regard to rates that you�re hearing, are they still quite favorable?

R: Oh, the rates that I�m hearing are awesome! You know, they�re killer rates, but we don�t know that we�re actually going to get those until it�s exchanged, but they sound great

C: Okay.

R: Okay!

C: I thank you very much, sir! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina.

R: All right, thank you.

C: Thank you.

R: All right. Let me try this next call and see how this works. 352.

C: Hello, Ray, how are you this morning?

R: Hey! I�m fantabulous. How �bout you?

C: Great. Hey, you know, every time I go to the other blogs and read information about the RV, they give about a million reasons why it�ll never close. Now, in one paragraph the other day I picked up the fact that they said it can�t close because it�s gotta R, R1 first before it RVs, and it hadn�t R, R1�d yet. And the next one is the fact that there�s no budget and no budget law. And the next one is there�s no taxes or tariff, and they�re not implemented yet. And then the next one is there, you gotta lift all the zeros. I mean, just keeps goin� on and on, and I�m just wonderin�, how do you feel about all those things? Do, do all those things (inaudible)? It just seems endless!

R: You know, I don�t know if they need to be accounted for or not, but I, I work from the other side of the spectrum. I, I choose to believe in the exchange activity that has already taken place, and if this is gonna be a never-to-happen type deal, then the exchanges that have taken place would not have happened. So there may be reasons that we�re not aware of on why it hasn�t happened up to now, and then of course there�s excuses that are put out there for the people to accept. It could be an entirely different reason! But I, I�m willing to say this, and I believe this 100%, out of all the, the naysayers and the, and the ones that put it off another week, another month or whatever, for whatever reason, the day that it finally happens, what�s their response gonna be then? �Oh, oh okay! Oh, well!� So that�s my response to them now! �Oh, okay! Oh, well!� I�m listening to a different set of music, and I�m dancing to a different beat of a different drum, and when bank people tell me, �Hey, we�re lookin� to do somethin� this week,� and then when I learn later that somebody did do something, that�s all positive to me! Even though it wasn�t my turn yet, that�s all the positive that I need to hear to keep me going saying, �All right, it�s coming. I just have to wait.�

C: Well, there�s for sure one damn sure thing, and that�s...

R: What�s that?

C: ...we, we�ve gained one thing out of this if nothin� else, and that�s patience!

R: That�s right!

C: A lot of it. I mean, had we had a girlfriend that told us this many times somethin� was gonna happen, we�d a dumped her a long time ago, a long time ago.

R: You might be right about that.

C: Well anyway, we, we appreciate your, your input, and this morning was pretty good, so thanks a lot, Ray. God bless.

R: All right, sir. Thank you. All right, let me move right on down the list here. I�m going to 410 Area Code. Good afternoon!

C: Hey, good afternoon! I have called in to these calls many times and, and I appreciate everybody being there, but it�s been very strange lately when I�ve called. It, I have, and I don�t know whether it�s connected to the trouble you�ve been having today or not, but I�d be on the call waiting maybe, I, I�m on the East Coast and I can get on early. I get on at 8:30, and then around, today it was like around an hour later it said the call is over and hung up on me! I got that message. So I�d dial back in. And then somewhere around noon it did the same thing. So just, you know, I had to drop down, again, and so I�m surprised to be on. But I�m glad, because when you were mentioning the extra tiers that are going to be open, or look like they�re going to be open for us, maybe you can help, because at one point I did think I understood that maybe the two or the three tier would not be the place for somebody to go who has currency they are going to exchange in the higher numbers. In other words, do the two, and is that how they are rated on how much money they have available for us? Or is there some other measure?

R: I believe there�s some other measure, but that could still play into it as well because you may be a trillion-dollar person and that bank is not equipped to handle trillion-dollar activity. You need to go to another facility, someone who is better equipped, be that a tier, tier three, tier two, tier one. So that would probably have some impact, I�m sure.

C: Okay. Well, may, so it just feels more, I don�t want to waste time because we know that that, that pressure may still be one that there may not be contract rates, there may be other things going on if we wait too long. So maybe I�ll just aim for the tier ones and hope to get in.

R: Okay.

C: All right, well thank you very much!

R: Okay!

C: I�m glad you�re there. Surprised that I was able to get in at all. And so grateful for all of us to be able to hit it off and get to be friends in person.

R: Okay.

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh.

R: Thank you! All right.

C: Uh-huh. All right.

R: Thank you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay that takes me to 610. Good afternoon.

C: Good afternoon, Ray, thanks for takin� my call.

R: Yes, sir!

C: I just want to confirm, if I may, about a group that I heard on a call last night that exchanged. And I don�t know if you want me to give details on this call or not. Am I allowed to give the details without putting anything in jeopardy as far as our exchange is concerned?

R: I don�t know that you would. What call were you on that you heard a group exchanged last night?

C: This was another organization that I was on, and the woman....

R: Oh, okay.

C: ...the, the woman who gave this information is a member of the...what is the other call that you do?

R: Oh, Open Mic?

C: Yes, Open Mic.

R: Oh. Okay.

C: I wasn�t able to get into Open Mic, but she is a member. So it was a group in Minnesota, a church group, fifty-two hundred members. Special arrangements were made for those fifty-two hundred members. They exchanged this week, earlier this week, and it was through either the U.S. Treasury or one of the banks or China. And there were specific rates given. Is, is that the same information that you have?

R: I, I have heard of a, earlier in the week some exchange activity similar to that, but it was not communicated to me that it was a group that did it.

C: Okay. That�s what was said last night, so....

R: Okay! And also you heard some specific rates also.

C: Yes. Specific rates....

R: Okay. No, see, we didn�t, I didn�t, at least when it was brought to my attention.

C: Okay.

R: No rates were given, it was just a, they were going to be, a bank was gonna be processing some people on Monday, but there was no mention of it being a group and no rate, so I guess as the hour passes, the story gets juicier and jucier. That�d be my response.

C: Okay. All right. Should I mention the rates, or you just want to let those go?

R: Well, if you want to, �cause there�s nothin� to substantiate it at this moment unless you have proof that it took place!

C: No, I, just what I heard on the call. I�m driving, I�m gonna go by memory. Dinar was $7.10, dong was $2.40, and the Zim was .36. That�s going by memory, now, I�m in the car now.

R: Wow! Really? Okay.

C: Yes. Yeah, those are fantastic numbers!

R: Well, of course, and we�ll reinforce this, that you are repeating something that you heard on a call last night that someone said.

C: Yes.

R: Okay.

C: And this woman is not somebody who just calls in every once in a while. She�s very dedicated in the financial end of things. She does some actual trading of currency prior to all of this happening, so in my opinion she is someone who is reliable and would not give out information unless she could confirm it.

R: Okay. Is that how she gave it? Did she say, �I�m confirming this action took place,� or �this is what I�m hearing�?

C: She did use the word she was able to confirm that...exchanges did take place.

R: Oh! Cool! Well all right, then!

C: So, I mean, that�s all good for us.

R: And I�d like to talk to her! If she�s listening, you know, get in touch with me.

C: All right.

R: If it�s some real good info, we�ll cross reference it and confirm it as well and, and recycle it and put it back out there!

C: Yeah. She does listen to the calls, she is, so she may be listening right now.

R: Okay, hopefully she is.

C: You know who you are, so give Ray a call!

R: Yes. By all means do that. Thank you, sir. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Thanks very much. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh. I want to get some of that good North Carolina barbecue.

R: All right, come on down. Looking forward to it.

C: Thank you, Ray.

R: All right, take care. Let�s see, where does that take me? Okay, that takes us to 843.

C: No, we can do it. There�s always....

R: 843? 843, you�re on the line! You�re on the line! 843, can you hear me? 843? Apparently not! Okay! Easing on down the road. 909.

C: Hi, Ray.

R: Hey! How are you?

C: Oh, I�m doing all right. Hey, Ray, I got one question to ask you, and it�s about my grandkids. Once this money comes in, I would like to put like a trust fund for them or, until they get to be 21. I don�t know how to go about that. Can you highlight it a little bit?

R: Here�s what I would look at. What I would look at first is do I want my grandchildren to be owners or controllers? And once you answer that question, then you have to map out your strategy based on whatever your answer was. Now, I�m going to help you a little bit, �cause if your answer was I want them to be owners, strapped with all the liability of owning that I�ve had all of my life, then you set up a trust account for them, and then you�ll guarantee that they�re going to be owners with all of the liabilities and issues that owners have.

C: Well, what kind of trust account?

R: Oh, I thought you would have changed your mind. So you do want them to be owners?

C: No, I do! I want them to be owners, �cause...

R: Oh, you want them to be owners.

C: ...something happens to me, I want them to have, have a fresh start.

R: Okay. Oh, well, see, I�m saying one thing, you�re saying something different. I, in my mind, I don�t really believe that you want them to be owners. You want them to have the best that they can have out of life, yes?

C: Yes. Yes, absolutely.

R: Okay. Well, let me just give you a real quick, short class. Controllers live a better life than owners.

C: Okay.

R: Now, do you still want them to be owners?

C: Controllers.

R: Ahhh! So, now we need to look at how can I set it up so that my grandchildren can be controllers and enjoy the wealth that I want to leave for them. Now, that becomes your task, to learn the difference between control vs. ownership, and now how do I set my heirs up--my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren--so that they can either be owners or controllers?

C: I�d rather go with controllers.

R: Then you plan your work and then work your plan. And the plan that you�re gonna put together, you will learn that the plan will work and still be working when you�ve been dead and gone thirty, forty years. Your plan is still working if you plan it right. That (inaudible)...

C: Would you have to go to a, a attorney for this?

R: Well, not necessarily. Now, that�s the first choice most people would go to, but there are other people who are not attorneys that know how to draft documents and put things together and connect things for you, people that are in the asset-protection field, in the estate-planning field. They don�t necessarily have to be an attorney to know what they�re doing.

C: Okay.

R: But most of you will tend, tend to go to an attorney first, which is okay. But the main thing is you want to, you want to learn the difference so that when you go to the attorney you�re not asking him, you�re going to tell him, or whoever else you�re talking to, you�re going to tell them what you want instead of asking them what you should do.

C: Okay. Yeah, that�s what I was planning on doing is telling them this is what I want.

R: Okay. But see now you, looks like you, you have a little bit different vocabulary, because before you got on this call you wanted your grandchildren to be owners �cause you thought that was the thing.

C: Yeah, I didn�t know. I didn�t know there was a difference.

R: Oh. See now that you know the difference....

C: I�m glad you told me! Now I, now I�m gonna have the control.

R: Right. So now we�ll do some additional homework, learn the difference between the two, learn how each phase works, which you already know how the ownership phase works. But learn the control phase, learn how that works, and then when you go to the service providers--whether they�re attorneys, professional people, doesn�t make any difference what their title is--you can go to them and say, �I want this and I want it to work in this manner, can you create it?� And when they say, �Yes, we can,� then you found the service provider that you need!

C: Oh, okay.

R: Okay!

C: Yeah. Very good, thank you.

R: You�re welcome, sir.

C: Thank you very much, Ray.

R: Okay. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yes, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Thanks. All right.

C: Yes.

R: Take care.

C: Okay.

R: Bye-bye. All right, where am I? I�m gonna drop down to, hey, what happened? That didn�t go right. Or did it? No, it didn�t! Okay. Anyway, 909. Did we already talk?

C: Yes.

R: Okay. I don�t know why it went next to, to you again. It was supposed to pull up this other. Okay, let me just grab the next number in line. Thank you, sir. Okay, where was I? This board did a fast one to me, guys. It just threw the numbers out of sequence so I�ve gotta just start in the middle and go down. 281. Two eight one. That is you!

C: Hello, Ray.

R: Greetings!

C: That is me! I looked in the mirror, and it was me.

R: Hey! All right!

C: Well hey, listen, this is just a thought, and I don�t know if you think this has any significance or not. I think it does. I think it was a few days ago Abadi went to China and had some meetings with the head folks over there.

R: Uh-huh?

C: And then I think the day after or so he left, they, China actually agreed to send troops over there to fight ISIS. What significance do you think that that has, anything, in moving all of this stuff forward?

R: Hmm. That�s a, that�s a tough question, because...reading what I read...

C: Well you�re a tough guy.

R: ...I�m, I intended to, well, well reading what I�ve already read, I�m tending to think no significance at all! But there could be some significance...

C: You don�t think.

R:, in the timing of the release. But not as far as it being done, no significance. As far as I�m concerned.

C: Right. Right. Right.

R: But, but the, the last-minute release, there, there may have, be some things involved that we�re not aware of. But just from what I�ve already read and understand, I would, I would be prone to say none. It�s just politics, it�s just the normal thing that�s going on that I don�t believe is having an impact on this release. It could be, but I don�t, I don�t believe that it is.

C: Yeah, �cause there are other things that I�m sure you�re aware of, the other things that are tied and connected on that...

R: Right.

C: ...stuff and the movement of all of that that�s, you know, I think a lot of that is all kinda connected in some way or another. But the other thing, too, is we had read a report about a Wells Fargo manager that had, someone had given their testimony on, in the forum there that they had met with one of the wealth managers, and of course they agreed to contact them, you know, at the finalization of all of the same. Now personally, and I hope this encourages everybody, I, I�ve already met with one of the head Wells Fargo�s financial planners, and they had sworn up and down that as soon as they get the green light that, you know, they�ll be contacting us like immediately. One of the things they did say was, and I�m, I hope everybody hears this and listens, is that we�re not allowed to talk about that at this moment. And so...

R: Yes.

C: ...this is face-to-face conversation, and so, you know, we know that this is the real, real real deal, and I hope it encourages everybody, it�s just, you know, like you�re sayin�, who knows the exact timing, who knows all of the other little bells and whistles that�s gotta be thrown into this thing before we, you know, get to the bank and sing the Hallelujah Chorus.

R: Right.

C: You know? So, but this, it�s a real thing. I mean, there�s no, there�s no smoke out there, �cause I�ve talked to the person, you know, at the Wells Fargo management, and again, they confirmed once they get the green light, we�re gonna be one of the first people that they contact. So...

R: Okay.

C: know, so I hope that encourages everybody.

R: I, I think it does, because we, we have a lot of stories like that. I have people weekly, if not daily, at least weekly I�m hearing that now from members. They contact me, they text me, they share it on, on Open Mic when we�re all just openly talking. �I have a bank person, I talked with them and they said they�ll call me the minute that it goes down.� And look at what we were getting a year ago. �I�ve talked to a bank person. They threw me out on my head.� Now you got bank people sayin� we, we�re there! We know what the deal is, we just can�t move yet.

C: Oh yeah.

R: But the moment we can...

C: Exactly.

R:�re the first ones that I�m gonna contact. And we�re getting a lot of people that are getting that response, which is good.

C: You know, it�s a good, and it�s a good thing, and I think, you know, it�s just the timing, and I think, I believe we�re close. I don�t know, you know, which would be like knowing the hour or week Christ is gonna return, you know, but the bottom line is is that we know that this thing�s moving and, and we just gotta be patient. It�s one of the, Scripture says, �In your patience possess ye your soul.� And I think one of the great lessons that we�ve learned in many years is that between �Amen� and �there it is,� there has to be a whole lot of praising and thanksgiving going on, man. And, you know, always, just to encourage everybody, you, you have to point your tongue in the direction of your destination.

R: All right!

C: And you can�t alter, you know, you can�t alter things going out of your mouth, because when you do that, you�re gonna give yourselves opportunities to get discouraged and disappointed, and, you know, one other thing with Scripture and I�ll let you go. Isaiah said, �God�s declared your end from the beginning,� so He already knows the end matter here. And so I would just say to everybody be strong and rest and rejoice, and due season is coming quickly.

R: Okay. Thank you, sir!

C: You�re very welcome, and have a blessed, have a blessed day, man.

R: Okay. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Hawaii, Hawaii, Bali....

R: Okay! Those sound good too!

C: That�s where we�re goin�, man. I don�t know about anybody else, but that�s where we�re goin�.

R: All right. Don�t beat me there, I�ll meet you there.

C: I�ll look for you!

R: Okay. Take care.

C: Have a great one, man.

R: All right, sir. Bye-bye.

C: God bless. All right.

R: Okay, who does, who do we have? We have 856. 856, you�re on!

C: Hello?

R: Hello!

C: Hey! This is Vicki. I have a question for you.

R: Hey, Vicki!

C: Listen, this, this is a problem for me, and I�m not sure if there�s anything I can or can�t do about it.

R: Okay.

C: Somebody broke into my house and (unintelligible). Now, I have a list of serial numbers for my currency. Is there any, any, do I have any recourse at all after these things get exchanged to find out who exchanged it?

R: Hmm. Maybe you could check with the bank and they may be able to tell you some process that you can report those serial numbers to in advance, and...

C: Okay.

R: ...see what happens. I don�t know if they�ll be able to, if there�s a way that they can block them from being exchanged, but they may be able to find the culprit after the fact. I don�t know! Talk with the bank and see what they say. They may can direct you to the right authorities to facilitate that.

C: Thank you so much, Ray, it means so much to me. I, I�ve got, we have rough times, and I�ve got a bunch of grandkids and I have good reason to have some of this money, so it just bothers me that somebody could actually break into your home. It shouldn�t have been here, my own fault, but I had it well, I thought I had it well hidden. Yeah. All right.

R: Did they clean, did they clean you out?

C: Did they what?

R: Did they get all of it or, did they get all of it or just some of it?

C: Most of it.

R: Most of it, okay.

C: Most of it.

R: Wow, that�s a bummer. Yeah, but, but call the bank and, and see what they can say as far as what authority you may need to contact, or even the police, to see, and they may can direct you how to route that serial number information where it needs to go.

C: Thank you. I was afraid to do anything until I talked to you first, so...

R: Oh. Okay!

C: ...I appreciate having your advice. Thank you.

R: All right. All right. Get that done today though!

C: Yes, sir. Will do.

R: While there�s still time. All right.

C: Okay, thank you. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, let�s go to 423, you�re on.

C: Hmmm. Is that me?

R: That is you!

C: Yay! This is awesome!

R: Yay!

C: (Inaudible) get on today, I didn�t dial in �til about 12:30, but anyway, this is very exciting. Thank you, Ray, for all your info. The people are...

R: You�re welcome.

C: ...plugged in. Let�s see, what was my question I was gonna, I�m gonna pull over here so I�m not gonna have a wreck while I�m talking.

R: Oh, yes. Pull over.

C: That would be terrible if you heard me screaming and a big crash! That�d be terrible. I feel so sorry for that lady that had her currency stolen. That would just be a heart (inaudible), oh my God, it�d be terrible. Okay. My question...let me see what it was. I�m 65 and I think I�m, had a senior moment here. The people, okay, I�ve been in this for six years, and I can remember it was two years ago November because I was in an art show with my college roommate in Gatlinburg when all these people started comin� through in the hordes and doin� exchanges. And then I think it was after that that Tony and DC started the campaign, you know, the #wearethepeople campaign because it looked like we were gonna be left out. But it seems to me that I remember Tony saying those people really did get cash, because he said, �I see �em drivin� cars around and, you know, they changed their lifestyle, so I know they have cash.� So, and then I know some people have had SKRs and that type of thing. But, so the people that are coming in with early exchanges now and are, are going through the process, do you have any feeling inside, because there would be no way for anybody to get in touch with me. Nobody that I�ve talked to has acknowledged it was real, although I really believe it�s real, totally believe it�s real, so I have no way for anybody to ever contact me and say, �Oh, come on in now, it�s ready.� So, you have a very, do, do you ever have an insecure feeling like they�re selecting the ones they want to select and we�re gonna be left out?

R: No. I have no issues at all about us being left out.

C: Okay, good. That makes me feel better then.

R: Yeah, there�s too many, there�s too many banking people now that are talking, looking for us, so I don�t see any way we can be left out in this deal.

C: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Well, you know, we�ve heard in the past about people being framed, you know like, �Oh, we�re, we�re in lockdown and people are being framed and they�re being, you know, told about what�s happening and how to go through the exchanges and all this stuff.�

R: Right.

C: And then, so do you think that all of the banks that are gonna be involved with this do know it now and that if we have a bank that says, �I have no idea, with that calls, it�s a scam, we�re not gonna be,� do you think you wouldn�t go to that bank? Or do you think they�re....

R: You know, based on the memo that just went out....

C: Yeah. Yesterday?

R: Well actually the day before yesterday.

C: Oh.

R: Well that�s when I first heard it, but think it was the day before yesterday, and then got confirmations yesterday that they received it. But based on that information, being true, being what it is, I would have to say the banks that are intending to participate in the first wave fully know what�s going on and are positioning themselves to be ready. Now, there may be some banks that are not participating in the first wave but are going to be in the second wave, so they may not know right this minute that hey, it�s any hour, any minute, any day. They may not have received the memo because they were not on a need-to-know basis. But I fully believe the ones that need to know know, because the memo says, you know, �Expect a rush of customers.� I believe that that�s getting to the right places where it�s supposed to get to, and there could still be some banks clearly, well Wells Fargo, it�s hard to talk about banks and not mention them. Could there be some banks, some Wells Fargo banks that don�t know what�s going on? Of course! Because they�re not going to be participating anyway, so they don�t need to know. But the ones who are participating need to know.

C: Uh-huh.

R: So I very much see that happening.

C: Well, we have a Wells Fargo bank about, oh, twenty miles from us, and I talked to the manager the other day. He was very nice, and he said he�d gotten a lot of calls. And he says they do currency exchange there. He said, �We do currency exchange.� So I thought, well that�s good. But he, he looked on the screens and he said there was no Zim and there was no dinar.

R: Okay.

C: And, and he said you had to have an account there. And I said, �Well, tell me what that means? Can I come in at that moment with my currency if, if and when this revalues and you could open up an account and then I have an account?� And he goes, �Oh, yeah, oh yeah, that (inaudible).� It doesn�t have to be a preexisting account (inaudible, other call bleeding through).

R: Well, let�s see here.

C: Uh-oh. That�s not me, Ray. That noise.

R: Oh, okay. Well, that�s the other number that I thought I lost. It jumped down to the bottom of the screen and it was still open, so. Okay.

C: I was hoping that, boy they were noisy, weren�t they?

R: I was wondering where it disappeared to! But it jumped to the bottom of the screen. All right, sorry about that.

C: Okay. Now, Ray, you�re still not sure about the 800 numbers, right?

R: No, I�m not 100% sure.

C: Uh-huh. �Cause if it....

R: But my thought has always been that they would wait until the absolute last minute to give them to us because they know, just like I call this The Canary Call? Then they probably fear that�s what he�s gonna do, sing like a canary when we give �em to him, so they won�t give �em to me ahead of time. They�re gonna wait �til the absolute last minute if, if we�re going to get it. That�s what I�m thinking. At the absolute last minute, �Here, Ray, here, here�s the numbers, give �em out,� then they know we�re gonna sing, and....

C: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Well...

R: So I�m just waiting.

C: ...platinum and wolf, Tennesseewolfman are sayin� this is our week, and platinum said do not take a vacation, do not be away from your cell phone between now and Friday, and, that things are comin� down the line, you know, so. They say they have intel to confirm that, so I�m hopin� they�re right.

R: Hey, me, too! But you know every, everybody�s looking, you know, this week right now. Bankers are Tuesday/Wednesday, okay Tuesday came and went. Now it�s Wednesday, and...

C: Right.

R: ...lot of us were looking to, to go first thing this morning, you know, some of you listeners. Didn�t happen. Doesn�t mean it�s not going to happen but, you know, they�re receiving information, this, this memo coming out. But then here again, the memo says, �Exchangers are to receive authority.�

C: Yes, uh-huh.

R: It didn�t say, �Exchangers now have authority,� so it�s still hard to pinpoint exactly which day this thing is going to pop out, so to speak. But I do believe that we�re, we�re very close, extremely close.

C: Right. Okay. Okay, well that sounds great! And I�m not gonna say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, but I�ll say Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh. Well, you know what? You�ve kinda changed my mind about Vegas. I might consider, because I remember on the call one time you said it�s going to be a place where you can connect with people that we are saying you can trust these people, they�re gonna give you very good advice, and for that reason I might go to Vegas if you guys go to Vegas, because you don�t wanna, you know, it is a tricky thing and since we�re inexperienced in it, would be nice if you all validated who was talking to us and then we�d know we could trust them. Does that sound good?

R: Oh, sure! We would be in, to some degree involved in that process of who�s going to come and sit and talk before you. Now if there�s, if there�s like a, see, �Vegas, Vegas, Vegas� should be considered an expo. Sure it�s a get together for all of us to meet one another, shake hands, and have some dinner. I think one day I was even planning on doing this big cookout in the park as long as the city didn�t prevent me from doin� it, and just, just sit in the park and just chill and then let each member who had specific cooking skills, we were gonna have a cook-off. We talked about a lot of these things we were gonna do when we got to Vegas! But business wise, we should consider it like a, an expo. If you ever been to an expo, there are things there for you to learn or buy. Vendors presented their wares. Well, we want to have people that are going to teach us and tell us specific things: banking, investing, asset protection, you know, the whole nine yards. And at the same token there would probably be some vendor setups where people are handing out business cards and brochures of what they offer, just like any other type of expo that you go to.

C: Right, right.

R: And so when I ask a person Vegas, Vegas, Vegas? I�m not particularly asking if you�re coming, because there�s gonna be thousands and thousands that are going to show up, but when I ask it on the call I ask it in terms of support of what we�re trying to do, even if you are not going to attend, because the more support that we get, the more mental support that we get, the more likelihood that we�ll pull it off. And so those are my reasons for saying, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, are you with us mentally if not physically?

C: Right.

R: Okay?

C: Okay, well, before I sign off and say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, I just want to make sure you know who I am. Do you know who I am? Do you recognize my voice?

R: No, not at the moment I don�t.

C: I am fullofhope, and my name is Shelly and I�m from Tennessee.

R: Oh! Okay, fullofhope! Yes, okay!

C: I just want to identify myself and I love it when people get on the call and I can hear their voice associated to their user name there and everything. Okay, one last thing. I thought the memo had a 24-hour date on it. I thought it said, �Within the next 24 hours.�

R: Well, it did say, yes, one of those--which I have not actually read it, but this is what I�ve, has been communicated to me--exchangers are to receive authority in the next 24 hours. So �are to� is, those are two very powerful words.

C: Yes.

R: And so we, that still says, well, you gotta wait! You gotta wait! You gotta wait and see! Because it says �are to receive authority� in the next 24 hours, not that they definitely will, because you know Murphy�s Law, anything that can go wrong will! And...

C: Okay, right. Right. Yes.

R: we�re in a wait-and-see mode right this moment.

C: Okay. Well that�s great, thank you for keep....

R: That�s good, but....

C: Thank you for keeping us grounded and full of hope, and I appreciate your Christian perspective on it, too, RayRen. God bless you.

R: Oh, well thank you!

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Okay.

C: Talk to you later. Bye-bye.

R: All right, thank you very much. Well, let�s see here. Well, this thing is, is doing some tricky stuff here on me. One second. And, there we are. You guys ever try to click on something and the screen�s just jumping around and you, it�s kinda like playin�, you remember Pac-Man back in the day, when you had to hit that thing just right and, and, or pinball or something. I think I got it. All right, folks, gosh, you know I wasn�t watching the time. We were having such a good time conversing with you members. Is this the last one? God knows I sure hope this is the last, even though I know catnip wanted to be the last person to speak on the last call on this side of the, of the RV. But hopefully she�s not gonna get her wish, because I hope this is it! I hope this is the last one that I�m gonna be doing when we�re looking for the RV, hopefully that our next call will be talking about, �Okay, here�s what you need to do, here are the plans, here�s, here�s the 800 numbers,� if we receive them. And if we don�t receive them, then we�ll go to, �Okay, here, need to be doing, do this, do that, look into this, look into that.� You know, we�ll still try to give any type of supporting information that we can give, even if the banks won�t give us any. But if they do give it to us, we�ll give it to you. If they don�t give it to us, then we�ll find it. By some hook or crook, we�ll find a canary that is willing to sing to tell us what to expect so we can tell you what to expect, just like we�ve done here today. But in the meantime in between time, gotta get these bills covered for January, and of course I�m lookin� for this RV any minute, and Monday I didn�t really say that much about it because I thought, �Hey, by Wednesday we�ll be rollin� in the dough and the bills�ll be paid, the call will be shut down,� or whatever, we won�t need it, but we�re not there just yet. So, while we�re in the midst of hanging on, we appreciate those who helped in the past and those who intend to help right now and those who are even thinking about helping in the future should that be the case. But we do appreciate your helping us get the bills knocked out so that we can still be here morning, noon, and night and help out the best way we can, and especially on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as we bring to you the information that we receive and we report, and you decide. So we thank you very much for your donations, for your consideration, your support, and even for the haters that come on onto our site with, with your hateful self that helps a lot of us reinforce our belief and our convictions on where we are. So you even help us become better persons. So, I thought I�d never hear myself saying this, but thank you to you, too, even though you didn�t think you were gonna be that helpful in spite of yourself. But be that as it may, I remain your servant here on TNT until the job gets done. Thank you everyone. Have a good evening. ​

TNT Conference Call 12.31.15

R: And we�re ready! Good afternoon, good morning, TNT Superfantastic Family! December 31, 2015, the last day of the year, and yet again we didn�t think we would be here, but we are here on this side of the RV! But that�s okay too, though, because when you know what the plan is, everything�s all right. When you finally know. And that�s what most of us been wanting to know. We�ve been wanting to know what the plan is, what the hourly plan is, the daily plan, the weekly plan, the monthly plan. Well, you�re goin� to learn a little bit more about the plan. I�m gonna share with you as much as I possibly can. Nobody sent me anything sayin�, �Don�t say this or don�t say that,� so we gonna close out the year with a bang! How �bout that? And give you some information. We report; you decide. I�ll give you what I�m hearing. I�ll give you some of what I know and some of what I have documentary proof that exists. I just won�t tell you which is which, so that way they can�t say I told too much, how �bout that? Well, let�s get underway with the information as we know it to be for where we are. We are in a great place. A great place.

There�s a lot of things that have been said, a lot of people that are saying this and saying that, and you�ve been reading different things, and you know, for the most part, some of it, parts of it have been true, depending on what was said. But here�s what I can share with you on where we are in this...process. But it is a process. It�s a process that is very much under way, and pretty soon going to be completed. So I�ll work from Canada to USA to Iraq, how �bout that. From our Canadian information that we�ve been able to con, compile, and these are, some of it we�ve been gathering over the...over the time frame, I�ll just say the time frame, tryin� not to be too exact with some of this, but we�ve heard some exchange activity up there in, in Canada, the Zim bein� live on the screens. You�ve heard it! Some of you have called some of the banks that have a connection with the Canadian banks up there, and, and they even confirmed it when they talked to you on the telephone, that rates were showing, well certain currencies. Well, the Zim to be more exact, and that some activity had been taking place on, on some exchanging. Some individuals waiting for funding, some no longer waiting. It�s, it�s been a combination, but this is signs of progress, the wheel turning. Where are they today? As far as I understand from the Canadian side of things, they�re lookin� for somethin� to pop today. They�re, they�re ready, willing and able and sayin�, �We�re lookin� for it today!� That have dong rates that are visible on the screen, waiting for I guess authorization to, to process those, and those rates are...yeah, nosebleed rates. I like them! So they�re at, at an all-level high of expectation for something to pop out today. Time will tell on that.

Now what about right here at home, good old USA? Well, what have we not heard. You�ve heard of people calling the banks, banks saying, �We have rates but we can�t exchange those.� We�ve had some people call the bank, say, �Yes, we have a rate on Zim, come on down, we�ll exchange it!� They get to the bank and either the rate disappeared or in some cases the amount of money was so high the bank just refused to do the exchange! And they just told �em, said, �Nope, this is too much money, we�re not doing this, not now.� That�s signs of progress. Let�s see, you have appointments. Some individuals have had appointments to go in and talk. Even on Christmas Day we had members meeting with banking people to map out and plan their future. But now we have some that have confirmed appointments as we have had in the past, with the instructions, �Bring your currency, we intend to exchange you.� Now these are January appointments, so that pretty much lets you know where the expectation is, well into January these banks are already starting to talk with people about let�s set a date and time. I�m talkin� about exact dates with exact times to come in for the purpose of exchanging their currencies. Some people are discussing exchanging dinar, some are discussing exchanging Zim, dong, rupiah, Afghani. What else is out there? All the other ones that, that may be in this same basket, they�re all being discussed about this exchange. We, we had, had some that, as of yesterday went to the bank to try to exchange on some currency. They called ahead, they said, �Yes, we see it on the screen.� Got there, they tried to process it, it just would not go through. Made attempts to put it through and it just wouldn�t clear. That�s signs of progress. That�s excitement. And, and we�re talking about different currencies, so it�s not all just 100% dinar this or dinar that, it�s a combination. That should be another signal to you.

Then you have some banks that are actually no longer providing certain currencies for you. They, they have order to stop selling. Hmm. We will wonder why at this stage of the game, this lateness in the process, looking for a revaluation any minute, any hour, any day. I could see where some banks might would say, �Well, let�s stop selling that currency until the dust settles.� We�ve had some people that were told by certain banking people, �You may want to wait a few more days before you exchange this one or before you, or hurry up and buy it before it�s too late.� All these different messages are coming to me left and right, and mainly from you, the members! I receive the text messages, the phone calls. The intel team now has tripled because I consider all of you part of the intel team, because you�re on the ones on the, out on the street and the, you know, boots on the ground, so to speak, here in the US doin� the legwork in bringing in this information. We have bank memos! Again, yes, here, here�s another memo activity with some specific instructions, letting them know when it�s gonna be time for them to start engaging in an exchange activity. Trying to get a copy of one of those just, just to have something to look at. But the scuttle buddy is through, through some of the different bank connections. They, they�ve heard about the memo. Some have seen it, some have not, but it�s given them instructions on what to do with us and when to expect us. That�s exciting! Good information to hear.

Now, let�s go across the water and, and talk a little bit about what�s goin� on over there. We know it�s New Year�s Eve and there�s already activity going on in the mosque. We�re not sure exactly why. There�s been talk of the President making an announcement, whatever that could be. I don�t know! What do you think it might could be? When is this budget due out? First of the year, and the first of the year is, well for us it�s tomorrow, but as far as for those across the bond, that commences tonight! And what are some of the things that we�ve been waiting for to find out is this gonna be the magic date for things to come out? The budget, the revalued currency, the, the rates, all of these things that have been a mystery to us are supposed to no longer be a mystery after January 1 with all the information that�s in, in the budget and supposed to be published in the Gazette today as I believe, if memory serves me correctly, and be available on January 1. And some of the things that we�re going to learn when we get to see that. We�ll, we�ll see what that, that rate, the budget was based on. You�ll be able to figure that out, you should be able to from what I�m being told. You�ll be able to see what all the calculations, the rate that they were based on to come to those calculations, and that would be the, the dinar rate, the international rate. There�s, there�s gonna be questions answered about backpay, retroactive pay, all those types of things, percentages that Kurdistan is gonna be receiving, which most of us already know about that. That�s, that�s really not new information, but now you will see it in print in that budget. The Paris Club information, you will see that. A number of things: smart cards, special date for those being January the 1st, and a number of other things that are going to be revealed when that budget hits the Gazette for all to pull down, look at, and read until your heart�s content. Good little, little bit of information, if you will. Not a whole lot of pages, but enough to keep you busy.

What else do we have? Oh, you know I forgot, I jumped over to Iraq. Let�s come back to the US for one more little bit. Exchange activity. We�ve been hearing about it. We, we won�t, we won�t hide from it and pretend like it�s not happening. You�ve heard it. You�ve experienced it! You�re the ones now that are in the midst of this, so it�s not so much us just telling you about somebody who told us that somebody did this or did that. I get reports from folks who are in groups, have done their exchanges, have their funds. Yeah, we�re gonna talk about it now. Even some are doing private contract sale activity, so we, we have the contract that we�re all looking for when we go do our public exchange, but we had, there�s private activity that�s been goin�, and you know it. Now if some of you choose not to believe it, that�s fine, but when I have individual people telling me what, that they experienced, that they went in, they did this, they did that, and some of these folks are not being forced to sign NDAs, so they don�t mind telling me. And I don�t get explicit details, but then sometimes I do! Depends on the individual! But that activity�s been taking place, and we have proof of it now, and, and before too much longer, try to keep things within a respectable time frame, you�ll see it. Those who really want to see the proof, you�ll see it. But I think when you are in the position to see the proof, it won�t matter, you won�t really care then because you will be enjoying what you will be looking forward to. So that, all of these things that I�ve just shared with you, puts us very much in the still any second, any minute, any hour, and we�re gonna see what the 1st reveals and how, how soon that�s going to put you where you want to be, and...this is one time, right here at the end of the year, that I�m going to say wait one more time. Let�s just wait just, just a little bit, just a little bit longer, and let�s see what else unfolds as the day goes into night and as night goes into morning. It�s gonna be an interesting time! We will definitely be celebrating the New Year, and I feel and suspect we will be celebrating some other things right along with it. And of course if any other new information comes to me, because I am waiting to receive some additional information, I will probably send that out in a text message to you because the next call that I�m looking forward to do is, it�s going to be it, and I�m looking forward to doing it pretty soon!

That being said, let me shift over to a few questions from you all. So I�m gonna ask those who have had the opportunity to speak and ask a question if you will put your hands down, �cause I haven�t learned all of these, so it�s not easy for me to just pick the ones who�ve already talked and, and skip over them. I�m still kind of like a straight shooter, start at the top and work my way down. But if those who will put their hands down, if you�ve already spoken before and asked your questions, we�re gonna close out the year with some folks who didn�t get a chance to speak who may have a question, and only leave your hand up if you have a question. If it�s just to say Happy New Year, I really do appreciate that, we, we all appreciate that. We know we�re at that time of the year where we all want to give those greetings to everyone, but please don�t have your hand up just so you can get that in. I would appreciate you...adhering to that request. So this will be first-time callers on this list, and let�s see....Oh, and I see some, some numbers here that strangely I do recognize that are not first-time, so you guys are not first-timers, go ahead and put your hand down, and...well, we�re gonna close out the year with a few new folks and see what�s on their mind and let me end, me, me help the skip straighten out here. Okay, well, there�s a glitch. One second. I think I hit the wrong button. Where�d my list go? Okay, I�ll refresh here. Okay, give me a second for my list to come back up, and, hmm. That�s strange. Okay, it�s repopulating. It�ll take a minute, and let me go ahead and take the first callers while this list is re, repopulating, see a few callers here with their hands up. Well, seems like there would be more than this. There�s something definitely going on here. Refresh, okay. Something happened to the list. I think you guys have to raise your hands all over again. So first-timers only, if you will, and, all right, I�ll just go with what�s here �cause we are not gonna be here too much longer. It�s New Year�s Eve! Let�s see if this is working. 850, you�re on.

C: Is that me?

R: That�s you!

C: Hello, let me take you off speaker.

R: Okay.

C: You still got me?

R: Yes, sir!

C: All right, how are you doin�, Ray?

R: Fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: I�m, you can�t, can�t imagine how fantabulous I am, yep.

R: Okay!

C: I�m on the, the same boat as you. This is my very first time callin�. I�ve been calling you guys for about two or three years. On a lighter note, I wanted to mention something that you said about diversification last week.

R: Yes, sir.

C: You said it works in everything. There�s one thing that it probably doesn�t work in, and that�s marriage.

R: Well, there�s some people that will beg to differ with you on that!

C: You do have a point there. You do have a wonderful point there. I have a question. How�s Tony doing?

R: Tony�s doing great!

C: Okay.

R: Yeah.

C: After that, I have a, one question about trust. I don�t have a bank account set up in a trust, although my wife and I have had an inter vivos trust set up for probably three decades.

R: Okay.

C: Are you familiar with that?

R: Mmm, vaguely.

C: It�s patterned after the LBJ trust, if that makes any sense.

R: Okay.

C: I�m, I�m wondering if I should set up an account in that trust.

R: Well, what purpose does that trust serve?

C: Well, my wife and I are the, she�s the executor, we�re both the trustees, and in the event of our death, we have a will that puts anything that�s not in the trust into the trust, and our beneficiaries are our two daughters, who are both of age.

R: Okay.

C: So I don�t know. That, that�s my main question.

R: All right. Now what would be your reason for placing it in that trust, if you could do such a thing. What are, what is your objective?

C: Well, I don�t know if it, if it�s just a safer thing than having just the, just to deal with the regular bank account. I mean, my wife and I have had an account with, well it used to be what, well it�s Wells Fargo now, and way back then it was First Union. You know, we just ended up buying each other out and....

R: Okay. But now is part of your focus asset protection? Are you doing it as an asset-protection strategy or as an estate-planning strategy? See, once you answer those questions, then you look at the tool that you have to see will it give you what you�re looking for. Now, if you�re looking for asset protection, that�s the first thing you need to determine. Will this inter vivos trust give me asset protection while I�m still living, or will it only do it after I die?

C: It doesn�t....

R: I can�t answer that question because I don�t know that much about that particular type of trust.

C: Well, the way it was explained to us when we, when we first formed it is that if we had a lawsuit against us or whatever, any assets that we had could only be sold at fair market value, they couldn�t be sold for less than that. So it is an, in a way an asset protection.

R: Well, if it can be sold, then it�s not protected at any value, whether it�s fair market, inflated, deflated. If it can be sold, it�s not protected.

C: You�ve got a point there. A very good one.

R: So that�s something you want to reevaluate and then take a look at you may need a different tool to add to the tool that you have to give you protection.

C: Do you have any, you have any immediate suggestion?

R: Oh, sure! I would look at a, a complex trust.

C: Okay. I�m writing!

R: And there�s several others, but that�s, if you, you asking me, that�s what I would look at because that tool will give you asset protection, and it will do some other things as well, so the two can now work in conjunction with the one that you have and the one that you need.

C: With my existing bank account and probably a couple of new ones I�m going to end up setting up. It would work with those as well?

R: Well not with your existing bank account. Of course it, that trust would have to have its own bank account.

C: Okay. Okay.

R: �Cause it could, but since you asked, you make sure we word it correctly, you would have an account. And see, the whole idea about asset protection is if I�m suing you, I�m going after whatever you own.

C: Okay.

R: See, what you own belongs to the plaintiff and the plaintiff�s attorney. You ever heard that expression?

C: Yes, sir, I have.

R: to, so to handle that, what�ll we do? Stop owning. So that�s what that tool, you need tools that will own the things that you used to own. So then if I say, �Okay, I�m gonna sue you for everything that you own.� Then you can sit back and fold your arms and look at me and say, �Okay, Ray, when are you gettin� started?�

C: Okay, so you�re saying....

R: �Cause if you don�t own anything, you know exactly what I�m going to get! Nothing!

C: So you�re saying I need to set up a complex trust and then put my new bank accounts in the name of the complex trust.

R: That�s what, that�s what I would do.

C: Okay.

R: Now you could pick any other kind of trust as well, but, but you were asking me, so...

C: Okay. Well, that....

R: ...that�s what I would do because that�s the one that I like.

C: You�re an informed individual, and I am, I�m not that informed, so I�m just being honest. I appreciate your input.

R: Sure!

C: And I appreciate all that you and Tony, Pam, DC, the mods, everybody at, we can�t tell you enough how much we appreciate you.

R: Well thank you, sir.

C: And Happy New Year to you.

R: Happy New Year to you.

C: And pass out the hugs, okay?

R: All right! Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, for sure!

R: Hey! Okay! Thank you.

C: All right. See ya.

R: Take care. Bye-bye. Okay, that takes me to 772. Greetings. 772?

C: Hello, Ray.

R: Hey! How are you?

C: Hello, Ray?

R: Yes!

C: I�m talking to you from Stuart, Florida, and I would like to ask you a question about Multi-Currency Accounts.

R: Mmm.

C: And the reason for that is that with the time changes that can occur, or the, the rate changes that can occur, it would be advantageous to transfer funds from the selling parties--the dealers, etc.--into Multi-Currency Accounts and wait for the, wait for the rates to change. Do you have any opinion on that?

R: Well, what I�ve heard from different people talking to different banks and sharing that information, as we do on our other call, you would have to exchange the foreign currency into US Dollars and then put it into Multi-Currency Accounts. So you�ve already done...

C: I�ve, that�s a, yeah.

R: ...the exchange process.

C: Yeah. That, that obviates the, the, the whole strategy behind it. Gonna keep it in the foreign currency, transfer it in dinar or rupiah or whatever, and then as the rates change then exchange it at the proper time. That was the, that was (unintelligible).

R: Yeah, but that, that�ll, right, but I don�t know of any way that you can do that from what people have been talking to. The banks, they�re saying, �No, you have to convert it to US Dollars first and then put it back into a Multi-Currency Account for whatever type currency that you want it.� So you won�t...

C: Okay.

R: able to bypass what you�re tryin� to bypass from what we�ve been told.

C: Okay.

R: Good luck, though. Don�t, don�t give up!

C: Well you answered my quest, you answered my question! That was my question!

R: All right. Bye-bye.

C: Appreciate it and Happy New Year.

R: Happy New Year! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yeah, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, yeah sure.

R: Thank you! All right. Take care.

C: Yeah, bye now.

R: Righty. Bye-bye. All right, where does that take me to? Up, I had someone and I lost them. Let me go back. I think I did it right. One second here. 479. Hey.

C: Hi, Ray.

R: Hey, how are you?

C: I�m fine, yourself?

R: Fantabulous.

C: Oh, I got a quick question. On Tuesday we had heard that there was supposed to be a 72-hour window, start at four o�clock in the afternoon. Is there anything to that? Have you heard any, any rumors portending to that which would put the deadline at four o�clock tomorrow?

R: No, you would have to ask the person that gave you that information.

C: Okay.

R: See, I generally answer the, I generally answer the questions on stuff that I give out, but, so I, I can�t really address that for you �cause I wasn�t part of that information distribution.

C: Right, okay. All right, well I appreciate your time.

R: All right, sir. Happy New Year to you!

C: Same to you. Thank you.

R: Okay.

C: Bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, this isn�t, let�s see, what�s goin� on here? Who do I have? Well, I had a number, but it disappeared when I opened it. Okay. Who�s on now? I hear someone? Is this thing doing something crazy? Oh, it jumped down at the bottom. 208.

C: Good morning, can you hear me? Good morning.

R: Yes. Hey there, how are you?

C: Fantastic, how �bout yourself?

R: I am fantabulous! All right!

C: Can we go, first of all, thank you to you and Tony and DC and to Pam the whole team and...

R: Okay.

C: ...for everything you�ve done and will do, and just can we go out with a bang and give us some rates?

R: You know, the rates are ever changing from all the things that we�ve heard over the past months, so I don�t even know where they are at this particular time. When I would check with some, some of the sources they could see rates, then another day they couldn�t. I didn�t even check this morning to see, well, yes I did. I think I asked one bank source, but they couldn�t see rates, so I really have no idea where we are right now from a rate structure.

C: All righty. Okay, that�s all I had, just, just thank you, thanks again for all you do! I really appreciate it.

R: All right, sir. Thank you.

C: Bye-bye. Oh. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right! And Happy New Year!

C: And you, too. Thank you.

R: Okay. All right. Okay, I think I got this to work right. 325, hey there!

C: Hello?

R: Hi!

C: Hello? Hi! This is so awesome that I actually, this is my first time ever, I listen a lot, but this is my first opportunity to call in live because I�m not working, so I am...

R: Great!

C: ...just super excited about this. I have a, a couple of questions. The first thing that I wanted to ask you about. I know about like a, about a week and a half ago I heard some rumors about, you know, people seeing their banks, bank employees working, you know, on the weekends, like on Saturdays and Sundays and what not.

R: Uh-huh?

C: And I was just, I was kinda analyzing that, and I was wondering, do you think it�s possible, and have you heard anything from your sources that they may have been requiring them to sign some kind of documents to not allow them to purchase any of the currency that�s about to be exchanged?

R: Oh, sure. I�ve had, I�ve had bank employees actually tell me that they�ve signed agreements not to purchase currency.

C: Okay, well that makes sense.

R: Yeah, we, we�ve, we�ve heard them say that. Now not only on, on top of that, there�s a court case right now that I just learned of yesterday where a bank is supposedly suing one of its employees because they went and bought some currency! How do you like that?

C: Wow. Wow.

R: Yeah. Wow!

C: Wow. That�s a pretty incredible thing. The other thing I wanted to discuss with you is the, the whole Iran situation, because I�ve been reading, I�ve read several times that the sanctions are supposed to be lifted, and I think there was a date mentioned of tomorrow.

R: Well, I�ve....

C: Have you, have your sources told you anything about....

R: No. The last thing that I have heard, what I would call official on Iran, was the President did issue an order to lift the sanctions...pending certain con...

C: Okay, and....

R: ...certain conditions, and those conditions have not yet been met.

C: Okay, well when the conditions are fully met, does that mean that their currency will be fully reinstated?

R: I�m of that impression that when, when they meet the conditions and they lift the sanctions, then there�s no reason for the currency to still be down where it is. It should just pop back up to its natural position!

C: Oh, well that�s awesome. Well, I just want to say, just give you blessings for your family, for the whole TNT family for, for a very prosperous and Happy New Year, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay! Thank you! And Happy New Year to you.

C: All righty. Thank you. Bye-bye.

R: Okay. Bye-bye. Let�s see, where are we? 808. Is that Hawaii?

C: Yes, it is.

R: Hey there, how are you?

C: I�m, I�m taking you off of speaker. There we go. I�m doin� wonderful. So I�ve got a question. I had asked around a whole lot of people in all the different forums and, and sent the email in, the text in to you guys. Hawaii doesn�t have any tier one banks, and...

R: Okay.

C: ...we do have a Wells Fargo Investment Center, and I�ve took, taken a look and actually called several of us who had connections with her, she�s Vice President of Investments, and she�s been a wealth manager for Wells Fargo. They�re all sayin� no, so all these people that are talkin� to me down here who, you know, they�re like wondering if anybody has any idea on what banks down in, in the State of Hawaii will be handling any of the exchanges, or are we gonna have to fly to the mainland for this?

R: Well, they�re saying no to what now, that they�re not exchanging any, any foreign currencies, or one in particular, they�re, that�s....

C: No. Yeah, they�re saying their office is not gonna exchange because all they have, they don�t have a bank here. Wells Fargo, Chase, B of A, all of the big, big boys moved out of Hawaii, so we only have tier 2 banks here. So a lot of the tier 2 banks are saying we�re not doing that, we can�t, can�t fund it, can�t afford it. So, and I�ve talked to some of the different managers and some of the upper muckity mucks, and even in First Hawaiian, and that�s the largest bank here. So they�re, they�re wondering because in the past everybody�s saying they�re gonna open some place, yes there�s eight states that don�t have Wells Fargo, but there�s gonna be exchange centers. And the one spot here in Honolulu is sayin� we�re not doin� that! And, and it is a, their Investment and Wealth Benefit, I mean Wealth Managers Office, and they say they don�t have the staff and they�re not set up to even do it. They know it�s comin� down the pike, but they�re not doin� it, so, you know, we were just kinda curious if there had been any rumbles over there. I know there�s been several Hawaii folks calling in, and if anybody has any idea of, of banks out here that we should be looking at, otherwise we�re all gonna have to be flying to the mainland.

R: Hmm. Well, I guess at, at this point, you could utilize the forum and maybe some of the members that are listening that know of any banks in Hawaii that do any type of foreign currency exchange, list it in the forum so that the other Hawaii readers can at least find of some locations to start the conversation with, to see if they need to be....

C: Yeah, I�ve been puttin� up...puttin� up stuff for about, oh, couple months now at least! You know, �Hey, guys, you know,� and I haven�t got anything back on any of the forums, you know, not just, not just here but any of �em. So I thought, well, let me give a call in and see if somebody has any....

R: Well, now that you and I are addressing it and several members are listening, we might see something in the forum that can help you.

C: That�d be wonderful. That�d be wonderful.

R: Okay.

C: Hey, you guys, fantastic, thank you very much. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and appreciate all you do.

R: Thank you, sir. Happy New Year to you.

C: All right. All right. Aloha.

R: Aloha. Okay, that takes me to 951!

C: Oh, good morning, is that me?

R: Good morning, that is you!

C: Oh, wow! Okay! I was kinda thinkin� I�d be at the bottom of the list there. But anyway, yeah, I�ve been talking to the local banks here, and of course they�re still not admitting anything or whatever, so should I just let, should I, could, should I wait on them or should I just wait for the 800 number to come out and see where they send me?

R: Okay, now you don�t have any banks in your area exchanging foreign currency?

C: Oh, they�re exchanging foreign currency, but they don�t know anything a, they�re not admitting anything about the GCR or anything or (inaudible).

R: All right. That�s, that�s, that�s fine that they�re not admitting it. In due time, everything changes.

C: Yeah.

R: I remember a year ago we couldn�t find a bank person that would tell us anything about dinar nor dong. Now we are having folks every day talking to bank people, talking about all the currencies. So it�s coming.

C: Okay.

R: As long as you know which banks in your area deal with foreign currencies. But if they�re exchanging foreign currency, they may say no to dinar, they may so no to dong this very moment...but as nightfall comes and sunrise comes and whatever happens along the way, they may be singing a different tune, so. So if we don�t have 800 numbers to give out to you, then that�s who you call after the fact and say, �Okay, what are you doin� now?� And see if they say may say, �Oh, well, you know now we are exchanging dinar, dong, rupiah, or whatever you have.�

C: Yeah. Okay! Oh, perfect! Thanks a lot.

R: Okay.

C: I appreciate, that�s kind of what I was thinking, too, you know, they�re gonna start singin� a different tune here pretty soon.

R: Yes.

C: So, thank you for all you do, and your whole organization and everything, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and Happy New Year.

R: All right, sir. Happy New Year to you, too!

C: Thank you, sir.

R: All right. Thank you.

C: Thank you.

R: 225. Good afternoon.

C: (Inaudible)

R: 225, you have me on your speakerphone. 225? One more time!

C: Hey, Ray?

R: Hey!

C: Hi, Ray.

R: There he is.

C: Hey, Ray, how are y�all doin�?

R: Doin� pretty good, thank you, how �bout you?

C: Good. Good, Ray. Thank y�all, all every one of y�all. You know, the mods, Pam, Ray, DC, and hopin� everybody�s doin� well as we end this year.

R: Yes, sir.

C: Gotta ask a question, Ray. As I was searchin� on my computer this morning, I seen where Dinar Detectives does not come up. I�ve seen on Twitter where #wearethepeople and the other TNT site, I�m sorry, the TNT to, strong, won�t come up at all. It says it don�t even have a post, or it don�t, it doesn�t even recognize it. I�ll say it like that. Do you know anything about that?

R: Okay, you say the TNT website is not coming up?

C: No, sir. On Twitter. On Twitter where we have #wearethepeople.

R: Okay.

C: That�s not comin� up, it�s not recognizin� it.

R: Well, hmm, I don�t know what that could be about.

C: Well, that might be why our numbers may be low today, huh?

R: Well, you know, I sent the tweet out and then some people, somebody didn�t get it, and then I sent it out a second time, and...

C: Yessir.

R: ...then I realized I forgot to put the link in it.

C: And I seen that, I seen that also, you know?

R: I had, I had to do a third one so folks could get the link that wanted to log in. So...

C: Yessir.

R: ...and maybe there�s a glitch or something, but if there is I�ll (inaudible).

C: I don�t know it, could call that a glitch. You pull it up on your computer now, you�ll see for we are, #wearethepeople, �cause it don�t, it don�t, don�t do anything. So, and I�m hoping that this is not an attempt to stop us, you know what I�m sayin�? So....

R: It�d be a futile attempt now right here at the end of the year.

C: Yeah. Yeah.

R: We�re wrappin� up anyway. And I, and I...

C: Yessir.

R: ...(inaudible) realize, I said, �Well, we�ll wrap it all up anyway.�

C: Yessir. Yessir.

R: (Inaudible) at this time.

C: Yessir. And I appreciate your takin� my call. Desperately miss Tony and Pam and DC, and, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay! Well, you�ll have an opportunity to hear from all of them again.

C: Okay, good. Good.

R: I�m, I�m almost, I feel pretty sure about that in some capacity. You know, it�s, Christmas is over, enjoying the last bit of her vacation. So if, if we have a need to be back here in January, then she�ll probably be right here riding shotgun.

C: Yessir.

R: But we�ll see. And I don�t know maybe...

C: Happy, hap...Happy New Year.

R: ...DC�s schedule may, may change as well, so we�ll see. Yes! Happy Near Year to you, sir.

C: Yessir. Happy New Year to y�all, and...

R: All right.

C: ...and the whole TNT family. Thank you, Ray.

R: All right! Thank you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Have a good day. Happy New Year. Okay, let�s see, where does that take us? That takes us to 334.

C: Woops, that just might be me.

R: That is you, 334. Greetings!

C: Hey, how you doin�. I�ve been listening to y�all about five years, and my first time ever lucked out on the call. So I just wanted to wish...

R: Oh, great!

C: ...y�all here a Happy New Year, and hope y�all had a wonderful Christmas. That�s all I gotta say.

R: Okay. Well thank you very much. Happy New Year to you.

C: Okay.

R: All right. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. That�s where I wanna go.

R: All right! Thank you.

C: Uh-huh.

R: All right! Let me see, where am I now? 619, next in line.

C: Hello?

R: Hello!

C: Can you hear me?

R: Yes, I hear you fine.

C: Hi! I�m a first-time caller, been at it like, what is about five years. I won�t waste a lot of time as some of you who are doing it with me, thank you everyone. Quick couple of questions as I may follow up the first one. I�m doing, so I just wanted to share with Tony that we have a similar background (unintelligible) here in California together, sang with DC later on, went to graduate school both at Northwestern and MIT where he was, so all the three of us, just wanted to share that. Okay. �Nuff, done with that.

R: Okay!

C: My question is this. But, �cause I�m not sure that (inaudible) all that with you. And I get, you know, I�ve been....

R: Oh, I caught all that!

C: Well good! Thank you. I wanted to you later, too, probably, but, but the first question and then there�s a bit of a follow-up. The first one is more conceptual. I�m trying to understand why it is that what is essentially government process which has to do with the federal government doing things with its currency and involving the public in that, why is it, what is that (unintelligible) necessarily to private offices? Where do banks in charge openly of that, knowing full well that the banking system is one that�s really about making profit and the federal government, by its very structure, should then be part of that?

R: Well, I don�t know where the connection lies in that. There�s detailed information that even I don�t have on that arrangement, so it�s difficult to answer that, your question, �cause I don�t know all of the, all the elements. The...

C: Okay.

R: know, the bank being the money location for people who want to exchange currencies, they naturally get paid a fee for doing that, that�s a service they provide.

C: Yeah. Again, though, the question is simply, look, you and I know that easily what could�ve happened was we could have established through offices that, already there. Through any one of the federal entities could�ve established a, a temporary office that could�ve handled the acceptance of all this, all the currency, obviously through the Treasury, but all the currency instead of something to do that very quickly, and all, in the process of doing so, all the computerized information necessary to be there could be there and all this could�ve been done much more simply than it has been. But, but because we�ve taken this extra step of going through the banking structure, a structure that is clearly, there as Tony has established and, and, and I think you�ve mirrored as well, is there merely for the purpose of making money, banks are in it to make money, that means that ultimately the money�s gonna be made, it�s gonna be coming out of somewhere, and it�s probably the public�s hide. So I�m wondering why that�s set up?

R: Well, no, you would, we would still need the banking because even if government said, �Okay, Ray, you, you can come here, bring your currency, and we�ll give you a, a check for one million dollars.� Then what I�m gonna do with that check? I need to go to the bank to deposit it, so it�s just as easy for me to do the transaction with the bank!

C: Yeah, but the cost is....

R: I see that as...go ahead.

C: I was just sayin�, yeah, but the cost structure could be very different. I understand what you�re saying, there needs to be some mechanism by which we can have the cash flow and outflow on the currency be what it does and be a part of the current, I get that. But it seems to me, it seems to me that automatically by involving the banks at the level that they�ve been involved, it means that their profit structure�s going to take something out of the hide of the public, and, and I�m frustrated with that, because my government�s purpose should be to protect me, not to leave me open to the, the ravages and the excesses of a system that is designed to take money from me. But let me go to say, and I know that�s pretty conceptual....

R: Okay I understand. I, I, I, I�m sorry. I also just unsure as to, oh, how we are to, to fully understand what�s going on here. I�ve been, I�ve been listening to Tony and you for a while, and I�m not so sure that, my sense is that someone has intentionally--again, possibly the banking structure--intentionally made it so that we later on as, as this process goes on, the public get less and less information. I mean it�s just pretty clear that by now, as Tony said very, very early on, three years ago, he said, �It doesn�t make any sense that for the banks not to come, to come up with a structured system by which we can have people flow through easily and come for, comfortably. But in the last, what DC�s been gone? Since, since he�s been gone, for sure, there�s been less and less and less information, especially about something so simple as the structure that should be involved in whether then there was gonna be taxes. You know, but I�m, I�m just now down with this. I, I don�t understand why I should not know how to go about protecting myself as, as an intelligent or potentially wanting to be an intelligent member of the public. I should, there should be instructions that at least tell me what the ground rules are and what the game is, and it seems to me that that�s been changing, and I don�t understand that!

R: Well, I, I know how you feel with that as well, but when you look back at when Tony and DC were here getting the information that I�m bringing to you now, the difference basically was the banks weren�t telling us exactly what was going to take place then either, or they may have shared some variation of which might happen. And so we presented that, and then we presented solutions based around what might take place. There�s been nothing new to come to us that might take place. We still have all of the same old techniques. We have the same remedies that we talked about months ago, should this take place this would be the course of action, should that take place this would be the course of action. That still remains true today, there�s just no new information coming from the banks on something else that they might do.

C: Hmm. Okay.

R: So, we, we hold with what we already have and just say, �Okay, we�re status quo!� Nothing new is coming out, no other, �Oh, now the banks are gonna do this.� Because if we get information like that, sure, we�ll come right here and let you guys know, �This is, this is what we�re hearing now,� because we are still getting information like we always have. DC still gets information; I communicate with him. His sources are still sharing, our other intel people, we�re all still getting the same information. If it�s new information, you�re just hearing it from me. But if it�s not new information, if it�s the same old thing or it�s, �Well, we�re not getting anything,� then the only thing we have to hold on to is what we received the last time. The banks are not talking! They stopped talking a long time ago. Some of you probably just don�t realize that. But then we had individuals that would still say, �Well, this is what I�m hearing now, this is what I�m hearing.� And then they would clamp down on their employees and threaten them with, �Keep your mouth shut, don�t say anything or else.� So then that made the information that much more difficult to get, even if there was any. From what we were learning, sure, they�re training people, they�re still training people, they still have security people showing up, but as far as what�s the bank�s next move, these memos now that are coming out are what we�re working with, because this is how they�re communicating to their people--memos, emails, or whatever the case may be--and we share that when we get it. So really, things haven�t changed as far as getting into and telling you, it�s just that the intel itself has changed. So if Tony and DC were still here right now instead of me, you would be getting the exact same information because that�s all that�s coming out. And then some stuff that we, that I can�t, won�t say, but, but for what you to hear, that�s all that�s coming out.

C: That, that I understand, and my, my concerns certainly are not with any of the personnel there on the team that�s been more than comfortable volunteering or this. I would just suggest, and I�ll leave it this, so that people need to be on.

R: Yes, sir.

C: Now what, what, I�ve heard a lot of people--and I�m not religious, I, I�ve had some problems with that there here--but, but I understand the, the sense of a blessing in the more generic sense, and what others mean is I�m just not bound, but what should be a, a blessing has ended up sounding like, you know, some sort of labyrinth of, of hoops that people have had to go and jump through. But I�ll leave it alone and I will say Khan, Tokyo, Rio, and Vegas, which I�m in, and then the, good luck to everyone and, and may, may we all be blessed.

R: All right, thank you, sir. Happy New Year�s to you.

C: You, too. Bye-bye.

R: All right. We�ll get one more in here real quick. Let�s see, who is this I have? 407. Good afternoon.

C: Hi, Ray, how are you doin�?

R: Hey! Fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: I�m doing great. I don�t have any questions, but I did have something that I�ve thought about for quite some time, and that was to the banks. I think it would be a great idea if they, if they reserved the contract rate for people that have been in the service. And people might disagree with that, but I think it�s just a, a thought of mine. I�m not gonna take the contract rate �cause I hope it goes to somebody that�s been in the service. And that�s, that�s all I got. So Tony, Tony, Tony and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, thank you, sir, a noble gesture. Happy New Year�s to you! All right laids and gents, we�re one minute to the top of the hour, and I�m gonna leave you with a, a final message. You know, the tweet that went out said that, listen to the music artist. That wasn�t the one that you were listening to when the call started, it�s a list that I�m going to go over, the titles and the lyrics. All of this give you a very distinct message. And before I say those, on behalf of Tony, DC, Pam, the mods, the transcribers, whoever else had anything to do with helping put this information together so that three times a week you could come, receive something, and if it helped make a difference to move you along one more day, one more week, or one more month, so on behalf of all of those folks that work behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and some who are to this day still volunteering to help out in any way that they can, we all wanted to say thank you for hanging out with us this year, being here, understanding, participating, and helping to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

And so this�ll be a closing message for you. If you didn�t get anything else out of �the intel that I started with�, maybe this selection of songs, especially in the order that I put them, may have some meaning for you. The first one is titled �It Won�t Be Like This For Long,� Darius Rucker. Number Two: �I�ve Enjoyed As Much of This as I Can Stand,� Porter Wagner. Number Three: �Better Day,� Kirk Franklin. Number Four: �The Best Is Yet to Come,� Donald Lawrence. Number Five: �I Believe,� James Fortune. Number Six: �The Party�s Over,� Willie Nelson. And last but not least, Number Seven: Kirk Franklin�s, �This is It.� Happy New Year everyone. We�ll talk again when the time is right.

​TNT Conference Call 12.23.15​

R: So the recording started, and away we go. Good afternoon, TNT Superfantastic Family, welcome to the TNT Superfantastic conference call for yes, believe it or not, December the 23rd, 2015. Yet another Wednesday, Well-When-Are-We-Gonna-See-It Wednesday? I don�t know. Time will tell, but I can tell you this, a lot of folks are anxious and anticipating that you will see it pretty soon! There�s still a lot of rumor, innuendo, messages, you name it. The expectation is that they still want us to see this before Christmas. And of course we won�t be completed by Christmas. Uh-oh, dropped there. It won�t be completed by any means, I don�t believe, but it could be well underway with getting things going for those of you. So that is still the anticipation, to have it done, have it initiated before Christmas on the public scale. Private, private side, that�s already being taken care of, and I think most of you already know that. But, but for the main public activity, we�re hearing that they�re still anticipating getting it done before Christmas which is, what, two days away! That�s the main, main goal that�s going around, getting it done before Christmas. And what intel that we have, what I�m calling the best intel right now, is the banks, because they�re, they�re the ones looking to make a move, preparing to make a move, and letting us know what they are anticipating.

There�s really nothing to come from Iraq. I told you on, on Monday, they�re pretty much, �Hey, we�re done! We�re just, we�re just waiting for this thing to, to line up right, but all of the things that need to be done other than making a decision appear to be done.� The, the tariffs, looks like from what we�re hearing from some folks over that way that the tariffs will go live with the budget on January 1, so we�re not really looking for that as a, as a benchmark, if that�s true, now if it�s being put off until, �til the budget actually comes out first of the year. We�re not getting any reports of lower denoms in Baghdad. Still in other areas, yes, but not in Baghdad, and we, we�ve always felt when it hits Baghdad, it�s all over. That�s the last stop. So we have Baghdad citizens saying, �I don�t see it. I don�t see it. I don�t see it.� But even though we do have some reports that it is being released even in Baghdad, but we don�t have our citizens saying, �I see it� yet. But in some of the areas, yes, they have seen the lower denoms and still sayin�, �Well, they�re useless for the time being, or worthless for the time being.� Be that as it may.

Now, let�s come back over here to the US, and what�s, what�s going on here that, that a lot of folks are excited about? Appointments are, are being, taking place. You, you name it. Some folks had appointments yesterday from what we were being told. I know I was told about some today. Come to think of it, I had one already contact me. He said his, his appointment for this morning actually got moved to December 30. Now that�s just one individual that shared with me a time change for him. But some of the others that had appointments for today, I�ve not heard from them to say otherwise, so I�ll look to get updates from some of those members later this evening after that time has elapsed on when they were supposed to have their appointments. We are hearing from banks now saying that they�re anticipating some exchange centers actually being open on Christmas Day. Can you believe that? But this is what, what�s being passed around within their walls. Now, the exchange center locations, some of them being open on Christmas Day, why are they gonna be open on Christmas Day unless they are anticipating something? And we even have members that I�ve talked to personally that have appointments scheduled for December the 25th. Now, some are scheduling these appointments to talk is what they�re being told, �Come in, let�s talk.� On Christmas Day? Hey! They, they want to work! And if, you know, from the members� standpoint, if there�s a possibility on Christmas Day that they can do an exchange, think they won�t show up? Sure they will! So there�s appointments on the 25th taking place. Exchange centers, we�re being told, are going to be open on Christmas Day and even on New Year�s Day from what, what they�re being told. This is getting very interesting, to say the least. And then to add to that, we have, we have always been told that the groups would go first, the private exchanges, then the groups, then the general public, and we�ve heard bits and pieces of private exchange activity taking place. Some of it you choose to believe, some of it you don�t, and that�s your choice, you know. We report; you decide.

So I�m gonna report some new information coming to me that some groups have started their exchange, and they�ve even given me the rate that they have received during their exchange. Not only have they given me the rates they�ve received, they�ve given me the exact locations, city and state, where they did the exchange! That�s powerful! That�s progress, and we were expecting that. So I have not had a chance really con, confirm it, but when I get that much information, it�s like, �Well, why do they want to call me and lie when they give me that much?� Exact rates, exact location where, where they did it and who all was involved. You can only keep that type of stuff under wraps for so long, but that�s just to let us know things are working, it�s coming along. Our turn is close. You might as well say it�s here. We just don�t know the exact minute and the exact hour, or the exact day. And we have banking people saying the, the very same thing, telling, telling members, �Well, we don�t know, this thing could pop out by the time you walk out of the bank.� They have live rates, they�re seeing rates, they just can�t exchange them for general public individuals. But now, the group activity, the private exchange activity, there�s no telling what�s going on because we�re hearing a combination of things left and right. Rates, I�m hearing rates left and right, from high to low to, to in between. It�s all out there. The information is flowing left and right, left and right. Some of it factual, some of it may be embellished. Who knows? Time will tell all. All we can share with you is what we�re receiving, what we�re getting, where we think we are in this process. And I�m going to say for all intents and purposes we�re there, we just don�t know the, the minute, the hour, or the actual day. But I can tell you this, that folks in the bank, they�re planning on you any second! They�re planning on you today and tomorrow and Christmas Day, and we have appointments to confirm that and employees that are saying, �Hey, this is what�s being tossed around in the, in the hallways. Some folks are gonna be working, some are gonna be doing this, some are gonna be doing that.� Some banks are shifting to other locations to do their exchange other than the main bank itself, for security reasons, for cloak and dagger reasons, you, you name it! This is what we�re hearing, and this is what you wanted to hear, so I�m giving you the information as I have received it from the many sources as well as even some of our own members.

We have sixteen-hour shifts that some of these folks are gonna be working. Why are they gonna be working sixteen-hour shifts? What are they expecting? What are they anticipating? See, we can read the writing on the wall and read between the lines. It�s, it�s not that difficult to figure it out, ladies and gents. Just sit back, relax. Let�s enjoy this for what it is and for what it represents. Are you ready to walk in your season? That�s it for the info that I have for, at, at this moment. I had some other stuff that some folks were trying to get to me, but I contemplated on, well, push the call back an hour, get the rest of this information on or just let�s go with it. And hopefully later in the day it won�t matter, it�ll be a moot point. Mmm, sounds good. Well, I�ll tell you what, let�s, let�s hear from some of you. We won�t be on long today, but we will, we�ll hear what some of you may have to say or a question or two that you may have, and we�ll try to help facilitate that. So going to 302.

C: Hi, Ray. An early...

R: Hey!

C: ...Merry Christmas to you and your family.

R: Thank you, sir.

C: Say, back on Friday the 4th of December you had mentioned that a bank memo went out to the US banks, and it said, this is what you had said, �Memo said Federal Reserve, FDIC, and UST released the dinar to be exchanged immediately.�

R: Right.

C: �Green light is on here, there, everywhere.� Question is, do you personally have a copy of that memo or have you seen it?

R: No, I don�t have a copy of it. The actual memo itself I have not seen, but multiple people have confirmed that it exists, they work in the bank and say, �Yes, we�ve seen it.� And I don�t ask them to try to share that type of information with me for me to see it.

C: So I guess it� best it�s hearsay, right?

R: No, it�s not hearsay. It�s what they said that they saw! So it�s, it�s only hearsay if you said you heard somebody said that they said it. But if I talk to a person that says, �Yes, I have this memo,� they just didn�t send it to me, so I don�t take that as hearsay.

C: every bank should�ve, every one of the major banks, the top three or four or five that we�re supposed to be able to do things with, particularly Wells Fargo, should have a copy of this memo and their wealth management team ought to know about it, is that correct?

R: That is not correct. I don�t know that to be a fact, that every bank received it and that every bank should have it. Let�s not try to make it more than what it is. We share with you...

C: Okay.

R: ...what we were told.

C: Yeah. I�m...

R: And then we go from there!

C: ...just tryin� to figure out how, how valid it might be.

R: Well, truth be told, doesn�t really matter one way or the other. We don�t have an RV, you�re not at the bank exchanging, so whether it actually exists or not, if I even had a copy of it, it won�t change that you have not exchanged. I have not exchanged. It won�t change that fact, so we won�t, don�t need to, you know, to dicker over it.

C: Yeah, well, that�s a fact. I was just hoping that you had something in hand where you could say, �I�ve got it, I�ve seen it, I know it�s real,� because....

R: Well, even if I did, what difference would it make today?

C: It would just mean that there�s probably a little more weighting, w-e-i-g-h-t-i-n-g, relative to what you�ve passed on to us, so.

R: Right.

C: I�m lookin� for some validity that it�s there and we�ve all become...just questioning everything we get...

R: I un, understand your frustration.

C: ...because, yeah, because...

R: I understand.

C: ...we hear things, and then we, we don�t see �em. But I appreciate your passing this along. I hope all the information you have for what�s supposed to happen over the next couple of days is good so we don�t sit here on, back on the line on Monday talkin� about shoulda coulda woulda.

R: And you know, we just may! So based on that, we should be planning for that reality, just like we are planning for the reality of exchanging before Christmas. Some of us...

C: Oh, yeah.

R: ...very much look forward to that, but we should very much look forward to, �Hey, you know what? We could be here next Monday still not having exchanged, and what are we gonna do about it?�

C: But if we are here next Monday with, with knowin� about plans that were changing, then it would be a different story. So, thanks for what you�re doin�, picking up the gauntlet...

R: All right, sir.

C: ...and going forward. Have a Merry Christmas.

R: All right, thank you. All right, let�s see, that�s gonna take me to 512!

C: Oh, shit! Ray?!

R: 512!

C: Ray, I got...Ray, gotta shut my speaker off.

R: Okay.

C: Hey, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: Ray?

R: Yes, I hear you. I�ll give you a second to turn the speaker off

C: Are you there?

R: Yes, we�re still here.

C: Okay! I just wanted to say I�m glad everything�s goin� great.

R: Yes.

C: Boys from Round Rock and Georgetown, and great news today. And you know what? There�s always gonna be the negative guy that�s negative, negative, negative. And we don�t need to listen to him, so.

R: Oh, but you know what? I didn�t receive that as negative. I received it as, you know, frustration and people concerned, but we have to still look at it...

C: Yes, sir!

R: ...the real bottom line. No matter how solid that information may have been, it didn�t take place. So whether I have absolute proof or not, we�re still right here where we are!

C: Yeah, I, yeah! Well, you know....

R: �Cause, you know, the banks have the memo, but they still can�t make a move until they get those transaction codes. So, so Treasury can send out something right now and say, �Okay, exchange,� but if they don�t release the code, all the bank can do is say, �Well, well we still can�t do anything, we�re waitin� for the code!�

C: I guess he�s waitin� for somebody to come knockin� on his door saying, �It�s here!� You know? But we�ll, we�ll, we�re good, we�re there, so...

R: Yes.

C: ...we have nothin� to worry about. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and Texas, Texas, Texas, and I never told you how much we appreciate ya, so...

R: All right.

C: ...I�m telling you now.

R: Well, thank you, sir.

C:�re welcome. You�re so welcome. And tell Tony, give Tony our best. We hope everything turns out okay for him.

R: Okay, will do.

C: All right?

R: Thanks a lot.

C: Have a nice day. All right.

R: You, too. Okay. Let�s see. Uh-oh, I, I know where I am with this one, a/k/a 404.

C: A/k/a 404 who�s now at 770 at the moment. Appreciate your taking my call, Ray, thank you so much, and Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas. Appreciate all the info...

R: Thank you.

C: ...that, that you have shared with us today. The, the fact that bank personnel are going to be working possibly for Christmas, I would hope that, the presumption that I�m making is a, a sure one that there will not be a Friday standard call at 1 p.m. Eastern, that if there is a need for any information you will just share a tweet with us so that we are not pulling you away from your family on, on Christmas afternoon. Is that a fair assumption for us to be taking?

R: That�s a fair assumption. There will not be a call on Friday, and, and if they let the bottom fall out on Friday and say, �Okay, it�s exchange time on, on Christmas Day,� you still might not get a call from me.

C: But we might get a tweet from you, though, right?

R: Well, you could get a tweet, but you might not get a call. On Christmas Day? Hmm, I don�t know. But sure, information will flow (inaudible).

C: I just want to be sure...

R: All right.

C: ...and share this with everyone else so that they aren�t sitting here on a call wondering why isn�t Ray coming on with, with, you know, welcome to the call on Friday at 1 p.m. Appreciate the, the comment that you had made today about the fact that groups, and that you had been, shared information on the rates and locations. At what point do you feel that you will be able to share that information with us?

R: I probably won�t ever share that particular information because at the point when it�s okay to share it, you all won�t care. Everybody�ll be so busy goin� on doin� their own thing. But right now this information, it is sensitive in nature. It�s, you know, they�re not supposed to be telling all this stuff. So, but some of them think enough of the rest of us to say, �Hey, look, I�m gonna let you in on something. This is what we did and this is what�s taking place,� and, to give the rest of us that glimmer of hope, those who don�t believe that it�s, that it�s going down. That�s why I shared it, but....

C: Okay. Okay.

R: But the details of....

C: That�s why I asked it the way I did, that I wasn�t asking you point blank now, but it was like would we possibly get it on the non-Friday call or something, or you tweet it through at that point. Okay. Lastly, there, there�s a rumor floating around fairly recent that the Zimbabwe has, dollar has RV�d. Are your sources saying that that�s valid info at this point?

R: Well, I guess the, if people are exchanging on it, there�s a belief that something is taking place. And so we�ve, we�ve had, well shucks, you know, I, I�ve had a member that talked to me over a month and a half ago that exchanged his Zim, and then another one has, that we�ve talked to and, and now here�s some more activity that I�m, that I�m getting of Zim exchanges. And then even banks seeing it live on the screens! That says something, it speaks volumes. I can�t really pinpoint it and say, �Yes, there definitely is a revalue of this currency,� but there would have to be if people are actually exchanging on it.

C: Okay. Okay. Good enough.

R: That would be my belief.

C: Okay. Just wanted to double check on that. And again, appreciate all that you are doing for us. Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Merry, Merry Christmas. And Merry Christmas to all of the, the other listeners as well. Close out with Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and hope to see you at that point as well. Again, thank you so much, appreciate it. Bye-bye. [Pause.] Hello? Hello?

R: Hold on one second. I�ll be right there. [Pause.] Well, I seem to have experienced a technical situation. My internet service has been going crazy this morning, and I seem to have lost control of the, of the board for picking the next caller. Let�s see if it will be, initiate. If not, 404, I�m gonna be stuck with you for a minute.

C: Okay. I�ll stay quiet, however.

R: Yeah, this, well this is a first. Hmm, that�s interesting. Let me try this again. Oh, yeah, now the internet�s doing something crazy, and when it does that I lose control of, of everything that I�m using on the internet. Here it comes back. Well, did you have something else while we�re waiting for the system to reset?

C: No, but I suppose I could be saying that a wish that I had had a long, long time ago is that I might be the very last caller on the very last call before it�s RV�ing, and so...

R: Hey!

C: ...if you wanted to make that wish come true, you need to sign off and I am your last caller on what could be the very last call!

R: Oh, you wanted to be the last caller on the....

C: And that would also make it a very short call for you!

R: Well, that would be true. That would be true. So, and I was going to make this a short call anyway.

C: See, I�m trying to help you out and continue talking as you�re trying to figure out the board.

R: Oh, well now the, the other...too late. The board�s (inaudible)....

C: Of course the other callers would be very upset with me, so I don�t want to have that. They�re upset with me enough as, as it is at times, so I appreciate that.

R: Yes. I reclaimed it, so they�re on.

C: And again...Merry, Merry Christmas. Thanks.

R: Okay, Merry Christmas to you. Thank you. All right, so now we have 405, what�s goin� on? Hello, 405?

C: Hey, Ray, how are you doin�?

R: No 405? Hey, there you are!

C: Sorry, I was on mute and I couldn�t get off mute. Hey, I, the question that I have for you today is we seen in, in some of the news articles that Prime Minister Abadi was over in China this week signing some agreements with China regarding, you know, economic development, energy agreements. How does that relate to us pushing forward, because, you know, we hear that China is kind of backing this deal, and it seems like, you know, that there may be a slowdown and that they are goin� direct to Iraq right now. You know, because we had heard it in the past that, you know, when we turn in our dinars that, you know, through Wells Fargo specifically, that China needs these for oil credits. So with seein� him in the news, you know, at a big like celebration signing party, what are your sources telling you is going on with that, and is that affecting the RV, or do you see them kind of pushing it all along the way a little bit faster?

R: Well, seeing as how, you know, China�s kinda hooked in with dong and Zim and, and doin� their thing there, based on what we�ve been allowed to hear and what we�ve been allowed to share, I don�t think it�s, it�s having an impact. I don�t think it�s affecting it. We have...

C: Okay.

R: ...activity.

C: Yeah.

R: Let me just stop and say that. Just based on what we�ve been allowed to hear and what you�ve been allowed to hear and what we�ve been allowed to say, I don�t think it�s having an impact against it.

C: Okay. Well, I just knew that, you know, there for a while that they, we were going, you know, Wells Fargo was kinda the lead bank for them and they were gonna, were gonna exchange these, and they were gonna go through the US Treasury then back to the CBI and then get oil credits and, you know, I just didn�t know how that was gonna affect us moving forward. But anyway, thanks for your answer, and...

R: Okay.

C: ...Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, sir. Thank you!

C: Talk to you soon. Bye.

R: All right now. Bye-bye. 941. We�ll hear you!

C: 941.

R: Hey. Yes.

C: So you think this is real today?

R: Now, the question is do you think it is real today? I report; you decide.

C: I don�t know, but it sounds pretty good, but....

R: I thought it was...I thought it was real yesterday and the day before that and the week before that.

C: It would be real, but...

R: Yeah, I believe it�s real.

C: ...these people that are out there, that has gone to these appointments, you only had one contact back to you?

R: I have one who said theirs was rescheduled.

C: Oh, okay. All right, well, nobody around here is scheduling, so just have to wait, I guess.

R: Yes.

C: Let�s hope, let�s hope we go when....

R: That�s what we do best.

C: Pardon?

R: I said that�s what we do best is just wait. Wait and plan. Wait and plan.

C: Five years of waiting.

R: Yes. Yeah.

C: That�s a long, a long....

R: And five, five years of planning!

C: Yeah, true. So, you know, plans are there but you can�t do anything because some of �em won�t even talk to you. So. Okie dokie, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.

R: All right, thank you, sir.

C: Yep. Bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, that�s going to take me to 865. Greetings!

C: Hey, Ray, how you doin�?

R: I�m fantabulous.

C: (Inaudible)? Fantabulous! Well, RayRen, this is Doctor....

R: That�s right!

C: Can you hear me?

R: I, you cut out on me, but I knew you�re Doctor somebody. Yes, sir.

C: Doctor, Doctor Bill.

R: Doctor Bill! Oh, okay. Great!

C: Yeah. Well, I got a little story I want to tell you. I�ll make it short. I know you want a short thing, so I�m, if I start going, just clear your throat and that means I�m going long, I�m going too long. I got three other brothers just like you, and I call myself just like you, but I was just like Tony to start with, and well, now I�m just like you. And I like you because...

R: Oh.

C:�re like I am now. Then my oldest brother, he was, wellll, he�s sorta like, I call him Tony right now. And then my other brother, he�s like DC, and he is part of, like DC, if you understand. And now I�m...

R: Okay.

C: RayRay myself. Can you hear me?

R: Yes.

C: �Cause you�re much like I am, �cause if somebody gets you under your skin, you taught me a little bit, and I want to thank you for that. You go �click� and I like that click. I know you know what I�m talkin� about. Well, that means you...

R: Yes, sir.

C: ...evidently you lost their number! Click. Okay, you know what I�m sayin�. Well, I�m in Michigan, and what I�m sayin� to you is this for, I�m part of the Admiral group, and then I got attached, the little train got attached to the Generals64, and now I�m on the H, Holding group, and I know they�ve given out the 800 numbers, and if you go off the air and tell me what that is, I�d sure appreciate it. I already know the rates. I got that from, oh, I�ll just say it like this, you�ll laugh a little bit, Papa God, Baby Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. You already know who they are, they�re all three but one.

R: Okay.

C: And, can you hear me?

R: Yes, sir.

C: I know you�re laughin� your butt off, but anyway. I just want to tell you I think you�re all that and a bag of chips. You�re such an honorable man. I�m just glad to talk to ya. I was prayin� early this morning for ya, and when you get your sore throat bothering you, your sore throat is bothering you or anything, use so hydro peroxide, gargle with that, and it�ll instantly go away. I�m, I am a real doctor.

R: Oh! Thank you, Dr. BIll.

C: But I�m gettin� better at waitin�, been married 41 years, and, well, my wife says just wait. And I�ve been waitin� for a long dang time, but next year we�re gonna go to Italy to see, cross over the Ross Tom (?). I know you know Julius Caeser (inaudible) Ross Tom, in actually 49 B.C. It was just a stream then. It heads to Rome if you take the center road. But that�s what I was gonna tell ya. The people that say that they�re takin� the center road usually wind up on the road to the right or the left. Very few people take that center road, and that�s what you took, and that�s why I like you so much. I thank you. Again, all that and a bag of chips.

R: Well, thank you, sir. Do appreciate that.

C: Well that, that�s enough, and I just want to say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. I, I know you don�t smoke, but what do you do that�s, well, I�m a honorable Christian man, sold out 100% to Papa God, Baby Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, so I just want to give a shout out to Jimmy Bob and Glen Bob and Bill Bob, and that�s a little joke. All right.

R: Okay. Thank you.

C: RayRay? You have a good one, keep your head up. If you know, if you, everybody likes you, RayRay, somethin� be wrong! You would have to be, well, a snake. And you ain�t a snake, you�re a very honorable man, and I just want to let you know that, and I sure appreciate you. God bless you.

R: Well thank you. All right, God bless you.

C: Over and out.

R: Okay, thank you. Okay, let�s see. We�ll go to 281.

C: Well, we made it!

R: 281, you�re on!

C: Is that you? Is that, that�s me! Hey, Ray, how are you doin�, bro?

R: Hey! Yeah, that�s you!

C: That�s me!

R: That�s right.

C: That�s absolutely me! Yeah, I looked in the mirror and it looked just like me.

R: Did you like what you saw?

C: Hey, I mean absolutely looked just like Jesus, talked just like Jesus, walked just like Jesus, loved just like Jesus. It�s that time of the year, man!

R: Hey.

C: And...

R: It�s His birthday!

C: ...we just...absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we�re just in great expectation with this, and we appreciate all of what you guys are doin� and, and you know, what you�re reporting. You know, the good, the good point or the good book is this is that God is perfecting everything that concerns us, and we know that there is the appointed time and the set time, and we believe that we gonna see that before the end of the year, so just be encouraged everybody and rejoice, count it all joy, and give thanks. Amen?

R: All right! Amen!

C: So, awesome, brother. Well listen, Merry Christmas to you and all the mods. Pam, don�t spend too much money yet! And y�all have, y�all have a great holiday. God bless.

R: All right. Thank you, sir. God bless you.

C: Bye-bye now.

R: All right. Bye-bye. Okay, I�m going to Area Code 646.

C: Hey, Ray, how are you doin�?

R: 646, good afternoon. I�m fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: I am, too. I am, too, and I�m, I�m encouraged by the news and, and hopin� for a fabulous �16.

R: Yes. Very much so. Looking forward to that.

C: And, you know, if I, I don�t, I don�t, doesn�t have to be this year as long as it�s the beginning of January, everything�s gonna be sweet. So thank you for all you�ve done, and the best to all of you and your crew. And...

R: Okay!

C: ...have a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, thank you, sir.

C: You�re welcome.

R: Okay, that takes me to 313, you�re on! Good afternoon!

C: Good afternoon, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: How are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, thank you. How �bout yourself?

C: I am superfantastic. And I�ve been watching the CBI website for months now, and I notice that they always put the date at the bottom Monday through Friday. On the weekends they leave it the same. But I noticed today they did not change the date.

R: Uh-hmmm.

C: What do you think about that?

R: Mmm, I don�t know what to think! It could be a number of things there, so, guess we�ll just have to wait and see!

C: I think they�re gonna change it...some, at some point today, maybe tonight in the middle of the night. But I believe we�re here!

R: Hey, sounds good to me! I believe we�re here, too!

C: And I want you and the entire crew to have a very Merry Christmas. And to all the callers, have a very Merry Christmas, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay. Thank you very much! Same to you. Have a good day.

C: Thank you. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, that takes me down, the next one�s 561. Good afternoon.

C: Hey, how are you doin� there, RayRen?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout....

C: Hello? All right, then. I got, me and my partner got a, had to call one of the banks there and talk to one of the, the wealth manager there, and he made an appointment with him. He didn�t say it was a scam or anything there, but he took his information down, said he�d be giving him a call soon as it happened.

R: Okay! We have quite a few people like that that...

C: Yes, sir!

R: ...their banking people have said, �We�ll call you the minute we�re ready.� That�s good to hear!

C: Yep. Yeah, it�s good. It�s not (unintelligible). Have a good one there, RayRen.

R: All right, thank you. Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! So everybody can go.

R: All right, thank you.

C: All right, then, have a good one.

R: All right. All right, that takes me to 423. 423, good afternoon! 423.

C: Bless everybody, okay?

R: 423, can you hear me? Okay, apparently 423 has something else going on. So let�s see, we�ll go to 610. Six one zero, good afternoon, you�re on.

C: Good afternoon, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: Thank you for all that you do. Best of continued success to you, your family, Tony, DC, Pam, all the mods, all the transcribers. Thank you for keeping us up to date on everything. And any word from....

R: Yes, sir.

C: Any, any word from Iraq as to what the people in Iraq are doing? Are they out in the street, are they celebrating, are they protesting? Any word as to what�s going on?

R: You know, we�re not hearing any of that. We�re not hearing celebrations, we�re not hearing protesting. You know, the TV screen is talking about economic reform, letting the citizens know that it�s coming. Lower denoms in some areas. That�s pretty much it! If there�s anything else going on over there, we�re just not getting wind of it yet.

C: Okay. All right, well thank you again for all that you do. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh. I wanna come get some North Carolina barbecue.

R: All right! Can�t wait. Thank you, sir.

C: You�re welcome.

R: Okay, bye-bye. Okay, 678, you�re on!

C: Hey, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: Can you hear me?

R: Yes, I hear you fine.

C: Hey, over on PTR they�re reportin� that Tony got arrested, is that true?

R: Well, you know how to read the news, sir. You gotta get on this call to ask me that? It�s in the news, just read. Reading is fundamental.

C: Oh, okay. Thanks, buddy.

R: Thank you. All right.

C: All right. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay! Thank you. 281. You�re on. Good afternoon.

C: Hello, Mr. Ray, this is Imaginary.

R: Well hey there! How are you?

C: I�m good. I just wanted to say hello, so.

R: You�ve gotta say something more than hello or you gonna get chewed out by the other people that know you.

C: No, it�s (inaudible).

R: They gonna say, �You got up there and all you did was just said hello?�

C: Oh, my God, that�s funny. Okay. But my question was the, one of the gentlemen that was on earlier, did I hear him say that he was with one of the groups and he thought that they had already gotten the 1-800 number? Did you remember him sayin� that?

R: I, I heard him say the different groups that he was with, and I didn�t fully make out what he said about the 800 numbers.

C: Okay.

R: I know he said he had the rates already.

C: Right.

R: I was under the impression that he was telling me that he was waiting for me to hand out the 800 numbers, so.

C: Oh, okay.

R: I don�t know, we�ll see!

C: Yeah. I just had to, you know, make sure I heard him correctly, and I was gonna say well if that�s the case, we�re pretty, we�re closer than we think! You know? If, if the groups have already gotten their numbers. But, okay, I just wanted to confirm that. And have a Merry Christmas if I don�t talk to you anymore. And tell Tony we miss him!

R: Okay!

C: And ya�ll have a Merry Christmas.

R: All right.

C: All right, talk, talk to you later. Bye.

R: Okay. Bye-bye. Okay, let me make my way down here. Hold it, board�s acting up again. One second. And let�s see, what is our time? We have, we have enough time, we�ll get another caller in. Where are we? Here we are. 772? 772, are you there?

C: Hello.

R: Hello! Greetings.

C: Yay. Yeah, I, I spoke with you on Monday, so I�ll, I�ll pass on this time. I didn�t hear anything that I wanted to ask a question about.

R: All right, sir. Thank you very much.

C: Thank you.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: That and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh.

R: All right. Great!

C: You see Gramma�s car? Where�s gramma�s car?

R: All right, let�s....

C: (Child�s voice, unintelligible.)

R: Uh-oh! Uh-oh! 8, 856, you�re on! 856?

C: No way. No way.

R: Yes, way!

C: Is that me?

R: Yes, way! That�s you!

C: Oh, thank you Jesus! It�s only been two years. Thank you, Ray! I want to thank you so very much for everything that you�ve done for...

R: Okay.

C:, for all of us, and for my mom. My mom�s in her seventies, and this has given her something attention to and keep her mind off of everything that�s goin� on. So I appreciate you and Pam and everybody. So...

R: Okay!

C: ...tell Tony that we love him and Merry Christmas to all of you guys. And we can�t wait for the tweet.

R: Hey, I can�t wait to send it out!

C: I�m sure. All right. You take care, and I am, I really, truly feel blessed to actually get to say hello this time.

R: Okay! I�m glad you got on.

C: You take care.

R: All righty. Vegas...

C: Thank you. Thank you.

R: ...Vegas, Vegas?

C: Oh, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, baby, right away!

R: Okay. Thank you.

C: All righty. Take care. Bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, that takes me to 415. 415, good afternoon.

C: Good morning. Or good afternoon, and I�m in California. It�s nice...

R: Oh, well good morning!

C: talk with you. I wanted to ask about the tweet. If you send out a tweet on Friday, if you, if this were to happen, would you maybe follow up if you could with a call on Saturday? Or would we wait...

R: Oh, (inaudible).

C: ...�til Monday? Huh?

R: Oh, no. Oh, no. We�d be rockin� and rollin� on Saturday.

C: Okay. The other thing is is that could the tweet be on the website, and would there be some notice that this has happened on your TNT Superfantastic website?

R: Yes, it would be posted there...

C: Okay. That sounds really....

R: the main section that anyone can access and look at, whether they are a member or not.

C: Fantastic.

R: And of course, the tweet will go out, and it could even be a call Friday night!

C: Okay.

R: Instead of Sat....

C: Okay, well on, my computer will be checking in. And the other thing is that I thought before, I mean before we were able to get a copy or look at the transcript on the TNT website, and I haven�t been able to find that. I, there�s a recording of the, you know, that you could listen to, and then there�s kind of a partial transcript that is shown on the other website, dinar blog or what, whichever one that is, but do you have that anymore? Where zebragirl and whatever put their word by word...on the website?

R: Gee. Our transcript is, when you go to, you have to go to, to that page, second, I typed in the wrong thing.

C: Again, I want to just tell you how much I admire you learning how to do all that technical stuff.

R: Well, I, I guess....

C: It, it helps when you learn new things! It�s supposed to help keep away Alzheimers, so.

R: Hey!

C: Think you�ll be sharp until whenever you decide you wanna leave.

R: Okay. Let�s see. Now, when you go to the home page,, and then at the bottom it says �TNT Call Info.�

C: Yeah.

R: You click on that link, and it�s going to show all the dial-in numbers for the call.

C: Right.

R: And right now it�s not showing the transcript because it�s going to show the transcript for, oh wait a minute! It�s missing 12/21! Okay. Yeah, it was....

C: Yeah.

R: I was expecting it to be there. Now that�s where you would find it, but I guess I�ll have to look into why 12/21 isn�t there.

C: Okay. I just wanted to give that feedback, I mean, you know, I mean I can get enough from when I listen to the call and whatever, but I just kind of liked that more word for word sometime, too. Although I think some things could be edited, like on today�s call. But anyway, thank you so much, and I wish everyone very happy holidays, people on the call involved in all of this as well as you. It really, really is, it, it�s very valuable to have a real voice and connect with you. You have a heart, and I, I love that, so thank you so much.

R: Okay. Thank you.

C: Okay, bye-bye.

R: Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Oh, I�m sorry! Yes, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, of course!

R: Okay.

C: Okay, bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. 718. Greetings.

C: Hello?

R: Hello.

C: Hello?

R: Hi. Hi! Hello?

C: How are you?

R: I�m fantabulous.

C: Can you hear me?

R: How �bout you? Yes, I hear you very well.

C: Oh. I�m not bein� rude, I just want to ask a question. This is altogether different. I�m sure it�s other people on here also feel like that and it�s got nothin� to do with 404, but why is it you have people that hang on this line for years that want to talk to you and it�s, 404 get on every day sometime twice a day. That�s not really fair, because we all par, participating in the same thing.

R: Well, this, this particular phone system that we use will let you dial in pretty much anytime you want to dial in. And so some of these people dial in one hour before the call, two hours before the call. Some have been up here three or four hours before the call even starts.

C: So do I! Now, I�m gonna tell you...

R: Hanging on the line!

C: ...I just put my hand up now because I wanted to ask a question after 404 got on. But I usually get on, I�m in New York...

R: Okay.

C: ...and I usually get on very early. I usually call �round about twenty minutes to twelve here, which I don�t know what time that is where you are. I�m not bein� rude, I have nothin� against her...

R: No, we�re in the same....

C: ...because I�m a Christian lady, but I�m just asking a question. To me I don�t think that�s fair...

R: Well twenty minutes to twelve is only....

C: ...that how, she get a chance to speak all the time and we don�t get a chance to speak!

R: Well, ma�am, I start right at the top of the list and I just came straight down. I don�t scan up and down, it....

C: But it�s all so funny how she�s always on the list.

R: Well, there�s one or two that�s always in front of her!

C: This is what I�m sayin�. I�m always on there, too. I call every day. I call every day.

R: Okay, well...

C: And neither here nor there. I wish you a Happy Holiday, but I just wanted to ask, I�m not upset, I just wanted to know the question.

R: ...wait, wait a minute, though. You can�t have it your way. You asked a question. I�m tryin� to answer it for you!

C: Okay. I�m sorry.

R: You didn�t, you didn�t get on earlier enough to get in front of the other ones. You said so yourself, you got on at twenty minutes to twelve. Well, there�s people been on this call since ten o�clock hanging on for a one o�clock call.

C: Well, see, to...

R: They�ve been waiting for three hours, ma�am.

C: ...what I�m telling you, that�s, that....

R: So, you didn�t beat them.

C: What�s your time? Because this is what I�m sayin�, my time, you have to remember. I�m in New York!

R: We�re on the same time. Well, I�m in North Carolina, so we�re in the same time zone. If you got on at twenty minutes to twelve, that�s only an hour and twenty minutes before the call. There�s been people that was already up here two hours before that just on the line.

C: Okay, well I�m sure I tried plenty of time. Like I said, today, yes I did. I just put my hand up late. Now that I will accept.

R: Okay.

C: But I�m on the call plenty of times early. And like I said, I�m not upset because I love everything that you�re doing for us.

R: Okay.

C: I�ve been in this thing for six years myself, so, and I do wished a lot of happiness and hope we hurry and get through this.

R: Yes.

C: That�s the only thing I�m sayin�. I just wanted to ask that question. It�s got nothin� to do against her because I don�t know her per se.

R: Uh-huh. Okay.

C: But it just seemed like it�s favoritism when it come around to the call.

R: Well, there is no favoritism.

C: Okay. And...

R: So you can (unintelligible) that from your mind.

C: ...I was really gonna ask you, like the Bible, I was gonna say to you, what must I do? You remember when the man asked in the Bible, �What must I do to be saved?� I was gonna say, �What must I do to get on the call?�

R: Do what you did. Just get in line, put your hand up, and wait your time. And lo and behold, here we are! It�s your time, your turn.

C: Okay, I thank you, and I thank....

R: And you use it for that (unintelligible) to use it for. Yes, ma�am.

C: I thank you very much.

R: You�re welcome.

C: Uh-huh. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Well, no, because I�m a, I, I can�t get around that well.

R: Okay.

C: In fact, I should�ve been asking you would my husband, my son be able to, when they do RV, turn my things in for me because I don�t walk that well, and I have a stenosis of the back.

R: Oh, sure. You can, you can have that (inaudible).

C: But everything is done in my name.

R: Uh-huh. But you can still, just want him to exchange for you, you can get that done. If you need to do a Power of Attorney, you can do that, and there�s a number of ways you can get that done. Just go ahead and check with the bank ahead of time if you already have a designated location. And if you don�t at that particular time when it comes to make your appointment, you just let them know you physically cannot be there, you�re going to send someone else and they�ll let you know what documentation they will need...

C: Okay.

R: process it.

C: I thank you. And I�m not really a hateful person, so I don�t want them to take my call the wrong way.

R: Yes, ma�am. Okay.

C: Okay, thank you.

R: You�re welcome. Bye-bye.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Okay, that�s going to take me, let�s see, next one right in, in line, 772. Good afternoon!

C: Is that me?

R: That is you! Hey!

C: Oh, my goodness. I�ll take my speaker off.

R: Okay.

C: RayRen, I�m blown away �cause I didn�t expect to get on. This is my first time calling, from South Florida, and I listen a lot and I am so appreciative of what you and Tony and Pam and everybody has done. And so I wanted to try to get on today, like 404, this could be the last call, just to tell you how much it meant to me and all of my friends and people, they rely on me. And just wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope this is the last call. Give Tony and DC and them our love and tell them that they�re in our prayers and our hearts. And hope that we all have the best Christmas ever. Happy New Year, and I want to see you all in Vegas! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Okay! All right, thank you.

C: Merry Christmas, and God bless you.

R: Thank you.

C: Bye.

R: Bye-bye. 951, good afternoon. 941.

C: Oh! Is that me?

R: That is you!

C: Oh, hey! Okay, I wasn�t expecting, I wasn�t expecting to get on! I (inaudible) the, I just raised my hand a few minutes ago, so.

R: You know, I didn�t think I would get all the way down to you, but....

C: Yeah.

R: Now you said you just raised your hand a few minutes ago. I guess, I don�t understand how this system works, but you�re, you�re the next in line, so I...

C: Okay. Great.

R: ...but I see where some have been on a long time, some have been on a short time, but I guess it depends on when you raise your hand. But (inaudible).

C: Yeah, I�ve been on the call for a while, and I just recently raised my hand and everything. You totally caught me off guard, so.

R: Okay. Okay! Well that makes a difference!

C: Anyway.

R: Yes, sir!

C: Yeah. I, I, I was just sittin� here thinking, you know, it�s like if the private sector has already exchanged, what�s the problem with gettin� the public sector to exchange?

R: Well, see, it�s, it�s timing! We don�t know that the private sector is finished. We only know what we hear when we hear it, and so we don�t know the time frame of the, the private sector only needs two or three days, two or three weeks. I don�t know how big the private sector is, so we just report to you what, what we hear, what little bit we can get. We say, �Hey, this is what we�re hearing, this is what�s taking place, or this is what is supposed to be taking place.� But it�s still gonna be a waiting game for us because there�s...there�s no definitive time on, on such and such time, such and such day it�ll be the public. Now, someone may know that answer, but we don�t. So we just patiently wait!

C: So what�s the difference between private...what�s the difference between the private and the public then?

R: Well, I�ll tell you one difference is the rate.

C: Yeah.

R: There�s a difference in, in the rates! Because some of these groups had preplanned and pre-agreed on certain things, and now when it�s time for them to get processed, they get processed based on what they had agreed to previously, not based on what may now be the new reality. So that�s one difference that I learned in the rates.

C: Okay. I, I was just wondering, you know. Like I said, well what�s the difference between the private and the public and, you know, why has the private gone and the public hasn�t and stuff. I was just wondering what the difference was with everything, you know, so, but. All right, well great! Thank you. You have a Merry Christmas, and let�s hope this thing happens!

R: Okay! Oh, it�s going to happen. You mean let�s hope it happens today, right?

C: Exactly, yeah. Exactly, yeah. Let me clarify that. Let�s hope this happens...

R: Yeah.

C: ...let�s hope this happens soon.

R: Yeah, like today!

C: And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Huh? Yeah, like today, yes.

R: Yeah, like today! Let�s hope it happens today! But, and I�ll go with soon, too. All right, thank you, sir. Okay, ladies and gents, you know we, there�s a lot of anticipation. We, we really, we, everybody wants this, we want it, we want it, we want it. I have constantly asked you are you ready, are you ready, are you ready? Now I need to modify that question just a little bit because of the time of the year and where we are and things that we have to take into consideration. The, the bigger question now is are you ready to wait a little while longer after it is released? Because that may become a financial maneuver for you, for some of us to, and we�ve waited this long for it to become a reality, but now due to timing, logistics, end of the year, end of the quarter, we might be better served to wait just a little while longer even though it�s alive. But instead of running down to the bank, let�s take our time and walk down there a few days later or a week or two later. It could make all the difference thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars. Or it could make all the difference between ten thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars. Work the numbers. Always work the numbers before you work your emotions. Let the math be your guide. And if you�re not sure how to do the math, then get a little money if you need to to pay someone else to do the math for you. Let the math be your guide instead of your heart. Because when we move from the heart, our back pocket feels it. But when we move from the head, our back pocket feels that also, but feels it in a positive manner. And the more your back pocket fills up--of course I�m talkin� to the guys, that�s where we carry our wallets--the more your back pocket fills up, the better your heart feels! So try that out from now on. Let the numbers dictate your actions instead of your emotions. Because emotions are gonna come from the heart; the numbers are gonna come from the head. Think plan. Plan you work; work your plan!

I think we said just about everything that we could possibly share with you on, on getting ready for this, this, this opportunity, this blessing, whatever a lot of us phrase it. We�re tryin� to prepare you mentally. Some of you have even tried to physically prepare yourselves by getting entities in place if that were the appropriate thing to do. Now we�re approaching the end of the year. We�re in the season. We�re in two seasons right now. We�re ready to walk in our season, but at the same time we�re walking in His season, the reason for the season. So with that being said we want to acknowledge all of those who have any type of a holiday to be celebrating, whether it be Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year�s, so we put all them in one basket when we say Happy Holidays to you from the TNT Staff, from the Family members--Tony, myself, Pam, Winston, all of, all of the mods, the transcribers, the supporters, the, the chat room mods who mod for a day. I forget what they�re officially called, temporary mods or mods for the day. You, you know the titles, you all know who I�m referring to. We wanted to say thank you to everyone who had something to do with us being here this year as we approach the close of the year. Still a few more days to go, but hopefully this will be the last call that we can be on this side of that that we�re looking for. But if that is not yet the case, then so be it, we will be on the other side! But having said all that and knowing that--yeah, the guest mods, thank you, someone, I just saw that pop up. David, thank you David. Guest mods. But anyway, we wanted to say for those who celebrate all of the different holidays, Happy Holidays. But for those of you, more particularly, who celebrate His birth, which is what we call the reason for the season, I�m gonna say to you Merry Christmas.

TNT Conference Call 12.21.15

R: Okay, good afternoon TNT Superfantastic Family! What is today? Monday, December 21, 2015, four days shy of Christmas, and here we are approaching the end of, of this year. Didn�t think we�d be here in December. Definitely didn�t think we would be here December the 21st, but it is what it is! So let�s just address what information we have, what little bit we know, and then we can ponder on that that we do not know to see what is yet to unfold before us. So just starting with a little bit of intel gathered this morning. You know, our intel guys, they pretty much, they�re serious about their weekends. They take the weekend, they take the weekend! Unless something big happens, they pretty much say, �Hey, we�ll talk about it on Monday.� And that�s what we�ve been doing, talking about it on Monday, getting updated. Some of the information is still a little hard to come by, if you will, due to it being suppressed, and that�s to be expected. You know, we�re at any minute, any hour, and any day. We were there pretty much all of last week with some good expectations, and here we are right here on Monday. Same scenario--any minute, any hour, any day--because we can�t really put our finger on it, but we know that progress is being made in the interim, and that�s the part that�s good for us. I was gonna say that�s the part that�s exciting. All of it is exciting, but that should be the part that should be good for you, too, just to know that progress is being made.

Now, progress over the weekend, we got indications from, from members, the, the average currency holder person, sharing reports of what�s been going on with them on the weekend. One, let me see, one shared that his bank was fully staffed on, on Sunday and they, they had even talked to him from within and let them, let him know that they were fully staffed on Sunday. For what purpose? Well, we don�t really know, we just know that they were there expecting something possibly. Use your own imagination. That�s all that was shared. And then we, we learned of another bank, so at least two that came to us by way of people, that there was some employees working. Now, open to the general public? No, but they were there! So if they were not open to the general public, why were they there? Why, why was it staffed? We could ask these questions, and in due time, time will tell all, but that leads us to some good expectations. �Cause if they�re expecting it and they�re getting ready for any moment, any hour, any day, then so should we.

Now we�re learning that the expectation is for this week. They�re hearing different, different scenarios. Some of the banking people are saying, �I�ve heard Monday/Tuesday, then I�ve heard Tuesday/Wednesday. I hear some saying end of the month.� Who really knows? Well, they don�t really know for sure, they�re just giving their best guess and they�re being prepared, showing up to work on Sunday on a day with the bank is normally closed. That speaks volumes to me that staff is there. Now, we learned of memos that went out to, to the different sets of banks. Waiting to get more detailed information on what those memos actually said. Trying to actually get my hands on, on a copy of one if possible, or at least the actual verbiage. But, but from what we were told in a roundabout way, it just mentioned they�re expecting some live rates that they can actually exchange on to happen before Christmas. So that�s their expectation from some of those memos that are floating around. And we�re waiting to actually try to see one to know exactly if that�s what it�s saying, but at least that�s what I�m being told, and for right now I�m gonna tell you what I�m hearing and then you decide. We�re just sharing the information. And when we, when we talk about rates, I have some folks that can�t see the rates because they�re saying, �Things are being reset, we can�t access them.� Then we have other high-level banking people that can still see the rates and are pretty much saying, �It�s, it�s pretty much the same, what you�ve been hearing.� They�re still seeing that, so those, whatever rates that have been floating around, banking people are still seeing those rates. We don�t know of anyone who actually exchanged on those rates. And then there�s even a debate, if you will, on if the rates are real and true rates or if they are placeholder rates. Now I�ve had some banking people that said these are placeholder rates, then I�ve had some banking people that said no they�re not. Here again, time will tell, and we shall see! But for right now, for the moment, the rates that we�ve been hearing about last week and probably over the weekend are pretty much what some of the banking people are seeing because they�ve communicated the same thing to me.

Most of this information really is banking information. We, we have some that were being told to expect a rush, if you will, on volume of customers this week still. See, they�re still talking this week! They�re planning, telling, telling their staff, �Be ready for a rush.� What would be a reason that there would be a rush on the bank right here before Christmas if most of the folks are already broke? What are they gonna rush to the bank for? Hmm. Hmm. Just a thought! Now, when you get there, again we want to tell you, be ready! Be ready to negotiate anything and everything. Don�t take anything for granted. Don�t assume. You know what happens when you assume. But that�s not gonna include me! But you know what they say when you assume. It�ll just be you and you, it won�t be you and me. So don�t assume anything! You know we�ve even, receiving some information now where some people are getting �some bank perks� even now before they exchange! That was interesting to learn that, so could that be a trend? I don�t know. But I know wheeling and dealing has been around ever since the beginning of time, so don�t be surprised if you can go in and wheel and deal while you�re doing your transactions. I, I would go in with the, with the mentality of take no prisoners, and you just go in and ask for what you want, and ask for it with a, a fixed and steady purpose of getting it! Don�t just be meek and mild and say, �Can, can I, can I get....� Well, �This is what I would like to have, or this is what I�m expecting.� Speak with that type terminology. And of course, be, be professional in, in your mannerisms, in your conversations, and they�re going to be professional with you, and they�re going to treat you with the utmost respect. We want to do them the exact same way. You go in to handle your business, take care of business, and just let them know what you want. You know that old saying, �Ask not, receive not.� So if you don�t ask for it, don�t go in expecting them to just hand it to you on the silver platter. The bank is in business, and what do all business owners subscribe to? The bottom line. What is the bottom line? Profits. So they�re in, they�re still gonna be looking to make things profitable, so there�s something that you may get from them that if you don�t ask, you won�t get it.

And now let me (unintelligible) that just for a quick, went Christmas shopping this, this weekend and just bought one item, �cause you know we have to work within our budget. But when the, when the sales associate gave me the price, now, see this was me just being me, being the, you know, the fun-loving me. I said, �Oh, no, that�s too much, that�s not within my budget. I need that to come down some.� Do you know she turned around and went to the cash register, scanned something with her scanner and came back and gave me a price ten, twelve dollars lower than the initial price that she gave me. I was shocked for a second, but then I thought about it, I said, �Well, hey that�s business! If you don�t ask for it, you don�t get it!� �Cause she didn�t volunteer that discount and say, �Well, you know Ray, you, you can get, let me, let me give you this discount, too.� We were, we, and we discussed sale prices, you know, the whole nine yards. When she gave me the numbers and I said, �Oh, no, that�s, that�s, that�s out of my budget. I need this to be lower.� I was expecting her to say, �Well, I�m sorry, sir, you know, this is it!� She just said, �Oh, okay.� Went back to the register, picked up her scanner, pull, pulled some papers out on the side and started scanning some barcodes and bam! There we go! Knocked off some dollars. Ask not, receive not. Do the same thing when you�re going to do your banking transactions. Don�t take anything for granted. Negotiate. Negotiate, negotiate.

Now, as far as Iraq, you know, we can only get one real good bit of information out of Iraq, and that is they said, �We�re all done. We�re done, we�re done, we�re done. Don�t ask us anymore questions, we�re done.� That�s what we�re getting. They�re waiting. Now, what are you waiting for? We, we can�t find that out yet, but they�re saying, �We�re done. We�ve done everything, now we�re just waiting for this to finish going through.� The lower denoms, yes, they�re still out in sporadic areas. Citizens are still considering them worthless. Same things that we talked about last week, we�re goin� into the first of this week. That�s pretty much the same. I think the biggest thing really is the banking guys, they�re looking for this to unfold, and they�re getting supposed memos, and I can�t wait to see one, and hear what they discussed in their meetings this morning because, you know, they have meetings on Monday when they first get to work, and some of them were told to come in at a steady, at a fixed time that they don�t normally come in. All of these things put all of this into, into the, the basket and shake it all up and what do you have? Progress. Progress and an RV coming, and yes, right now the, the banking industry is still looking for this to happen before Christmas. The information we had received in the past, that they want to get it done before Christmas, so Christmas being on Friday and today is only Monday...we still have a few more days yet to go, want to see what happens, and we�ll just take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. And I believe that�s it as far as intel that I have to share with you. I have two other folks, two other good sources that didn�t report in yet to me, so I�ll probably hear from them when we conclude today�s call. And if it�s something of real importance, I�ll tweet it out and tell you, �Oh, add this to today�s information.� And if not, we�ll carry it on over into the next call should we have need to have one on Wednesday, or maybe not! Time will tell. So I report, you decide.

With that being said, I will take a few questions, if there should be any, and focus on being prepared, folks. Let�s focus on being ready. There�s not a whole lot we can do about when this is going to be publicly released to all of us. Sure there�s gonna probably be some references of some private exchanging taking place, you heard some of that last week. I�m pretty sure you�ll probably hear it this week, but there�s really nothing we can do about that other than feel good for those who, who made it through, knowing the rest of us are coming. But let�s focus on things that we can do something about. We can do a whole lot about being prepared and being ready, and so let�s let those things be our priority until that day when the call comes. There�s still an expectation for 800 numbers to come out. We�re hearing different people saying that. I�ve not heard anything contrary, so I�m going to be highly expecting it as well just like everyone else, 800 numbers will come out, but if they don�t come out do you know what to do? Do you have your charging orders already established that if there�s no presentation of 800 numbers, what number are you going to call? What location will you go to? Hopefully you�ve already done that homework and discovered and learned which banks in my area deal with foreign currencies and which ones don�t, which ones will verify the currency on the spot and which ones will ship it off somewhere. You should already know those things so that when it�s time to roll, you won�t be one of the ones that say, �Okay, what, what do I do now?� Get your checklist out and make sure that you have your house in order. All right! I have a few folks that want to talk to us, so we�ll, let�s entertain one to two questions or comments and see where we go. All right, let�s see now, who did I just...well, I lost that one. Let me go to this one. 717. Good afternoon.

C: Hey, is that me?

R: Hey! How are you?

C: I�m good! How are you, Ray?

R: I�m fantabulous today.

C: Fantabulous, right?

R: To the nth degree.

C: Thanks for picking the mantle there. I miss you, Pam, Tony, and DC, and wanted to say thank you and Merry Christmas to all the intel team and the elder state, statesman. I just had one question, pretty much. I guess it was a month or so ago we were told that everyone had to sign an NDA regardless of whether we took the contract rate or not. Is that still in effect?

R: Not to my knowledge it is not.

C: Okay. All right, �cause that....

R: It has always been my understanding that the NDA was for contract rate signing only. Now, I remember at one point we did hear that, but then that, that went away.

C: Oh, good. I�m glad, very glad to hear that. So that leads into, because that would�ve played, if it would�ve been contract rate or not, we would�ve rushed in to get the contract rate. But we aren�t necessarily wanting that, so if you were me, would you wait for January 1 then to exchange because of having the extra time to work out taxes and all that stuff?

R: In a heartbeat.

C: Okay. All right.

R: Now the only, the only thing that would make me change my mind, being in that situation, are, are the rates.

C: Okay.

R: Because if the currency is rate sensitive, then I may have to make a move before January. Especially dinar, because we�re looking for dinar to do something. We�re looking for it to climb. So I don�t think I�ll have the, the luxury of waiting until January for the dinar because if it comes out this week live, it�s going to play up and down in the market, and I intend to ride that market activity. So...

C: Right.

R: ...we may have to move on that one before January. But the other currencies that don�t look like they�re going anywhere? You know, if, if they come out at one dollar now and if every indication that particular currency�s going to still be one dollar January the 2nd, then I�m going to wait until January the 2nd to move on that one.

C: Okay.

R: Or it might be also some of the other currencies, remember we talked about leveraging your currencies. So...

C: Yes.

R: ...or turning over your currencies so that one dollar currency that I would wait �til January, but if I go ahead and turn it over now and move on dinar and then grab dinar when it climbs up three or four dollars, now I�ve made myself an extra five, six million dollars in the process? I would do that and not wait until January because I�m turning over the currency. But if I�m just exchanging it just so I can have some money? Oh, I�ll wait to January 2nd for that.

C: Right. Okay, that, that was our plan originally, and we�re probably going to stick with that. It�s gonna be a little madhouse, everybody trying to get in there right away, so, and I think we have enough to, to take care of our future. So I appreciate that very much, and thank you so much again.

R: Okay. Thank you. Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yes! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh.

R: Raleigh, rah, okay! Great!

C: All right!

R: Thank you.

C: Yep, bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. All right, 903, you�re on. Good afternoon, 903. 903. One more time for good measure, 903. All right. I�ll go to 313. 313.

C: Hi, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: How are you?

R: I am fantabulous to the nth degree! How �bout you?

C: I am superfantastic.

R: Great!

C: Well, you answered all my questions, and it looks like it could happen before Christmas.

R: Yes, ma�am!

C: And that would be (inaudible). So I�m just, you know, waiting.

R: Okay.

C: And you have a very Merry Christmas.

R: Well, thank you very much! And you do the same.

C: Thank you.

R: Okay. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay, thank you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. That takes me to, let�s go to Chicago. I started to say that other word with the, the movie. 312, hey there!

C: Good afternoon TNT, RayRen98!

R: What is going on? How in the world did you wind up to be next in line? Girl, I�ll tell you, hey, if you know how to work it, you just work it!

C: Sometimes you just gotta work it!

R: Uh-huh. And I, and I would be wrong to skip over you just because I know it�s you. You were next in line, so hey, it�s your time, it�s your time!

C: Oh, you would be so wrong for that!

R: That�s right.

C: There�s no (inaudible) in that! Oh, my goodness, well, it�s good that we still may get it before Christmas, �cause that will surprise all my family �cause they know I�m unemployed and broke as glass, and if I came up with Christmas gifts, they�d be thoroughly surprised!

R: Hey!

C: It would be a good surprise. Well, my question is about the placeholders. I�ve heard you say that several times, and I have a inkling what a placeholder is, but when the rate becomes live, what do you, will the rate be higher or, or lower than the placeholders? Are they semi-accurate or just some number thrown in there?

R: Well, that�s a good question because, you know, look at the rates that you�re hearing now that you�re hearing other folks putting out there, what they�re seeing. Those are extremely high rates!

C: Right.

R: Could they be justified? I don�t know! You know, at one time we were told if the dollar is down, extremely down, then look for the rates to be high. Well, our dollar is not down, not by any means. Not, not the last I heard it wasn�t. But we have some extremely high rates that people are, are seeing and sharing. Makes you raise an eyebrow, say hmmm, I don�t know! Time will tell!

C: Things that make you go hmmm.

R: Hmmm. That�s right.

C: So have you actually talked to any of the bankers about the placeholder rate? Did they know what it was or...

R: Oh, no, they don�t know.

C: ...what place it was holding?

R: They just...

C: Okay.

R: know, we just received it from them from someone said, �Well, these are placeholder rates until, until this thing goes fully live.� And then you have some banking people that are saying, �No, those are not placeholder rates.� So how does one really know? We won�t really know until you�re sitting across that desk and they say, �Okay, 312, the rate I�m seeing on the screen is seventy-five hundred dollars per dollar, so I�m going to give you seventy-five hundred dollars per dollar. Then you�ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt what was real and what wasn�t.

C: Right. Right. Okay, I was just wonderin� about that. Like I say, I�ve heard that term, and I know what a placeholder is, but do you think the private exchanges, are they exchanging with the placeholder rates, or is it something else?

R: Well, now you know some of the private exchanges that you�ve heard, shared with you lower rates than that, and you, I�m pretty sure you�ve heard that because we�ve had people that come on the other call and say, �I exchanged.� And they even told us...

C: Right.

R: ...what they received for certain currencies, which were lower than what we�re hearing, but that was, you know, a month ago. And for one guy it was almost two months ago, so, you know, in thirty days, a lot can change in that time frame. But those were the, were the rates that were shared at that particular time. Just the other Saturday we, you know, we had some Canadian folks that, that shared rates that they received for the dong and what they were supposed to have been receiving for Zim at that particular time. Then you�re hearing all these other rates that are being put out there, and just take it all and mix it in and...put your puzzle together and just work with it. But I think most of us, if we just plan on all of the bare-minimum rates that we have been hearing over the many months and many years, if you plan on the minimum rates and build your financial projections from that level, anything else is going to be icing on the cake.

C: Right, �cause you�re building up.

R: That�s right.

C: Okay. Uh-huh. Well, very good, very good, sir. I do appreciate you bein� in this spot, and where is Miss Already Blessed today? Is she okay? She just gonna put us down forever?

R: Well, you know what? She was sounding good earlier today. I know she�s....

C: You said she�d call me back. You gotta get your own.

R: Look, I know she�s healthy!

C: That�s all right, we still lovin� her.

R: But we did, we didn�t have one of those, okay-what-you-gonna-do-today-type conversations, I just took it for granted that she�d be here. But, but like I was telling a caller the other, over the weekend we were talking and I said, you know, Pam�s used to me being a, a one-man band, and so sometimes she�s kinda trying to fit her way into how I do thing, which is totally different than the way Tony did things. And, and then I...

C: Yeah.

R: ...I learned some of that after the fact. And then, you know, you have those conversations like, �Well, you should�ve just come on in, or you should�ve,� you know, so she�s still trying to feel her way with me because see how I�m swinging right now and just kick right off and, what, what used to take two of us to, to do, and sometimes three of us to, to set all this stuff up and roll with it and, you know, I�m kickin� it in, say, �Hey, guys, stand by, I�m gonna do this, hold on just a second.� So we have a little, little ripple there, but I�m getting it done, and so, you know, I�m used to being a one-man band. So I told her, I said, �Well you just come and just hang out if you want to,� and, you know, �cause she wants some time off and she�s, so I�m givin� her a break. But then again, you don�t know. She may pop in here in the next minute and say, �I resent that!� You know how you women are. But anyway.

C: Not to, what, what you was sayin�, she resemble that remark.

R: Well, that�s right, a lot of people like to use that word.

C: Right. All right, sir, well thank you very much. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and I�ll see you around the town.

R: All right.

C: Thank you.

R: Okay. Stay warm.

C: Oh, yeah.

R: All right. Let me move on. I�m goin� on down here to where, 512, good afternoon! What�s on your mind?

C: 512, good morning, Ray. How are you doin�?

R: Hey! I am fantabulous to the nth degree. How �bout you?

C: I�m doin� superfantastic. I had a little question for you about the currency auctions. Have they completely stopped in Iraq?

R: You know, I have not checked on that. Seems like there was, I remember receiving information that they were going to cease doing those on the 22nd of December, which would be tomorrow, and have not checked on it to see if it�s been ongoing or not.

C: Is that gonna be a complete determination whether the RV goes off or not? Or is that, have nothing to do with it? Or...

R: I don�t think so. But I, I don�t have any concrete information indicating yay or nay on that. But just a feeling, the gut feeling from other things that I�ve heard and I�m, I was, I don�t think so.

C: Well that�s good to hear. Well that�s all my questions today. I�ll make it short and sweet. Everybody from Georgetown and Round Rock says hi, and you have a Merry Christmas.

R: Georgetown.

C: And hopefully we�ll be seein� you at the bank on Wednesday.

R: Okay, Merry Christmas to you. Yeah, that�s right! Why, why put off for Wednesday what we can do on Tuesday, right?

C: Or today!

R: Okay. Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Same to you.

R: All right, thank you, sir. Okay, let�s go down south where it�s nice and warm. Let�s see, who am I picking up here? 954, what�s happening? Good afternoon.

C: Good afternoon! It is nice and warm.

R: Yes, where you are.

C: Hello? Just a quick question, and you�ve provided a tremendous amount of information today. Thank you. Any changes on caps or taxes? And there has been, you know, varying information on numerous blogs, that�s why I�m asking for your input.

R: Okay. Okay, I�ve heard nothing on caps, so it�s status quo as far as I�m concerned. It�s the same that it, that it always has been. And I�ve heard nothing officially on taxes. So our position here at TNT has always been set aside 50%. For those who don�t have any type of formal training or assistance, you set aside 50% to, to work with that deal, and then we�ll see what happens.

C: Okay! Appreciate it. Merry Christmas, and...

R: Thank you! Merry Christmas.

C: ...Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Thank you, sir. Let�s head over to two one, excuse me, 281. Hey, how are you?

C: 281, that might be me.

R: That is you!

C: (Inaudible)

R: (Inaudible) getting some bad reverb, echo. Can you clear that up? Or....

C: There�s a lot of echo in there. Is that better? [In background: I want to start with you. I just want to get at the crux of your problem.]

R: You got microphones working or walkie talkies or something?

C: [�Cause my frustration�s not with the business or the women that work there, my frustration....] That�s somebody else.

R: Oh, that�s somebody else? Well, you must have a, a bleed through. I only have one line open, and that�s yours.

C: Okay, now it�s clear.

R: Okay. You on a speakerphone?

C: No! Not at all.

R: Okay. Well let�s try it now and we�ll see can we have a, a conversation real quick. How are you?

C: There you go. I�m wonderful. How �bout you?

R: I�m fantabulous.

C: You�re doin� great?

R: Nth degree, yes, sir!

C: Awesome. Well, are we gonna have a jolly, jolly Christmas, or will are we still up in the air with this until....

R: I, I don�t really know, but I can tell you that the, the bank folks are looking forward to you having a jolly, jolly Christmas, and...

C: Well, that�s good!

R: ...I�m right along with them!

C: I�m, I�m okay with that. But, yeah, I had read a couple of bits of information, and, you know, I�m sure you guys have heard the same, you know, things and stuff, so. What was interesting was, I don�t know if this is, help anybody or not today, but I actually met a guy who is an attorney that works in Iraq and he stays in the Abadi compound. And I just kinda briefly asked him today at the coffee shop, I said, �Do you know anything about the dinar?� He goes, �Oh, yeah!� And I said, �So you believe that it�s gonna revalue?� And he said, �Well, that�s what they�re telling us, we just, I don�t know what it�s gonna be though.� I mean, so that was some really encouraging information. The guy�s a real big attorney that works over there, and he works with all of the international banks and everything else. He was telling me the whole thing. I was going, �Well, what can you tell me?� And he, of course, he wouldn�t tell me anything, but, but it was a very interesting conversation, to say the least!

R: Oh, okay!

C: But he was very aware of it, and so I hope that�s encouraging to everybody, and let�s go Jesus, let�s go RV, and let�s go to the nations.

R: Okay.

C: And get this job done, man. So Merry Christmas to everyone, blessings, and Happy New Year.

R: All right, thank you, sir. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: You�re welcome. Bali, Hawaii, Montana.

R: Hey! All right! Take care.

C: All right. Have a good one. God bless.

R: All righty. God bless you. Okay, let�s see, where am I? I�m at 770. I know that number.

C: Appreciate your taking my call...

R: Hey!

C: ...and thank you very much! It�s also 404.

R: How are you?

C: Happen to be at the 770 designation right at this point. I�m doing fine! Appreciate the call and the information that you�re sharing with us. Like what you were saying where all of your sources from Iraq were saying that we�re done, we�re done, we�re done. I happen to be one that likes to check Prime Minister Abadi�s website to see what he�s been up to, and he seems to be very busy over the last week or so. I was wondering what your sources may be telling you what he and the US Secretary of Defense talked about. There�s reference to it on the website, yet when you click on it, there�s nothing there other than the headline that they had talked. Do you know what they may have been talking about?

R: No idea at this present time.

C: Okay.

R: So, we�re in the same boat!

C: Okay. Indeed. And speaking of done, done, done, you were saying that the banks are wanting to get this done by Christmas. The done, the definition of done, is that strictly just the activation, or how many folks are they hoping to have through, meaning done, by Christmas? Are they (inaudible)....

R: Now, that�s not a message coming from the banks as far as getting it done. The message that I�m picking up from the banks is, �We�re expecting it by Christmas.� You know, they�re telling their people to expect a rush, a large crowd of folks to show up here in the next day or two. So they�re anticipating some big activity, which we know what that�s gonna be, but not with an anticipation of it being done by any particular day. I�ve not received that information. Now, sometime back, from the different sources we were told that they want to get it processed and out of the way by Christmas, but we don�t think that�s going to happen now. I don�t think anybody up here, you know with, with some six million plus people holding the currency, it�s very doubtful that even if they threw the switch right now that it would run and be finished by Thursday evening, Christmas eve.

C: We had also heard something....

R: A bulk of it could be done, though.

C: Right.

R: Yes, you had also heard....

C: You anticipate the bank people will be working until midnight on Christmas Eve? We had heard that several days back, but now that it�s getting so close to that, do you think they may be given a reprieve and not have to work until midnight on Christmas Eve?

R: They could be. I....

C: Providing that it�s been announced.

R: I, I�ve not received that information yet from the banking people that I speak with or the ones that report to our team as far as the midnight Christmas Eve situation.

C: Oh. Okay. Okay.

R: But you know...but in the past they�ve already received information of no, no time off through the end of the year, everybody expected to work. Now why? Why do you want your full regiment of staff through the Christmas holidays working, you know, of, with the exception of Christmas day, naturally. But, because I guess they want to try to move this volume and get this revenue! Makes sense.

C: Right. Right. Well again, appreciate your filling in a little bit additional information here. May this be the day or tomorrow be the day! And thank you for taking my call. I�ll close out with Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all. Appreciate it.

R: Thank you. Merry Christmas.

C: Thanks. Take care. Bye-bye.

R: All righty. Bye-bye. Okay, I have time for some more, so let me move on down here to 707.

C: Good morning, Ray.

R: Hey.

C: Ray, do you know anything about the exchange centers where, where they�re located? In other words, I�m having difficult, the banks that I deal with here in northern California, they, they buy and sell foreign currency, but they�re still saying, you know, it�s not gonna happen or they�ll, they�ll quote me the buy or sell rates, you know, if I want to buy dong or whatever.

R: Okay.

C: But I�m just not gettin� any information on where I might be able to go once this thing opens up or, and I�m really frustrated over that. Tony had said a few weeks ago that, that San Francisco Wells Fargo was, was one of the centers. The other one he named Vegas, Reno, and so (inaudible) kinda hard to find which one to try to establish a, a relationship with.

R: Okay, now what about the ones that are, that are talking �buy and sell�? It sounds to me like they�re gonna be fully engaged in foreign currency exchanging because they�re doin� it right now!

C: Well, that�s what I would think. But then I talked to a wealth manager at that particular branch I know that, where I bought the currency, and he says that it ain�t gonna happen, you know, and....

R: Okay. Well, regardless, forget about him sayin� it ain�t gonna happen. The person we want to know is, is this branch going to be exchanging currency whether he thinks it�s going to happen or not.

C: Yeah.

R: Because, see, he�s not a decision maker, so I could say it ain�t gonna happen. Who�s gonna listen to that? I don�t make those decisions, and neither does he, so don�t listen to that! Just find out what you need to know. You don�t need to know if he thinks it�s going to happen. I don�t really care what he thinks. We just need to know is this facility going to be a facility to come and do my exchanging, because some of those very same people that said it ain�t gonna happen, guess what they�re gonna say later? �Oh,...

C: Yeah.

R: ...I was wrong. That�s what management told me.� �Cause we�re already getting that. We have members all, all this, this past week, two or three, several members have told, told me about the banking person that told them, �It ain�t gonna happen. You�re an idiot.� It�s, you know, the whole nine yards.

C: Yeah. Uh-huh.

R: And then, then months later, now here they�re, the same ones that said it ain�t gonna happen are calling them, �Hey, you still holding that currency? Come on in and let�s talk about it.�

C: Yeah.

R: And then they go in and then they talk, and then this person how is 180 degrees opposition direction. �Oh, we�re gonna be able to do this for you. And at, at the right time. Not yet.� See, now they�re sayin� not yet. Before they were sayin� it ain�t gonna happen. So you were just talking to a person who hasn�t been informed yet that this is what his bank is gonna be doing! When that time comes either he�s going to say, �Oh, you know what? We�re doing it now.� Or, �This is where you need to go.� He�s going to send you to the appropriate facility that will handle it if, if his facility doesn�t.

C: Right. All right, so I just....

R: That�s my (inaudible)....

C: Yeah, this (unintelligible). I want to, it just seems so crazy that, that a bank would sit there and say that, especially if they see that you�ve got a considerable amount of currency and accounts opened to put it in at that bank. And it�s like....

R: Well, it�s (inaudible) to look at if, if that, if that branch is telling the people that work there, �Keep your mouth closed about the currency,� doesn�t make any difference how much you�re holding. They�re not gonna lose their jobs on account of you!

C: Yeah.

R: So, so corporate has made that decision, and then corporate probably is saying, �Well, at the right time we�ll just flip the script and who�s gonna be mad.� Are you gonna be mad because they told you for three months we�re not doin� it, but then on exchange day you call them and, and they say, �Oh yeah, we changed, we�re doin� it now.� Are you gonna get mad and not go? Of course not!

C: Yeah (inaudible).

R: And see, that�s what they�re lookin� at! Oh, they�re gonna come anyway, so.

C: Yeah. Well, but it sure is frustrating, so.

R: So just hold on to that.

C: Oh, I�m holdin� on, but, but just tryin� to establish a relationship and get something going.

R: Uh-huh.

C: But don�t, not makin� much progress with it so far, but anyway. Thanks for your....

R: Now, you know, not let, let me, let me share this with you. Now we had a report on Friday, I believe it was Friday--I talk to so many people now--but one gentleman went to, now ABC Bank they said no. And this is the same city! Then he went to ABC Bank ten miles away in the same city, and they said yes! Hmm, how do you like that? Same bank, ten miles apart, one said no, the other one said yes. Go figure! So...

C: Different strokes for different folks.

R: ...the gentleman that�s telling you that it�s not going to happen, you call up another branch and talk to them. And it may be a few miles away, if you, if that�s the same bank that you want to deal with, and just call up another branch of the, that exact same bank and see if you get the exact same story. You might be surprised the answer you get.

C: Well, I�ll be darned. Well, I can do that, so.

R: Okay! Give it a try and come back up here and let me know what happened.

C: Okay, Ray. Thanks.

R: All right, sir. Have a good day.

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. All right.

C: And, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

R: All right, thank you, sir. All right, where are we? 646, you�re on!

C: [That�s you.] Hello. Hold on a minute.

R: All right!

C: Yes, how, how are we doing, Ray? How�s everything going?

R: I�m fantabulous. Everything�s going great.

C: That�s great, great. Okay. I hope this, personally between you, me, and the lamppost, I doubt this will be done before Christmas. I mean...

R: Okay.

C: may be done for some people, but I don�t think for the main corpus of all of us that would be possible to do. Anyway...

R: Yep. I would agree with that.

C:�s Tony doing?

R: Oh, he�s doin� great!

C: Good. Good.

R: Yeah. I talked to him this morning and woke him up.

C: And where is the, where is DC these days?

R: Let�s see, today�s Monday the 21st. I�m, I�m assuming he�s on the J-O-B. I have not talked with him today and, or none of the weekend, so I, I would assume he�s working. Doing, doing his thing.

C: How is Already Blessed doing?

R: She was doing great this morning. We didn�t really discuss being on the call at what time, because we�ve already had that discussion of, you know, �Take some time, whatever you want to do.� And, and like I was saying earlier, she, she knows I�m kind of like a, a one-man band type thing, so she says, �Ray�s got it.� So anyway.

C: Right, okay. I sent in....

R: And she�s, she�s well.

C: I sent in a donation the other day. I hope you got it. You know, you know who this is. We�ve communicated before. The brother in light.

R: Okay!

C: I send you emails periodically.

R: All right.

C: And we�re having a big event at my lodge, which I will not discuss on the phone, but I will send you an invitation to an event...

R: Do that.

C: ...that�s taking place in February, and hopefully it, it�s military related, so hopefully you guys might find your way to New York. Okay, brother. Then let�s....

R: New York, okay!

C: Yes, let�s try to get, let�s try to get the Prince Hall people doing more things for young men. Remember...

R: Hey.

C: ...the crafts builds better, better people and makes good men better. Bless you, have a wonderful Christmas, and best to your family.

R: Thank you, sir.

C: Thank you so much for your time. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and (inaudible) good stuff.

R: All right, thank you.

C: Thank you. You take care. Bye-bye now.

R: Take care. All right, bye-bye. Let�s see, I have time, think we can work in another one. Let�s see here. We have...863. Good afternoon.

C: What�d I do with the belt? Oh, I had it out? Open, if they had problems with (inaudible).

R: 863?

C: Can you look it up? I can just look, all I can look up is the total.

R: 863, you wanted to talk to us?

C: Now just a sec here.

R: All right, we had to move on. 772, hey! What�s goin� on?

C: Good morning!

R: Hey, good morning to you.

C: All right. Well, I�m really likin� the intel that you brought to us this morning. You�re, you�re, you�re gettin�, gettin� better or intel�s gettin� a little bit more flowing, but sounds better!

R: Yeah, it�s just whatever the sources, when they would open up for know, basically nothing�s really changed other than the spokesperson that, that you all are listening to. The, we get the same information from the same sources that we always have been when they open up and, and share with us. So sometimes the timing is off.

C: Yeah.

R: It�s actually daily, but tryin� to get our across-the-water stuff, and, and so some of that comes in after the call. But it�s all good.

C: Yeah, whatever it is, whatever, whatever the cause and effect, it�s, it�s better. A question. When, when you first came on today, you expressed...the, the possibility that...negotiation are going to be a, a large part of what goes on in reference to their offer could be less than what the UST is actually giving them dollars for and that it�s up to us to be able to feel that out and to prod them along or get them up to where we feel like we need to be to do the exchange. Yes?

R: Sure! And go in talking like that. You know, �Hey, I�m, I�m, I�m here to do business. I want the highest, the most, the best right out the gate. I don�t have time to play around and bounce things back and forth.� So you�re letting them know that you�re ready to talk turkey immediately. Now, that could eliminate some, some time wasting, but then again you may still have to stick to your guns and, and you know, okay, what do you have to offer?�

C: Yes.

R: �No, that�s not good enough. I, I, I want this.� And you, you�d be surprised what they may come back and say okay, �cause they don�t want you to get up and walk out. Now of course, now if you come in there wrong, they may say, �Sir, you need to leave.� So don�t go in wrong, but go in strong.

C: Yeah, well it�s, it�s, if they, like you say, it�s a negotiate that goes on. But there�s, there are realistic figures and, and then there are some that, you know, may be out of the ball park, and you have to just decide where, you know, in reality you want to be or thereabouts within X number of percentage of whatever one way or another. And, but that, that is, am I right in assuming that that is somewhat of a little bit of a change of presentation, attitude, and process?

R: Well just slightly, I would say yes because of the new information that we�re learning. You know, a year ago we had no idea of the negotiating that we could do. We thought, hey, here�s the rate, go in, get the rate, get your accounts, get your money put away, call it a day. Then we started learning of different things that were going on within the banking community that hey, if you have big enough bucks, you can demand a different type of handling or respect, if you will, than those...

C: Yes.

R: ...who don�t have the bigger bucks. And so we�re all going to be representing bigger bucks in some capacity so that you could command and receive that, that additional level of respect. Because everyone�s gonna be received with respect, or at least that�s my belief, that they�re all gonna...

C: Oh, okay.

R: ...receive everyone with respect, but there�s gonna be a little bit different level of respect based on how you handle yourself, what you are asking for, and what you bring to the table. So...

C: Yes.

R: ...for the guy that�s, that�s only bringing one million dollars may not have the same type of a conversation as the person that�s bringing ten million and so, you know, money talks at, at all categories and all types of conversations, it�s my belief, money talks; everything else takes a back seat. So...

C: Outstanding.

R:�re gonna be wanting to, to look at that. What, what are you offering? �Cause you�re demanding some things, but also what are you offering in return for that demand. So you�re...

C: Yes. Yes.

R: ...negotiating. So it�s not just us just telling the bank, �Well, what you gonna give me, what you gonna give me?� We also need to be telling the bank what we�re gonna give them in return. Now that�s how we start negotiating. Because they�re gonna want to use that money, and they�re gonna probably, you know, negotiate, �Well, you know, if you leave X amount here with, with us to work with and then we can do this and we can do that.� And we need to be receptive of that because it�s a give and take. We can�t just go in and tell the bank, �I want, I want, I want, I want, I want.� It�s what are you willing to do? But let them know I, and I provided, I�m prepared, I�m gonna leave a certain amount here to work six months, two years, whatever the case may be. Then look at what they�re offering. And if it�s (inaudible)...

C: Outstanding.

R: ...then you accept it. �Okay, I can go with that.�

C: Outstanding. So I�m, I�m really happy to see you out of the box. This is, this is some additional backup intel in reference to, you know, what, what you gave us in the beginning, but that, that kind of backup, that�s, that�s the kind of stuff I�m lookin� for, and I want you out of the box. I want you out where I can see you. And...

R: Okay.

C: ...and I think that�s great. I think it�s great. And one more question is that do, is there any other information that some of us may not have asked the question about that we need to know about this process?

R: I don�t know of anything in particular about the process itself that we have not addressed one way or another on the various calls. And those who are just collecting everything that�s being shared, because we don�t say the exact same thing every call, so there�s gonna be bits and pieces of just re-collecting all of that. But I don�t know of anything that jumps out at me to say, �Hey, you know, you�re missing this.� As we receive it, we, we share it. There�s new product that the banks are creating, so you know, just because you�re used to something being a half percent doesn�t mean you can�t walk in and get five percent immediately on the same product. And this is where we have to do a mind change and assume nothing. Nothing is as it was, because we are not where we used to be. And when you go into that session...

C: Oh. I won�t (inaudible)....

R: have to think that way and, and don�t be shocked and surprised of something that they�ve offered that you hadn�t thought about. Now, go in the forum...

C: Outstanding.

R: ...for that perks list now and review the, the different perks, because some of that�s gonna be in your negotiating. Negotiate those types of perks. Make sure that you can, if time permits you want to learn, well, which one of these perks are gonna be taxable to me? Because if it�s taxable to me, then it might not be all that great of a perk! Especially if it�s something that I didn�t really want to do anyway. I�ll give you an example. Let�s, let�s say I don�t like baseball, but one of the perks is I�ve got box seats at the stadium for games that I, I won�t even attend! So I�m gonna just give them to somebody else �cause I don�t like baseball. But then come to find out the box seats are being taxed to me! Oh, that�s a no, no! So now I have to back up and, and reassess that situation. So...

C: Yes.

R: ...go down the list of perks when, especially when you�re negotiating. But I would, I intend, I�m gonna ask, �Okay, these things that you�re going to be giving me, is this taxable to me as an income source?� And, and even though, and they may say yes on some of those, and guess what, I may be perfectly okay with that. So don�t get bent out of shape because they�re gonna be taxable because you may be perfectly okay with that. You were gonna do it anyway, so take everything at face value and line item compare. That�s what I would do.

C: Yes. One more quick....

R: And so negotiating...yes, sir.

C: Got another, another question, sort of, sorta off over in left field over here. The, the number 72 in reference to the finances, do you have a, a short rendition of that?

R: Well, I mean, the Rule of 72 is just a mathematical formula to determine how often your money doubles. But then you have to look at...

C: Yes.

R: ...what, what are you tryin� to do, what are you trying to achieve, and then that�s where the Rule of 72 just helps you pinpoint how long it takes for it to happen. So it�s just a good formula to know how, how, what rate of interest, Rule of 72 will tell you how long it will take for that money to double. If you�re getting 5% vs. 8% vs. 2%, that Rule of 72 will let you know how long it will take for that particular money at that particular rate to double. And so it helps us just plan for the future. If I know twenty years from now I want six million dollars in this particular account and that�s what I want to end up with but I only have one million dollars to start with, Rule of 72 is gonna help me pinpoint the exact rate of interest I�m going to need to achieve that goal.

C: Yes. Okay, cool. That�s, that�s short enough, that�s good enough. I can look that, I can look up the rest of it.

R: All right, sir.

C: Okay, well, man, I�m sure glad to see you out of the box! You look much better!

R: Well, thank you!

C: You�re quite a bit, all right. Thank you very much for your intel, and have a good day.

R: Okay. And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: And I�m, I�m in, I�m into Raleigh more so than Vegas, but...

R: Oh. Okay!

C: ...we�ll go where they show.

R: Hey. All right, well, maybe we�ll see each other both places!

C: Yes, sir, without a doubt.

R: All right.

C: Thank you.

R: Thank you, sir. Merry Christmas to you.

C: Yep. Yeah, Merry Christmas to you, too.

R: Okay, let�s see, 1:58. I�m gonna, think I�ll try to squeeze in one more. This�ll probably be a short call anyway, I�m assuming, for the transcribers. Just hang in there. Okay, where are we? 806. You�re last on the list for today. How are you?

C: I�m good, Ray, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous.

C: Great! Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone on the call.

R: Okay!

C: I really appreciate everything that y�all have done for all of us. �Course I�m like everyone else, I wish this was over with yesterday, but obviously we�re still here waiting.

R: Uh-huh.

C: But I do appreciate it, and I would like to give a shout out to Pam and DC and Tony and all the mods. And we wish they would come on and at least say hello to us every now and then, so, that would ease my heart a little bit and everyone else�s. But I hope everyone is well.

R: Yes. They�re all doin� pretty good.

C: Well, that�s good. I�m not tryin� to be a negative downer or anything like that, but I do have a couple of things I want to bring up to help the newbies.

R: Okay.

C: One is regarding the #wearethepeople. I don�t know if you and Pam, Tony, DC, anybody ever monitors that, but I just want to give out a warning to all the news people. Do not believe anything they see on that page, whether it be Twitter or any of the social media sites. They are changing your names, they�re changing Tony�s, Pam�s. They switch everything out to make it look real, and if they�re not really paying attention, they�re believing it. And that just hurts my heart with that. So I, I really would like to put that warning out for especially the newbies, because there�s some, some of those people that I, I see every now and then that are, you know, I can just tell they�re heartbroken. But, you know, these people are scammers and they�re liars and, you know, they make it look like it�s coming from you or Pam or Tony, and it�s not. They have to pay attention to those, how it�s typed out. Like you�re RayRen98, well, it�s RayRen89.

R: Okay.

C: Makin� it sound like it�s coming from you. Well, it�s not you. And I�m just putting out that warning. Everyone please pay attention when you�re reading that, �cause most of it�s not true. They�re just wanting to cut all of us down. So that plus my other question is any news on Sterling? Anything that we all need to know about since there�s some things that are coming out right, seems like the last couple of days that, like, caught me by surprise. But is there anything that we really need to know?

R: I�ve not heard anything on Sterling for quite some time, so I�m, if there�s any news out there going on with them, I don�t know about it yet. But since you asked now that�s gonna make me look into it because I had a little something at stake there as well, so.

C: Okay. Well you�ve got my number. If you want to talk further regarding that, just buzz me. And again everyone, have a great Christmas. Hopefully this is over with today or before Christmas. But if not I guess we�ll see you when we see you! And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, thank you very much! Merry Christmas to you.

C: Yeah, thank you.

R: Bye-bye.

C: Bye.

R: All right, ladies and gents, we�ve hit the top of the hour, we�re two minutes past, so we�re gonna wrap up this session. And thank you all for, for hangin� out with us. We are still, as I said in the beginning, any minute, any hour, any day. Could it, could it happen today? Why not?! What are the banks looking for? From my understanding and from the memos that have gone out and the conferences that they�ve had and this person talking to that person, the general consensus, they�re looking for this to still pop out this week before Christmas. Iraq said, �Hey, you know, from all information we have, it was done, everything that needed to be done over here.� It�s a timing thing. Who can put their finger on it? I don�t know. If you know who can, tell them to call me so they can let me know, because I don�t believe any of us really know the exact minute, hour, or day, so we just patiently wait. But while we wait, make sure that you�ve done everything that you can possibly do to make sure that you are ready when the time comes. Check and double check. I know a lot of you, �I�m ready, I�m ready, I�m ready.� And I�ve had one to two members, we had a currency fluctuate, they had an opportunity to just pick up about, I don�t know, seven thousand, twelve thousand dollars. They were running around like chickens with their head cut off. Flyin� up and down the highway tryin� to call me, trying to text, tryin� to get to a bank, I said, �Slow down, don�t hurt yourself! Don�t hurt yourself!� This is over seven grand! What do you think it�s gonna be when it�s millions? So even though a lot of you are sayin�, �Oh, I�m ready. I�m ready, I�m ready,� reassess the situation. Reassess your lifestyle. Reassess the changes that are going to take place in your lifestyle, some of them over time, but some of them immediately. And when you�ve assessed those things and have a plan or a set of plans for each and every situation that came up in your assessments, then I think you can say yes, I�m ready for this. For the rest of us, we have work to do, so make sure you are ready. We�ve been waiting! We�ve been waiting. We�ve been waiting. But when that day happens, make sure you�re not one of those who just falls all to pieces asking everybody else to help you because you don�t know what to do, where to go, what to do with all this money, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, because everybody else is gonna be too busy taking care of self to look back and take care of you. So you make sure you don�t become a victim of circumstance. Plan your work, and then work your plan. If there�s a need for us to reconvene today, which would sure be nice, I�ll be the first one to drop everything else that I�m gonna be doing and, and call for us to reconvene for yet another call to get some new information, the main information, if that be the case. Now any other new intel that comes to me, if it�s significant intel I�ll tweet it out to you, and I�m looking very much forward to hopefully the next call being it. This is it, ladies and gentlemen, we�ll have whatever we have for you, and it sure would be nice to knock it out before Santa arrives so that we can sit back and enjoy Christmas day wondering and pondering on when do we take our new destiny and put it in motion, before December 31 or after? The choice is yours. Thank you all for being on. Have a good day, and we will speak later.

12/18/2015 No Transcript / Pam was Served Cease and Desist orders she immediately shut up and disappeared!

TNT Conference Call 12.16.15

R: And we are up and running. Good afternoon TNT Superfantastic Family! This is Wednesday, December 16, 2015, what I normally refer to as Well-When-Are-We-Going-To-See-It Wednesday. And the question might be answered, I don�t know! Only time will tell on that. So we�re here for the intel call, the intel coming to you from TNT Superfantastic. Yours truly RayRen98 here. Going to bring the information to you, what little bit that we have. It�s been a quiet morning, and some of my, well all of my sources are what I call good sources, but two or three of the good sources have not reported yet, and getting information from across the pond is, is a struggle in and of itself. But we will give you what we have up to this moment, and then if anything new comes to us throughout the course of the day that is of a nature that you need to hear about it, I�ll send it out to you later in the form of an update. But we�ll go ahead with what we have, then we have some things we want to go over, some, some good housekeeping, if you will, for our financial future. So let�s go with the, the current intel as we, as we know it to be, as it has been given to me from the various different sources.

Well, I guess we�ll start with, I don�t know which is more important, what�s goin� on over here in the US or what�s going on over in Iraq. Let�s start over there. What�s, what�s the, what�s the word for the day? The budget has been passed that came out this morning. It�s, it�s everywhere. There�s no secret about that, so we will acknowledge that. The budget has been passed and everything is supposed to be encompassed within that budget, all the things that were questionable that some people were waiting for or looking forward to. The Kurds, those issues, political concerns, financial concerns, this budget is supposed to have it all, even the tariff situation, because we�re still waiting for official information on did the tariffs get implemented? Of course, now that this budget has been passed, it�s, it�s supposed to be implemented, if they haven�t already, and what impact that�s going to have, we�re still waiting for what, what I would call good official information regarding the tariffs. So, but we will accept that the budget has been passed effective today and we�ll see what yet comes from that as the day unfolds.

Now, let�s also talk about the, the lower denoms over there, because we shared with you sometime back that they were starting to distribute those, and we, we even shared with you that there was a plan to have them all completely distributed by the end of the year. I don�t know where they are on that track record, but we do know from listening to not only our intel sources but just regular people that are reporting to members and then those members are sharing with me what they are receiving from �regular people� over in Iraq. And, and they�re saying the lower denoms, �Yes, we see them, they�re out, but they�re worthless.� Now, we know it�s the country�s currency, so it�s not totally worthless, but we know what they mean by worthless. There�s no significant value yet. Now, to me, that�s a part of the process because if I�m going to throw a switch one day and say, �Hey, all of your ones and fives and tens can now buy more than they used to,� but if you aren�t already holding some ones and fives and tens, that could cause a little confusion, maybe even a backup. So I could see the wisdom, if we wanted to say that, the wisdom of putting it out there first so that you have them, with instructions hold on, you know, across the television it was saying �lower denoms are coming out, plan for your investment.� We didn�t quite fully understand what that meant, but it could be that maybe they were saying, �Okay, take these lower denom notes, they�re coming out, can�t do anything with them right this minute, but don�t discard them, that�s your future.� So then when the rate change fully goes into effect all across the land, people aren�t scrambling trying to get ones and fives and tens, they�re already in the distribution process. That part makes sense to me, so I�m looking at that as progress being made that we can see that we�re moving in the direction that we�re looking for. Course some of us were trying to pin this thing down for, for yesterday the 15th and had good information leading you that way, and that�s all fine. We even had, back over here in the US banks were looking for it. We had people that were really expecting to see that, that the R, the full public RV, and we�re still in a any minute, any hour, any day situation. There�s no ripples that, that I�m aware of. No one stopping any part of it, interfering with any part of it. I just see this as a progression. And then to hear the regular folk talk about the lower denoms, �cause we already had our special people telling us about that a week go, that the distribution had started in, in sporadic areas. And, but now you�re hearing from the, the citizens that, sure, they�re saying it�s worthless, but they are acknowledging they�re out, it�s, it�s coming, it�s circulating. Slowly but surely, it�s getting out there. That�s progress.

Now, over here we have banking activity at, at the highest level of expectation that I�m aware of just based on individuals. We have people that have appointments, some were scheduled for today! So I can�t wait to hear from them later in the day to see how did their appointment go. Probably not going to be a full-blown exchange because all of us would be going, but still want to hear the outcome. We�ve had other members that have shared with us their banking appointments, but they, everything was in agreement, bank people saying, �Yes, we, we acknowledge this, we acknowledge that. We�re going to exchange this, we�re going to exchange that.� All different types of currencies, all different types of denominations, so a lot of these question marks that some of us had in our minds, �Well, will they accept this note, will they accept this series? Are they gonna take off this or take off that?� We�re having banking people share with us and, and acknowledge, �Yes, what you�ve been hearing is true. Everything is on target.� Still don�t know the day, but it�s coming. So that�s exciting! We have...some folks are being told, �Don�t plan any time off for the rest of the year.� Why would someone be planning to have their full labor force in place if they were not expecting something to come down the pike that would require the full labor force to be available?

So when are we looking for it? I�m looking for it anytime now. Anytime. Today is fine, tonight is fine, this week is fine! The big question for you really should be are you ready? Because we can�t pinpoint when this is going to actually unfold, but most of us pretty much feel and know within just our inner beings it is going to happen. Are we ready? You want to make sure that you, be ready. Don�t try to get ready. So as far as the intel, that�s the intel that we have to share with you this morning. Not a great deal. Of course, of great impact, based on what I shared with you, if you received it the correct way. But hopefully before the day is out we may have even yet some more information that can justify sending it out to you by form of a message as an update, �Here�s some additional information that we�ve learned.� Have we heard, oh yes, I�ve heard a tremendous amount of things, but I dare not put them out there just because I heard it. We, we try to confirm as best we can those things that we hear so that when we bring it to you it would be okay, okay for you to receive it and know it for what it is so we don�t have any false expectations. So with that being the intel portion, let me move to another little segment of making sure that we are ready. Until we, I�ll pick different topics for us to discuss until this time comes that we no longer need to be here. But until then, we�ll try to make use of every opportunity when we come together to try to give you something of substance that you can hold onto and put it into your portfolio or into your little bag of tricks, and anything that we can do that can add.

Now, before we get into that business, let�s take, take care of another exciting thing for today. We have some members celebrating a birthday today, and so for those members I want to do just a little quick shoutout to them and say Happy Birthday. Florida K, board member who is celebrating a birthday today. Dozer man, celebrating his birthday today. I�m gonna spell this one, and then you take it to be whatever you think it is: toad05. Now, when I look at that I see the word �toad� and the number 05. Now, another person could look at that and get to ad 05. So I don�t know what they really call their board name, but so I spell it out, toad05, Happy Birthday to you. And then we have one member where, really it�s not their birthday, but it�s the birthday of their youngest grandchild, and it�s one of those names that you dare not try to pronounce because you�ll get it wrong and then you�ll get fifteen hundred text messages, �You pronounced it wrong!� So I�m not going to pronounce it at all. But anyway, Dreams2, we wanted to say Happy Birthday to your youngest grandbaby, and let�s see. Well, I lost it. I was gonna try to spell that name out, but you can go in the forum and see that, members who wanted to see those birthday fellows/folks for today, and hopefully maybe before the end of the day, they may have a double reason to celebrate this day, December 16, 2015.

Well let�s talk about waiting and planning. I wanted to talk on those subjects for a sec. Man, I sound like I�m (inaudible). But anyway, waiting and planning. Now, for the longest time we�ve always talked about the first mouse, second mouse, third mouse perspective. That was shared with you almost two years ago, if memory serves me correctly, and, and we touch on it from time to time, so I�m working from that perspective. And we wanted to more focus on leveraging into wealth, leveraging into wealth, leveraging your way into wealth. Using what you have and turning that into a wealth-building tool. Now, with that we have to have some patience and perseverance, because all of us are not going to be extremely wealthy when it�s time for this RV to kick in on a public level. We�re all not going to be multimillionaires, millions and kazillions of dollars in the bank. Some of you, couple hundred thousand, and maybe even some of you a few thousand. So it won�t make you filthy stinking rich so that now you can go out and buy the world. A few, maybe, but for most of us, that won�t be the case. But we can learn how to use what we have and leverage it into where we want to be down the road with a little patience and perseverance. So we have to look at, we have to look at the rate structure, we have to look at what currencies are we presently holding, and what type of strategic maneuvers can we make with those. Now, of course, those of you that are holding only one currency, you�re limited to some degree, but you can still work with it, you just have to have a little bit more patience and perseverance than those who have multiple currencies. So I�m going to talk from a perspective of if the shoe fits wear it, so this isn�t a set of instructions for everyone, it�s a set of instructions for those that it fits, and you can take advantage of it and put it to good use.

Now, we want to talk about the rates. When we look at the currencies, we�re waiting for the RV to happen, there�s gonna be rates that we�re looking at, these revalued rates on currencies. Some of these currencies are going to have a rate and then climb. Now one in particular, we�re all looking for the dinar to do that, so that�s no secret. Even Iraq itself has, has proclaimed that their currency will be able to withstand upwards of sixteen dollars, so wherever it comes out--whether it be three dollars, five dollars, twelve dollars--doesn�t make any difference. Most of us are going to be looking for expansion with that, and we�re going to watch it and leverage ourselves into a position. I�ve struggled looking for the right words here because some, some of you will misinterpret some of the, the vocabulary. So to leverage ourselves into a larger financial position, and some of it could just be playin� the rate game. Let�s just wait, let�s wait, some of those rates, and we hold out. And then there are some that the rate pretty much is gonna be it, that�s all that that currency�s gonna do. So then we may decide to, well let me take this particular currency and exchange it out so that I can use those monies to acquire more of another currency that is yet still going to grow! That�s what we consider a leveraging process. Notice I didn�t say exchange out the currency and go shopping. Of course not! There�s plenty of time for that after we put our plan in motion. Because you know when it comes to shopping, I�d much rather shop with some money that I spent today and know, well it�ll be back next week, week after next. It�ll be back in three weeks. Now, it�ll be back meaning the interest that my money is making will replenish what I�m spending. That�s a better way to shop than you go shopping, spend the money, and it�s gone! Nothing�s coming back a week later or two weeks later other than the joy of whatever you bought! So I�d rather have the joy of whatever I bought plus have the money come back to me than not. So we want to look at these opportunities of maximizing and growing, turning over currencies, and that�s, that�s a phrase that I, I�m gonna take, I�m going to take, we�ll just use for an example, butter. I have the currency called �butter�, and when butter revalues, that�s it. It�s just going to be the new rate. But I also have a currency called �apples�, and the apples, the rate is going to grow even larger over a period of time! So I would probably look at let me take this butter, it�s done all it�s going to do, and exchange it out to, into dollars, something that I can work with, and then acquire more apples! So that�s what I call turning over your currencies. I�m turning over this butter so that I can acquire more apples. And you�ll get the picture.

Also we want to look at tax maneuvers, because we�ve always addressed the, the taxable portion of this. Who really knows? I think somebody really, really, really knows, they�re just not really, really, really telling us just yet. So we plan anyway for what we expect. And what do we expect? We expect it to be a taxable event. So how can we maneuver with, with that expectation with what we�re working with under the confines of leveraging into wealth? Well, let�s say that the RV actually happens one day this week, I don�t know. Just pick a day, whatever date you want, it happens that particular day, and you�re holding multiple currencies. Oh, my goodness, you�re going to be so rich! You�re going to be what I call filthy stinking rich, and, and I define that when I�m talking with people when they say, �Well, what exactly is filthy stinking rich?� Filthy stinking rich is when you have so much wealth, so much money you smell like money, and when you come out of the shower dripping wet, you still smell like money. You�re filthy stinking rich. Anyway, hope you got a chuckle out of that. But now, it�s RV time and we�re, we�re excited, we�ve been waiting. Some of us have been waiting a whole thirty days for this. Some of us have been waiting six months. Some of us have been waiting six years, and I, I�ve talked to some people, they have been �waiting� eleven years or better for that proverbial day that we�re all looking for. Now, that day shows up one day this week, and you�re going to have several million dollars when you do your exchange. I�ll come down. Let�s say you�re going to have five hundred thousand dollars. How much of that do you think that you�re actually going to spend before the first of the year, which is only what, couple weeks away?! So if we�re just even looking at, from a tax maneuver, if it�s taxable and we exchange it, we�re gonna have tax due April 15, 2016, whatever we exchange this year. Well, hmm, maybe some of us could hold on to certain portions of that currency and wait until the first of next year and then exchange it! It�s only a couple weeks away! Now the tax on that won�t be due until April 2017! That gives us twelve months to do whatever it is we need to do to maneuver, position, expand on. The possibilities are endless when you start hooking up with professional people who know how to do those things that need to be done. These are just things to think about. Leveraging--woo, that was a tongue twister--leveraging into wealth.

Also now when it�s, when it�s exchange time, when it�s investment time, when it�s anytime, you should have a mindset of negotiating. Negotiate everything, assume nothing when you go in to do your exchange. What�s the prevailing rate? Well, the bank may say, �Well, the rate on butter is 50 cents.� Okay, I�d like to get 85, how can we work that out? Is there any way possible to work that out? You�d be surprised! That person may say, �Well, you know, since you�re talking like that, we can do 73.� Well, 73�s better than 50! You couldn�t get 85, but you got 73, that�s a good negotiation. Same way when we look at the investment products that the banks are offering and that the insurance companies are offering, the annuities, all these different types of things. Don�t take anything at face value, negotiate. What�s the worst that could happen? You hear N-O. Are you shattered? You shouldn�t be, because you are still in control, it�s your money! So they offer you an investment program at 4% and you say, �Well, I want something at 12.� And then you haggle back and forth and you walk out with 6.25%. Not a bad deal! Or it may be you just walk out with 4%, that�s, that�s what was on the table! If you don�t ask, sometimes you don�t receive. So keep that in minds, folks. Negotiate everything, assume nothing! And what is there to lose? Nothing in this process. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by at least attempting to negotiate. And that doesn�t mean play hardball and, and get into, you know, a, an argument, it�s just negotiations. Ask or ask not. The choice is yours.

That�s gonna do it for the training, if we�d want to call that, for today on waiting and planning, leveraging into wealth. So, I have some time here. We�re at the bottom of the hour. We�ll take a few minutes and entertain some callers and see what may be on your mind by way of some of the material we covered or anything else that we may be of assistance. So I�m gonna take the very first caller I see here on the list, Area Code 410.

C: Good morning!

R: Let�s, wait a minute. Hey! How are you?

C: I�m, I�m great! I thought that was very, very appropriate training today. Thank you so much. That�s going to give everybody some basis, in simple words, to start to work with and think about and we�ll (inaudible) down. I was just thinking about how long we have waited, and I had, several months ago, created a spreadsheet so that I could kind of judge am I going to take, have to pay taxes or am I going to do a better rate on, on something that has been, being held. And I actually put �em out in a spreadsheet, and when I look in my spreadsheet today, and I have them divided from long term so that I can calculate that group of purchases, short term, and today I say, oh my! I, since we have waited this long, I can remove three more purchases and put them in long term! So that made me aware that it�s very important to redo and re-look at what you prepared for. But I did have a question today that isn�t...

R: Okay.

C: ...exactly related to that, but I, some of us may be signing an NDA. And I had heard something before and didn�t quite, or, you know, understand the explanation of the signing with �All Rights Reserve Without Prejudice.� Can you shed any light on that, and is that only, they use on the ND, NDA, or is that appropriate other places?

R: Okay. Some people are gonna laugh about this. I�m gonna ask your question, and it�s gonna make some of our members laugh.

C: Okay.

R: Do you have any duct tape in the house?

C: For the dog.

R: Oh, you got it! Okay. I wasn�t gonna say because then....

C: Right. As soon as the Postman comes by, it�ll stop.

R: Yeah, we, we (inaudible) that all the time.

C: I didn�t think you could hear him that well, but I�m gonna close my door at least to the office.

R: Okay. Now let�s get to answering your question.

C: Okay.

R: First and foremost, don�t do something like that unless you know exactly what it means and that you know exactly what you are doing and exactly what you are saying. That�s the best advice I can give to anyone that�s utilizing that avenue. And based on what I believe it to represent, I think if you do that signing the NDA, you�ll walk out of that meeting without a contract rate on your exchange.

C: Okay. All right, well I get that...

R: That�s my (inaudible)....

C: ...because maybe it looks like you have something to be concerned about.

R: Well....

C: Is that what you�re suggesting?

R: To me what it represents, it represents a, a very powerful position of invalidating something. And so if you�re gonna have the power to invalidate something later that you and I are doing, you�re taking control of me, so then I�m not gonna enter into it with you.

C: Ah. Uh-huh. Well that makes sense. And that�s why I did want the explanation, because I heard it as a suggestion and then I didn�t understand it. So I appreciate that. But that makes it perfectly clear, and I�m all, much more comfortable with that, about that part. And so, yeah, I think that all, all the information you gave us today and the intel sounds so very, very powerful, and we should all be so glad to be in this position and grateful. And so with that, I will say I�ll be grateful to see you guys and, and hug you with great thanks, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Great! Okay, thank you.

C: Uh-huh. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, I�m goin� to, where I am going to? I�m going to the, I believe I�m going down into the, the District. 202 Area Code, you�re up!

C: How, how you doin�?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: I�m okay. I�m so glad you called me. I mean, I got in. I have a question for you. Normally when you do the calls, you all have a way that we could download the calls later after we have a call, and the last two times that we had calls I wasn�t able to download them. Some people at work, some people get (unintelligible) for the call so we could download �em for people who have to listen later. But the last two times we haven�t been able to do that, so I was wondering is there a reason that we can�t download them anymore?

R: Nothing that I�m aware of. Now, it may be...see, Pam�s doin� all this holiday stuff, and I know how you ladies gotta have your time for holiday things, and so there�s some things that, that I�m just taking over, and it may be that I have overlooked hitting a switch or something. I�ll try to look into that for you and...

C: I appreciate it. �Cause that�s what I was wondering.

R: ...see if, if other members are having a problem (inaudible).

C: Yes, because I�ve got the calls from way back, from years ago, and now the last two I don�t have, and I, I know I missed some things that you were sayin� on the last two calls that I feel were important, and I said I would later go back and listen, but unfortunately they weren�t there for me to be able to download �em and listen.

R: Okay, well, well I thought all of the calls were archived also so that you could still go pull them back up via telephone and listen to them. Or...

C: Oh. Oh yeah, see....

R: ...but we�ll, we�ll look into it. We�ll see.

C: Well that probably is true. I was just, I was able to actually download �em to my phone so I could get into my music and listen to them.

R: Oh, you tryin� to do it your way. Okay, that�s cool!

C: I mean, no, I mean that if you (inaudible)....

R: As long as it works!

C: I mean it actually allowed us, it, it allowed it to do it that way, which was easier because that way I can, you know, play it back whenever I wanted or whatever, but then....

R: Okay.

C: It was just easier than having to keep calling back to the number.

R: All right, that�s fine.

C: But can you do me a favor? Is there any way you can tell us what the number is to call back? If we wanted to listen to the call back?

R: You can access the forum, right?

C: No, I�m, I�m not able to get into the forum.

R: Oh. Okay. Hmm, well you caught me a little off guard, but that�s okay. It�ll only take me a second, I just didn�t have it in front of me.

C: I apologize.

R: And I�m used to other members bringing that out real quick. So I�ll say somebody who has it memorized, give it to us real quick, and they come up with it so quickly. So it�ll just take me one, one moment here. I�ll just do like I tell everybody else. Go to the website that if you can�t access it, I�ll do that for you. One second here. And....Okay, screen. Waiting for the screen to come up.

C: Okay.

R: Okay, are you ready? You have something to write with?

C: Yep, I�m ready.

R: Okay. 605-562-3179.

C: Okay.

R: Pin number 409029 # sign.

C: Pound. Gotcha. All right. Thank you so much (inaudible).

R: Okay? And you can play that back 24/7.

C: All right. Thank you so, so if I want, but I have to put a date in or something if I want to go to a specific one?

R: No, that�ll just play back the, the most recent one.

C: The...okay.

R: Right. Now, as far as an archive of all of the calls, I�ll have to look into that and see if, if we have that and where it would be if you�re trying to go back and grab, you know, a call from in the past. I�ll look into that.

C: All right. Okay, thank you so much, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. I�m not going, but I hope you all have a good time in Vegas.

R: Okay! Thank you very much!

C: You�re welcome. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. All right, next caller. What do we have, 954. Isn�t that down in Florida somewhere? 954, good afternoon! 954. One more time! Okay, that means we need to move on. Let�s go to 623.

C: Hello?

R: Hey! How are you?

C: I�m doin� great. I�m out here in Sun City, Arizona. I want to know how I can be on the list to receive a text when this goes. Is there gonna be a text sent to people�s phones or just to the internet?

R: Oh, no it�s, it, well if you want to receive a text message when we send out important message, do you have something to write with? I�ll give you the instructions.

C: All right. I�ve got it right here. Go ahead.

R: Okay, the, the number that you�re going to send this text message to, 40404.

C: 40404.

R: Right. And the messages is going to say, �Follow,� then hit the space bar one time, the a in the circle, you know, the @ sign, THE_TNT_TEAM.


R: Right. Now I do that in all caps, and it works fine. Some people do it in lowercase. But since you�re talking to me, try it in all caps first.

C: Okay, I will. Thank you so much! I�m excited!

R: Okay! Great!

C: All right, bye.

R: Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yes! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Fantabulous. Take care.

C: Thank you.

R: Okay. Let�s go over here to the Southeast, 770. Oh, hey there!

C: Hi, there! Also 404, appreciate your taking my call, Ray, thanks so much.

R: Okay!

C: Could you give us, please, the update status of the contract rates, what they�re saying about that and if it�s still applicable to both the dinar and the, the dong?

R: To my understanding, the last that I�ve heard on the contract rates, everything is still the same. Nothing�s changed from what we�ve always been hearing and understanding. I don�t know how many different currencies have a contract rate, so that could be a change there, maybe. I don�t know! We won�t know until, you know, we�re in the moment and see what�s available. But all of the conditions before that we heard about, nothing�s changed. If it has, it has not been communicated to me that there�s been a change.

C: So what I�m hearing you say is that there might be the possibility that one or more additional currencies may have a contract rate associated with it?

R: It�s, it�s possible! It�s, you know, there�s no telling. When, when you have different people looking at rates and quoting different rates and then sometimes quoting multiple rates, that puts a question mark. Okay, so if there�s more than one rate that someone is seeing, then there must be an international rate and a contract rate or, you know, we�re stabbing in the dark with, on this, but there has to be some explainable reason for the multiple rates, so I would tend to think since we know there�s going to be some contract rates at some level, it could maybe involve some other currencies.

C: Okay. Great!

R: Time will tell!

C: Time will tell indeed. The, the news, appreciate the verification that the Iraqi budget for 2016, that all the news is is that that has passed. Is there the possibility, however, that there still may be a slight delay in terms of things being official because it still has to be published in the Gazette and it hasn�t been as yet?

R: That would not surprise me, especially based on the number of things that we had anticipated in the past that were a sure thing and then it wasn�t for whatever bureaucratic reason or political reason. You know, the same applies now when we hear this morning the budget is approved. Okay, approved, now implementation. How soon? When does it go into effect? Does it retroactively grab anything? These types of things we�re still waiting to try to find information on.

C: And your sources over there are attempting to get those answers for you, correct? We hope?

R: Oh! No doubt.

C: Okay.

R: Right, we�re just waiting for them now to reply back to us to let us know what they�ve learned, what�s going on on that side.

C: And the next Gazette publication date, do you happen to, to know when that happens to be? Is that like maybe later today or tomorrow or are we looking at the weekend?

R: You know, I�m not sure. But there�s multiple folks that are gonna have that answer available today, I�m sure of that, and it will come soon, and I don�t know.

C: Hopefully someone will text it to you before the end of this call and you can come back and tell us on that. So, and with that...

R: There�s a good possibility.

C: ...I will close out, �cause, in case this happens to be One-Question Wednesday, I�ve exceeded my, my allotment here. And I appreciate your taking my call and will close out with Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. And again, have a great day.

R: Thank you very much! Okay.

C: Thanks. Take care, uh-huh. Bye-bye.

R: All righty. Bye-bye. Okay, where am I headed. I�m headed down to four, no, up to 415. I believe that�s up. Hey 415.

C: Good morning. I�m in California.

R: Oh, okay. Okay, so over. I don�t know why it was, why the screen....

C: Yeah, not very far away from where Tony lived. I�m in San Rafael.

R: Okay.

C: I thank you so much for everything. I really appreciate your carrying on. I wondered if, I don�t have a cell phone, so is it possible if you did some kind of a text thing to people that you could tweet something and put it on the, on the forum? �Cause people can get into the forum part where the tweets are. We, I can�t get into the regular forum �cause I�m not a member, but I can read tweets on there.

R: Yes, well, see when, when I send out a tweet, a lot of people receive that as a text message.

C: Uh-huh.

R: But it is a tweet that is going out. So we�ll, we will tweet it out, we�ll post it on the forum, any other vehicle that we have that we can utilize. I would use snail mail, but by the time you�d get it it�ll be old news.

C: No, I know. Wouldn�t do snail mail, but if....

R: Going through, going through the regular mail.

C: But....

R: But we�re going to use every expedient opportunity that we have to get it out to you once we know and confirm this is it. The word will get out.

C: Oh, okay, �cause see like last Friday when you didn�t do a call, it wasn�t tweeted on the forum. I kept checking and then I didn�t, I, I figured it out, you know, that, after eleven o�clock or that, you know, or nine o�clock or ten o�clock, I�m sorry, when I usually get it. And then I didn�t read about it until it was on TNTDinar blog or whatever, then somebody said that there wasn�t going to be a call. So it�s really helpful, and maybe I�m the only person out there that, that looks at those tweets, I don�t know.

R: Okay!

C: But anyway, I just wanted to say that, and I hope everything�s going well and, and of course Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. And I hope everybody that wants to go is able to go, so.

R: Okay!

C: I really thank you for everything.

R: All right. And I�ll try to look into that area. You know, guys, with your, this, this switchover happened so abruptly, and then there were certain things that were going on with the internal mechanisms of TNT that I didn�t really involve myself in, so some of those things, I knew it was getting done, but I didn�t know whose job it was to do it. And so....

C: Well, I think you did a marvelous job by switching over as fast as you did. And see, I have no concept, I mean, I�ve never been involved in running one of these type of conference calls and, and all of that, and you know, when you would come on the line and hearing the different people coming in when Tony was doing the calls and everything. I mean, I have no concept of that, I�m just on the other end. So I, you know, I wouldn�t mind learning more about that at some point because it, it sounds interesting. But I do appreciate, even though I don�t know all of the energy and time that you put in to making that switchover, and I�m sorry that it had to happen. So please convey my condolences to that event, regarding that event.

R: Okay.

C: And so, and the, the other thing is that, so are banks ready then? You haven�t used that term, that banks are still ready. I mean, you say that they�re excited, but it isn�t the same as if they�ve, are you hearing from people that this....

R: Oh, they�re, they�re ready.

C: They�re in there and, okay.

R: They�re ready. They�re...

C: Okay.

R: ...they�re ready like Freddie. You know, they�re telling folks, �Come in, come to work early Thursday and Friday. No time off �til the end of the year or for the rest of this year.� They are ready.

C: Not even Christmas?

R: Well other than the normal...

C: Or New Year�s?

R: ...when....

C: Oh, okay.

R: But, but no, no hol, you know, no taking time off, no vacation plans. This is what different people are telling us that, you know, they work at these banks, and they�re telling us, �This is what we�re being told. We can�t take any time off.� That tells me they�re...

C: And they aren�t suspicious that....

R: ...R-E-A-D-Y.

C: And they aren�t suspicious about something happening that they look into? I mean, well, you know, one of the other quick things I want to say is that when people get their money if they have health problems, they need to go outside of the medical drug box if they want to get help with their health. It doesn�t work, and that�s where I�m going to be putting my money towards making that change. It is so sad to me, really sad to me. It�s good for some things, but other things, chronic diseases, you need to get help, and functional medicine is, can take that place. You can look it up on the internet and find people that are learning how to practice in that way. So, anyway, again, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! My best to you. I�m hoping the best for all of us.

R: Okay.

C: And thank you!

R: Yes, thank you.

C: Okay, bye-bye.

R: Appreciate your understanding.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. All right, let�s go, 646. Good afternoon.

C: Hey, how are ya?

R: I�m fantabulous. How �bout yourself, sir?

C: I�m doing well. I�m doing well.

R: Great.

C: Just hanging on and waiting for the good news to happen.

R: Uh-huh.

C: And do you, you think it�s gonna be by the end of the year or before the end of the year?

R: Well, it�s looking that way, and...

C: Good. Yeah.

R: ...and there�s a lot of anticipation and expectation for it, so I, I�m going along on that road, and I�ll ride that ship until it docks!

C: Yeah, �cause I�m really lookin� forward to it. There�s a lot, lot I want to do for myself, and especially there�s a lot I want to do for others.

R: Uh-huh.

C: Yes, Ray, you�re the best. We wish you, Tony, and Tony the best and DC and Pam and all the mods and all the listeners. It�s been a long journey for some. For some it�s been a short journey, myself about two years.

R: Okay.

C: And we�re, we�re marching in the light and we�re trying to spread the craft. Amen, brother.

R: Thank you. Thank you very much.

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right! Thank you, gentlemen. Have a good day.

C: Okay. Take care.

R: Okay, let�s take it up to three, 347. 347.

C: Are we (unintelligible).

R: Okay, we, we understand. You�re getting a tongue lashing. Uh-oh. Okay, we�re getting a tongue lashing there. Let me, let me move on. Let�s see here. Okay. 212, two one ten, I mean 210.

C: [Speaking Spanish.]

R: Okay, 210.

C: Hello?

R: Hey!

C: Hello?

R: 210? Yes, you�re on! Good afternoon!

C: Hey, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous. How are you?

C: In your heart of hearts...this thing, in your heart of hearts, where do you think we�re gonna be at?

R: Well, in your heart of hearts, where do you think we�re gonna be at? Based on what you�ve heard and what you believe?

C: My heart tells me, my heart tell me, my heart tells me to listen to you!

R: Well, in my heart of heart I�m, I�m right where I started this call with, any minute, any hour, any day. I�m just patiently waiting, knowing that it�s coming. And every time I hear something new, a new development, there�s progress, I�m at peace.

C: Well that�s great. And if you had a question to ask Tony right now and he was there with you, what would you ask him about all this?

R: Let�s see. What would I ask Tony?

C: Other than Merry Christmas.

R: I would ask him how does he think I�m doing running the show?

C: Well I know what, he�s gonna say you�re doing great.

R: But true, that�s, that�s what I would ask him, �cause I had to think for a second. And, and I probably will when we talk this afternoon, I�ll ask him, say, �Well, did you hear the show?� And sometimes he may be listening or he may be doing something else, and he can play the, when you listen to the playback or whatever. And I�ll say, �Well, what do you think?� And just like the last time I asked him that, he said, �Well, you�re definitely not me, you�re you!� And I said that�s right! And so that�s probably what I�ll ask him, say, �What do you think about today�s call that I did?� So. You know, �cause as far as I�m concerned this was...

C: God bless you!

R: ...this was still his baby and I�m, I�m just takin� care of it!

C: Well that�s great. Well God bless you, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, sir, same to you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye now. Okay, I�m goin� to 816! I, I know where that is.

C: Hello?

R: Hello there. One second, yeah, let me get, help my 21-10 person get, all right! 816, hey, what�s going on?
C: Is that....

R: That�s you!

C: Okay. Oh, I�m just waiting. You�re waiting patiently and I�m getting impatient! I got my Christmas tree up and there�s not one present under it because I�m having to wait for this, unfortunately. Do you think it will be here by, before Christmas? We heard last night that, someone say that they are wanting us to have this for Christmas. Do you really think we�re gonna get it before Christmastime so that we can get out and get gifts for grandchildren and....

R: I, I feel like it will happen.

C: Okay.

R: But this is, but this is what we really need to focus on, though, because that�s, that�s a level of anticipation and expectation.

C: Right.

R: But so that, so that we can make sure that we don�t wind up having a sad and dismal Christmas...

C: Right.

R: ...maybe, maybe you and I should change our focus and right now today say it ain�t gonna happen for Christmas, now what do I need to do? For Christmas (inaudible).

C: I�d have to tell some kids that they�re gonna have to wait because unfortunately our financial, our financial has changed so much with my husband...

R: Okay.

C: ...losing money at work that it�s hard for us to get rent and everything paid, so.

R: Right. And that�s understandably so.

C: You know, I gotta have that first!

R: Correct. But, but look at....

C: My, my other quest, my other question would be I have a goddaughter that just got currency on Monday, her and her mother. So she is brand new to this. I�ve had them to read off of, was a TNT Showtime or somethin� like that, I sent them a thing to get them just a little bit acquainted with RV and had �em to listen to the one that Tony did, Dinar 101 or whatever the name of it was, can�t remember now. What would you do if you was brand new, if this happened this week and they have not gotten to listen to any of them, would I be able to go to the exchange with them to help them since I�ve been listening for the last year and a half?

R: I don�t see any reason why not. Now...

C: Okay. �Cause they are so new at this.

R: ...I guess it all depends on what the bank will allow, and as long as the bank doesn�t disagree with, you know, well, I�m pretty sure they don�t want an army of the people in the room with them.

C: No, no, you don�t.

R: But, you know, you�re accompanying an individual, especially if they�re a minor, or, you know, young of age, I don�t see any reason why the bank....

C: Well, she�s 19.

R: Oh, yeah. So they wouldn�t mind that you (inaudible).

C: She�s 19 and then her mother, too, but they�re brand, I mean they�re babies to this.

R: Okay. Well, the three of you could probably get by with that with no problem. Now, do you already have a bank in mind that you intend to do the exchange with?

C: Wells.

R: Now, have you already spoken with someone there about it, about the (inaudible)?

C: Well, I, when I talked to them, they said you�d have to, you have to have an account.

R: Okay.

C: I was planning on opening an account at the time of exchange, is that possible?

R: Well, you could just do something as simple as calling, calling them back and say, �Okay, when it comes time for the actual exchange, is it okay for me to have one or two other people accompany me?� �Cause that�s all you really want to know.

C: Right.

R: Is there a limit to how many bodies can be there with you or with your friend doing the exchange, and that�s a simple question that I think they could pretty much answer right over the telephone, which I think they�ll say, �Oh, that�s no problem, you know, just don�t bring a busload of people.� But, you know, one or two...

C: Oh, no. Huh-uh.

R: ...(inaudible) should be okay. You should be okay.

C: Yeah, no, they�re just so new to this. They said, �What�ll I do when it comes time?!� And I, I don�t want �em to go in there and mess up, you know, �cause they, they don�t have, they just got their currency this week. And so I told them, I said, �Now don�t go around broadcasting you have this, you know, this is not something you want to tell everybody!�

R: Okay. All right.

C: You know. And, so I just wanted to see what, you know, what you thought that they should do, if I could go with them or what.

R: Sure. Just do that...

C: Okay.

R: ...very quick telephone call, and you should be okay.

C: Okay, well let�s...

R: Okay?

C: ...hope that it goes through this week. I�m hoping.

R: Me, too. (Inaudible.)

C: I would, I would prefer happy grandchildren.

R: Okay! All right!

C: Okay, well thanks, Ray, and I really did appreciate the teaching that you did at the beginning, too.

R: Okay. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yeah, for you guys, but...

R: Okay, great!

C: ...I won�t be able to go.

R: All right. (Inaudible.)

C: Okay. Thanks, Ray. Uh-huh.

R: Okay. Bye-bye.

C: Bye.

R: Okay, I�m gonna squeeze in one more, �cause...what is that, 703? 703!

C: Hi. Hi, Ray, how are you?

R: Hey! I�m fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: I�m doing just wonderful. And I am so glad I got in. I was sitting here listening to your, your call, the intel earlier, and if you could just help me understand something.

R: Okay.

C: �Cause it, you know, �course there�s a lot of talk about the lower denoms and, and them being distributed. Now, I�m assuming they�re distributing them prior to the actual RV process, correct? Am I correct in assuming that?

R: Well, I�m assuming it with the same, right along with you.

C: Okay.

R: So....

C: So how, and again, this is just me not understanding, so if you could help me out, so if I�m a citizen and I have my normal, you know, five dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar USD and the, the government says, �Okay, you know, these are lower denoms, country denoms are available, but they�re of less value,� how, why would I go in and take my five dollar USDs and exchange it for the dinar that does not have a value yet? How are they doing that?

R: They�re not doing that. You�re not exchanging it for something of a lesser value. This is just more of their currency that they�re putting out. Their currency has a value. It�d be the same scenario as you go to the bank and you say, �I want to change this twenty dollars.� What are you looking for? You looking for ten, five, five ones. That�s what most of us look for.

C: I see.

R: Now, what if...

C: Okay.

R: ...if instead of the teller giving you a ten, a five, and five ones, the teller gives you a ten, a five, and a whole bunch of pennies in rolls that accumulates, you know, it equals five dollars, but now you have how many rolls of pennies?

C: Gotcha. Okay.

R: But there�s two rolls, so each a dollar, so that�s ten rolls of pennies they�re gonna lay on the counter along with a five and a ten, and you�re like, what?! I don�t want a whole bunch of pennies! It�s, it�s money, but it doesn�t have a lot of value to you because it�s a penny and you don�t want to walk around with ten rolls of pennies in your pocket, you�d rather have a five-dollar bill. Now, when the value changes for the five and the ten and the penny, look at the difference. But, so this is the way I see this. We�re going to give you these pennies now so that you have them. It�s money! Sure, it�s a whole lot of, to walk around with to do the same thing that a five-dollar bill can do, so don�t walk around with ten rolls of pennies. Put those away, and when we change the value, those pennies are now gonna represent something different just like the five and the ten and the twenty will.

C: Gotcha. So they�re basically just giving you the equivalent of the in-country to what you already have in the USD, that whatever those denominations are, they�ll just give you the equivalent of that.

R: Right. That�s the way I view that. They�re, they�re putting out...

C: Okay.

R: ...their currency, it�s just pennies when people want to walk around with dollars. Well, what do we normally do with pennies? Put them in a jar...

C: (Inaudible) somewhere. Yeah.

R: them? Right, and sometimes we just throw them across the street, you know.

C: Uh-huh.

R: So, but when the value of that penny changes? You know, I talked about this earlier on Open Mic, and we made a reference of, you know, back in the day, if you, if you were walking, you saw a penny on the ground, you would stop and pick it up!

C: Uh-huh.

R: Then we reached a time in our life where if we saw a penny on the ground, we walked right past it. It�s like, �I�m not bending over to pick up that penny!� But now where are we back today now? We stop and bend over and pick up that penny. Even if our back hurts, we gonna still pick up that penny.

C: I, I gotcha.

R: Lord, what a difference a penny makes!

C: (Inaudible) what you said. Exactly. You, you see whatever your value is on that. I, I...

R: Right.

C: ...that, that makes a lot of sense. It just, for some reason or another it just wouldn�t click for me. And usually I, you know, things click right away, but for that one I thought wait a minute, how does that happen? But your explanation clears that up, so I, I definitely appreciate that. But that, that was pretty much all I had with that, and hopefully today is our day. I�m not even gonna say this is our week. I�m praying that today is our day. How �bout that?

R: Yes. I, I�m in agreement with that!

C: But thank you for...yes. And thank you guys for all that you do. And again, and even the teaching, once again, at the beginning is great information in different ways to look at things, so I really appreciate that. And with that being said, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! Have a blessed day.

R: All right. Thank you. Okay, let�s see, where are we? We�re at the top of the hour, and it�s time for us to wrap up this session. And I�m gonna close out with a, a small message, and then of course there will be an audio accompanying it for you, so don�t rush to hang up. But I want to say something real quick. Oh, first and foremost, I keep forgetting to do this, and those of you that have been giving us the, the financial gifts to keep this program running and to cover the bills, we do appreciate that, so I wanted to say thank you for, for your continued support of us trying to bring the information to you. You know that it�s not free and we know that it�s not free, and, and the bills have to get paid, so I do thank you all for those who gave, whether it�s 50 cents. You know some, one person even gave a dollar, and when I saw that I said thank you, �cause that�s one dollar more than we had to take care of what needed to be taken care of. So I do thank you all no matter what amount it was that you had to give. And even for those who wanted to help support this program and in this opportunity and just don�t have it. We, we thank you as well because we know that your heart is in the right place and that�s what matters. I�m gonna say something about a group of people, and I�m gonna call these people �them.� So I�m gonna speak on �them� just for a quick second. There�s some people who don�t want you to succeed. I�m not one of them. There are some people who don�t want you to have wealth. I am not one of them. There are some people who don�t want you to be free! I�m not one of them! There are some people who don�t care if you give up. I�m not one of them. And there�s some people who don�t care if you�re bewildered or confused. I�m not one of them. I do care, and that�s why I�m here, and I believe that�s why you are here. So with that being said, thank you everyone for your time and consideration, and if we have some updated information I will get it out to you this afternoon, and hopefully that will be the only thing that we�ll be doing is getting something out to you this afternoon by way of �it�s all over.� That would be so nice, but we have to wait and see what happens when, how soon. But if there�s a need to come back on Friday and do this once again, we�ll be here because I am not one of them. Thank you very much. Have a good day.

TNT Conference Call 12.14.15

R: Okay, we�re ready to roll here. And good afternoon, TNT! Twelve fourteen two thousand fifteen, December the 14th, and welcome to Marvelous Monday is what I consider it, a marvelous Monday. And of course, like you�re used to hearing, did not think we would be here on this side of the RV activity. Still waiting for that, that special day that a lot of us are looking forward to. But that�s okay. Slowly but surely we�ll get there. So, let�s, let�s do the intel, �cause this is the intel call, and some of you wanted to know, �Ray, where are you at?� I say we�re here! One, 1 p.m., a little after 1, but we�re here, and you would think that the infant, info, the intel would be like pouring out left and right, but it isn�t! Friday there was really nothing new! Said, well, there�s no new intel to share, so we waited. There was anticipation of things to happen on Friday, but because it was anticipation, that�s not intel, that�s anticipation! So right now we�re still in an anticipatory mode of any hour, any day, any week, hopefully, hopefully this week! So we�re still there, to begin with. Other than that, though, what can we share? What happened over the, the weekend from Friday to now that can give us like an update, bring us up to speed, if you will?

Well from, from the Iraq side, we did learn, as most of you already have, know by now, it was broad cast on their television screens that CBI was telling citizens that the lower denoms were coming to all the citizens and said now�s the time to plan to distribute for investment. Not sure what that means, but they were pretty much putting the message out that they�re gettin� ready to roll these lower denoms, the key thing to me was they didn�t say �in the coming days.� Now usually we hear in the coming days, and of course we over here on this side of the pond, how many days is the coming days? No reference to in the coming days, so most people were sticking with the words of �now distribute for investment,� so that�s what scrolling on the screens over, for the Iraqis as their message, and naturally we all got excited about that over the weekend, and why? Because that is another sign of progress, things progressing along!

We�ve had reports of folks that have bank appointments scheduled for late this week, some that went in last week for consultation and planning. There was some rates that were shared with different listeners, different members, on different currencies that they were interested in exchanging with instructions to, �Come back next week, we�ll see what we can do.� So the banks are excitedly waiting just like we are and ready to move, just waiting for everything to fall right into place. And what, you may ask, is, that we�re waiting for to fall right into place? We don�t know! It�s a timing thing. As long as we can get signs of progress, I think that�s a good thing! And that�s where we are right now with the information. We�re still expecting it at any, any minute, any hour, any day. That�s the best information that, that we have that is coming and that we just can plan one more step, one more maneuver, one more activity to be better ready to receive it when it�s our turn to receive it.

Now something that did happen over the weekend that created a lot of buzz and excitement today, one of the currencies did some fluctuating. And it did that before, and that�s the, the rupiah, so we didn�t have an RV to be excited about, but a fluctuating currency can still create an income for people if they�re in the right place at the right time and take advantage of it. So that was exciting to, to learn that that happened this weekend and those who were in the right place at the right time accordingly profited from that activity, which was good! And some of us were even looking out for it today, trying to keep our eye on it just in case it did it again. So there�s some neat things to do along the way while we�re waiting for that main event. Other little events along the way pop up that some of us take advantage of.

Now that�s the advantage, in and of itself, of being diversified. So diversification is an important word in many aspects of life. Right here, currency holding, diversification is not a bad idea if it�s affordable. So, you know, we all came into this with one currency in mind, that was the one that we were introduced to. Well, not all of us, those that have been here for years, one currency brought us here. And then we started learning and looking at other currencies. When they talked about the reset and all the value changes, other currencies started becoming attractive to take a look at. So there�s a number of them now that we all ask about being in the basket, and there were some people this weekend making reference that, that the basket is upwards of 12, 13 currencies. And I don�t know how many are in that basket, I just know I�m waiting for the basket and when, when that basket is presented, I don�t expect, I don�t plan for any parts of it to be a surprise to me. Now, some of those currencies I don�t intend to move on, but at the same token, I don�t intend for it to be a surprise, I�ll just say, �Hmm, okay, well I knew that currency was gonna do something, I just chose not to acquire it,� or better yet could not afford to acquire it. So we have to do what we can afford to do, naturally, but if we can afford to diversify, then diversification is a good thing when it comes to this whole currency market that we all are getting involved in. So if you haven�t diversified and if you have the capacity to, I would, I would recommend, I would do it because you never know what currency may just do something while we�re waiting, and you can build with that. So if you have diversified that�s fine, if you have not that�s okay, too, but we talk about the various currencies now because there�s more than one that can hold a promising return, especially when the RV happens for all of them. But even along the way we may get that.

So this is gonna be probably a very short call because that�s pretty much the extent of the intel that I can share with you other than, well we have a, a number of folks that have appointments and we don�t know that they�re actually going to exchange or not. Some are being told, �Bring your currency just in case.� Or, �Yes, bring your currency, we fully intend,� and see, that�s that any minute, any hour, any day expectation that even what the banking system is having. And so some may tell people, �Come on, we, we intend to exchange it.� And when they get there, �Well, it�s not ready yet, but here�s what we can do in the meantime in between time,� so the visit is not a wasted visit. And we hear a lot of that from different members. Last week over the weekend different folks are sharing information with me about their appointments and rates that they were shared at that particular time but could not advance on them, but at least they were given a rate at that particular time on a particular currency they were interested in, and it, and it is what it is until it�s time to move forward. Then the reality sets in. So we hold to that, and we let that carry us through the day and through this week until whatever such day that we may receive a signal, some information, then we can convene again and say, �It�s time, and here�s what we know and here�s what you do.� But we may not convene and say, �It�s time and here�s what you do.� We just may convene and say, �It�s time, it�s out there, go do it.� We�ll work with whatever information we receive from whatever sources or whatever way we can get it ourselves. We�ll share that little bit with you, and it may be just a little bit.

So the question you need to be asking yourself, once again, are you ready? Are you ready is, is a very broad and ambiguous question because it�s going to cover a whole lot of things. Right now are you ready is we get a notice, we receive information that it�s live, ready to go, that we don�t have any 800 numbers to give you, no additional information other than it�s live, see you at the bank. �Well, what bank do I go to, Ray?� You go to whatever bank that you should already have done your homework on, finding out what banks in your area deal with foreign currencies! Is it a foreign-currency exchange location, is it a main location? Any foreign currencies, not dinar, just any foreign currency. Then when that moment comes and we say, �We don�t have 800 numbers to give you, no particular place to point you to other than to let you know it�s live, it�s ready, take action and we�ll talk to you later,� and if that�s the case you should be ready to take action and know which direction you need to go in for yourself if we don�t have that information for you. Are you ready? Do you have your bank locations already pinpointed and assigned, �I�ll contact this one and this one,� and if they have 800 numbers they want you to know about, then they will let you know if that be the case. Or they may just say, �Come on down, we�ve been waiting for you!� And make an appointment for you to go right through your local banking facility, wherever it may be. The last thing you want to have happen is for me to convene us and say, �It�s, it�s live, guys, let�s go, and talk to you later!� You want to hang up the phone and say, �Okay, Ray, thanks! I know what to do next!� And then make your move. You don�t want to be, �Well what, what�ll I do? What, who do I call? Where do I go?� You were not ready. So get ready, ladies and gentlemen. We�ve been looking for this last week, the week before that, this past weekend, today, tomorrow. One of these days it is going to be the day! Are you ready? Okay! I think that�s pretty much it as far as the, the intel that I have to share with you this morning, this afternoon, so we�ll do a little Q&A and�we�ll see how long this call lasts. May not be a long one, but we�ll try it out. Let me go with my first caller on the list, and I have 219.

C: Hello?

R: Hey, how are you?

C: I�m great, how are you, Ray?

R: Fantabulous.

C: Okay, I�m at a day care, so give me a second.

R: Oh!

C: For, for the Zim, you said that different ones are exchanging. Are they taking the six zeros off still?

R: As far as my knowledge they still are, and we�ll know for sure when it, when we, when we have that as a reality for ourselves.

C: Okay. And I just, a little comment for those of us who plan to give at restaurants to the waitresses. I found out that they don�t get the entire amount, they take taxes out or something like that. My daughter told me so.

R: Uh-huh.

C: Not to give to them but just know that they�re not gonna get that whole amount that we�re giving to �em.

R: Okay. So since we, since now we know that they won�t receive the, the whole amount, maybe we�ll bump it up a little bit more to a, to account for the taxes. Out of (inaudible).

C: I think that�s why they don�t get it all. Yeah.

R: Yeah.

C: I think that�s why they take it out, because of taxes, yeah.

R: All right. So if we, so if it�s a case of, of I really want this waitress or waiter to get this one-hundred-dollar tip and I want them to have the full one hundred dollars knowing that there�s gonna be some tax, maybe we�ll bump it up to one fifteen or one twenty-five or something so that after taxes they still get to realize the one hundred dollars we wanted them to have in the first place. Just a thought, just something we could do. Okay. Well thanks for sharing that.

C: You�re welcome. Thank you, and we miss you, Tony, and that�s it! Merry Christmas.

R: All right. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. St. Thomas, St. Thomas, St. Thomas.

R: Okay, all right! Looking forward to that, too. I�ll see you there.

C: Right. All right, bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Thank you. Okay, let�s see. Next up 508, how are you?

C: Hello?

R: Hello!

C: Hi! I just wanted to wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas, and what happens when we�re traveling and this happens? And I�ve made my connections here but not there. I have to�.

R: Well, well, well see it all depends on what it is you are trying to do. If you are interested in trying to grab that contract rate that�s been talked about, you need to move quick, fast, and in a hurry to some exchange location�.

C: Okay, so I need to look up the banks where I�m going.

R: I would.

C: Okay.

R: Or have, or have some, some fast money for getting on a private charter back home to take care of business.

C: Okay.

R: If it, if it�s, if time is of the essence.

C: Yeah. Okay.

R: Now, now if time is not of the essence, take your time, enjoy your trip, and take care of your exchange when you get back home!

C: Well, always time is of the essence.

R: But not necessarily.

C: Well, yes, I suppose if you wait, we could be the trip, the third mouse, right? And get the good bite?

R: That�s right! That�s right.

C: Yeah.

R: If you�re gonna play the first mouse, second mouse, third mouse game, time is definitely not gonna be of the essence. That�s what you�re waiting on. You�re waiting on time to play out and then make your move.

C: Gotcha.

R: Sweet. So it could be that you could enjoy your trip knowing everybody�s running to the bank and doing this, doing that, say, �Okay, okay. I�ll handle it when I get back home.� And then when you get back home you do your exchange and you got three times as much as the other folks who went a week ahead of you!

C: I gotcha.

R: That could be a reality! Something to think about!

C: It could be the reality.

R: Yes.

C: And I must keep that in mind.

R: And here�s something else�.

C: But I want to wish everybody a very, very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to everybody.

R: Okay.

C: All the team, Tony and you, and, and everybody. I really, really, really appreciate all the help that you have given us over these last four or five years, and I really, really want to say thank you again for everything you do.

R: All right. You�re welcome.

C: Oh! And if we want to send a little donation, is it still the old address?

R: Oh, yeah, everything�s still the same, (unintelligible)�s cleaning up some old stuff. So just leave it like you�ve been doing, I�ll get it to the right locations, and we�ll take care of it.

C: Okay. Thank you!

R: Thank you. Okay! Have a nice day day.

C: You, too. Merry Christmas.

R: Merry Christmas. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! Right! Sorry.

R: Okay, thank you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, let�s see here, what did I just do? I hit a number and did I close it back accidentally? All right. What do we have, 432?

C: I�m here!

R: Hey! How are you?

C: I�m doin� well. I got a sad story to tell you. I�m in Texas.

R: Okay?

C: And I put my Wells Fargo bank statement and rang the number on there and it plugged me into California. And I said, �Hey, I�m lookin� for a wealth manager.� She said, �A wealth manager,� and I said yes. �Well, you�re talkin� to California.� And I said, �Well�.� She said, �I�ll, I�ll get to you, I�ll plug you in.� So she plugged me in to Portland, Oregon.

R: Okay?

C: And the gal said, �This is Portland, Oregon, what do you want?� And I said, �I want a wealth manager.� And she said, �Well, I�m a wealth manager, who am I talkin� with?� And I told her who I was and I was calling from Texas, and she said, �Well, you�re talking to Oregon.� And when I said I�m from Texas, she laughed.

R: Uh-huh?

C: And, �I know what you�re wantin�.� And the only one she had a price for was the dong.

R: Okay?

C: And it was $38.50 a million.

R: Okay. That�s normal. That�s to be expected.

C: But she didn�t have a price on the rest of �em, the other two�

R: Okay.

C: �the Zim or the dinar.

R: Okay. That�s normal, too! That�s to be expected. So what was the disappointing part?

C: That she laughed when she said I was from Texas.

R: Oh! Okay. Well, we don�t really know why she laughed. I guess�I don�t know! You didn�t ask her, did you?

C: Well, I thought it was pretty evident.

R: Okay. Yeah, it�s pretty evident she doesn�t know what�s goin� on!

C: Well, that�s what I thought.

R: That�s the way I view that. It�s pretty evident she doesn�t know what�s goin� on, so, so she�ll, she�ll laugh!

C: Well, I just�.

R: But that�s okay.

C: I took it with grain of salt.

R: Uh-huh. Well, you know there�s, there�s uninformed people even in the banking system. And that�s, that�s what sets us apart. We, we�ve been specializing in this information. We, the foreign currency community, that�s what I�ll call us �cause it used to be dinarians, but it�s about more than dinar now. It�s expanded into other currencies, so we�re the foreign currency community. We eat, sleep, and drink this stuff 24 hours a day, they don�t! So it�s only natural to call six or seven people in a row and get a response like that, because it�s not what they are following, it�s not what they�re into. And then when they hear it, they hear a word of it and then the supervisor, the manager, even their Vice President may say, �Oh, that�s nothing, it�s hogwash.� And guess what they�re going to consider? �Oh, that�s nothing, it�s hogwash �cause that�s what the boss said.� So don�t hold it against them that they won�t take the initiative to really find out on their own what�s goin� on like we did, and be at peace with that!

C: It didn�t bother me, I just thought it�s funny she laughed.

R: Okay. All right! Okay, well thank you, sir. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: All right.

C: And Happy New Year!

R: All right. Merry Christmas to you.

C: Thank you.

R: All right, sir. All right, who do I have next up? 512.

C: Good morning, RayRen, can you hear me?

R: I hear you fine! How are you?

C: Hold on a second, I was puttin� on my earphones.

R: Okay.

C: Just a second. RayRen, can you hear me?

R: Yes, sir, I still hear you.

C: Okay. You know, we, we see a lot of posts right now that have been circulating about of course the markets being down and the fact that there�s a market crisis out there, you know, with the stocks, you know from the standpoint of if somebody doesn�t take some kind of action pretty soon, we�re gonna have a major recession, something similar to 2008. Of course, they�ve put out, you know, that there�s about 670 billion dollars in put, in put options that have actually been surfacing and, and are due to go on Friday. What happens if this RV doesn�t go through by Friday, but, you know, again were moved to next week? You know, do you envision, you know, any pressures being applied, you know, particularly from all the different comp, countries across the world who are looking at this massive devaluation and, and possible recessionary crisis that�s gonna occur?

R: Hmm. Interesting. I guess we�ll just have to wait and see what happens.

C: Okay. Because I, I, you know, back when Tony was on the call�

R: Uh-huh?

C: �he had mentioned that there were seven opportunities that were made, you know, to, to actually press the RV forward and they were all stopped. And the last one was the eighth one, which occurred right before he was asked to leave the call, and, and it would figure to me, you know, if they tried eight times to go ahead and push this out through, we�ve now been sitting, this is probably our, our what, our, the start of our third week that we�re looking at now and, and we�re looking at, at the fact that there hasn�t been another attempt, yet everything that is showing so far, you know, even the layoffs at Morgan Stanley where they were, you know, in one of the posts indicating a thousand people got laid off. And of course, oil is, is going down, you know, the price per barrel is going down, and it�s getting to be a, a crucial thing in the oil industry where they�re starting to lay off people. You would think that there�d be some kind of pressure out there to go ahead and activate this now when two weeks ago they tried eight times and they failed. So I, I just wanted to get�

R: Yes.

C: �your feel for it, �cause I know you�ve had some discussions on Open Mic, we�ve had some things reported in some of the posts, and, and it�s looking bleak, really really bleak. If this RV does not go through, it�s gonna cause a worldwide recession. What, again, you know, I, I just wanted to get your take on it.

R: That could be true, but we�ve, we�ve been here before as far as I�m concerned, and here being if it doesn�t happen by such-and-such time, the earth is going to explode from inside out. And it didn�t happen. We woke up the next morning, we were still here on earth. We still�

C: Yeah.

R: �went to work, still shopped. We still did everything that we were gonna do. Those of us who were broke, we were still broke. We�re still here!

C: Yeah.

R: So, sure, there�s some bleak outlooks, something that we can do nothing about anyway, but I don�t�

C: That�s true. That�s true.

R: �dwell on them. I dwell�

C: Yeah.

R: �on the things that I can do something about while I�m waiting, so that if it�s bleak and if those negative things happen, guess who they�re not going to affect? Me! Not in�

C: Well, they shouldn�t!

R: �(inaudible) manner, because I�m planning for that. And that�s what we all should be planning for, the negative, just like we are planning for the positive. That takes me right back to the question, are you ready? Because sure, some of us will say, �Well, what if it doesn�t happen? And if it doesn�t all these pressures, half of the earth is gonna fall off!� Okay, so what side of the half of the earth you gonna be on if you know half of it�s gonna fall off? We can�t stop it from falling, so we made sure we�re on the side that�s not going to fall off! But that�s all we can do. So we can make plans in case it happens, and if it doesn�t, you can say, �Well, I was ready!� Just like we�re�

C: Yeah.

R: �making plans for this RV to happen. Some of us were ready this morning, we were looking for it when we woke up. When the banks opened, somebody was expecting to go and do an exchange. Didn�t happen, but they were ready. Same thing for the bleak part. We expecting something negative on Saturday morning because something didn�t happen on Friday evening? Be ready! So that it doesn�t affect you in the same manner that it�s going to affect those who are not planning and were not ready. That�s the best advice I could give you guys, �cause that�s, that�s how I live my life, and it makes things simple! I, I dwell on the things that I can have an, an effect over, and the things that I can�t, I just plan. I just make plans.

C: That�s right.

R: I can�t control that, but I can control what happens to me after the fact if that actually takes place. I plan to some impact on the result. Are you ready? Okay!

C: Yeah. Yeah. Well thanks a lot.

R: All right.

C: Again, thanks for carrying on and keeping this information stream still goin� on, �cause we need it.

R: All right.

C: Thank you so much!

R: All right.

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Thank you, sir. All right, Merry Christmas to you.

C: Merry Christmas.

R: Oh, wow! Back to back, another 512! How did that happen? Hey (inaudible) happenstance.

C: Good morning, Ray.

R: Hey, how�.

C: Good morning, Ray, how are you doin�?

R: Good morning to you! I am fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: Well, I�d just like to say one thing. Next time we get somebody so negative, there�s a thing called click, why don�t you try that?

R: Oh, no, I didn�t receive that as negative, because, you know, that�s put out there for people to consider, and for some folks, it, it, and it can, the, you know, affect how they feel. And so I don�t mind addressing those things that I can�t control and just be better prepared to deal with it. Uh-huh.

C: Yeah, I guess you, you have a better attitude about it than I do. I just cannot stand the negative impact. I�m, I�m so forward, looking forward to this and taking just all the positive stuff that we can possibly take out of this.

R: Yes.

C: And here�s my question. Is there any window of opportunity that you guys are hearing that�s in the next couple of days? I mean, that we�re seeing some minor rumors on the internet about the 15th, is there any truth to that?

R: Well, well there�s truth unless they change something. There�s truth to the tariffs, and that�s the 15th, that some people are looking as a benchmark. That if these tariffs have to be (inaudible)�

C: Okay.

R: �they need to have this RV in effect so these people can pay these tariffs. That�s a good expectation. But now�

C: Okay.

R: �we�ve already been down the road where something we did not expect to happen took place, and for some of us we felt like it was a sucker punch. But hey, we, we can�t control things. So they may do something that (unintelligible) our situation that makes it a moot point. And then some folks�ll be sitting there with their mouth dropped open, �Oh, wow!� We don�t know! But all we can do is wait and see. And you, you remember, you remember back when, when, when the, when the dinar went on the stock market? Were you hanging out with us way back then? It was like I think February the 1st it was gonna be on the stock exchange, and we just knew the RV, they, they can�t, they, they can�t have this currency openly on the stock market without it being international. And what did they do? An in-country stock. I was like, man, somebody sucker punched me good on that one! But hey! That�s what they did, in country only! And we just knew back then it was going international. It can�t be on the stock exchange without it being an international currency! And they did an in-country stock.

C: What about�what about the Iraqis? How are they reacting to all this? I mean they, those guys have to be loosing their marbles already!

R: Well, you know the.�

C: What�s goin� on there?

R: They�re strangely quiet right now. We have quite a few of our members that have Iraqi citizens�

C: That is strange.

R: �that they call and talk to, and I have some that I�ve talked with that it�s been two, almost three days since they heard back from them. You know, they�ve text �em, they sent out, try to call, and so we�re not getting a lot of word from the citizens so much as now people over there they�re in, into corporate-level banking, even government level. Sure we get the, �It�s, it�s all done, it�s coming, you just wait. It�s, it�s, it�s in motion.� But for the�

C: So the (inaudible)�.

R: �the average (inaudible) citizen, they�re kind of quiet right now, so I really don�t have a pulse on what�s goin� on over there.

C: Is this the calm before the storm?

R: Could be. Yes.

C: �Cause I haven�t heard any, any comments from Mr. Abadi either on, nowheres!

R: They have been quiet.

C: I mean, just a few minor�well, let�s hope you�re right. I�m positive about it. I think we�re still good. We�re there and we�re almost gettin� there and I guess that we just have to keep our positive attitude about this. Anyway, I�ve only been a short two-and-a-half years, so I guess that�s a lot less than a lot of people have been waitin�.

R: Yes, sir.

C: Anyway, well this is Texas signing off.

R: All right, sir.

C: And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Thank you! All right. Look forward to seeing you there.

C: All right.

R: Okay. Have a good day. Okay, 252. All right, that, that�s not gonna work here. Okay, we tried you 252, but that wouldn�t work. All right, let me go to 941. 941, you�re up!

C: 941.

R: Hey there! Good afternoon.

C: How are you doin� today?

R: Doin� great, thank you. How �bout you?

C: What else is there to do? Wait.

R: Hey, yeah, that�s right!

C: Yeah. True. So basically�

R: But look at what is�go ahead.

C: We�re not, we�re not moving in any direction, right?

R: Sure! We�re moving in a positive direction.

C: Well, really no new news. You know, the banks still don�t want to talk to you. You take your dong and lay it on the table, they just look at you and say, �Yeah, we�ll give you, you know, fifty dollars for a million.�

R: Okay.

C: So, you know, to me that�s, means we�re not moving in either direction, just kinda standing still waitin� for somebody to say, �Okay, let �em have it.�

R: Okay.

C: But it seems like�

R: All right.

C: �the person that I feel has, is holding it up is in no hurry to do much of anything�as far as a lot of the things in the world go, but that�s beside the point, so. Just waitin�.

R: Okay! All right!

C: Have fun in Vegas.

R: Okay, thank you, sir. Thanks for calling in!

C: Have a good day.

R: All right. You, too. Okay, I�m gonna move to 954.

C: No, I put my hands down.

R: Or did I lose it? Let�s see here. Your hand�s down? Okay. Next up, 770. 770, you�re on, good afternoon.

C: Hey, Ray, how are you doin�?

R: Fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: Not too bad, not too bad. I got a, I wanted to clear up and maybe have some sort of clarity to a question. I was on a week ago.

R: Okay.

C: And I asked you a question about how do they possibly work this to where an exchange is done, and I don�t know if you misunderstood, because another guy came on right after me and, you know, and I said to my, I was really annoyed with his comment, because my car, my question to you was not one of negative, it was clarity. But�

R: Right.

C: �and I said I�ll forego his, Tony�s favorite word, �fidiot�, but my question was if you have this currency, and it has already been exchanged and the same printed currency that has already been exchanged has been exchanged, how is it that it is you that can�t go to the same banking facility with that same exact currency and do an exchange if they�re exchanging the currency, not the person. If the currency�

R: Okay.

C: �now has that value.

R: Okay. Now, I don�t mind repeating things for educational value, �cause that�s the way a lot of people learn, through repetition, but we did this song and dance then and I answered your question, and I was okay with the question you asked for clarity. I didn�t receive it as you being negative. Now, the next caller did, but that�s just the way they received it. As far as I was concerned, you asked the question for clarity, I explained it to you the best that I could and we moved on.

C: Uh-huh.

R: So I didn�t see a need for us to revisit it again because you�re gonna get the same answer you got from me last week!

C: Okay, so if it�s (inaudible).

R: I thought, and I thought you were satisfied with the answer you received!

C: Well, I mean I stopped so you could answer it, and then I guess, well, no matter, I, I just�kinda didn�t get, you know, a, to me a answer that was really clear, but, but that�s all right.

R: All right, let�s try it one more time. Third time�s a charm.

C: Okay. Thank you, Ray.

R: All right. Restated, �cause this�ll be the third time now, that�s why I say the third time is a charm, so restate it.

C: Okay.

R: And if we get, get it, get you the clarification that you�re looking for.

C: Right.

R: All right.

C: You have, you have two groups of people. They both possess the physical object, which is the currency.

R: Okay.

C: One goes in and they exchange.

R: Okay.

C: Another person has the same exact document, the same exact currency�

R: Okay.

C: �but they cannot. But the currency has to have a value or they wouldn�t have exchanged it with Mr. B. Mr. C comes in and they say, �We�re not doing it because it doesn�t have a value.� But the physical currency is exactly the same. In other words, if you got note number�

R: Okay. I gotcha. All right.

C: (Inaudible) five thousand�.

R: All right. Here�s how this, let me explain it. This is the best way I can explain it to you.

C: Okay.

R: The, the currency has, for lack of a better word, two values.

C: Okay.

R: It has the current value that you can see publicly and the new value that has not been released just yet.

C: Okay.

R: So, the B person that went in and did the exchange, they did the exchange based on the new value that has not been released, and C went in and can�t do an exchange because the bank is still looking at the old value. So now how you can do one vs. the other, it was my understanding Treasury told the banks a while back, �Hey, you got the green light on, to exchange on this currency if you want to at your own risk, but you have the green light to exchange on it, or work whatever deal you want to do, because everybody�s going to in, in a matter of days.� So that, that leaves a bank with a choice, do we want to take a risk or not? Or, that�s the only way that I could see that happening. So the B person that did the exchange was on the new value that has not yet been released to the public but will be in a matter of days. So the C person went to another bank and said, �Oh, no, we, we�re not takin� any chances, we�re gonna just wait.� So one bank says we�ll move ahead, another bank says we�re going to wait. That�s the clarity for me on that. And then when it becomes fully released to the public where now all banks are saying, �Well, we have no risk, it�s, it�s a fully public, release the currency.� Boom, everybody can now go and do their exchange. How�s that?

C: Got it.

R: Okay!

C: Got it. Okay!

R: And I did not receive that as a negative question �cause you just wanted clarity and that�s the best clarity that I could give you because that�s the way I see it.

C: Uh-huh. Yeah. I�

R: Thank you, sir.

C: �I got that, thanks.

R: Okay! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yep. So you guys can go!

R: Hey! All right, thanks a lot. Merry Christmas.

C: Thanks a lot. Bye, and same to you.

R: Okay. All right, I�m gonna grab, next in line is, who is this, 707!

C: Good morning, Ray.

R: Hey, how are you?

C: Okay. Just a, a comment on an earlier call that has come up before about all of the articles coming out about the world is gonna crash and burn and, you know, if we don�t do this or we don�t do that, and one, the best answer I�ve heard on that is that there�s two things that sell, articles that sell, editorials and edit, and sell newspapers. Second is fear. And�

R: Okay.

C: �and they also sell subscriptions.

R: Okay.

C: So, you know, for that person that called about that, just think of it in those terms, that, that what they�re hearing is a sales pitch.

R: Okay.

C: To get someone to believe their ideas about the world crashing and burning. That sound all right?

R: That could be!

C: Okay. Merry, Merry Christmas to you, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, thank you, sir. All right, let�s go, 313.

C: Hi, Ray!

R: Hey, how are you?

C: I�m doing good, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, thank you. What�s on your mind?

C: I don�t have any questions. My questions have been answered.

R: Great.

C: So all I have to say is Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and go RV.

R: All right. Thank you very much! Have a good day!

C: You, too. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. All right, 770, you�re on!

C: Hi, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: I appreciate your taking my call, alias 404. Early�.

R: Hey there!

C: Hello, hello. Early in your remarks you had commented that over the weekend that the CBI had been telling the citizens, alerting them that the lower denoms were coming, that they were not saying in the coming days. What message, if any, had the CBI been saying today?

R: I have not received any information today on what�s on the screens, so this was from the weekend.

C: Right.

R: And maybe, maybe we see something later today, but getting intel this morning was a little slow coming in.

C: Okay. Okay.

R: So I ran with what we had so we could still do the call on time, but some of that information may be forthcoming a little later in the day.

C: Okay. And of course we�d have no objection if you want to have another call later in the day to, strictly to give us the info that is here. We appreciate that.

R: Oh, yes. I would very much love to do that!

C: And with that I will close out with the Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay.

C: I�m looking forward to that and seeing you all again, and send Tony and the rest of the crew a Merry Christmas to all the folks as well.

R: Great.

C: And thanks for taking the call! Appreciate it. Bye-bye.

R: All right, thank you. Bye-bye.

C: Bye-bye.

R: 281, you�re on!

C: That was 404? Yeah. She was another one.

R: 281, you�re on. 281, ring, ring, ring!

C: Good morning! Good morning!

R: Hey, how are you?

C: I�m great, man. Blessed. With China getting in the mix, you know, getting in the basket and all of the other reports about the implementation of the, you know, the laws in Iraq and everything progressing and moving like it is, I mean I, I�m hearing a couple of different things from some different resources, and so I want to kinda gather your thoughts on this. They�re saying that it is a possibility that it�s gonna go through the end of January, even February, because of the rollout process. And so I�m just kinda, you know, pickin� your brain here a little bit to see what your thoughts are on, on that, because it seems to be a whole lot more involved than what we are being privy to, you know. So�

R: Okay.

C: �I just want to gather your thoughts and see what your, what you�re thinkin� about that. And�go ahead.

R: Okay. Well, sure there�s some, there�s some unknowns as far as the process, but for a person to, you know, grab the end of January, February, based on what? Did they just pull it out of the air?

C: No, it�s based on some things that they�ve been hearing about, you know, the historical bonds and people that are heavily involved with that. Also some of the information about, now whether this has anything to do with it or not, but some of the information about the railway system that�s gonna be built there in China and, you know, the projections on that. You know, and again, this is just based on some outside information that they�re hearing from other sources, and�

R: Okay.

C: �what they�ve said so far has been pretty accurate, I mean, and you know, we haven�t, we haven�t, they�ve been notified that it�s released, but then called and said it�s on hold, you know. So kinda confirms both of what we�re saying, you know.

R: Okay, well, you know, I, I could say a lot of things that have been accurate and then throw something out of the air and package it, you probably wouldn�t know the difference! So�

C: Right.

R: �for me to attempt to try to have an intelligent conversation on what somebody put out, I would need to have more detailed information to go along with it. Now, right, just on the surface, just on the surface, the little bit you gave me, I picked up, okay, China, we got China involved in this process and now that we may not revalue currencies because they gotta get a train line set?

C: No, no, no. That�s not, that�s not the, yeah, that�s not what we�re talkin� about.

R: I know, but see, that�s the bits and pieces that I got from you from the conversation. And so I, that�s why I said I can�t, I couldn�t really have a sensible conversation about it because there�s too many pieces of it missing for, for me to really give (inaudible).

C: Yeah, I would think the primary thing�if I can inject this�I think the primary thing is the fact that the, you know, historical bonds have been, you know, they�ve been said that they�re gonna releasing these things for days and weeks, and I�ve had several due dates, and they were told, you know, they were gonna release �em, they were gonna have �em, it�s coming, you know, the installment payments were gonna be made and all this other kinda stuff, and then the delay came again. And of course I think if the historical bonds and that are being delayed, I believe this is all connected with�and you correct me if I�m wrong�I think all of this is connected with the RV and all the other revaluation of all the other things. I think they all have to go at the same time. And I could be wrong on that, but if I am, I, I, I stand corrected. But my understanding is that all of it has to go at the same time.

R: And that might be the case. And let�s, let�s say for the sake of conversation that is the case. Now the question that really needs to be answered is what are you going to do about it? See, that�s the important part. No matter what someone tells us, no matter what we feel and think, we must answer that question, �What are you going to do about it?� Either you�re going to plan or you are not.

C: The only thing I (inaudible). The only thing I�m doing, speaking the word, I can�t do anything about what these other, you know, entities are doing. I can only take care of my end and I�m�.

R: Not the entities! Right, I�m talking about the information. Because if the information, and if you�re going to subscribe to the information, well it�s going to be late January, and if you believe that, now the question for you is what are you going to do about it? Because that�s what�s important, what you decide to do�

C: Well, I (inaudible)�

R: �with the information that you believe!

C: I�m not saying I believe that.

R: Right.

C: I�m saying that there are, that just like everything else right now is speculation, and we�re speculating that�s gonna happen another, in the next day, in the next 24 hours. We�ve been doing that for over a year and a half now, and it�s the same type of thing. That�s, that�s what I�m talking about. It�s, it�s out there, and there�s no definitive absolutes to specific dates and times. I think that it would benefit everybody if it did come out, you know, on the 15th like everybody�s projecting.

R: Right.

C: But then again, you know, we�re not pulling strings on this thing. So, you know, I was just trying to get your thoughts on do you think there is a possibility�this is what I guess the question I wanted to ask�do you think�

R: Oh.

C: �there�s a possibility that it could go into January.

R: Based on what I have been hearing, what the banking people have been sharing with not only me but other people that have appointments with banks, have scheduled times for this week with the anticipation to exchange them, no I don�t feel or believe we�re going into the end of January, because I�m hearing other information that is still leading me towards any day this week or, well, based on, based on one particular person, well Wednesday, he says he has an appointment for Wednesday. Of course, we�ve had people in the past that had appointments to do an exchange, but then could not (inaudible).

C: Well I (inaudible) wealth manager that, yeah. Well we have a wealth manager that works with a big bank, I�m not gonna say what, and we have a very close working relationship, and we�ve already been informed that when everything goes through, we�re first on the list to get the call. We haven�t heard a word from this individual, and so, but we know because of our relationship with him that it�s a legitimate, she knows it�s legitimate, and is very high up in the wealth management part of Wells Fargo, so, we, we, we know the things going through, it�s just that, you know, what we�re trying to isolate, pinpoint, you know, is are we looking at it before the end of this year�

R: When.

C: �are we looking at this week. Yeah. You know, that kind of thing, the when.

R: Okay.

C: Not the if. Not the I, you know, I know this thing is inevitable, but it�s just the when.

R: Okay. Great. Thank you, sir. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Well, you can go there! I�m going to Hawaii and, and, and Bali.

R: Okay. Well I�m, I may bump into you in Hawaii. You let me know when you�re going.

C: Well, you�ll probably see me there.

R: Our, our paths might cross. Okay. Thank you, sir.

C: We�ll be staying at the Ka�anapali and then playin� a little bit of golf, doin� some deep sea fishing and everything else, you know, the�.

R: Okay! Sounds like fun. But all right. Thank you, sir.

C: Awesome, man. Well Merry Christmas to everybody, and blessing on all you guys.

R: All right! Thank you. Have a good day.

C: (Inaudible), all right. Bye-bye.

R: Okay, bye-bye. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we�ve hit that hour, the top of the hour, a little bit past the top of the hour where it�s time for us to pack it up and bring it in. And if you didn�t get anything else from today�s call, the last caller really should�ve put you in the right perspective, in the right frame of mind. It�s not a question of if, it�s just when. And so when is, is that time? And with that being said, the magic four-letter word, and I call it magic because we don�t know when it�s going to do what we want it to do! W-A-I-T. Let�s just sit back and wait. Let�s wait on it. It�s coming. We can�t rush it, we can�t do anything to speed it up, slow it down, turn it sideways, but we can do a whole lot with it once we have it in our hands. So let�s wait. Do what we do best. At this present time this is what we do best is we just wait! So wait we shall. That being said, hopefully we�ll have a reason to convene you again, and if not today tomorrow, and if not tomorrow we�ll be back with our regular Wednesday call. We�re just takin� it day by day, folks, and see what happens. Well, really I�m taking it hour by hour right now, and see what happens, because there�s different things going on. We have some currency fluctuating that some of us can possibly turn a few dollars in, in the meantime while we�re waiting for this thing to wrap up. So we�ll just wait on that and we�ll see what happens. So have a good day, and we�ll talk again at another time.

TNT Conference Call 12.09.15

R: Just like a Timex. Might take a licking, but we keep on ticking! And I do believe that all systems are go now, I should be in full-recording mode on both lines. Good afternoon! Good afternoon, welcome to the TNT Superfantastic call for this Wednesday, December 9, Well-When-Am-I-Gonna-See-It Wednesday. That�s what most of you are used to hearing me, and since it�s me, I�m going to continue to say those things which I have always said. So this is Wealth-Seeking Wednesday as well. Now, intel-wise, no, we don�t have a whole lot of new information to share with you. Everything is positive. Everything is moving right along just as we had expected, as we were told. We just don�t know the, the progress that this takes, so that leaves a question mark. But as long as we know that it is progress, that we can be happy with and be excited about that it is in motion, progress is being made. Lot of things are going on. Banks are getting even more excited. I�m having members emailing me, texting me. They have appointments coming up. Most of these appointments are to discuss and plan. Some of them are even thinking that they�re going to exchange people when they show up, so they�re saying, �Hey, bring your currency anyway just in case.� That�s a good sign. Entirely different meth, message from what we heard a year ago, so it makes it difficult for anybody to say, �Are we in the same place we were in last year?� Of course not! Not with all of these things that are going on, the information moving us forward, expectation moving us forward, appointments, the whole nine yards. Some currencies that had no value a year ago now have extreme perceived value, and, and in some cases real value based on the individuals that will tell you that they�ve exchanged or had an opportunity to leverage. All of these taking place, but where are we? Any minute, any hour, any day, any week, we�re, that�s where we can be, ladies and gents. We�ve heard everything popping out from different locations, different sources, that we can�t put our finger on it directly, but just to know that we are in progress, that�s exciting enough in and of itself. Especially with people with their appointments coming up. So what we�re going to do, that�s, that�s really the intel. There�s, there�s no new twist or turn, we�re just waiting! Things that we had expected on Monday didn�t develop yet. Things that we may have expected on Tuesday didn�t develop yet or may have in, to some degree. Time will tell it all. We just wait. Hold on, hold out, and believe and know that it�s coming.

But while we�re waiting, let�s talk about really being really, �cause we make that reference a whole lot of be ready so you won�t have to get ready and all these different phrases. Excuse me. So we want to make sure that you are preparing yourself for this life-changing event, not just to go to the bank and do your exchange and, and have a lot of money in your account. Anybody can do that, doesn�t take a lot of preparation for that. The preparation is for what is yet to come once that has concluded! The lifestyle change, a number of things, so we need to be preparing ourselves for the actual minute, hour, or day that we�re told, �Come on, we can process you, can process your currency,� and even after that. Now on the last call I did speak briefly on, on the PODs, Payable On Death beneficiary designation for those, you individuals when you do your exchange until you can get that money moved to the entity structures you want it moved to. We also referenced making sure that all of our IDs are current and the cons, the N, NDA contract, we had been told at one time that two photo IDs would be needed. We don�t know how true that is, so if you have the capability to create two photo IDs, then go ahead and get that done, and make sure it doesn�t become a last-minute in the eleventh hour thing that needs to be done before you can wrap up your exchange activity. I talked briefly on, on inventorying, making sure that you have an inventory of your currency. Know what you have. It�s, it�s not enough, I don�t think it�s enough to just say I have X amount of Iraqi dinar. What denominations do you have? Now if it�s all 25K and 25K only, then that�s easy! But if you have some combination of 25Ks, 10Ks or whatever the case may be, at least have an inventory so that you know what you have and you know what you�re working with when you go to do your exchange. And that counts for all of your different currencies.

Now on some other things we, we haven�t talked about--when I say we I mean me with you all, with the TNT members--I�ve had an opportunity to go over some of these things on, on the other call that I�m involved in that we just talk in general, so I will let you benefit from some of that. One of the key words, or actually a couple of them, but one of the key words is diversification. We want to make sure that diversification is first and foremost in our mindset. Most of us have been taught from day one to diversify when it comes to investing. Don�t put all of your eggs in one basket from an investment standpoint, but I�m also going to say the same thing from a banking standpoint. Don�t put all of your eggs in one basket. You should be looking to diversify in your banking activity just like we diversify in our investing activity, and why is that? Well, because if you ever get in disfavor with a bank, they can just decide on a whim to shut all your accounts down, tell you to come and get your money, and send you down the road. You don�t want to ever be in a position like that where everything that you are working with financially now comes to a halt--the interruption, inconvenient, have to move this, move that--and so I would diversify even in banking so that if you fall out of favor with a particular bank for whatever the reason may be--could be something you did or something they did--it won�t interrupt your lifestyle of how you�re moving your money, handling your business. So that�s something to think about. Diversification, diversification, diversification. So not only in our investment arena but also in our lifestyle living arena we should be as diversified. That ties right along in with the asset protection community. So diversification.

Another key word we want you to focus on, and this is a, a double word, it�s actually two words: lost opportunity. That�s something a lot of us have not been taught in grade school, college, and even in just the hard, the hard, what�s that, the School of Hard Knocks. We just haven�t been taught that in life in general. So you need to learn about lost opportunity and the economic impact it has on you. Now, I�m referencing that from the standpoint of exchange time, we have, we have all this money, we�re all excited, you know, Tony and, and DC and them in the past have talked about the lottery winners, you know, we want to save everybody, we want to rush to pay off debt, we want to hurry up and buy automobiles, boats, planes, trains, you name it. So you�re going to do it anyway, can�t stop you from doing that, and in some cases it�s not a bad thing to do. But we have to look at how we go about doing some of those things. You need to treat your exchange process as principle. And what have we always been taught when it comes to investing? You put your money to work, you want to let the principal create interest and you live off of the interest and maintain the principal. That can apply also when it comes to paying debts or even acquiring new items. Sure, we�re going to have the cash to just go pay cash for something. Usually when we do that, let�s say we, we drop ten thousand dollars on, on an item that we want to buy and, and our mindset is, �Oh, well, it�s ten thousand dollars. Okay, I�ll make some more.� Well, it�s more than ten thousand dollars. It may be ten thousand dollars in its present form, but now let�s apply lost opportunity to that ten thousand dollars. What could that ten thousand dollars have created for you by way of a nice, sound investment that is creating a monthly cash flow? Compare that to whatever we spent the ten thousand dollars on, and now we have something to judge and compare so that we can intelligently make a decision on, well, should I pay cash for this or not?

And let�s look at our, our larger items, because ten thousand may not mean that much to some of you, but there�s some folks that, �Hey, first thing I�m gonna do, I�m gonna buy me a house, and I�m gonna pay cash for it.� Now, why the urge to pay cash for that house? Because you don�t want payments, naturally, that�s what we�re used to, and you don�t want the, the thought of foreclosure even coming up, because hey, if I�ve paid cash for it, it�s mine free and clear, no payments. Even a one-hundred-thousand-dollar house, look at what that could mean to you by way of lost opportunity. You go and drop one hundred thousand on the house, you own it free and clear, okay. Now you have, �an asset� or a liability. All depends on where it falls. But you definitely do not have one hundred thousand dollars anymore. It�s tied up in the property. And we look at, well, when the property appreciates, I�ll, I�ll have more value. Yes, but if you can�t get any cash out of it, what good will it do you? These are things to consider and let your financial people help you navigate and choose the right direction before you take a direction. Let them help you mathematically calculate which move should I make? Should I pay one-hundred-thousand-dollars cash for this property, or should I take out a low-interest loan, put that one hundred thousand dollars to work and let it create revenue for me? And let�s say that you, you find a--I�ll be conservative--a 6% return on your money and you get a low-interest mortgage, 2%. You�re making 4% on your money because you have a 2% loan but you have a 6% return coming from an investment. That leaves you with a 4% difference. Over time, that money is growing, accumulating, and before long the mortgage note is paid, you own the property free and clear fifteen years later, but look at the fifteen years of that interest coming in and what it generated and what it created for you as opposed to having your money tied up in your house. And then to try to get it out, you�d have to go and take out a loan against the equity of the property to try to pull that cash out to do anything with it. Just these are things to think about, things to consider. Should I pay cash or should I not? How do I know the difference? Rely on those professional people that you will be interacting with post-RV, the wealth managers, the private bankers, the private investment counselors, the CPAs, the this and the that, and the strategic planners. All of these different types of people that you are going to be paying anyway, let them help you navigate these directions and these choices so that you can make the best choice the first time and won�t be down the road saying, �Man, I sure wish I would have done this or done that.� You know most of us, we�ve already been there and done that in our lifetime, so let�s not make the same mistake twice.

Also, let�s look at, since I�m talkin� about the loan, let�s look at the, the RV time. It�s, it�s time to go the bank to do your exchange, and some of you, you know the first mouse, second mouse, third mouse? That may be very prevalent. And so you contemplate, well, do I go and, and exchange any currency initially, or do I wait for a better rate? I need some money. Should I go and exchange one or two small notes so I can have money to, to do what? What do we need that little money for, whatever it is that we need, that we don�t have this very minute, but the minute the RV happens, �Oh, I need to this and I need to that?� Well, how have you been taking care of that need up to this moment? It probably has been sitting and waiting just like you have been sitting and waiting for this RV to happen, so the need might not really be that much of a true need, it could be a convenience. It could be something that we�re trying to just take care of because we are victims of instant gratification. So, let�s look if the need is a true need! Now, how much money do you really truly need for something? Some of us have some pressing debt that we, this needs to be paid, or some pressing this or pressing that. How much is that? Is it going to be tens of thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars? For most of us, no, it�s just going to be a few thousand! So instead of even taking one note at a lower rate and that you could get a higher rate later, maybe you might want to just go to the bank and then negotiate a small loan to cover that �immediate need� so that your currency can get you maximum dollars when it�s time to go and exchange. Something to think about, something to consider.

Let�s see, another area--and I�m just touching on some of these and I don�t know, Q&A may make us go into a little bit more details on it--but if not, it�s something for you to think about and to consider while we�re waiting for that particular day when we can say it�s all over, it�s showtime. [Pause for approximately 1 minute.] Okay, yet another technical challenge has arisen, so I�ll try to struggle on through with this and I�m thinking that you all can still clearly hear me. But anyway, where was I? I was headed on taxable or not. We don�t really know if it�s going to be taxable. We don�t really know that it�s not going to be taxable. But there are certain tools that you can use along the way to include into your portfolio that at least some segments of it would not be taxable if you use a tax-free tool for that particular purpose. Now, the tool that I�m talking about is the self-directed Roth IRA. A lot of us are familiar with these, an IRA, Individual Retirement Account. Now, the way that the, the basic IRA, you put money into it every year, and I�m just gonna use six thousand dollars as, for this conversation, so don�t try to hold me to the numbers later. So you, you donate up to six thousand dollars in your IRA, and you can deduct that when you do your income taxes. Now that�s a tax-deferred qualified plan, so that when you build your IRA up later in the years and retire, you can receive that money, and then you would be taxed on it at that time, but no while it�s growing. So it�s a tax-deferred qualified plan. Now, they also had created a Roth IRA. Now a Roth IRA worked the exact opposite. You put six thousand dollars in it per year or whatever. There�s no write-off capability, but at the same token, at retirement time when it�s time to start receiving benefits from that Roth, they�re tax-free, and that Roth can grow and build to whatever amount you can get it to grow and build to for your retirement.

Now, of course, these are IRA programs, and then comes the self-directed Roth. One second. Going to switch over here. One second. Okay. One more try with this, and we�re going to move on. So we�re talking about the Roth IR, self-directed Roth IRA. Self-directed gives you the capability to advertise, excuse me, not advertise, to invest in whatever you deem necessary. So with that knowledge, the self-directed Roth IRA, you can make the investment decisions. What would be a good thing that you could probably take those qualified-plan monies with and invest? Hey, what about foreign currency? We have members doing that, that they�ve, they�ve been able to acquire foreign currency in their qualified-plan program. So they can�t spend that today, that�s for down the road, for retirement! So it�s what I call a good Plan B, to have a tax-free retirement distribution through your self-directed Roth IRA. You just let it purchase the foreign currency, hold on to it, exchange it, and then at the appropriate time you start receiving distributions. And there�s some technical mechanisms on making that work, and you talk with, with particular custodian companies that offer this service. They will share with you how to go about doing that in that type of environment. Let�s see, so we�ve covered a few things that hopefully have been helpful for you, for those of you in your state of preparedness, getting ready, being ready so you won�t have to get ready, and the technical challenges here have been distracting. But hopefully if, if the audio is still working fine, if everyone can hear me pretty good, we�re gonna go into Q&A to see if you may have a question or two on what, what I�ve addressed or something that may be pressing on your mind. So let me get over to that screen so that we can do that. Let�s see. Okay, caller Area Code 703, I believe I have you open. You�re up!

C: Hi, Ray, is that me?

R: That is you! Hi there!

C: Hi, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: I�m doin� just wonderful. Thank you for taking my call. With the, and, and first of all, thank you for all the great information that you just gave us. I, I�m now rethinking my plan. My daughter was basically trying to tell me exactly what you were telling me about purchasing, because I�m so, I�m a little bit older so I didn�t want anything to do with debt, and she�s trying to get me to see that you can use that to your advantage. But again, like you said, I�m just so, just don�t want to see anyone that even looks like debt. But that�s something to rethink, so I, I thank you for making that clearer, taking up so much time to teach us on that. The one question I do have, I am wondering at one point when the old site was up, the plan was that the site would probably go static at that particular time. Now with us now having a new site with the TNT Showtime, is that plan still in operation? Will we still be looking for a static site, or does this site fall unto, you know, because it�s under you now, that�s not something that we need to look for when it does come time for the RV.

R: Well, that particular part probably would still be the same.

C: Okay. Okay.

R: But that, that...

C: Okay, so we....

R: ...may still unfold in that manner because of certain things that we were gonna be getting involved in. And even though there�s...

C: Understood.

R: ...a new sheriff in town, this sheriff is gonna be riding the same stagecoach with Tony.

C: I, that, that, completely understand. And, and, and so we still, lastly, we still don�t know about whether or not they�re gonna do the shotgun effect or do we actually know is there in fact going to be an 800 number?

R: We do not know yet that, that there is gonna be an 800 number that we can distribute and get to you. They�re still awaiting that. So I won�t say no, but at the same token I can�t say yes because we don�t know what, what they want to do to allow us to assist them.

C: And we have no idea what kind of lead time that they�re talking about that when, you know, they do let this go if there�s an 800 number, you know, is there, �cause I know back when we were talking with DC they were thinking about what to call the 12-hour cooling off point that maybe we got the numbers and made appointments, but those appointments would be at least 12 hours out. So we don�t know any of that yet.

R: That is correct. We do not know any of that to be...factual.

C: Right. Right.

R: It was proposed at that particular time, and so we�re going to hold to the proposals until we hear something different.

C: Uh-huh. Huh. Okay. That, it, they�re doing a very good job of this keeping it, keeping us in the dark, but we�re, we�re educated enough, thankfully, to you and the team, that we could do either, you know, either way it goes. So again, I thank you for your education. Please give Tony our regards as well as DC, and I�ll let the next caller come on, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: All right, thank you!

C: Have a great day.

R: All right, you too. Okay, let�s see. I�ll try to get to our next caller. 602.

C: Hey, good morning, Ray.

R: Good morning. How are you?

C: I�m doing good. I�m impatiently patiently waiting, I think is, is, as the song goes. Quick question. When you�re talking about the....

R: Yes! Impatiently waiting to be patient.

C: Yes. There you go. Absolutely. Other than that pretty good. Thank you. In reference when you were talking about the banks loaning on currencies, are they, are all banks doing that right now?

R: Well, you know, I, I didn�t mean loaning on currencies, I just meant just take out a loan. Now, let�s look at the dynamic here. You go into the bank and it�s exchange time, but you don�t like the rate. So you may tell the bank person there that, �Hey, I�m gonna do this exchange, but I believe the rate�s going to be X amount of dollars a few more days from now or a week from now,� whatever the case may be, �and I fully intend to exchange with you at that time. But I have about fifty-five-hundred dollars of some things I need to take care of. What can we work out?�

C: Oh, I see. Okay.

R: You�d be surprised what the bank may say, because, you know, we have, we have members, we have members that agreed to do an exchange but they needed a truck, so what did the bank do? They bought the truck for them based on the promise that they�re going to do the exchange when it�s exchange time.

C: Okay. Got it.

R: So that was the very first member that we had. Now it�s up to three members so far that have vehicles based on the perceived value of what is yet to come, and they didn�t even pledge any of their currency. It was all gentlemen�s agreement, if you will, or verbal contract.

C: Wow. Okay.

R: So this is pre-RV. Now you�re going into the bank, it�s, it�s post-RV, it�s live everywhere, they know it, you know it. It�s, it�s at the highest hills and in the lowest valleys, it�s everywhere, so there�s no question about the value that it represents. So then you may say, �I�m, I want to do this with you, and I fully intend to do this with you, the banking person. You have my business, just not on today, but maybe next week when the conditions are for what I�d like for them to be.� No telling what type of negotiation you can work out with that banking person, because you�re cutting deals!

C: Okay, thank you for that. In the beginning of your call you were talking about the things that we are looking for, the bank codes being active on Tuesday, Wednesday green lights to activate and have the RV rates out there. You were saying that what we�re expecting on Monday and Tuesday and today did not happen? So is there like a new window?

R: Well, well that meant that, I meant it on what we were expecting from the information that we gave you as our intel. That bond stuff was things that was circulating and so I just shared that because, I mean, most of you probably already saw it anyway, so there was no need to skirt around it. But that wasn�t �intel� that I was sharing from our sources to, to look for anything on any given day. But, and, and it was good educational information for a lot of you to, to learn and hear because you hear so many different things that are expectant, that materialize, sometimes they don�t materialize, so it was okay. So none of that bond report stuff for the, for the bond people, I wasn�t really subscribing to that anyway, so no, it doesn�t give me any new windows because my window was any minute, any hour, any day, and every time I hear of some progress, I said, �Okay, we�re, we�re, you know, the wheel is turning!� But there was never a, a day for me to actually look for it anyway that I could have communicated to you all. If that helps.

C: Okay. Okay. When you�re talking about the tariffs on the 15th, does the, does it have any impact on the RV to happen before the tariffs on the 15th or after?

R: That is the expectation, and I would be inclined to, to go along with that. That, have the tariffs kick in and the, these taxes and whatever have to be paid and where�s the money? But if the RV is there, they have the means to, to meet the tariff requirements, so that�s a good expectation. Time will tell.

C: So you�re feeling, you�re feeling is, is probably before then, if I�m understanding you correctly?

R: That would be nice! You know, if it�s already in progress, I�m thinking why, why should it take until the 15th? So...

C: Okay. Fair enough.

R: ...I�m looking for it any day, and if it, if it pops up today I would not be surprised. If it pops up tomorrow, then, what�s the next day? What day is it? This is Wednesday. I�m on day-to-day basis right now and with, with looking forward to it.

C: Okay. Thank you. Thank you to the whole team, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas...

R: You�re welcome.

C: we can all go! Thank you, Ray.

R: Okay! Thank you. All right. All right, I�ll move to the next caller. Let�s see. Let�s see if this is working. 646? 646, you�re on.

C: Yes, sir! Ray? You there?

R: Hey!

C: Can you hear me?

R: Yes.

C: Can you hear me?

R: I�m here. Yes, sir.

C: How are you doing, brother? How�s everything going?

R: Fantabulous. Everything�s going great.

C: Great. How�s Tony doing? ( ANTHONY RENFROW / Register Number: 68723-097)

R: Tony is doing great! Superfantastic. You know him!

C: Great. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Well, can�t wait to meet you, and I assume everything is still pretty much in good order, rates and all that good stuff. Stable (inaudible).

R: Last we heard, everything�s status quo. It�s about the same. We�re just waiting!

C: Really. And Lord willing we�ll do, be doing this before Christmas.

R: Well, let�s count on it. I�m highly optimistic.

C: Right. Right, okay. Well thank you so much, and my best to you and your family, and...

R: Thank you!

C: the light of the craft, let�s pray that things go well, and let�s spread more light in this world. Blessings to you and yours.

R: All right, thank you, sir.

C: And I�ll look forward one day to meeting you at my home in New York City at my lodge. God bless, sir. Thank you again.

R: Hey! Fantastic! Okay. Looking forward to that, definitely.

C: This is (inaudible) anyway, blessings, though, bye-bye.

R: Okay, bye-bye.

C: Thank you.

R: All right, let�s see, who do we have next in line? 941? You�re on, 941!

C: 941.

R: Yes. Welcome. That�s you!

C: Okay. So basically where we�re at is nowhere further than we were the other day, right?

R: Okay, I could go with that. We�re pretty much where we were the other day in terms of expectation, just moving right along!

C: And....

R: Wait, waiting for something good to happen.

C: Are the rates still high or, what are they?

R: Well, to my understanding, the rates are about the same that they have been. And you may hear different people quoting different rates from what they�re seeing from, from bank screens and et cetera, but they�re pretty much generally about the same to my understanding.

C: And they, and is there anything comin� out from anybody except nothing holding it?

R: We have not heard of any, any organization, entity, person, anything that�s holding up anything, it�s a progression. Now, we don�t fully understand the progression process because we�re not involved in it, but we just go with what we�re being told and no one�s interfering with this, no one is holding it up. So it�s going through its lines of progression.

C: By progression are you saying that they�re just going, the banks are just going down a list and taking whoever they want?

R: Well, I meant in terms of the, the RV itself it�s in, in process, and it�s going through its lines of progression.

C: I thought there was no progression pretty much. If they just released it, it�s there and it�s ready.

R: Well, that�s, see that�s the key thing, thought. And you and I both, that�s all we have to go on until we get detailed information. It�s only what we think is happening or what, or the way that we think it is going to happen, because no one has given us explicit details, step by step, on how this process will unfold.

C: It makes me....

R: And since we don�t have that, that�s all we can do is just rely on, on, on the information that�s coming to us that if there�s no one holding it, it�s in progression.

C: It makes you think back to over a year ago when they let all those other people go through, several thousand from what I understand, and exchange. And, you know, it didn�t seem to be any progression there, they come in, here it is.

R: Well, we weren�t told then that it was in progression.

C: Yeah.

R: So everything is different from a year ago. So the only thing that we can compare from last year to this year is that last year had a December in it and this year has a December in it.

C: Yeah.

R: Other than that, everything�s different!

C: Well it makes you think that....

R: So let�s try not to hold too much to the past and look forward to the future.

C: Yeah. Well....

R: Because there�s, we can�t really do anything about what�s already taken place, but we can definitely be ready for what is about to take place.

C: Right. �Cause I, I....

R: So hold that thought.

C: I hear people that are making plans that if it doesn�t happen over a certain period of time that, you know, they�re gonna try and let the cat out of the bag pretty much.

R: Oh, well I�m making plans, too, that if it doesn�t happen over a certain amount of time, I�m going to wait. That�s my plan.

C: Now there�s different ways of doing that. Some...sometimes we need to....

R: All right, sir. Thank you for your time.

C: Sometimes when you expose things that those people don�t like to be exposed then they�ll get off their butt and do what they�re supposed to do, so. Okay.

R: Well, I don�t really perceive of anything to expose at this moment, so I�m in a good place, and we�re just, we�re just waiting for our turn to show up, and it�s coming down the pike.

C: Yeah.

R: So I�m holding onto that. All right?

C: Okeedoke.

R: Okay! All right, sir. Thanks for calling in. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yeah. I won�t be there, but go there.

R: All right. Look me up. Take care.

C: Have fun.

R: All righty. Bye-bye, sir. All right, let�s see, I�ll go and do one or two more here, and...707. Hey!

C: Hey. Good morning, Ray, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: Okay. One question that�s circling in my group is whether or not there is a, an expiration date on the Zimbabwe.

R: I have not heard of anything official on an expiration date. You know, at times we had concerns of that, and when those dates came, guess what Zimbabwe did? They pushed it out!

C: They change, they changed....

R: And they extended it, so.

C: Yeah. And I�ve....

R: So I�m gonna hold on to that being, being the reality this time around also.

C: Right.

R: If, if the date becomes an issue, I believe they�ll, will, they will extend it!

C: Well, I certainly hope so.

R: So we�ll wait and see on that one.

C: Yeah. So I think that�s about it. I�m sure I�ll think of the other questions I had in my mind. But the only other question for us is, you know, which bank (unintelligible) and I�ve been, I�ve set up accounts at Wells Fargo, at my local Wells Fargo. Just doesn�t seem to have any interest in, in talking about an exchange, and so I guess I�ll just call San Francisco and, and see what I can get there.

R: Well, that may change. But I can, I feel 100% sure that when it�s the right time, some of the very same banks that said no and closed the door to us will open them and receive us with both arms extended and say, �Come on in, we�re ready for you now.�

C: It sure, it sure would�ve made it a lot more convenient to, to get it done, but this not knowing is, is kind of nerve wracking.

R: Okay!

C: But I�m, I�m hanging in there, you know. And I�m keeping my group together, you know, in the same way. It�s stay prepared and stay calm.

R: Okay. Thank you, sir! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: All right, thank, thank you for all the tip, tips at the, at the beginning of the call, and, so that was very helpful, appreciate that.

R: Great. Okay. Glad to be of service.

C: Thank you. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right. Take care, sir.

C: Bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, let�s see. Next caller is 281! 281, good afternoon.

C: Wind�s kinda blowin� right, left to right, isn�t it?

R: 281? 281? I wonder what area that is? Anyway. Okay, well, 281 we, we�re gonna push on and say hello and goodbye at the same time, and that�s gonna move me down to 719.

C: Hi! How are you doing?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: Good! Well I�m a lady in waiting, what can I say?

R: Hey!

C: There you go! One of the, one of the 12 days of Christmas, there you go. You�re not saying much, and most people aren�t except for maybe Poppy 3, about Iraq. Has Iraq done everything that they have been asked to do and they�re waiting also?

R: Well, you know, like we shared on, on the last call, our information coming from Iraq was, hey, the RV has begun, it�s in process, and it�s trickling out, however slow, but trickling out. So that to me says okay, it�s in progression. I, I don�t know where it should be on any given day because I don�t know the method.

C: Right.

R: So it would tend to have me think, okay, Iraq�s done, what they need to do to start changing the value of their currency because they�re implementing it, however slow, from what we are hearing. And that�s the best that we have right now. And so you�re not hearing a lot from a lot of people because there isn�t a lot to, to share and say, �This is going on, that�s going on.� It�s, it�s in progress and it, and it�s moving. May be slow, but it�s still moving, so I�m, I�m good with that.

C: So do we know, like, you know, everybody keeps saying that it�s in progress and it�s moving, but, you know, and not to be cynical, please, I don�t mean it (inaudible)...

R: Okay.

C: ...just questioning. We�ve been hearing those kind of statements--not that exact statement but those kind of statements--for probably a year and a half. It was gonna happen at Christmas, we were gonna have a great Black Friday, we were gonna have a great Christmas. It happened. It happened April 22nd. Now it�s happening December 1st. I mean, how can all of these statements be made and have any validity to any of �em? And, and I hope you understand where we feel we�re coming from, it�s just that...

R: Sure!

C: ...what�ll we do? You know, I mean we keep hearing it. We�re like Pavlov�s dogs. Every time we get close to the food bowl, we get shocked.

R: No, but see, here�s, here�s the validity process. When we hear those things, we take our English language for the words to have a definitive meaning to each and every one of us. I could come on this line and say, �It�s done.� That would mean one thing to me. It would mean something different to you.

C: True.

R: And that has been the reality that we have been experiencing. We would hear certain words and we would take them to have the meaning that we perceive them to have, and then when we don�t see the results that we�re looking for, �Oh, somebody told me something wrong! Somebody misled me!� And it just could be the communication is not linking word for word, person for person. So sometimes it requires a little bit more explanation, a little bit more information. Well, sometimes that information is not available, so the, the April 22nd date and the December 1 date, all these different dates, when it�s no longer important to us, I�m gonna be willing to bet some of you could go back, go back to those dates and then find that there was truth in that. We�re looking for the totality whenever we hear something. So now that we start hearing it�s, it�s in progress, it�s in progress, that, that�s not a total word for us, it doesn�t give us resolve. Well it does for me because anything moving is better than nothing moving. But for some of you it doesn�t give you resolve. You, you want to hear it�s done, everything is, is completely done, go to the bank right now. Well, we�re not there, yet, as a whole. Now the, the processes have, may have begun to take us in that direction, but because along the way there are little things we had not accounted for, didn�t even think about would be taking place that had to take place, that gives me the comfort in saying we�re in the progression, we�re in just a lot of progression, things are moving. Then would you look at what I call the peripheral things taking place. We�re looking for the RV, we�re looking for totality, but then when you hear people say, �Hey, my bank called me and said, �Come in, we want to talk!�� That�s important! Just the mere fact that the bank is saying we want to talk to you about something that is going to happen in the future. That�s a milestone. We didn�t have that a year ago. We didn�t even have that back in April. We didn�t have bankers saying, �Oh, yeah, we believe in this deal and we want to talk to you!� We�ve had folks being offered limousines to come and pick them up just to come to the bank and talk! Not to do the exchange but just to have a conversation. These little things that a lot of us maybe don�t even hear are big pieces of this puzzle that show that the progress is coming. We just don�t have the total deal just yet, because the total deal to us is when we, when we all go and do our exchange, and then it�s no longer important. None of these little bitty things of, you know, bankers saying, �Well we, we want to do business with you.� Bank people are being told to work after hours for what reason? �Well just work. We just need you to be here to work after hours.� Do you think the bank likes paying overtime just for the fun of it? Of course not! These are telltale signs to me. Progress is in the making.

C: So on the bank thing...

R: We�re getting there.

C: ...have you heard, I mean, the banks have to be getting really sick and tired of calling their people in and then having them sit there.

R: Oh, sure!

C: I mean...

R: Yes.

C:�s costing them money. Are they reimbursed later for it, or....

R: I don�t know the intricate details of what goes on there, and some of that information I can�t get. But when, when, when I have people that work at these banks tell me they have to work until eleven o�clock at night, I have no choice but to believe it because there�s, there�s nothing in it for them to tell me something that isn�t true!

C: Right. Right.

R: So I believe those things when, �Hey, don�t take vacation on the weekend.� Memos go out, and sometimes I, the actual memos, we get to see them sometimes, but sometimes not. But it�s not really that important. Just to, to know these things are taking place. They didn�t take place six months ago, they didn�t take place a year ago, so no one can, can convinced me any way, shape, form, or fashion that we�re in the same place that we were a year ago.

C: Okay.

R: You can�t even convince me we�re in the same place that we were six months ago! And you can�t convince me that we�re in the same place that we were a quarter ago, because we�re not.

C: Well, I hope, I hope you�re right, and I hope, you know, that they let this go and I hope we get to have finally a decent Christmas and able to pay it forward and do stuff for people...

R: Yes.

C: ...and everything. It, it�s just getting very discouraging out here. You see all the people planning for holiday stuff, and there�s a lot of people that I�ve spoken to recently that said, �Not only will I not plan, I won�t be able to have a holiday.� And I know it�s not about us, but, you know, at some point...

R: Right.

C: ...the law, the, the Executive Order was expanded and a, a court case actually was presented that included us, so, the average guy. So between us and Iraq, I hope we�re all done!

R: I believe so. You just hang in there.

C: Okay. All right, thank you, Ray.

R: Hang in there with us.

C: Appreciate your time.

R: Still holdin� on.

C: Yeah.

R: Okay.

C: We were just talking about that, you know.

R: Thank you.

C: Okay.

R: Yes, there is! That�s one of my favorites.

C: Yeah.

R: Still Holdin� on.

C: Yeah.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: No, not right now. Too late in the year and too much stuff to do and fix and stuff like that. But you guys go and have an awesome time.

R: Thank you very much. Okay, have a good day.

C: All right, you too.

R: Okay. Bye-bye. Well, ladies and gents, I just happened to look over at the clock. Normally it stands in front of me all the time, but I get so caught up with speaking with you all, the members, and helping to give you what information you need to help get you through the day. But we have reached that hour. We�re beyond that hour, actually, a little bit past the top of the hour, so we�re gonna need to sign off. But as we leave, one thing I do want to remind some of the members, but I wanted to say thank you to quite a few of you that have already, you know, answered the call, if you will. You know, when you, when you become the, the new sheriff in town and you�ve taken over things, you�ve taken over debt as well! And, so for those of you who have been donating to help keep these lines open and keep this system going, I do say thank you, I appreciate that. And for those of you who have yet to do it but want to, come on, join a number, it�s okay. And any amount is better than no amount and it helps keep us going. And those of you who have been doing whatever you�ve been doing in the past, I say thank you and continue to do it! And nothing�s changing, just continue doing what you�ve been doing. It will get to the right place, the people that say, �Pay me.� So now matter how you send it or which way you send it, it�s going where it needs to go so we can take care of the things--excuse me--so it can take care of the things that need to be taken care of. This is Well-When-Am-I-Going-To-See-It Wednesday? We don�t know yet. Time will tell when the totality appears, what we all are looking for. But until then, in the meantime in between time, keep holdin� on. We�ll be here with you. And hopefully, hopefully there won�t be a general call on Fantabulous Friday. We�ll see what happens, but if there is a need, and if we haven�t gotten to where we want to be, we�ll be here to try to share with you whatever we�ve learned along the way and whatever can help you make it to the next day. So take care everyone, have a good evening. Bye-bye.

TNT Conference Call 12.07.15

R: Good afternoon TNT family! This is TNT Superfantastic, and it�s almost showtime! Of course you�ve already been to the website Showtime, and that�s where all the action is, the information, the updates, where all the members congregate, and before long we will be singing, �It�s Showtime!� Are you ready? This is December 7, 2015, on what I call a Marvelous Monday. Yours truly RayRen98 here. You�ve heard Already Blessed, so she�s hanging around in the background, and the rest of the TNT Superfantastic staff are here with us in the background as well. And we�re all ready. Man, did we think we could be here today in the same situation that we were in Friday? I didn�t think so, because the Friday information was just so compelling and so exciting, and then weekend activities made it even more exciting, so that brings us to here we are! And let�s address what we have learned, what we have received from Friday, Friday afternoon, some weekend things, even some early Monday things, and then we�ll see where the rest of the day takes us. But we�re gonna give it to you as we received it! Now, from Friday we looked at the, the most exciting thing Friday was the memo that went out, and then there was getting confirmations of that memo, and then to learn that there was an early meeting that afternoon and some were even saying, �Well that was a well-what-the-heck-happened meeting,� on why certain things didn�t take place on Friday. And some confirmations came in about the meeting, some, what some people thought that the meeting represented. It was all interesting, and it was all good. Then we went through the weekend with anticipations, and some people had high expectations.

But one of the most exciting things that I think was from Friday when we talked about news coming from Iraq that was saying the RV has begun and it�s in the system. Then some of us started learning about rate changes that hadn�t been posted since 2010 that, with the Iraqi currency doing 1180, 1182. It was speculated that this currency could, could not float. All types of things were anticipated and realized to some degree. But with that, we had some more indication of lower denoms, sporadic in different regions. Still looking for more confirmations of that activity taking place. Then there was a video that went viral over the weekend of, of a gentleman saying that the dinar was 122 dinar to 100 US Dollars, and some people calculated that out to 82 cents, 84 cents, give or take. Anyway, the calculation came to be in the 80-cent bracket. Then there was the quest for is this true, is it real? And then checked in with some of our contacts who normally on the weekend we don�t really connect with, but we connected with them just the same and we were successful, and some of those of our best contacts confirmed that that was a reality in some areas. So the question now was still to see when is it going to be widespread across the entire country? �Cause we�re hearing it in bits, in, in sections, the 122. And we�re hearing in bits and sections of the LDs being in citizens� hands. Not everywhere yet, but enough compelling information to say we believe that it is taking place, just not widespread just yet. But that is exciting information to receive. Also, there was information pertaining to the tariffs coming up on the 15th and what the expectation would be regarding the currency, the rates, the tariffs. So a lot of things are being considered and looked at, turned upside down if possible, looking for the answers.

Now, what else are we, are we getting? We�re getting that, that the RI actually took place on the 1st. Solid confirmations? Not there yet, but enough for us to believe, okay that probably took place now, so, and we�re into the RV process, and some people are counting off the number of days upon which the RI goes to RV, and all types of projections are out there, some saying this, some saying that. Time will tell. But also let�s look at what the bondholders are getting. Information went out to, to the bondholders which is very exciting because we know that�s, that�s anchoring, connected some kind of way with what we�re looking for regarding this RV of the currencies. Now, some bondholder information that�s, that�s circulating, I�ve received two or three emails from two or three different locations all with the same information that went out to the bondholders. They made a reference on Monday, today--so this is dated for December 7--that the TN, TRNs are active in Hong Kong, Zurich, probably over in London, Dubai, etc. That on Tuesday they�re projecting that bank codes will be active so that global settlements can occur. That remains to be seen. Sounds very exciting. Then they�re projecting on Wednesday green lights everywhere to activate the RV rates. You name it! So there�s a lot of expectation coming from all different areas and all different sectors of finance, the bond markets, the currency markets. Everyone�s still on go.

Why this didn�t take place over the weekend, I don�t know. Who really knows? But some things did take place, some things were happening, and further some exchange activity that took place with some select few individuals. We have numerous individuals now that have appointments scheduled for this week. Some are actually sharing that activity. Some are keeping it close lipped, and you can understand why, but the, the banking system in general is openly receiving individuals, making appointments to come in and talk, telling them, �Bring your currency with you.� Why would that be? Do you think they just want to see your currency? I think they�re telling you bring your currency because they�re thinking on the off chance it might be that when you show up, they can exchange it! And we�ve had some that already attended bank meetings on last week, gathered additional information, got their accounts straightened out, learned of some potential investment opportunity that they can be looking forward to. You know when, when a person says, �We�re in the same place we were last year,� that is just so far from true. Too many things have been going on just this week alone, this past week, to, to get you excited. When you look at, we had reports coming from folks. The first report, we had a member share with us that he, he saw a computer that was being advertised for sale for 175 dinar. Now, without the rate change kicking in, how much would 175 dinar equate to when it comes to buying a laptop computer? Better yet, we have members that have shared with me that they�ve, looking on Craigslist and have found vehicles for sale for 10,000 dinar. Ten thousand dinar for, for a vehicle! Now with the old rate, you do your own math and calculate what would ten thousand dinar amount to in US Dollars to be buying an automobile, and 20,000 dinar.

Then we have individuals, we�re into at least three stories now where the perceived value of the currency--not exchanged yet--but the perceived value of the currency, individuals are securing automobiles and loans for automobiles being backed up on the perceived value of the currency. All of these things are what I call exciting, very exciting information to learn, to hear and to know, that if you are anywhere sitting on the fence on if this is real or not, and you can come on and fall over to the real side, because there�s too many things going on, too many things happening, too many people opening doors, and too many people shaking hands for us not to believe that this reality is not somewhere within our reach. We just don�t know the exact day, the exact time. I�ve had folks calling me, �My bank is now saying that they�re going to be exchanging on all five of the currencies.� The banks are recognizing Zim saying, �We will be exchanging Zim.� If that�s not exciting, I don�t know what can be. Have folks in Canada that had appointments on Friday to go and exchange on just the Zim alone! I don�t know what other currencies. Now, I�m awaiting updates from them to see if those appointments held true and what the results were, but just the mere fact that that information is flowing should tell you something. It should say we are here. The time is coming. We still don�t know the exact hour or the exact day, but with all this information and with all of what is projected to happen, it leaves me no other choice than to believe that we are very much in the week. But time will tell exactly what day. But any minute, any hour, any day looks very good for where we are with this process and with the set of information that we received up until this moment. And just like normal, once we conclude a TNT call, information starts floating in, and I suspect the same thing is gonna happen when I conclude this call. The information that I�ve yet waiting for confirmations on will start pouring in as the day trickles by.

But that�s what we have for you right now, ladies and gentlemen, up to this point. This is the info, the intel that we have for today! So I�m gonna take a few minutes and entertain some questions, and maybe even try to talk a little about being prepared, because a lot of us say we�re ready. Are we ready? Are we ready for this lifestyle change that is about to happen to a lot of us. This is about more than just getting some money! It�s a lifestyle change for a lot of us. Fiscal management, you name it. Some of us are going to be thinking, �Well, I�m not gonna tell anyone I don�t have all this, that I have all this money. I�m not gonna let them know.� You don�t have to tell them. Those who live closest to you, they will know something�s happened to you in your life. They will notice the change unless you don�t spend any of the money! Now, if you�re not going to spend any of the money, what was the purpose for even trying to get it? So even those of us that are thinking, �Well, I�m not going to tell anybody,� your lifestyle will tell somebody that something is different. May not say how much, but there�ll be a lifestyle change. And then for those of us that want to take care of someone else, we hear that all the time, �When I get this money I�m going to do this, I�m going to do that, I�m going to save the world, I�m going to save my friends, I�m going to save my neighbors,� those things come with ramifications sometimes, and you have to be ready for that as well, that lifestyle change. So when you hear me ask you on the calls when I�m talking with individuals and one on one and I say, �Are you ready,� I�m not only asking you are you ready to go to the bank and do an exchange. Are you ready for your new life, the lifestyle change that is going to come even if you don�t want it to? Doesn�t mean negative, it just means there�s a change. We�re gonna have to change the way we do certain things, and then there�s some things we�re going to change anyway because of the way that we live our life. Are you ready. The time is getting close. So I�m going to go into the Q&A section. That�s the information that I have to share with you at this point by way of intel. Let me make sure I didn�t miss anything that, that was, I deemed important that I wanted to make sure you knew about. That�s pretty much it! We�ll see what the Q&A pulls from some of the listeners. And I�ll start with Area Code 508.

C: Oh! That me?

R: That is you!

C: Oh, wow! Well, I want to wish you all a very Happy and Merry Christmas in case we don�t get to talk before then.

R: Okay.

C: And everybody, that�s everybody in the group and the team, and I hope Tony�s doing okay. And I wanted to ask, I live on the Cape, and I have gone to all the banks here, and the banks here, we don�t have a Wells Fargo. We do have a Bank of America, but they�re just a bank. They do have a, I went to the Wealth Department, but they don�t deal with currency.

R: Okay.

C: And so I�ve gone to the banks here, and none of them have a machine, none of them, actually they have to, if you want currency they have to send out for it to come in type of thing. So what I�m, want to know is is in Boston I�ve talked to Wells Fargo, which is the wealth manager there, but he�s out to lunch. No real Wells Fargo bank there.

R: Mentally or you mean physically.

C: Mentally. Anyway, so I, I really wouldn�t trust him with my money at this point in time. So I�m trying to find out where a bank would be. Do I have to go into Connecticut? If you know where there might be like a Wells Fargo?

R: Okay, now what was wrong with B of A? Just curious.

C: With who?

R: B of A? You said there was a B of A....

C: Oh, Bank of America? Bank of America here on the Cape is just a bank. They don�t have a machine. If they, if you want currency, they have to send out for it, takes two or three days. You know, they don�t...

R: Okay.

C: know.

R: But RV, but RV time, we�re not going to want currency, we�re going to want to exchange.

C: I know.

R: Did you speak with them about exchanging?

C: Yes, I did talk to them about exchanging. They said, �Well we, we, we,� I didn�t mention dinar or dong, but I said I had some Chinese money and I wanted to know about exchanging it and will you be able to do it. �Well, yeah, we don�t know. We�ll have to send it out and it takes two or three days,� and they have to verify it and all this stuff, and then, then you get whatever rate it is.

R: Okay. I understand. Then yes, you probably would want to go in other locations for a bank that is more favorable to your terms and conditions.

C: Yeah. So what I was wondering if you had any inkling on the East Coast here how far I�d have to travel.

R: I have no idea how far you would have to travel, but distance would mean nothing to me when it comes to maximizing and getting the best opportunity that I can get.

C: Well yes, that, that, that�s not a problem with me, either.

R: Right. Okay!

C: I just wanted to know how if, if there�s a, if it�s Connecticut or if I have to go to New York, which I do not want to do, but know. I know we have, you know, currency dealers here, but I don�t expect them to have the good rates and stuff like that, so I don�t really want to deal with them.

R: Uh-huh.

C: But, but I was curious is if you had any inkling of people already doing some exchanges here on the East Coast. I know every place we hear about the exchanges, they seem to be out in your, middle of the country out towards the West Coast.

R: Hmmm. Well, it�s, it�s been sporadic, different areas.

C: And now, you�re in the East Coast, so.

R: Yes. I�m in the East Coast.

C: You�re in North Carolina, right?

R: That is correct.

C: And I�m traveling down there for Christmas, where would I go there if they call it up at that time? I�m leaving next Wednesday, so, and, and so I�m saying, �Oh, God, I hope this happens beforehand,� but....

R: Well, well you know here�s something that I feel that, real positive about. If, if the banks do not provide 800 numbers for us to give out to you all...

C: Yeah.

R: ...I feel very positive that the actual members, when they go and do their exchanges, they�re probably going to be posting in the forum good locations.

C: Well, see, my problem is...

R: You know, not the sensitive, detailed information.

C: ...I�m not in the forum, so, you know, I didn�t get in on time before you cut it off, and I don�t know what�s happening with this new one because I couldn�t seem to get into that either.

R: What, TNT Superfantastic?

C: Yeah, I went into the, I went onto the thing, TNT Superfantastic, and I clicked on that site, but I�m not a member of the forum, so I, I can�t get in.

R: Right. You have to have a membership to go any further. Okay, but there�s one, there�s one link that you can click on that�s going to show information, and so what we�ll probably do it�s, if available, if the members start wanting to report to us locations where they�ve done their exchanges and whatever, we�ll try to put it in the sector where anyone can access it and you don�t have to be �a member.�

C: Oh, okay.

R: Okay?

C: Yep. I appreciate that.

R: All right? I�ll try to get that done for you.

C: Thank you very much, because I really would have a conniption fit with all these years I�ve been here and I never signed up! You know, and I just never thought I needed to, you know, �cause I wasn�t really a computer person on, stupid me.

R: Okay!

C: Until, �Oh, we cut you off!�

R: All right. Well there�ll be someone some way, some how looking out for you, we�ll do the best we can.

C: Oh, thank you very much.

R: All right. Thank you very much!

C: All right, thanks.

R: Okay. Hey, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Happy Holidays. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Okay. Happy Holidays to you.

C: Okay. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, let�s see here. Moving right on down the line. Area Code 303, you�re up!

C: Well hey, good morning, RayRen, can you hear me me clearly?

R: Yes, sir, I hear you fine!

C: Okay, Ray, RayRen?

R: Yes, sir.

C: Pleased to meet you. I, I know that you�re the more, the, of, of the two you�re the more distinguished-looking fellow with more gray hair that Tony, so I guess we have to be, more, more respect.

R: Well you, well you know why I have more gray hair than Tony?

C: Well, please tell me.

R: I let mine grow longer. That�s the reason (inaudible)...

C: Okay!

R: close so you don�t really notice it.

C: Well, you know when God made heads, some he liked, others he covered with gray hair!

R: Hey. Okay!

C: Okay. Calling to please follow up on the topic that the lady just brought up regarding your website. You know, I was on TNT Superfantastic forever, and you always had a button or you had a display there for the 800 numbers and the various banks you had, and then you had the bank rates. Now, that�s been removed, so please give me the, the cue as to how I get to where I need to be able to recall that information again.

R: Okay, now that has been removed because they have not given us any information.

C: I understand.

R: But the minute that we receive it, our technicians, our web guys, will go in and modify that site and, and post that information so it�ll be available.

C: Okay, well, you know previously you did have the banks with the 800 numbers corresponding as well as the rates. So if you would please be sure that that comes back up again. And by the way...

R: Yes.

C: ...I�m at your site right now and I can�t seem to work the, the Showtime link. Can you give me some clarity on that, please?

R: Okay, that�s the forum. When you click on the forum button, that brings you to Showtime, but that�s for members, so you have to be a member to access that (inaudible).

C: I�m...but regrettably...member, and for years I was always looking at Stage 3 Alpha as being the site that gave me all the information on Tony, and of course the, the TNT forum was shut by the time I realized that I was looking for it all at the wrong place. So I�m not a member of the forum, I�m here now, TNT Showtime, and it says, �TNT Latest Blasts and Tweets� and I click on that and then I have...

R: Right.

C: ...last tweet that came through was on the 2nd of December.

R: Right. That�s the, that�s the, the public sector of TNT Superfantastic. You don�t have to be a member to access that one. Anything else you would have to be a member to see. So the things that we are going to be putting out for everyone, that�s where you would find it so that not being a member wouldn�t be detrimental to you.

C: Okay. All right. Well all I want to do is...

R: When the time comes, the pertinent information will....

C: ...just (inaudible) is that I, I just don�t want to miss out on any information that comes out at the time that we�re ready to go on this thing. So please if you would modify the TNT Superfantastic to reflect that. That would be so...

R: Yes, sir.

C: ...wonderful.

R: Sure. We�ll make every effort for those modifications.

C: All right, well great! And with that, I�m hoping that you�ll continue to follow through with the tradition that we�re all looking for to go to Vegas, so Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right, thank you, sir.

C: Thank you. Bye.

R: Have a good day. Bye-bye. All right. 512. Greetings.

C: Greetings! RayRen, can you hear me?

R: Hey! Yes, sir.

C: Hey, good morning. Well, it looks like everything is coming right down the track just like, you know, most of the gurus have been anticipating. But I did have a couple of questions if I could.

R: Okay.

C: In regards to that Memorandum of Understanding that Iraq signed with the IMF, where they, whereby they were actually going to transfer the responsibility and the come, the completion of the RV to the IMF, that was done like several weeks ago. And it was kind of our anticipation that the IMF would move pretty quickly on that because of their increased desire to get this thing rolling and (unintelligible) to impact the rest of the world. Now, we�re hearing that there�s a three-letter agency that�s somehow involved and, and I anticipate that that is someone or some agency that�s within our administration. How are they circumventing the IMF, Iraq, MOU, that, that should be allowing this RV to proceed without any further delay?

R: Well, based on the current situation, and from Friday to now, I don�t see where that�s taking place. I don�t see a delay taking place. Number one, we don�t have a exact day and hour that we should be seeing this, so to hear on Friday that it�s, it�s done, it�s in progress, it�s taking effect, we�re, we�re hearing rate changes over and abroad, we�re seeing people advertising stuff at ridiculously low prices if the value of the currency had not changed, all of that tells me it�s moving.

C: It�s moving. Okay.

R: I just don�t know how fast and when we�re going to get where we�re, what we�re looking for. So I�m just, it�s kind of like you stand at the bus stop and you know the bus is coming. There�s a scheduled time, but sometimes that bus is a few minutes early and sometimes it�s a few minutes late. But you still stay at the bus stop and you wait on that bus. I�m waiting on the bus.

C: Okay. Well, the reason I even brought it up is of course last week before Tony was, was told that he was not gonna be able to be on the call anymore, he had indicated to us that there had already been seven to eight different occasions where there were delays put in by this three-letter agency, and this was after the time that the IMF had signed the agreement with Iraq and vice versa, of course, Iraq (inaudible).

R: Okay.

C: And so I, I tried to get on the call several times between that time and now and was unable to. Apparently I didn�t call in, you know, with enough backup time, but that�s really what I was wanting to also address at that time was that here we were with an MOU and yet this three-letter agency had now stopped the, the progress of the R, RV eight different occasions between Thursday and I think it was Wednesday of that following week, which was last week.

R: Okay. Well, I don�t know about the eight different occasions, but I know on Friday we shared with you, and from what we shared on Friday that we were told and what I heard over the weekend and what we are hearing early this morning, I know of no activity stopping anything because it�s, it�s in progress! It is in effect! And I very much believe that, and from what some of the Iraqis are saying, they very much believe it because they�re experiencing it! We just don�t know the time frame on how fast the progress will complete. But it clearly looks like it�s in progress, so I don�t believe, or I don�t have any information coming to me right now indicating that any agency is slowing it down, tampering with it. It may just be taking its natural progression. We just don�t know what that is as far as days, hours, etc.

C: Yeah, because, you now, I think I�m like everyone else is, you know, frustrated that, you know, we�ve waited and waited and waited and we�re getting closer now to Christmas being now less than two-and-a-half weeks away. You know, I�ve, I�ve got this feeling that, you know, we don�t want to see this happen again like what happened last Christmas and the Christmas before that, and even the Christmas back to 2012. You know, we�ve gone through a lot, and we�ve, we�ve heard a lot of people telling us that it, it is moving, there is progress, things are happening, but yet, you know, there�s still that, that fear that we�re gonna get to Christmas and it won�t be there, that they�ll start to tell us, because I�ve seen a couple of gurus who are now saying it could be March 1st, and that...

R: Okay.

C: ...we need to reset our schedule as the opportunity window has now been extended to March (inaudible).

R: March 1st based on what? Where�s the substance...

C: I don�t know.

R: ...behind the statement. Well then if you don�t know, if there�s no substance, don�t receive it!

C: No, it�s....

R: See, this is what I�m receiving. This is what I�m receiving. I�m receiving banks saying, �Hey, we�re looking forward to be exchanging people this week.� And then when I, when I go on Craigslist--�cause I�m going to go, didn�t go yet--but I�ve had people tell me on Craigslist there�s automobiles being, being sold for 10,000 dinar. That doesn�t make sense if the currency didn�t change value! Laptops being sold for 175 dollars, 175 dinar, excuse me. That doesn�t make sense if the currency hasn�t changed value. We have already been told that it, it�s, the lower denoms are in some citizens� hands. That doesn�t make sense if the currency hasn�t changed value.

C: That�s true.

R: So we have these things to, to look at. So for the March 1 person, I say okay, well explain all this stuff! Or at least explain why you say March 1. Don�t just throw it out there because it feels good. Give me some substance behind it, then I can receive it, accept it, and then I will make plans accordingly for that new set of information. Just like what I�m giving you all. I�m giving you new information based on what we�re being told, and some of this you can go online and see it for yourself!

C: Right. When then I�m not taking this out of....

R: That�s the exciting thing!

C: I�m not taking it out of the thing air, it was actually done by one of the other gurus, Poppy 3, was, was the one that....

R: Well, well no matter who it is, if they don�t tell you why, as far as I�m concerned it came out of thing air!

C: I, I think they did say why, and it was because of some things that needed some continued action on, and I, I don�t recall it off the top of my head, but there were some reasons in there, in that post, that indicated that our window of opportunity now had been extended all the way to March 1st. I, I don�t want to alarm anyone, but I�m hoping of course that we do have a Plan C to move to in the event, you know, that this is thwarted again, because we don�t want to be disappointed anymore. We want, we want to feel superfantastic and we do want to see this come through before Christmas.

R: Well, one thing that we can hold to be true, no one�s promised it to us before Christmas.

C: Right.

R: We expect it and it would be nice to have it, but there�s no promises, there�s no guarantees. But when I start looking at what happened this weekend, that�s reality as far as I�m concerned, and it�s taking us somewhere that we could be, we could be there in any minute, any hour, any day, and, and if not, and if March 1 is, is an outside window that people want to hold to, then that�s great, I�ll see you in March! And...

C: Yeah.

R: ...we�ll hold to that. It�s all good!

C: Hopefully we won�t. Hopefully we won�t see that. I do want to thank you and the TNT crew and Pam and all the mods and, and especially Tony for everything that you all have done for us the last four years, five years. I, I�m hoping not, you know, to, to bring forth any negativity, but I am asking a question that I think is very important...

R: Okay.

C: far as IMF participation, you know, in this process and, and I, we�ve got to believe that they are directly involved, you know, working with Iraq, and hopefully no one else will be able to stop the process.

R: Let�s count on that. I agree with you.

C: Thank you so much, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Yes, sir. Thank you! Have a good day.

C: Thank you. Bye-bye.

R: All righty. Bye-bye. Okay, let�s see. I have 313.

C: Good morning, Ray.

R: Hey! Good morning.

C: Or good afternoon.

R: Okay. That, too!

C: How are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: I�m doing well. I don�t have a question, but I want to say what the gentleman was just talking about with the IMF being in Iraq, I read that, too, and I think it�s a good thing.

R: Okay.

C: Okay, well I just...

R: That�s great!

C: say hi and to say thank you to you guys. And is Tony gonna be back for the last call?

R: Oh, well I don�t know! We�ll see what the future holds for us. We�re very optimistic.

C: Okay.

R: Time will tell if no one else will.

C: Thank you, Ray.

R: All right. Thank you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right. Let�s see here. I have 252. 252. 252, you�re on. Okay. 252 was busy! So I�ll go to the next one is 312. 312, good afternoon!

C: Good morning, RayRen. Good afternoon, how are you, sir?

R: Oh, well hey there! I�m fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: Oh, I do quite well! Quite well indeed. Uh-huh.

R: How do you keep managing to get in line this, well hey, if it works for you it works for you. That�s great!

C: I always get, I always try to get online to talk to who�s ever at the helm of the call.

R: Yeah, but some of the listeners want to know what�s your secret. How do you, how did you manage to, and you may not want to disclose your secret! That�s your secret. It works! I mean, you know you....

C: It�s not a secret. I just dial the phone number as early as I can and hopin� you get to me. No secret!

R: Okay! All right! �Cause I�m just runnin� right down the line here. I know Tony sometime would bounce around on work from the bottom. I might do that if we have another TNT Superfantastic call like this one and Q&A, I may start at the bottom and work up, but I know sometimes he would do that. But I�m just comin� (inaudible) on the top.

C: Right.

R: Anyway, what�s on your mind?

C: Well, you know, I have a little small bank story. I called my guy this morning right before the call.

R: Okay.

C: I have a bank contact who I haven�t heard from in a few months, and I haven�t been calling him because, you know, I didn�t want to bombard the bank or, you know, do different things. But, so I called him this morning and just, you know, �How are you doing? Haven�t heard from you. Do you remember when I came in?� You know, and brought myself back to his remembrance. And he says, �Oh, yes!� We had come, we had talked about the currencies, but just kind of real lightly. You know, he asked me if I had currency. I said yes. He said, �What currency do you have?� I said, �Well, what currency are you looking for?� You know. So it was just real light banter that we had talked about it months ago. So I called him this morning and I brought myself back to his remembrance. And he was much more informed than he was three months ago. He was telling me about the banks. He said, �As a matter of fact that,� he�s not a regular bank, he�s a private, private clientele service bank, and he was saying that they had received a memo and they are going to be exchanging. And he said, you know, people have been asking him about different currencies, and he said, he mentioned the Iraqi dinar, that they would even be exchanging the Iraqi dinar, that some memo they had gotten. I didn�t ask him there was a memo that, you know, that he said came out on last Thursday. But he said they had gotten some memo and they were gonna be doin� it, and he said, �I�m glad you called me. I�m gonna take you, I still have your card here, but I�m gonna take it and I�m, I�m, I�m gonna put it in my to-call file,� whatever that meant.

R: Okay.

C: I guess he has two files. One he gonna call and one he�s not. He said, �I still have your card.� And I could him rattling through papers and drawers as I was talking to him once I brought myself back to his remembrance. So he does the card, I, we exchanged business cards the time I was in there. And he says, �I�m definitely (unintelligible) and, and you may be hearing from me this week!� I said, �Well, okay, sir, you know, thank you very much, and I�ll look forward to hearing from you. And if I don�t hear from you, I do have another contact over here at a different bank.� �Oh, no, no, no, no! You will hear from me! You will hear from me.� I said, �Okay, sir, well thank you very much.� So it was just very, it was very, a very enlightening call, and like I said, it was like a few months ago he, we were just kind of wasting around the issue, but he has been, he�s gotten a whole lot more information than when I first spoke to him. And I first spoke to him back in April sometime. But, so that was just real good. It was more confirmation that the banks, you know, have received memos and, and our knowing things and our doing things, I mean not that I didn�t believe it, but it�s just more confirmation, you know, when you hear some, from someone on a personal level. So I was excited about that.

R: Yes. It does make a difference!

C: I called right before the call just to see what he was gonna say. And of course he didn�t say, �Come in and exchange your currency,� �cause if he did I�d be there and not here on the call.

R: It can make a difference.

C: So I�m looking...oh yeah! Yeah. So I�m looking forward to hearing from him this week, and like I, like I told him, �If you don�t call me, I have another bank contact here at another bank that I will be going there.� But that was it. Just a little short bank story just to encourage folks, you know, that the banks are, they do know what�s going on. A lot of �em they, they can�t say, you know, but they are excited. They know some, they know this is about to happen, and just from his reaction I�m like, okay, and he, I�d say he, and he has an investment banker that he works with as well, you know. But...

R: Okay.

C:, it�s good. Yeah. Yeah. So I�m excited about that. Just wanted to call in and, and share that. Have you heard any other update from any other banks about the memo they received on last Thursday? Has there been any speculation why they didn�t get past the �immediately� part and what they think that means, anything like that?

R: No. Since you asked that question, we�ve not had a chance to get that type of information. I�m looking to receive something along those lines as the day unfolds, because early in the morning it�s just too soon to, to get that type of banking information on, okay, what happened Friday. So the best thing that I�m, been getting this morning is just where they are now, anticipation, very much looking to receive us sometime this week.

C: Uh-huh.

R: And that�s pretty much known, so that�s not like I�m giving out any secretive information. They�re anticipating seeing us this week. And the neat thing about the, the whole banking phenomenon, if you want to call it that, is the number of firsthand occurrences that a lot of you are experiencing and sharing. Some are dropping it on, on the forum, some are dropping it in the chat. Some of you are dropping it on Open Mic. Some of you are texting me, emailing me. There�s just a, a number of firsthand experiences of talking with banking people and being openly received where they�re glad to see you, glad to have an audience with you, even to the point where some of them are saying, you know, �I don�t have enough people. Send me some people.� We never got that last year where a banking person has said, �Send me some people.� We�re getting that now, folks, and this has to be...what�s the word? I don�t know, but it should have some meaning to you that they�re now saying, �Yeah, send some people to me!� They�re ready! They are ready. They are ready. And I don�t think that they�re ready for March the 1st. I think that they�re ready for any hour, any minute, any day...

C: They�re ready for right now.

R: ...any week. That�s what I think. And I�m only going with what I think, �cause that�s all I can go with. But I, I don�t think that they�re...

C: Right.

R: ...all excited now about three months down the road. They don�t need that long to get prepared for us.

C: Yes. I mean the excitement I heard...

R: Okay!

C: this guy�s voice this morning is like he was talking to a long-lost friend, you know. So yes, you are correct. Which I do plan to be, sir!

R: All right!

C: All right, sir. Well, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas so we all can go and meet up and have fun and get some education and, and the likes.

R: All right!

C: Thank you, sir, very much. You�re doing a great job! We�ll talk with you soon.

R: All right, thank you! Bye-bye. Okay, moving right along. Now my board reset, but I still see the numbers. I see who is next in line. 770, greetings. Welcome to the call.

C: Hey, Ray, can you hear me?

R: Yes, I hear you fine, sir.

C: Oh, good, good. Just a, a quick question. We were anticipating, you know, Monday, Tuesday, and I�m sure it�s got, well, no, I can�t say I�m sure it�s gotten moved again, but...we�ve been down that road so many times. You know, I, and I, I, I say without, you know, being negative, but at this point in time, you know, how far are we away from not getting the cheese moved again? Because it...

R: Well....

C:, it, it�s sorta like no matter how, and you know, like I said, you know, it, you sit on the edge and you say okay, they said, you know, Monday/Tuesday and, you know, things are moving right along, but on the same token, you know, we�ve heard the �moving right along� so many times you say to yourself okay, where is the truth at?

R: Well, the truth is in all of it! Even, even for Monday/Tuesday! What was Monday/Tuesday was an expectation. It wasn�t a guarantee that hey, Monday morning you�re gonna be at the bank. At least not coming from me. Not coming from TNT.

C: Oh, no. No.

R: Now, some of you may have heard it from somebody else saying, �You�re gonna be in the bank Monday morning,� but we didn�t say that! And so it�s an expectation. It�s something to look forward to. And then to hear the things that took place over the weekend, as long as that word �progress� keeps popping up, I�m feeling extremely good where we are in, in this process. So it�s, I don�t think anyone can challenge the progress that is taking place that is ever slowly moving us forward.

C: Uh-huh.

R: So I don�t even view it as the cheese hasn�t been moved yet. I just view it as well we haven�t even got ten close enough to actually see it and reach out for it to say who moved my cheese. That�s the way I view that.

C: Uh-huh. Well, you know, and like I said, you know, it�s not to put any negativity into it, but to put some sense of solace in what, you know, you�re, you�re hearing. And, you know...

R: Uh-huh.

C: ...nobody on this side of the table, you know, can press the button so, you know, it is what it is and, you know, they�ll, you know...

R: Right.

C: ...whenever they do it is all, you know, you can, you can, you can take. Because...

R: That�s it.

C: ...that�s just the way it is.

R: Yes, sir. So, hang in there, and we�ll see you through to the end.

C: All righty. Have a good one, Ray.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yep, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right. Thank you, sir.

C: All right, bye-bye.

R: All right. Okay, moving further south, let me go down here, this next one, I believe this is Florida. 954. That�s one of those southern states. 954. Greetings.

C: That�s you!

R: 954, going once! Going twice!

C: Good afternoon.

R: Hey! You made it!

C: Good after...yes! And, and I actually forgot that I pushed the, to request a question, and all the questions are answered. Please excuse me for not putting my hand down.

R: All right. No problem, sir. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: I forgot.

R: Okay. Thank you just the same. We do appreciate that. So, okay. Let me move right down and where was I? Okay, 954. Next person here, 281, greetings! 281?

C: Oh, greetings, Ray. How are you today?

R: Fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: Highly favored and blessed, man. I have all my questions answered, just forgot to put my hand down.

R: All right, sir. Thank you very much. Appreciate that.

C: (Inaudible)

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Montana, Montana, Hawaii.

R: Hey! Those sound good, too! All right. Take care.

C: Sounds good.

R: All righty. Okay, next number, let�s see, what�s our time? Well, we have a few more minutes. Don�t want to overwork the transcribers. Where did it go? There it is. 816.

C: Hello?

R: Greetings! Hello!

C: Hi! Hi, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: I was curious about something that was read yesterday on Detectives. It said that if it didn�t happen by a certain time today there would be hyperinflation. Can you comment on that?

R: Hmm.

C: Or can you?

R: We�ve had some, we�ve had some conditions like that in the past that if, if it didn�t happen by such and such time. Do you remember back when America was gonna lose its credit rating if we didn�t do something, and everybody thought we were going, you know, to hell in a hand basket.

C: Yeah.

R: Woe is me, the end of America. And lo and behold, it actually dropped in its credit rating. Oh. And then what happened? Over time it acquired it back! And though all of that everybody still went to work, everybody still shopped, everybody still bought whatever they wanted to buy. Life went on.

C: Uh-huh.

R: So whenever I hear those �it�s gotta this or else� or, we�ve heard �or else� for a couple years and we survived, life went on.

C: Yeah.

R: And so whatever the new �what else� is, we�re going to survive and life will go on.

C: Okay, now I�ll ask you the question we....

R: That�s how I receive those, so.

C: I�ll ask you the question we always ask Tony.

R: All right.

C: In your heart of hearts, the best that you can say, do you think we�ll have this before Christmas?

R: Based on what�s taken place this weekend, and I don�t know the, the progression, I don�t know the actual time slots on where this should get from point A to point B. I very much believe and feel that it is in progress. We were told Friday, �The RV done, it�s, it�s in the system.�

C: Right.

R: And then we started, over the weekend we had citizens saying 122 to 100 dollars.

C: Right.

R: You know, saying that. More than one. Now it�s not widespread. We were, we were told that LDs, lower denoms, are getting into citizens� hands, sporadic, but still that it�s taking place. That�s, that�s progress. That, that�s telling me our train is moving.

C: Now....

R: Now I don�t know when it�s gonna get to the station that we�re looking for, but based on what I�ve heard this weekend, I have every reason to believe we will see this before Christmas. But I don�t have any definitive information that�s saying, �Yes, on such-and-such date this is gonna be it.�

C: Now the lady was talk...

R: (Inaudible) every reason to believe it.

C: ...was talking about Bank of America, and back in, earlier in the year after they told us last year it�s gonna go before Christmas and then it didn�t and then it was springtime, I went into Bank of America, and I did talk to somewhere there and they said, �No, we will never trade with those companies.� Well here about, or those countries, here about three or four weeks ago I went into a different Bank of America that was a bigger one, and I watched who everybody was going to so I�d know who the main person was, and then I asked for her. And I told her, I said, �I have foreign currency that I�m wanting to exchange,� and I said, �I just wanted to find out the details from you on it as far as what it�s going for.� And she, this is when everybody was sayin�, �Oh, it�s gonna happen, you know, this weekend.� And she said, �Well, what foreign currencies do you have?� Now before they always told me, �No, those countries we will never exchange with.� And I told her, and she said, �Well, until this is lifted, I can�t, but afterwards I can.� And I thought, boy that�s a far cry from what they told me first time! So I�m just concerned...

R: Really!

C: ...if I should go back in and talk to her now or if they, if she would be able to do it yet. Probably not, huh?

R: Nothing beats a failure...but a try!

C: That�s true. That�s true.

R: Give her a call and see what she....

C: But I, I just thought it was an encouragement, you know, that they were saying...

R: Yes.

C: ...�We will never exchange with those foreign countries.� And then she said, �Well, until it�s lifted we can�t. You know, after it�s lifted we can.� And I didn�t know it�d been lifted yet or not. �Cause you had said that ever, you know, that it was showing on, on screens.

R: It�s showing on screens. People are exchanging these currencies. Some people are getting loans just based on the perceived value of what the currency is going to be. That says a whole lot!

C: Well, it says that somebody�s doin� somethin� somewhere, and it�s in our country? Is all that within...US?

R: All that is in the United States of America that I�m referencing.

C: And is it just on the East and West Coast like it was the last time? I live in Missouri. Is there any chance that it....

R: Oh, no! �Cause see, we even have West Coast, some activity, banks over there, people sayin�, �Send me people.� So we�re, we�re getting it all across the US. It�s just, and then just think of the ones that are not coming to us, that we�re not being made aware of, because we don�t hear everything. We just hear certain things. And then there are other things that are taking place that we have no knowledge of until it�s past tense or we just never learn about it, so, you know, TNT is not the only one getting this information.

C: Right. Well my....

R: Now, the other ones might not be giving it, but people are doing it. It is taking place.

C: My son told me not to let you go if I got on �til I asked you this question.

R: Okay.

C: He knows that they�re exchanging in Canada.

R: Okay.

C: He said, �Mom, can I go to Canada and exchange?� I�m in Missouri. And I...

R: Yeah, I don�t....

C: ...(unintelligible) this son, I don�t know.

R: I don�t know the conditions that would be required for a US citizen to just go to Canada and exchange and not already having some type of connection.

C: Oh, okay.

R: I�m pretty sure Canadians, if you know any Canadians, they can probably tell you what would be necessary or...

C: Yeah. I don�t know any.

R: ...if you have a Canadian bank that you have interest with, call the bank, let them know, you know, �Hey, I�m a US citizen. I�d like to come there to do banking business. What�s involved?� And then they�ll tell you the requirements to come in and do banking, and as long as you meet those requirements, then you should be able to go there and exchange as well.

C: Hmm. Okay.

R: But do keep in mind, though, we �supposedly� the US rates are supposed to be better than anywhere else.

C: Oh, really. Okay.

R: So I won�t really favor going outside of the US to do my exchange because the rates are supposed to be better in the US for us.

C: Yeah.

R: And that�s, like I said, quote unquote, that�s not a guarantee, but it�s what we are being told. So you do want to shop around, especially if you�re looking to cross the border to do an exchange.

C: Okay.

R: Check the rates and make sure, now, if you talk to the Canadian banks, they�re gonna be quoting Canadian rates. And you have to ask them, �Well, convert that to US so I�ll understand exactly how much money I�m going to have when I�m done,� if you don�t know how to do the conversion.

C: Uh-huh. Okay.

R: So keep that in mind if you decide you want to go that route.

C: Okay, well...I�m ready for it to come to Missouri, I�ll tell ya. There�s a lot of people that I could help here at Christmastime and needs it, and I�ve just been waitin� for this and waitin�, waitin�, waitin�, and we need help too, so.

R: Okay.

C: Anyway, but okay! Well thank you, Ray, and I�ll just say RV, RV, RV!

R: Okay. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Well, for you all to go, yeah.

R: All right, well that�s good enough.

C: But I won�t, I won�t be able to go, but....Okay.

R: As long as you wish it for the rest of us, that�s good enough. Thank you very much.

C: I, I wish it for any of you that wants to go.

R: Okay. Merry Christmas to you.

C: Okay, thank you, Ray. Uh-huh, Merry Christmas to you.

R: Okay.

C: Okay.

R: Bye-bye. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we�ve gone past the top of the hour. Man, time flies when you�re having fun, and if you�re still hanging on, then that means this was fun because you�re still here right along with the rest of us. Now let me see if, if Pam is still hanging around. I don�t know if she can hang with us or not. Pam, are you here? Do you have anything you�d like to say before I close us up? I knew she had some....

Pam: Nope, I�m all set! How �bout...

R: Oh, there you are!

Pam: ...thanks, everybody! Hope this is our week.

R: All right. We hope this is our week, and we�re going to leave a few parting things with you folks to make sure that you have this on your list of things to take care of. Are you ready? Are you really, really ready? Now, to answer that question, there�s a lot of things that need to be covered in that being ready. Your IDs. Make sure you have all of the proper ID information that you need: photo IDs, whatever type of IDs. Make sure that they have not expired. Those things will be necessary, especially if you�re after the NDA. You might not need it just doing an exchange, but then again if the bank people don�t know you, you will need it! So let�s make sure that you have your ID straightened out. For those of you that are going to be exchanging in your personal name with plans to create an entity to eventually move those funds over to via the trust, corporation, whatever you have in your mind to create, make sure that you get a POD, and that�s Payable On Death, assigning a beneficiary to your personal account for that if something should happen to you before you can get your entities created and move those monies. They will be able to go to that account and clean it out, basically, get the funds without a lot of red tape and interference. POD. So make sure that when you�re at the bank doing these accounts, if you�re doing them in your personal name--this is for single people--now of course, married couple, you have no, no issue, especially if it�s a joint account. But you single folks that no one else is on your account and you�re thinking, well, if I don�t make it before I get my entities created, what do you want to have happen to that money, who do you want to get it? And it can be more than one person. Talk it over with the bank and let them know that you do want to have a POD on that account that�s payable on death so that whoever that intended recipient is, that beneficiary, all they would need is a death certificate to come back to the bank and show about a death certificate, their ID and et cetera, and receive those funds without you having to worry about it going through probate and all those other red-tape issues.

And also make sure that you inventory your currency just in case. Some people are taking pictures, and it�s whatever pleases you. Because once it leaves your hands, and especially if you�re going to a facility and it says, �Well, we�re going to take it and send it somewhere and then put it in your account a day or two later,� make sure you have an inventory of your currency if come to that type of banking activity. And hopefully most of us will be able to, to confirm it right there on the spot, and whether they�re using any type of De La Rue, Diebold. I don�t care if it�s a magnifying glass out of a Cracker Jack box. As long as they say, �Hey, Ray, this is real,� then we�re signing off on it, that�s good enough for me. Deposit your money into the account and send me on down the road, I�ll be happy. So saying that, this is Marvelous Monday, December 7. I, I�m not really looking forward to be saying, �Well, where is it� on Wednesday. Hopefully we�ll know by Wednesday exactly where it is, and it might be in our hands! I don�t know! Time will tell, but it sure looks good for this to be our week, ladies and gentlemen. It sure looks good for this to be our week. So we do thank you for being on the time, on, on the call with us and spending your time. And your humble servant RayRen98 and the rest of the family of TNT Superfantastic wishes you a good day. Thank you, everyone

TNT Conference Call 12.04.15 Transcript:

R: Okay, I believe we�re doing good! Good afternoon TNT family! Today is December 4, 2015, and welcome to the call. Yours truly, RayRen98 here, and we�re gonna get right into the business of the reason why you�re here. And that business is you�re here to receive information! That�s why we�re here, that�s why you came. In the past we asked you all do, do you want to hear what we hear as we hear it? And that�s what this site became, a, a team of individuals, a membership if you will of people that said, �Yes, we want to hear whatever is out there that we can hear, and then we will put the pieces of the puzzle together to see our particular takes.� So that�s what we�re about, bringing you the information as we hear it, as we receive it. It�s nothing that we create, nothing that we control, nothing that we mandate, it�s here it is, what we�re hearing, what we believe based on what we�re hearing, and sometimes we may even share with you what we don�t believe based on what we�re hearing. But it�s not that much important about what we believe, it�s about what you believe. Now, let me do a little quick housekeeping, and then we�re gonna get into the intel, for those of you who are here for the intel. But while I have you as a captive audience, you have to listen to me, but it�ll only take a minute.

We have to get some things straight. Our, our purpose, our resolve, we�re an information site to just share the information of, from the various sources upon which we receive it. You identify with that information and then apply it to however it affects your life. And that is the important thing that you have to take with you as you go forward. There are some individuals that are, you know how...some of you probably never experienced this, you walk into a, a dark room unsuspecting, and then when you turn the light on, you see roaches scatter. Anyone ever seen that before? If you never have, it�s, it�s something to see �cause, now if the, if the roaches hang around and look at you, you might be in the trouble! But usually you turn the light on, roaches scatter. Roaches like to work in the dark. You know, sight unseen, they can move around and do their thing. Well, we have people that are, that seem to be doing that as well, and they want to work in the dark, they hide under internet names and et cetera. They dare not let you know who they really are. They don�t want their real names out there by any means, they�re, you know, they have to work in the darkness. And in working in the darkness, they go about what, I guess what moves them, right now I�m referencing how they, they�re targeting myself and Already Blessed, Pam, throwing out whatever they can throw out, whatever insinuations, allegations, accusations, you name it. They do what cowards normally do, just throw stuff out there figuring, well, can�t come back on me because I�m hiding in the dark like a roach, and nobody turn the light on because I don�t want to be discovered. Now, the light�s going to come on sooner or later because of you people that are listening to them, if you want to listen to them. But no matter what they throw out about me, about Already Blessed, Pam, even things that they threw out about Tony and DC and, and the list can go on and on and on, whatever you hear, whatever you read, you have to ask yourself this most important question: how does it affect me and what I�m trying to do? Whatever it is! RayRen, he�s a liar! He lied about this, he lied about that! Okay, what did I lie about? If I did tell a lie, how did it affect you and what you are trying to do. What are you trying to do? You�re trying to take this foreign currency that you have and at the appropriate time you want to take it to an exchange location, exchange facility, and exchange it for US Dollars and go and enjoy your life! So whatever Ray supposedly lied about or did, how is it affecting that? That�s the question, because that is what you are looking for. And the information that we share with you, it�s coming from other sources, and so I�m sharing with you this is what we are hearing, this is what we�re being told, this is what we read, and if you look back at, over the past days, past weeks, past months, did some of that not come to pass? Shucks, you can even go back, a year back! Some of the things that we share with you, did it not come to pass? And this is the most striking thing about it is it wasn�t stuff that we created and that we told you that we were going to do, it was stuff that we told you others told us, what�s going to take place, and we reported it, we shared it, and we said, �Here�s what out here. Does it make sense? If it makes sense, believe it, and then do what you need to do accordingly with it. And if it doesn�t make sense, kick it to the curb!� Plain and simple. So, to the roaches, have fun. Sooner or later the light�s gonna be turned on, and you will be exposed for what you truly really are.

Now, some other good information, we do have a new site because, hey, there�s a new Sheriff in town, and what happens generally when a new Sheriff comes into an office? He cleans up and changes everything to fit the new Sheriff! But still we don�t disrupt the membership. So now when you go into the forum, you�re gonna be checkin� out showtime! TNT Showtime, and to access it just go to our website, Once you can go there, if you can click on the links or the, chat, forum, everything, it�s just like what you were used to, the membership structure with the information and you all participating, posting your thoughts and your concerns, your considerations. So everything�ll be the same, you just have to get used to, well you don�t even have to get used to me, really, because we shouldn�t be here too much longer! But be that as it may, now let�s get into the information that we have, that we have received that we are so graciously willing to share with you!

Let me start with, I�m gonna go over to Iraq and what information is coming to us. They are saying, from our sources, that the RV has begun, it�s in the system. The lower denoms are still being distributed in various regions, more particularly Kurdistan. The key thing is that it has begun, it is in motion. That excites me. That should excite you! Now, from our Canadian friends, now we made reference of there was some Zim activity on the screens yesterday, learning that folks are starting to line up appointments to try to take advantage of that. Banks even in the Canadian sector are starting to put lists together on clients they want to contact to start bringing them in for private exchanges or whatever the case may be, but that�s, that�s the Canadian information, so Canadians you have something to very much look forward to just like we do! You�re in the same boat moving along, probably about the same speed.

US, what do we have happening over here? I�m gonna save the best for last. I have members that are talking with bank personnel, seeing wealth managers, banking clients, and are being received very openly and anxiously with, �Yes, we will be exchanging your Zim, your rupiah, your dong, your dinar, your Afghani, your you name it!� So far we haven�t found anything that they said, �No, we�re not touching that.� They are all optimistic on exchanging the currencies when the time�s right. And there�s several members that are experiencing that firsthand. We also have members that the normal banks that they had, go in and out of are now, they go to their bank--this is a report just from this morning--member went to their bank and noticed security folks that they�ve never seen at the bank before at the front entrance! And so they naturally asked of them, �Hey, what�s goin� on?� And the security people replied, �Oh, we�re just hangin� around.� Just hangin� around? What bank is gonna spend the shareholders� money to hire security, just hang around? Especially if they haven�t been just hangin� around before. So, you know, some of these things that we�re hearing and, and experiencing, the writing is on the wall. It�s coming. It�s on the way. I�ll even go so far as to say it�s self-evident. Now, here�s the, the real exciting part. Nope, let me, let me say that we have some other banks that we understand are gonna be making appointments for people to come into the bank on the first part of the week. What do you think that�s for? I know what I think it�s for, but that�s what we�re hearing! Private exchanges. You�ve heard that that is already taking place this week. You choose to believe it or not. I go with the information that I receive, and I�m glad to receive it.

Now I�ll give what I think is the most exciting information to date. We got word of a memo that went out to the banks with some specific instruction, and so we set about trying to find out, �Okay, did it really go out? And what was the instructions?� And after appropriate amount of time had elapsed, we learned yes, that memo did hit some banks yesterday evening! In the, in the afternoon times they had received that communication. Now, there are some folks that couldn�t see the memo, that can see it came in, couldn�t read it, then there were others who could! So after further communicating and talking with the different sources, this is the information that was shared to us that was on the memo. �Federal Reserve, FDIC, and Treasury have released the dinar to be exchanged immediately.� That�s it! Now, what do we make of that? Time will tell, but that�s what we have received, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the intel that I have to share with you for today from abroad, from up north, and from right here at home. The bottom line is everybody is saying they�re all in agreement for this to roll. The green light is on here, there, everywhere. Everyone is all upbeat, excited...and we�re within that time, we�re in that season. Are you ready to walk in that season? That�s it for the information. We�re gonna take a few minutes, and I�m not gonna keep you long today, but we will do a few Q&A on whatever topics of interest that some of you may have that we can assist you with and moving you further on your journey to true financial freedom. So I�m gonna start with my first caller, Area Code 617.

C: Hi, Ray!

R: Good afternoon!

C: Hi.

R: Hey!

C: Well, first of all, I would just like to say one thing. We�re very grateful for everything you guys have done for us, and these people who are trying to cause problems, if they don�t like it, stay the hell off the phone. We don�t need them on this call.

R: Okay!

C: Because without you guys, we wouldn�t know what to do. I have one little question, and there was a lot of talk in the forum about who pays the taxes when you give the gift. And as long as we give currency, the person who exchanges it has to pay the tax on it, right?

R: Okay. As far as if there�s an exchange and if the exchange is taxable, yes, whoever did the exchange would be responsible for the tax!

C: Okay. So we can give currency.

R: That would be my understanding.

C: Right, that�s what I was thinking. But they kept saying after you, when you give a gift, which then we�re responsible for the taxes, which I didn�t think would be if it was the currency.

R: Well, you know how we can really find out for sure beyond a shadow of a doubt. We can just call...

C: A tax person?

R: ...this one magic telephone number, and it�s going to give it to us straight. You ready for it?

C: I am.

R: Okay. 1-800-829-1040.

C: Okay.

R: Now, when you call them, they�re gonna answer the phone and they�re gonna say, �Welcome to the IRS, may I help you?� So don�t panic. Just ask your question!

C: Okay.

R: And give the example of whatever it is any of you are intending to do. Let�s get it straight from the horse�s mouth.

C: Okay, great.

R: Now, make sure you ask for the, for the employee number, because whatever information, direction, advice, whatever, you want to get it straight from the horse�s mouth, and they�ll tell you their employee number or badge number, whatever it is, so that you would have something to reference back to should you run into a disagreement down the road.

C: Okay, great.

R: Okay!

C: Okay, thank you so much, all of you, and say hi to Tony for us. And...

R: Okay!

C: ...Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Thank you, dear.

C: Have a great day.

R: All right, you too.

C: Bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, let�s see. Next�s still takin� me a minute to learn this, this new board that I�m working with. Okay, Area Code 432, you are up!

C: I�m here. I�m here!

R: Hey! How are you?

C: I�m doin� well.

R: Great.

C: Did Tony get into that mess out there?

R: The, the shooting thing?

C: Yeah.

R: No, that�s not in his area, thank goodness. It didn�t affect him or his family.

C: That�s great.

R: Yes, it is.

C: The President says that it was workplace violence.

R: Yes. That�s a sad thing. Very sad. Especially at this time year. Couldn�t happen at a worse time. We pray for those families that, surviving victims and the mourning families.

C: Well, I say a prayer for �em.

R: Okay, sir! Thank you very much!

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas? All right, thank you. All right, let�s see, we�ll work our way down to the very next caller in line, 410. Good afternoon.

C: Good afternoon! And morning to some of those people out there on the West Coast, right?

R: Yep, that�s right!

C: Thank you for being there for us, and I...

R: Sure.

C: have a set question that keeps coming up because we don�t hear that there is going to be an 800 number, and then we do hear it�s gonna be an 800 number and seems to roll and spin and, have you had any recent news about an 800 number?

R: You know what? As, as the new sheriff of this town, I promise you, if those banks give us an 800 number to give to you, we will make every diligent effort to get it out to you in the most expedient manner possible. Text message...

C: That�d be great.

R:, post in the forum, everything short of me calling you up personally and telling you, �cause I can�t make that promise.

C: Well, the, the, yeah that�s, and I understand that. What I find is the, the challenge of trying to even find an 800 number currently and talk to somebody is you could get into their loop of their recording, and you can hit all the buttons you like, and then they, starts to find and the phone gets hung up or something. I think it�s just really very difficult sometimes to get through to the bank. But if we have a special number other than the one that currently lists the currency department�s number, if that would happen that would be very good. And I�m hoping to hear that it will happen so that we can get through easily, quickly, and be done with this, because I think that�s what they want!

R: Correct. I agree with you, and I do believe that when this thing pops, they will be too glad to receive you and open the doors of communication, open their lines. Even if they don�t give them to us, now one, one exercise that I gave to, well not an exercise, an assignment that I gave to folks a long time ago was in your area, checks with the banks that exchange foreign currency. Not dinar, we�re not asking about dinar, just do you exchange foreign currency, period, and that will be your base to start from if we don�t have information to give you. So if it�s a case of I come on and say, �Hey, guys, we�re here! The RV�s here, everybody�s ready, go at it.� You don�t want to be...

C: Well, let me just....

R: ...looking around saying, �Well, where do I go?� So if you�ve already contacted local banks in your vicinity to see which ones exchange foreign currency, then those would be the first ones that I would call the minute we are told this thing is hot, live, and ready to go.

C: Okay. I was just trying to get ahead of the game, and I was on a call...

R: Okay.

C: ...which was an 800 number for the Wells Fargo people. I did not bring up the dinar, I just said I wanted to do an exchange. He, and it just went really kind of negative on the other end, and it was for the, anyplace, I was assuming, it was the general number to help you find a number, and it just was like he said, �You know, do you want to buy or do you want to sell?�

R: Okay.

C: And so it was like, was like, almost like confrontational. And, so but I was trying to just then call the local banks and find out where exchanges were there, oh, before I hung up with him I, I said, �Well, I�m just trying to find out when my time comes to sell my currency for dollars, where do I go?� He said, �We will do that in all of the banks.� And I don�t believe that. So that was the tough part about it.

R: Right.

C: And so, yeah, so I think trying to get ahead of the thing might take, you know, stopping by a bank and ask, �Where do you, where does your main bank exist that does currencies in the area and has them available for access?� I, �cause that�s what I�m seeing in this area anyway.

R: Okay.

C: But I just thought I�d give you that little story which kind of was interesting.

R: All right.

C: Not satisfying, but interesting. But anyway, we, we all know, as Pam would always tell us is we can handle it, whatever it is. So...

R: Right.

C: ...but we�ll be glad to get that number if it�s coming through. Thank you very much...

R: You�re welcome.

C: ...for your help.

R: Right. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Yes.

R: All right! Take care.

C: Thank you. Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, next caller on the list. 312, you�re up.

C: Good morning, Ray, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout you?

C: Oh, I�m fantabulous also! What�s so funny?

R: I don�t know how you pulled it off! Really, I just say, you know, some folks are probably thinkin�, �Oh, he picked her.� No, really, she was next in line! I saw it when I first got started, I said, �Oh, well she�s in line, and I will get down to the fourth person,� and then you pulled it off! Congratulations!

C: Determination! Determination. I will not be thwarted two calls in a row.

R: What question could you possibly have for me that you have not already asked me?

C: I have not asked the Sheriff any questions in my life.

R: Okay. Well, I...

C: (Unintelligible)

R: ...all right. You have not posed a question to the Sheriff, that is correct. I stand corrected.

C: I have not. Well just on what I�ve, on what you�ve just said about the FDIC and the Treasury, said they were, release of the, of the Iraqi dinar to be exchanged, so we know that�s coming soon, and for them to even mention that, I�m guessing that it is, they are talking about at the new rate.

R: Yes, I would agree with that assumption, at the new rate.

C: Okay. Okay, well I�m glad to hear that you said that it is being, it has been started over there, you know, in Iraq. Now, my question to you, �cause I was reading a tweet and I heard it on certain news broadcasts this morning, but then I was reading a tweet from Abadi from yesterday, and he was saying that they are not asking for foreign ground troops to be placed in Iraq, they don�t even want any foreign ground forces now. I�m pretty sure the US is not sending troops, but I�m wondering what other countries are or are trying to, and will this, I mean, can this affect what we are waiting for is if somebody is trying to forcefully send troops there and he�s sayin�, �No, we don�t want �em, we�re gonna handle it on our own.� Is there any way this can affect what we are waiting for and stop the process?

R: Well, excuse me, if that memo holds true, and because it had the one word in it you didn�t repeat, �immediately�, I�m going to say no! It won�t have any bearing on it.

C: Okay.

R: If this memo holds true that banks received late yesterday evening.

C: Okay. Now was that just US banks...

R: Because those instructions they immediately....

C: ...or was that all banks?

R: Well, to my knowledge, US banks. I don�t know what Canada�s banks may have received, and I don�t think the Canada banks would receive this anyway coming from Federal Reserve Bank, FDIC, and the Treasury. That�s all US, so...

C: Oh, you�re right, you�re right.

R: ...I don�t think they would be sending anything abroad.

C: Right.

R: But it�s very interesting.

C: Okay.

R: Anything else?

C: Yes. Very interesting. No, sir, that will be it! I thank you for being here and carrying on the, the baton that was passed to you. You, of course, do a very good job in all that you do. I�m blessed to have met you and taken your class and, and, and experienced your teaching, and I just look forward...

R: A, A correction!


R: You�re talking to the Sheriff!

C: ...continuing in that. Uh-oh. Uh-oh, right, right. Sheriff! Sheriff! Right, right.

R: It�s all good.

C: Yeah, I gotta remember which, which hat you got on here.

R: That�s right!

C: All right, I will say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas...

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

C: that we all can meet up and have a grand old time. Thank you, sir.

R: All right. All right, thank you. Have a good day. Okay, moving right along. Let�s see here. 941. Good afternoon.

C: 941.

R: Hello, sir, how are you?

C: Pretty good. When you�re the Sheriff and there�s so many cockroaches running around, have you called for backup?

R: Oh, no. No need to do that! When, you know, you just turn the light on, they scatter.

C: Well, I mean, yeah but, you know, those people have special technics and ways of catching those people.

R: Well, they don�t need to be caught as long as, you know, the listeners know what to listen to and what not to listen to.

C: Yeah.

R: You know.

C: �Cause that, that happens a lot, you know.

R: It�s, it has (inaudible). Uh-huh. Yes.

C: That, that happens a lot. Sometimes it just, it�s beneficial to at least let them be aware of what�s goin� on. That way, you know, when it gets to a certain point, they�re gonna be more anxious to step in and, and get out the bug spray.

R: Right. Could, could you hold on just a second, sir.

C: Go ahead.

R: One second. [Pause.] Okay, thank you for holding. Had to adjust something there real quick. Did you have another question or comment?

C: No. How�s it lookin� for us right no?

R: How is it looking for us?

C: Yeah.

R: Great!

C: Just your opinion. Just your opinion. You know, it�s....

R: Well, you know, right now the, the thing that, that has really grabbed my attention is that, that memo, and I�m waiting to see what the banks are going to do with it. And let�s just sit back and enjoy the ride!

C: Yeah, but I gotta go for a drive, like about a hundred miles.

R: Okay!

C: So. All right.

R: You�ll be ready! All right, sir!

C: Keep it up, Ray. You�re doin� good for a fill-in.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yep. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas...

R: All right!

C: ...for you guys.

R: Great. Okay.

C: You know. And I still have my, I still have my star. If you know what I mean. You know, the one you wear over your heart?

R: Okay. Yes. All right! Great.

C: All right

R: Thank you, sir.

C: Have a good, have a good life. Bye.

R: Thank you. You, too. Let�s see, we�re looking good time wise. We�ll go a little, little bit more here. 352 Area Code, good afternoon.

C: Hey, man, how are you doin�?

R: Fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: Pretty good. I, I just have a question, or, I was readin� this guy Randy, and Randy was talkin� about this thing gonna come out one to one and/or it�s not gonna go up to three dollars for 120 to 160 days. He, he, you know, he blamed President Obama for everything. That idiot keep talkin� about there, that the Iraqis control this, the Iraqi controlled it, but President Obama controlled the Iraqis. You know. And I mean, he blamed President Obama. You could tell he was a staunch Obama hater, there�s no doubt about it. But, you know, he, he, like I said, he blamed President Obama for everything. But have you heard anything about that? You know, he, he, and, but he keeps sayin�, �If you heard,� he keeps sayin� that there, �if anybody tell you somebody cashed out, they�re lying.� Therefore, there�s several things he says you�re lying about.

R: Well, that�s, that�s his choice if that�s what he chooses to believe or not to believe. It�s an individual choice.

C: Well, I, I guess you�re right on....

R: You know, just like when you say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We could both look at a person and you could say, �Boy that person�s, looks bad!� And then I could say, �Oh, that person looks good!� It, it�s what we chose to believe in. Now, he chooses not to believe that anyone has done an exchange, then that�s his right and that�s fine. I choose to believe that they have. I�ve had individuals talk to me and tell me about their exchanges that they�ve done.

C: Okay.

R: And I don�t know of any reason they would have to tell me something that�s not true. They have nothing to gain by telling me something wrong, so I do believe them when they tell me, �I did an exchange and I got X amount of whatever for the Zim, for the rupiah, for the dong, for the dinar.� We�re hearing that now. In more than one occasion people are coming forth, �Yes, I, I did an exchange.� Then there�s other sources that let us know people did do exchanges. We may not know who. But then there�s individuals who will choose not to believe it, and that�s okay, too.

C: There you go, that�s right. You know, you, when you, when you, when you, when you got started there, or this morning, I thought it was an insult, man, for you to have to explain to other idiots that there are, you know, if you lyin� about somethin�. If they don�t like what you�re sayin�, why don�t the hell they just go somewhere else. If we (inaudible), everybody�s, everybod, every, everybody�s not complaining. And I don�t under, I, I don�t, there are certain human beings I don�t understand. I don�t understand the problem. If, if folks are saying something you don�t like, just go somewhere else, don�t tune in to the call! Why waste your time? Why shred the (inaudible).

R: Okay. No, but un--

C: That doesn�t make any sense. And, and...

R: But understand this, though. I understand what you feel. Been there, done that. But my message isn�t to them, my message was to those who might listen to them. Because they want to scream and shout from any corner or any doorstep they can scream and shout from as long as they can get attention. Now why they�re doing it? Sure, they have ulterior motives. Some are doing it for the mere fact because it�s profitable for them to do it.

C: Yes.

R: Some may claim they have some other justified reason, but, but the main point is, I don�t care who has anything to say. What you the listener has to determine is, well, what does that have to do with what I�m tryin� to do, and is it affecting me in what I�m trying to do? And if it isn�t, then you all would be the ones that will say, �I don�t have time for you.� But I don�t have time for them, so I�m not even trying to deal with them. I�m just dealing with the people that are, that are listening and have to ask themselves what does that have to do with all the tea in China? And when it doesn�t even make sense, people won�t listen to it!

C: Right. Yeah, I, I�m gonna say this then I�m gonna get off. You, you, you know I, I think, I think this thing, I think this whole thing got started �cause I no more than basically said don�t use groups to cash out. I think that�s what upset, I think that�s what upset a lot of folks. Yeah, I was the one who personally said, �The hell with usin� a group to exchange with. �Cause I told you I signed up with the Generals64, and I�m not gonna use Generals64 to sign up. And I told folks to don�t go and use groups, go in and, and negotiate your own rate. I think that�s what upset a lot of folks, you know. And, and the thing about it, Tony, Tony didn�t know what I was gonna say. Tony wasn�t in on this. He had absolutely no idea, and he never said anything negative about any group. The only thing he said, I know there are legitimate groups out there. That�s what he always said. He said he personally would not exchange with a group, but he never said anything negative...

R: Okay.

C: ...or called any group (inaudible).

R: All right. Well let me sum it up. It�s, it�s bigger than what, what you are thinking and addressing when, when envy, spite, and jealousy are (inaudible) of that, it�s, it�s bigger. So it�s not just what you may have said about the groups. We could�ve said absolutely nothing about groups, but envy, spite, jealousy, it�s still gonna be hard at work. So we just deal with it and keep goin�. It�s all good.

C: Yeah, I, I, I can see the jealousy, because some of the crap, that some of the crap I�ve read, I can see it in there, man. Okay, buddy.

R: Thank you, sir.

C: All right, bye-bye.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Let�s do it, brother.

R: All right. Thank you. All right, we�ll move right on down the list here. The next caller, 423 Area Code.

C: Why, Ray, my name is Chris, and I wanna welcome you to the spotlight.

R: Okay!

C: I wanted to comment on two things. Your last call, I believe it was a 312 Area Code, was talking about that he sent in two thousand dollars to Sterling and had not gotten anything. And I don�t know if this might encourage anybody that�s in that situation. I got one-fourth of my order in the mail. No note, no explanation. You still can�t get through on the phone or the email, but I received one-fourth of my order. Now mine was like his, it was paid for ahead of time, it was not a reserve.

R: Okay.

C: And I thought that might encourage those that, there are many, many people that got snagged up in that deal.

R: Okay. Thank you! Thanks for sharing that.

C: And I have a question for you.

R: Yes.

C: Since your expertise is in a little different field than Tony�s. If one is going to get an irrevocable trust and one is single, no kids, not, not a lot of people in their life, how does one go about picking out a person to use for a trustee?

R: A person to use as a trustee. Oh! Well that�s, who, who, whomever you trust that you want to be working with with you for, in that capacity for the rest of your life!

C: Okay, well it would have, it would have to be somebody younger or they�re gonna die before you do, probably. And...

R: Well, not necessarily! It could be somebody older. And see, the trust is gonna be based on the, the indenture. (Unintelligible) instructions, so what instructions are you placing in it? And so those instructions will prevail. It doesn�t make any difference how long you live or how long the other trustee lives. You�re putting in, if, scenarios into the trust indenture. So if and when that happens, there�s already a plan of action for it. So you don�t necessarily have to have a younger person.

C: Oh, so even if that person is already passed away that that, that will continue to go on the way you set it up originally?

R: Sure! Whatever the board has, has put in place, that will go and, and maintain. A trustee passes, so what provisions did we make? Who is gonna be the successor trustee to replace the trustee that passed? That�s all! Everything else stays the same.

C: Okay. Well, I won�t...

R: Okay!

C: ...take any more of your time. Have a good day. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and North Carolina.

R: All right! Thank you. Okay, let�s see. Moving right along here, I got 954 I believe it is? Yes. 954. Hello!

C: Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

R: Good afternoon! Hi, there.

C: I wanted to inquire if you�ve heard any definite answer on caps and/or taxes.

R: No more on caps than what we�ve shared man, many times. That�s still the same, we have not heard anything new pertaining to the caps. And we have not heard anything official pertaining to the taxes.

C: Okay! Thank you! And Vegas...

R: You�re welcome, sir.

C: ...Vegas, Vegas!

R: All right. Thanks. Let�s see here. Area Code 716, greetings. 716, you�re up!

C: Hello, Ray.

R: Hey!

C: How are you doin�?

R: I�m fantabulous, how �bout yourself?

C: Me, too. I, I was gonna ask about the 800 number, which somebody already covered. And please relay my good wishes for Tony.

R: Okay, I�ll do that.

C: And all the rest for everybody. Now, are you gonna send out a tweet when it comes time?

R: Most definitely!

C: Yeah. Okay. Well I don�t have availability to a tweet, but my niece does, and so she�s going to be the phone tree, so. All right! Well, I thank you very much! And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

R: Okay! Thank you.

C: Bye-bye.

R: Bye-bye. Okay, let�s see where we�re going. Right on down the list here. Hold still, finger. There we are. 707? Yeah, I hit the right one. You�re on!

C: Good, good morning, Ray.

R: Hey, there, how are you?

C: Very well, thank you. And thank you for being there, and great to talk with you. Most of my questions have been asked and answered...

R: Okay.

C: ...and they were relative to whether or not you had yet received any instructions, and apparently not. Is that, that�s correct?

R: That�s correct. We have not received any instructions yet, so we anxiously await those.

C: Yeah. And I just, the, the idea of calling my local Wells Fargo does do, they, they sell and buy foreign currency.

R: Okay.

C: I know that already. And so I�m hoping to get some attention there, and I have enough accumulated for this exchange to get their attention, I think, if I can just get to the right person to get a, a little bit of a, gettin� my foot in the door. You got any suggestions?

R: Wow, well, you already have the bank pegged that they do the current, currency exchange. I would just go in and, and speak with whoever, if, if there�s a higher-level executive person there handling that, try to establish your rapport and your connection, or if not, with a lower-level one. �Cause every one deserves a chance to earn a commission.

C: Well, the person that I bought some of my currency from, I talked with him a couple, three weeks ago, and of course time, a lot of time has passed since then, and he gave me the name of his boss at the main office. So maybe I should just contact that person.

R: Not a bad idea! Start there and see where you go, and try it now before the bottom falls out.

C: Yeah. That�s, I�m just tryin� to get, to get my foot in the door, so. Like everyone else, I guess.

R: Right.

C: So I�ll just give that a shot. Anyway, it, it�s very comforting to know that you�re, we were, a lot of us were very upset about Tony�s situation, and, you know, but it�s very, very comforting to know that you and Pam and, and all, and the team have continued this, this program. It�s a very big help emotionally as well as intellectually.

R: All right. Thank you.

C: And I very much appreciate you.

R: All right, sir.

C: Vegas. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: All right. Count on it. Thanks a lot. Okay, let�s see. Next in line is going to be 808. We have a few more moments. 808, greetings.

C: Hello?

R: Hello? 808, you�re up!

C: Yes. Is that me?

R: That�s you!

C: Thank you so much. And I, this is my first time. I�ve been listening for almost two years, and I...

R: Great!

C: appreciate everything that you guys do. Tony, DC, Pam, and I echo everybody before, before me on this call, and all I will, I need, all my questions were answered, but all I needed to say is that thank you so much on your team for all the things that you guys doing for us, and without you guys we wouldn�t know what to do, and I been educated a hundredfold, and I�m very appreciative, and I thank God for all of you. And Merry Christmas.

R: Thank you. Merry Christmas to you, too.

C: Aloha.

R: Aloha!

C: With love.

R: Thank you.

C: Thank you.

R: All right! Where are we next? We�re going to...let�s go to Mississippi. 601. You�re on.

C: Hey, Ray.

R: Hey! What�s happenin�?

C: Not much, man. Thanks for steppin� up.

R: You�re welcome, sir.

C: I think the only thing I could think of that hasn�t been covered, well first of all it�s exciting to hear the memo that went from the Fed and the, the other two entities to the banks. That, that really kind of, I didn�t know about that. That, to me that�s significant.

R: Yes! Very.

C: And then I�m wondering, I�m wondering about Maliki. I haven�t heard anything, I mean I heard some people about a week ago say that in their opinion he had the, you know, had to be arrested or whatever it was, but have you heard anything?

R: I, I have not heard, and of course our intel-gathering information, none of it referenced him.

C: Right. Okay.

R: So I guess we�re in a wait-and-see mode as far as his future.

C: Yeah.

R: But I�m more excited about mine at the moment.

C: Yeah. Me, too. All right, thanks. Thanks...

R: Yes, sir.

C: ...for steppin� up again, and...

R: You�re welcome.

C: ...and give regards to your brother.

R: I�ll let him know. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yeah, sorry. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

R: Okay! Cool!

C: Can�t wait for that. Yeah.

R: All right. Thank you, sir.

C: Yeah.

R: Okay, that takes me down to 281 is the next in line.

C: Well, good afternoon, Ray.

R: Good afternoon! How are you?

C: I�m blessed, and how �bout yourself?

R: Fantabulous.

C: Awesome. Just a quick question. With everything falling into place and everything seeming to be lining up, time frame, are we looking anywhere within the next three to seven days for this thing to be, what�s your thoughts and opinion on that?

R: Well, as I said earlier, if this memo holds out to be 100% true and accurate, the word �immediately� means a whole lot to me, and I�ve never taken �immediately� to coincide with several days from now. If that makes....

C: Okay. Well, I....

R: I just never put those two together in the same thought process. Anything immediately to me never meant...

C: Well, I understand.

R: ...a week down the road or....

C: Immediate to me is like....

R: So we�re just waiting to see!

C: Immediate...immediate is like Hebrews 11:1, �Now faith is.�

R: Right. So if this, this memo....

C: So, well thanks for the (unintelligible). And...

R: Yes, sir!

C: ...blessings on you guys, man.

R: All right.

C: Y�all have a great week.

R: Thank you.

C: All right. Bye-bye.

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: No. Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii.

R: Hawaii sounds good too! I�ll see you there!

C: All right, man, have a good one.

R: All right, sir. Thank you. Okay, let�s see. Next, well if I didn�t have, if this thing didn�t reset every time I had, did a click, I could move a little bit faster. But that�s okay, though. I�ll work with it. 301 Area Code. Talk to me.

C: Hello?

R: Hi!

C: Oh! Thank you for calling. I mean, thank you for taking my call. Can you hear me?

R: Sure, you�re welcome. I hear you fine!

C: Oh! I�m so glad, Ray, that you have been able to do this. And I was very upset when I learned that, what happened.

R: Uh-huh. I understand.

C: But I have, I have a, I have a question. Have you heard anything as far as what wrought, what Iraq is planning to do? There�s two things, do you know about anything that might take �til the 15th?

R: Well, when, when they�re communicating to us that it has begun and it�s in the system, no other information came to us as far as duration, so.

C: Uh-huh.

R: I�m happy with it�s in the system, it�s begun, lower denoms are trickling out. All of that to me says progress, progress, progress. And then couple it with that memo that went out. It�s like hallelujah day! So that�s where I am!

C: Well, I get, I guess we don�t have a long time to wait now. So praise God for that.

R: Yes.

C: And I�m, I�m pretty well packed. I�m just waiting like everyone else, and thank you for taking my call, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas or Sacramento.

R: Hey, sounds good, too! I�ll see you there!

C: Thank you.

R: Okay. Thanks a lot. Okay, let�s see. We�ll pull my screen down, and where are we going? We are going to 954, you�re on! Greetings! 954. 954. Okay, they must�ve changed their mind or walked away from the telephone. So let me move down to the next caller. 702 Area Code, you�re up!

C: Hello, Ray, how are you?

R: I�m fantabulous, thank you. How �bout yourself?

C: I�m doing great. I was so hoping that you would call this number because my question is I am concerned about what the background check, composed of, and what would cause you, what would cause them to keep all of your currency?

R: Well, I would a, I would suppose if you are beyond a shadow of a doubt connected with terrorist cell activity and gang-related activity, that probably would do it!

C: Okay. Okay. So I....

R: But other than that, I don�t think you have anything to worry about. Most of us will pass the, the background check, the know-your-customer requirements with flying colors.

C: Okay. Because I, I had been arrested back like thirty years ago not in regard to any of those things, and I just wondered if that would affect....

R: Are, are you still wanted?

C: No. No. I don�t think so!

R: Well don�t worry about....

C: No, not at all.

R: Don�t worry about something thirty years ago. And whatever the arrest was for, you served your time, you are still, you�re a citizen, an asset to the community, that�s all in the past. Don�t worry about it.

C: Well thank you. That makes me feel good. And I just want to say thank you for taking over, and please send my regards to Tony.

R: Yes.

C: And I think it was magnificent how he handled himself on the last call.

R: Okay! Thank you.

C: Thank you!

R: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! I�m here! I�m just waitin� on y�all.

R: All right! Hey, I missed you, then! I was just there the other weekend!

C: Were you? Were you at that smoke-out thing?

R: No, no, that was the week before. I was there just...

C: Oh, okay.

R: ...this past weekend, and...

C: Oh!

R: ...if I had known, I could�ve had you buy me dinner!

C: I, I would�ve definitely done it! Okay. They got the rodeo goin� on now. We always got something happening. I can�t wait �til the dinars is happening.

R: All right. Well, I�ll look forward to meeting you the next time.

C: All right. Have a great, great day, and I hope it�s today!

R: Looking forward to it.

C: All right.

R: Thanks. Bye-bye.

C: Thank you. Bye.

R: Okay, that takes us down to...I keep losing my place here with this thing. Nine, who did I just open? 951, yes. 951, greetings.

C: Good morning, is that me?

R: That is you!

C: Hey! All right, great! Hey, yeah, I just wanted to find out, you know, I mean I don�t want to sound negative or anything, but this is sounding a whole lot more like last year. You know, it was supposed to happen by the 30th, and now we�re still waiting, you know?

R: Well, when you look at the, the information that�s out and the activity that has taken place, the only thing that sounds like last year is that we�re anxiously awaiting it. But that�s the only thing that sounds like last year. But in the, in the past twelve months, you look at what�s taken place, if you believe! That�s, that�s gonna be the biggest thing is if you believe in what you�ve heard over the past twelve months, and we are definitely not where we were last year other than from a state of expectation and anxiously awaiting it.

C: Okay. And then I received an email saying that Okie landed?

R: Okay?

C: You hear anything about that?

R: Well, Okie puts out information on what he hears and, and learns and let�s his listeners get an idea of where he feels that we are in, in the process. So I had seen something like that that went out. It sounds good! I�m excited about that as well!

C: And so, I mean, and then so, and I, do we have any kind of timeline now, or, I don�t, I, I get, according to everything, the window�s still open, it�s just a matter of them flipping the switch. But are we, do we have any timeline on that?

R: I don�t know of any specific timeline, they won�t disclose that information. But just to feel that we are in this process, that it has begun, all we need now is just a little bit more patience, a little bit more perseverance. Our day will be here.

C: Okay! Sounds good!

R: Okay? All right! Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: Yeah, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas! You betcha.

R: All right, great. Thank you, sir. You know, I wanted to speak real briefly on, on Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. That�s more than just an opportunity for a lot of us to finally meet one another, put some faces with the names. We�ve been chatting in chat back and forth and I�ve even, on Sundays, started doin� a little call just so that those who are chatting back and forth can get a chance to hear one another and, and get to learn each other better when we can actually engage in conversation. So Vegas, Vegas, Vegas is, it�s a big opportunity for us to come together, meet and greet, but more importantly, some of the very things that we�re looking for, we could have people there that, that want to provide it or at least give you access to it. Now some folks may view that as, �Oh, we, we�d be sitting ducks, target.� Sittin� duck, target for what? What is it that you want? You want CPAs, you want attorneys, you want wealth managers, you, you want...what else? Private management investment, investment counselors. You want all of that, and everybody asks me when they have an opportunity, �Ray, where can I find this individual? Where can I find that individual?� Well what better place than for us all to get together and let them find us! And then we�ll see what they have to offer. You don�t have to buy what they�re selling. This is an opportunity to get information. Have you ever been to an expo where you, you just walked around and picked up brochures and business cards and threw all these things in your bag so that later when you needed that particular service you had a resource to go to? Well, that�s what Vegas, Vegas, Vegas is all about to me. It�s not about let�s just go to Vegas and, and party and gamble and et cetera, because that�s not the lifestyle for some of you. Well, that�s not the purpose for bein� there. That�s just the location. So it is what you make of it. �Cause I hear some members say, �Oh, no, no, I�m not goin� to Vegas, I don�t like Vegas.� You�re gonna miss out on what I consider a golden opportunity. So don�t focus so much on the location, focus on the content of what am I going to receive when I go there? And I think you may take a little bit different perspective on Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and what it represents. But we are gonna have some fun, there�s no doubt about that. All right, we�ve run out of time. I don�t want to overwork the transcribers, and I don�t know if, if Already Blessed, are, are you hangin� around? Did you want to say something, or...did you already easy on down the road?

Pam: No, I did want to thank you, like everybody else does, for putting on another hat to wear, but especially for stepping up and being there as always for the TNT family. I know we�re all gonna be here �til the end, �til we can all cross that finish line together. And that includes the TNT intel team, the mods who�ve been with us from the beginning, the guest mods, all of our transcribers, and especially the members who have shown tremendous love and unity in the toughest of times. So along with all of those who work behind the scenes to make sure you all stay in the game and get treated fairly--�cause that�s the only reason we�re all still here--we will remain TNT strong. So thanks, Ray!

R: Okay. Thank you, dear. And thank you all for being here with us, listening, hanging out. More importantly, learning. And keep this in mind. No matter what you hear, no matter what you read, whether it�s about me, Pam, Tony, DC, anybody, always ask this most important question: what does that have to do with what I�m tryin� to do in my life? And if your answer is nothing, then that�s how you should treat the information, as that, nothing. I enjoy being your humble servant. And to those of you who want a friend, I�ll be your best friend. And for those of you who want an enemy...I�ll do that, too. Don�t believe me? Just watch. That being said, thank you, everyone! Enjoy your day. Enjoy your weekend. This Fantabulous Friday, are we finally gonna see it? I don�t know. Time will tell! But I�m anxiously awaiting every hour to hear what�s happening next. And what�s happening next, how exciting of a weekend are we looking forward to? How exciting of a first beginning of next week are we looking to? Only time will tell. So until then, in the meantime and in between time, we wish you well! Thank you, everyone, and have a good day. And, special request...

Pam: Bye, Everybody.

R: ...from a member, as a special request from a member, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap, and we�re out of here.

Pam: You need me to stop the recording, Ray?

R: Yes, ma�am.

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